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The article reports on a survey conducted by PwC India which found that 78% of

workers are willing to delegate as much work as possible to artificial intelligence

(AI) to reduce their workload. The survey included over 1,000 participants across
various industries and also revealed that workers believe AI can improve their job
performance and allow them to focus on more creative and strategic tasks. However,
workers expressed concerns about job security and the potential for AI to replace
their jobs. The article suggests that organizations can address these concerns by
providing training and reskilling opportunities for workers and involving them in
the development and implementation of AI systems.

The survey results indicate that many workers view AI as a tool that can help them
work more efficiently and effectively. Specifically, the survey found that 78% of
respondents were willing to delegate as much work as possible to AI in order to
reduce their workload. Additionally, workers believe that AI can help them make
better decisions (73%) and complete tasks more quickly (69%). Furthermore, workers
believe that AI can help them focus on more creative and strategic tasks, rather
than routine and repetitive ones.

Despite these potential benefits, workers expressed concerns about the impact of AI
on job security. The survey revealed that 57% of respondents are concerned about
losing their jobs to AI. This highlights the importance of organizations providing
training and reskilling opportunities to help workers develop new skills that are
in demand in the age of AI.

To address these concerns, the article suggests that organizations should involve
workers in the development and implementation of AI systems. This can help to build
trust and acceptance of the technology, as well as ensure that AI is being used in
a way that benefits workers rather than replacing them. Additionally, organizations
can provide training and reskilling opportunities to help workers adapt to the
changing demands of the workplace.

In conclusion, the article highlights the potential benefits and concerns of AI in

the workplace. While AI can help workers to be more efficient and effective, there
is also a risk that it may replace jobs. Therefore, it is important for
organizations to involve workers in the development and implementation of AI
systems and provide training and reskilling opportunities to help workers adapt to
the changing demands of the workplace.

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