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AS Mock P2 2021 AHIS

Question Answer Marks

1(a) (velocity =) change in displacement / time (taken) B1

1(b)(i) k = [1.29 × (3.3 × 102)2] / 9.9 × 104 C1

= 1.4 A1

1(b)(ii) percentage uncertainty = (3 × 2) + 4 + 2 (= 12%) C1

fractional uncertainty = (0.03 × 2) + 0.04 + 0.02 (= 0.12)

∆k = 0.12 × 1.42 C1

= 0.17 (allow to 1 significant figure)

k = 1.4 ± 0.2 A1
Question Answer Marks

2(a)(i) area = ut + ½(v – u)t A1

area = vt – ½(v – u)t
area = ½(u + v)t

2(a)(ii) displacement A1

2(b)(i) u = 15 sin 60° (= 13 m s–1) C1

t = 15 sin 60° / 9.81 C1

= 1.3 s A1

2(b)(ii) the force in the horizontal direction is zero B1

2(b)(iii) (velocity =) 15 cos 60° = 7.5 (m s–1) A1

(velocity =) 15 sin 30° = 7.5 (m s–1)

2(c)(i) p = mv or 0.40 × 7.5 or 0.40 × 4.3 C1

Δp = 0.40 (7.5 + 4.3) A1

= 4.7 kg m s–1

2(c)(ii) force = 4.7 / 0.12 or 0.40 × [(7.5 + 4.3) / 0.12] A1

= 39 N
Question Answer Marks

3(a) the rate of change of momentum A1

base units: kg m s–2 × m = kg m2 s–2 A1

3(b)(i) distance of COG from P (= GP) C1

= 17 cos 45° – 4.0 or (144.5)½ – 4.0 (= 8.0 cm)

moment = 0.15 × 8.0 × 10–2 A1

= 1.2 × 10–2 N m

(b)(ii) (line of action of) weight acts through pivot/P B1

distance between (line of action of) weight and pivot/P is zero

(so) weight does not have a moment about pivot/P B1

Question Answer Marks

4(a) (work done =) force × distance moved in direction of force B1

4(b)(i) 1. acceleration = gradient or a = (v – u) / t or a = ∆v / t C1

e.g. a = 2.4 / 3.0 A1

= 0.80 m s–2

2. tension in cable = (13.0 + 2.0) × 103 C1

work done = 15 × 103 × (3.0 × 2.4) A1

= 1.1 × 105 J

4(b)(ii) power = Fv C1

v = 2.0 (m s–1) C1

input power = (1.6 × 104 × 2.0) / 0.67 A1

= 4.8 × 104 W

4(b)(iii) work is done against friction so (increase in) GPE is less (than work done by motor) A1
energy is lost or transferred or converted to heat/thermal energy due to friction or resistance force
work is done lifting the cable so GPE is less
Question Answer Marks

5(a)(i) p = mv C1

= 0.2(00) × 6.(00) × sin 60(.0)° or 0.2(00) × 6.(00) × cos 30(.0)° A1

= 1.04 kg m s–1

(a)(ii) 0.300 × vx × sin 60.0°= 1.04 A1

vx = 4.00 m s–1

(a)(iii) 0.30 × 4.0 × cos 60° or 0.20 × 6.0 × cos 60° or (0.30 + 0.20)v or 0.50v C1

0.30 × 4.0 × cos 60° + 0.20 × 6.0 × cos 60° = (0.30 + 0.20)v or 0.50v A1

so v = 2.4 m s–1

(b)(i) E = ½mv2 C1

½ × 0.50 × 2.42 = ½ × 72 × x2 C1

x = 0.20 m A1

(b)(ii) 1. straight line from the origin sloping upwards B1

2. line drawn from a positive value of Ek at x = 0 to a positive value of x at Ek = 0 M1

line has an increasing downwards slope A1

Question Answer Marks

6(a) acceleration: vector B2

Stress: scalar
momentum: vector

1 mark for two correct, 2 marks for all three correct

6(b) resultant force (in any direction) is zero B1

resultant torque/moment (about any point) is zero B1

6(c)(i) upthrust = ρ g (∆)h × A C1

= (1.00 × 103 × 9.81 × 0.190) × 0.0230 A1

= 42.9 N

6(c)(ii) (T =) 43 – 28 = 15 (N) A1
(T =) 42.9 – 28 = 14.9 or 15 (N)

6(c)(iii) σ = F / A or T / A C1

= 15 / (3.2 × 10–6) A1

= 4.7 × 106 Pa

6(c)(iv) upthrust (on cylinder) increases (and weight constant) B1

tension/stress increases and (so) strain energy increases B1

Question Answer Marks

7(a) P = Fv C1

P = 8.9 cos 30° × 0.60 A1

= 4.6 W

7(b) p = F / A C1

F = 8.9 sin 30° + (0.24 × 9.81) C1

( = 6.80 N)

A = 6.80 / 3500 A1

= 1.9 × 10–3 m2

7(c)(i) upwards/up B1

7(c)(ii) the Earth/planet B1

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