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Reading for Meaning on ACCELERATION assignment

1.Acceleration is a form of differentiation.

Do you predict the text will: Agree___X____ Disagree_____

Evidence for Evidence against

- Acceleration is an academic -
intervention that moves students
through an educational program at a
rate faster or at an age that is younger
than typical.
- Acceleration helps match the level,
complexity, and pace of the curriculum
with the readiness and motivation of
the student. It is about creating a
better match between a student and
the level and pace of instruction.
- Acceleration does NOT mean pushing
a child. It does not mean forcing a
child to learn advanced material or
socialize with older children before he
or she is ready. Acceleration is a
strategy that respects individual
differences and acknowledges the fact
that some of these differences merit
educational flexibility.
2. Acceleration means advanced subject content or grade skipping.

Do you predict the text will: Agree ____ Disagree ___X___

Evidence for Evidence against

- Advanced subject content and grade
skipping are just 2 types of
- For many people, “acceleration” is
synonymous with "grade skipping,"
although grade skipping is just one
type of acceleration.
- Other types of acceleration include
receiving instruction at a higher
grade level in a particular subject
(single-subject acceleration),
enrolling in classes at two different
levels at the same time
(dual/concurrent enrollment), or
taking distance learning courses.

3. Acceleration and enrichment are really the same techniques for

meeting the needs of high ability students.

Do you predict the text will: Agree ____ Disagree __X__

Evidence for Evidence against

- Enrichment and acceleration are
not the same thing. Enrichment
typically means adding something
to the curriculum that offers more
depth or complexity, while
acceleration typically means
moving more quickly through the
curriculum. When done well,
acceleration includes enriching
opportunities offered at an
appropriate level and pace for the
student. Therefore, we shouldn’t
think about acceleration OR
enrichment, we should think about
acceleration AND enrichment.
4. Social maladjustment, a common problem for accelerated students,
should be the major determining factor in acceleration decisions.

Do you predict the text will:Agree___ Disagree __X__

Evidence for Evidence against

- Acceleration decisions should be
based on a psycho-educational
assessment from a licensed
psychologist, evidence of academic
accomplishment (achievement) well in
advance of age- and grade- peers,
likelihood of continued
accomplishment, and discussions
between parents and their child’s
teacher, principal, or other school
administrators. A gifted student may
also want a voice in the decision. In
fact, the discussion about acceleration
is sometimes initiated by the student.
Concerns about the social-emotional
development of gifted children often
override the intellectual needs of these
children. However, gifted children
tend to be socially and emotionally
more mature than their age-mates.
For many bright students,
acceleration provides a better
personal maturity match with

5. Students who have been accelerated often comment with regret on

the experiences they missed as a result.

Do you predict the text will:Agree___ Disagree __X__

Evidence for Evidence against
- As parents and caregivers consider the
factors around acceleration, they often
think about the long-term issues as well.
Issues such as being too young to drive
when all of the other students have their
licenses will come up, as well as dating,
cell phone ownership, and other
privileges young people earn as they get
older. In several research studies, when
college students who were accelerated in
the younger grades were asked about
these kinds of issues, they tended to view
them as temporary inconveniences. They
thought these inconveniences were worth
it in the long run, since the acceleration
allowed them to be more challenged

6. Students who have been accelerated often comment with regret on

the experiences they missed as a result.

Do you predict the text will:Agree___ Disagree __X__

Evidence for Evidence against

- As parents and caregivers consider
the factors around acceleration,
they often think about the
long-term issues as well. Issues
such as being too young to drive
when all of the other students have
their licenses will come up, as well
as dating, cell phone ownership,
and other privileges young people
earn as they get older. In several
research studies, when college
students who were accelerated in
the younger grades were asked
about these kinds of issues, they
tended to view them as temporary
inconveniences. They thought
these inconveniences were worth it
in the long run, since the
acceleration allowed them to be
more challenged academically.

7. Well developed processes exist to provide guidance in implementing

acceleration for students.

Do you predict the text will:Agree____ Disagree __X__

Evidence for Evidence against

- - Many teachers do not know that
acceleration is a viable option for
gifted students or have only limited
knowledge of acceleration.
Although there is a large body of
research about acceleration, it has
not been widely disseminated to
the education community or the

- Most school districts do not have

policies in place to facilitate
acceleration, the process may be
unfamiliar. Without a policy or
precedent, some administrators
are unwilling to try acceleration.
Change can be intimidating, and
there can be bureaucratic and
personal belief obstacles to

1. Then go to the website:
Use the menu option at the top right to read through the sections: 20
Types of Acceleration, Question and Answers, and Whole-Grade
Acceleration As you read through the website especially the Q & A
section and read /view the “Acceleration Stories” gather information
to support or refute the statements. Use the text boxes to jot down
some notes on points you find interesting or have questions about. The
boxes will expand if you need more space.

2. . Once you have concluded your reading and gathering

information, place a star or asterisk by the side that you now
believe is correct.
3. Be prepared to discuss in the next synchronous class session.

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