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I. Questions for Review:

1. In chromosome, the short arm is called p. The arms are separated but a
constriction known as long arm (p).

2. At what phase of the cell cycle will DNA and chromosomes start

replicating? Interphase

3. At what stage and sub stage of meiosis will crossing over start?

Prophase I

4. If a male human has 46 chromosomes, how many chromosomes are there in his sperm cell?
23 chromosomes

5. Which of the following statements concerning cytokinesis is correct?

1. cytokinesis occurs in both prokaryotes and eukaryotes
2. cytokinesis is when the cytoplasm splits in two
3. in plant cell, cytokinesis involves the formation of a cell plate.

a. 1 only c. 1 and 2
b. 2 only d. 1, 2, and 3

6. After meiosis there are

a. two haploid cells c. four haploid cells
b. two haploid gametes d. four haploid gametes

7. What is a chromosome? What is it made of?

Chromosomes are the things that make organisms what they are. They are the
one which carry all of the information used to help a cell grow, thrive, and reproduce. And
chromosomes are made up of protein and a single molecule of deoxyribonucleic acid or

8. What are homologous chromosomes? How many homologous pairs are in a human

Homologous chromosomes are the two pieces of DNA within

a diploid organism which carry the same genes, one from each parental source. And
there are 46 chromosomes forming with 23 pairs of homologous chromosomes.

10. What is cell cycle?

A cell cycle is also known as cell-division cycle which means, a series of events that takes
place in a cell as it grows and divides into two daughter cells. And these events include the
duplication of its DNA or what we called DNA replication, with this, some of its organelles, and
subsequently the partitioning of its cytoplasm and other components into two daughter cells.


11. In which phase does a cell spend most of its life? What happens during this phase?


Cell spends most of its time in interphase wherein during this phase it grows,
replicates its chromosomes, and prepares for cell division. And then, the cell
leaves interphase, to undergo mitosis, and completes its division.

12. What is the S phase? What happens during this phase?

S phase is the period of wholesale DNA synthesis and during this phase the cell
replicates its genetic content. Thus, S phase produce two similar daughter cells which
complete DNA instructions in the cell must be duplicated. And the normal diploid somatic
cell with a 2N complement of DNA at the beginning of S phase acquires a 4N complement
of DNA at its end.

13. List three significant differences between meiosis and mitosis.

The difference between meiosis and mitosis are:

1.) The cytokinesis in mitosis occurs only in telophase, while during meiosis it occurs in
Telophase 1 and telophase 2.
2.) The primary function of mitosis is general growth and repair which is also used for cell
reproduction. While Meiosis, aims to provide genetic diversity through sexual reproduction.
3.) Asexual mode of reproduction is observed for mitosis. On the other hand, sexual mode of
reproduction is observed for meiosis.

14. What happens during each phase of Mitosis, and what does a cell look like in each

Mitosis is the process in which the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell divides. During this,
the two sister chromatids that make up each chromosome separate from each other and
move to opposite poles of the cell. Mitosis actually occurs in four phases which are
prophase, metaphase, anaphase, and telophase.

1) During interphase, the DNA is replicated and the cell prepares for mitosis. In this time,
the molecules of DNA condense, becoming shorter and thicker until they take on the
traditional X-shaped appearance. The nuclear envelope breaks down, and
the nucleolus disappears. The cytoskeleton also disassembles, and those
microtubules form the spindle apparatus.
2) During metaphase, the replicated chromosomes line up in the center of the dividing
cell. The centrosomes are becoming yellow structures wherein they look a little like
tube-shaped pasta noodles at either end of the cell, with yellow microtubules radiating
out from them or the mitotic spindle. And the chromosomes are shown in blue.
3) During anaphase, the sister chromatids separate and the resultant daughter
chromosomes move toward the poles. In this, the stage the chromosomes usually have
a distinct V shape. There are also two distinct sets of chromosomes now, and each
daughter cell will get one set. There are also spindle fibers which are green,
chromosomes are blue, and kinetochores are pink.
4) And last is the telophase, which separates the duplicated genetic material carried in
the nucleus of a parent cell into two identical daughter cells. And during this, the
chromosomes arrive at the cell poles. Also, the mitotic spindle disassembles, and the
vesicles that contain fragments of the original nuclear membrane assemble around the
two sets of chromosomes

15. What happens when a cell loses control of the cell cycle?

When the cycle proceeds without control, the cells can divide without order and
accumulate genetic defects that can lead to a cancerous tumor. Because, cancer results from a
disruption of the normal regulation of the cell cycle.

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