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Effect of socio economic profile in academic performance of DMMHS

(David Moises Memorial Highschool) students

Prepared by:

Trixcy Castro

Jude Rafael Leonida

Nicole Mae Labao

Wilguen Derecho

Erneceel Villamor

John Kaiser Luces

Carl Jason Gidor


Education is a crucial need in today's era of globalization,

as it not only provides knowledge but also shapes personality,

instills moral values, broadens knowledge, and bestows talents.

Education is essential in a competitive culture, where highly

qualified employees are needed in any profession. It is well

acknowledged that children of parents with higher or intermediate

socioeconomic status (SES) are exposed to a more favorable

learning environment at home because these parents have greater

learning resources available to them. However, low family SES is

often associated with children performing poorly in school.

Parents with more education are better able to gauge their

children's aptitude and educational demands and support them in

their early schooling, which affects their expertise in their

field. With a solid financial foundation, parents can provide

access to the latest facilities and technologies to best support

their children's educational potential.

Socioeconomic status (SES) encompasses not just income but

also educational attainment, financial security, and subjective

perceptions of social status and social class. SES can encompass

quality of life attributes as well as the opportunities and

privileges afforded to people within society. Poverty,

specifically, is not a single factor but rather is characterized

by multiple physical and psychosocial stressors.

Children from low-SES families enter high school with

average literacy skills five years behind those of high-income

students (Reardon et al., 2013). Low SES in childhood is related

to poor cognitive development, language, memory, socioemotional

processing, and consequently poor income and health in adulthood.

School systems in low-SES communities are often underresourced,

negatively affecting students' academic progress and outcomes

(Aikens & Barbarin, 2013). Inadequate education and increased

dropout rates affect children's academic achievement,

perpetuating the low-SES status of the community. Improving

school systems and early intervention programs may help to reduce

some of these risk factors; therefore, increased research on the

correlation between SES and education is essential.

Every nation has a unique socioeconomic setting, so it is

important to examine the effect of a country's socioeconomic

situation on student achievement and compare the results across

various nations. This study is significant because academic

achievement gaps between children from affluent and poor SES

families start to appear early in a child's life. Understanding

this subject is important for policy studies because it can

provide information about how and when inequities reproduce and

how they can change over a person's life. This research paper

aims to draw the attention of all those authorities involved in

working for the education of children with low-socioeconomic

backgrounds. It sheds light on the relationship between the

socioeconomic background of a child and their educational

achievements and the psychology behind these children not

pursuing their education and getting into low-paid jobs where

they are exploited by their employers.

This research paper examines how the socioeconomic

background of children affects their academic performance. Many

factors have the potential to impact a child's educational

achievement, including personal factors such as ability,

knowledge, and intelligence, and institutional factors such as

parental or family influences, society, and institutions. These

factors are related to tutors, the rapport between teachers and

students, the living environment, and accommodation. The growing

awareness of the importance of the socioeconomic background of

children in their academic achievement has been regularly studied

by school administrators, counselors, and psychologists.


This study aims to investigate the relationship between

socio-economic profile and academic performance of students at

David Moises Memorial High School (DMMHS). Socio-economic profile

refers to a range of factors such as parental education level,

household income, parental occupation, and access to educational

resources and opportunities.

Studies have consistently shown that socio-economic factors

can have a significant impact on academic performance. For

instance, students from low-income households may experience more

challenges in accessing educational resources such as textbooks,

technology, and tutors, which can impact their academic

performance. Additionally, parental education level and

occupation can also impact a student's access to educational

resources and opportunities, as well as their motivation and

expectations for academic success.

At DMMHS, it is important to examine the relationship

between socio-economic profile and academic performance to

identify specific challenges and opportunities for improvement.

This information can be used to develop targeted interventions

and support for students who may be at a disadvantage due to

their socio-economic status.

Additionally, examining this relationship can also provide

insight into the overall effectiveness of the school's programs

and resources, and whether they are equally accessible to all

students regardless of their socio-economic status. By

understanding the relationship between socio-economic profile and

academic performance at DMMHS, this study can contribute to the

ongoing efforts to improve educational outcomes for all students

in this community.


1. What is the level of Parental Educational & financial status

of the students at DMMHS?

2. How does socio-economic status affect students performance?


1. To determine the educational & financial status of the parents

of the students at DMMHS.

2. To investigate the relationship between socio-economic status

and academic achievement, and


The significance of this study lies in its potential to

benefit multiple stakeholders, including families, students, and

the broader community.

