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Lewis & Lewis LLP

900 Central Street

Houston, Texas 77007
(832) 888-888

April 8, 2023

Mr. John Dewey

Dewey Cheatham and Howe Law Firm
1234 Main Street
Houston, Texas 77002

Re: Damages Suffered by Mrs. Hunter

Dear Mr. Dewey:

We represent Mrs. Wendy Williams Hunter, Mr. Hunter’s, soon to be considered, ex-wife.
Our firm is notifying you, regarding the damages suffered by our client, as a consequence of Mr.
Hunter’s reckless behavior. The auto accident, which was caused by your client, has incurred Mrs.
Williams $70,000 in vehicular damages, $72,000 in medical damages, a loss of wages worth
$500,000, and a continuing account with our firm that as of now is $8,000, which as of to date is a
total of $650,000.

Mrs. Hunter drove to the home of Mr. Hunter. Once there, she became enraged. She began
to spray paint the front of the home, leave fish in the car in the garage, snoop around the home,
and cause other nominal damages. Emotional, she ran to her car and drove away. Seeing Mrs.
Hunter drive away, Mr. Hunter immediately got in his car and began chasing behind Mrs. Hunter
at high rates of speeds for approximately 3 miles, until they approached a red light, at which time
Mrs. Hunter applied her brakes. Mr. Hunter was following to close to Mrs. Hunter’s vehicle, to
properly stop in time, without causing an accident. Mr. Hunter indeed collided into Mrs. Hunters
vehicle causing $70,000 in damages. The accident also caused our client to be taken to the hospital
via ambulance and incurred $72,000 of medical expenses. Mrs. Williams was not able to work due
to the accident and lost $500,000 in wages she would have earned, had she been able to work. Our
fees are $8000 and will only continue to incur until this case is settled.

It was because of Mr. Hunter’s irresponsible and reckless driving that the accident
occurred, along with the emotional turmoil that occurred previously that night due to his
infidelity. Mrs. Hunter is pursuing Mr. Hunter to pay her for the damages and attorney fees caused
by his reckless actions. We urge Mr. Hunter to comply with the demands that Mrs. Hunter has set
forth. Failure to comply will being a law suit for negligence.

We look forward to receiving confirmation on payment from Mr. Hunter by April 23,


Lewis & Lewis LLP

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