Firstly, this study will benefit families by shedding light

on the role that socio-economic factors play in academic

performance. By understanding the impact of socio-economic status

on their child's academic outcomes, families will be better

equipped to provide targeted support and resources to their

children. Furthermore, the findings of this study may also inform

policy and practice in schools, allowing educators to identify

and address the unique needs of students from different socio-

economic backgrounds.

Secondly, this study will benefit Grade 11 GAS students

themselves by providing insights into how their socio-economic

status may be impacting their academic performance. This

knowledge can empower students to take ownership of their

academic success and identify strategies to overcome any barriers

they may be facing. Additionally, the findings of this study may

inform the development of targeted interventions and support

programs to improve the academic outcomes of students from lower

socio-economic backgrounds.

Overall, the significance of this study extends beyond the

individual student or family and has implications for the broader

community. By identifying the impact of socio-economic status on

academic performance, this study may contribute to efforts to

reduce educational inequalities and promote social mobility. This

has important implications for the social and economic well-being

of communities, particularly in the context of the COVID-19

pandemic, where socio-economic disparities have been exacerbated.


This study will be conducted during the 2022-2023 school

year at David Moises Memorial High School, which has a population

of 857. The sample size of this study consisted of 37 respondents

which focuses on Grade 11 GAS. This study will onlu focus on the

two (2) socio-economic status such as educational attainment and

family income of parents of the students at David MMHS.


The concept of this study revolves on the ideology that

education gaps among people across the globe are results of many

socio-economic factors and the issues that have been

characterized by many sociologists as a lasting social and

political phenomena (Aliyu, 2016).

One possible theoretical framework for this study is the

Social Cognitive Theory (SCT), which emphasizes the interplay

between environmental factors, personal factors, and behavior.

According to SCT, individuals learn by observing others and their

environment, and this learning is influenced by personal factors

such as self-efficacy, motivation, and attitudes.

In the context of the study, socio-economic factors such as

family income, parental education, and occupation can be seen as

environmental factors that can affect students' academic

achievement. For example, students from low-income families may

have limited access to educational resources, such as textbooks

and internet access, and may face more stressors, such as food

insecurity or inadequate housing, that can affect their academic


Personal factors, such as self-efficacy and motivation, can

also influence academic achievement. Students who believe in

their ability to succeed and are motivated to do so may be more

likely to perform well academically, regardless of their socio-

economic background.
By applying the Social Cognitive Theory, the study can

examine how socio-economic factors and personal factors interact

to affect academic performance. It can also help identify

strategies to improve academic achievement, such as interventions

that increase self-efficacy or reduce stressors associated with

low socio-economic status.


Independent Variable Dependent Variable

Socio Economic Status

(Parental education,
Academic Performance
Parental occupation,

Family income,

To further understand this research study, the following

terms are operationally and Conventionally defined:

Socio-economic profile - This pertains to the socio-economic

status of a DMMHS student derived from different social, and

economic factors relating to their academic performance

Socio-economic profile- A way of describing people based on

their education, income, and type of job

Socio-economic factors- This factors related to the social,

cultural and economic components related to the academic

performance of DMMHS students.

Socio-economic factors- refers to the social and economic

circumstances that influence an individual's or group's access to

resources, opportunities, and quality of life.

Academic Performance - Requires to the capacity of a DMMHS

student to do school works and activities wherein they will

maintain a satisfactory academic record and meet the obligations

of all the students to finish or accomplish it. It also pertains

to the final grade earned in different learning areas.

Academic Performance- refers to the level of achievement or

success that a student demonstrates in their academic studies.

Low income - Low income is a level of income that falls

below a certain threshold deemed insufficient to meet basic needs

such as food, housing, healthcare, and other essential expenses.

Low income- low income is often used to describe households

or individuals who have limited financial means and may struggle

to afford basic necessities such as food, shelter, and


Sociologists- An operational definition of sociologist could

be a researcher or academic who holds at least a bachelor's

degree in sociology, and whose primary work involves conducting

research, analyzing data, or teaching courses related to

sociological theory, methods, or concepts.

Sociologists- The conventional meaning of sociologist refers

to a professional who studies human society, social behavior, and

the social institutions that shape them.

Poverty- Poverty refers to a condition in which an

individual or household lacks the resources necessary to meet

their basic needs, including food, shelter, clothing, and


Poverty- state of one who lacks a usual or socially

acceptable amount of money or material possessions.

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