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Rules and Regulations Storytelling Competition


Storytelling competition is an individual competition where the participants will deliver their
stories in English. This year, the competition will be held online and available for the total of 80
participants from Junior High School (SMP), Senior High School (SMA), and University
Students representing various institutions all over Kalimantan Provinces.

Relevant Dates

1. Registration Date: 13 – 30 September 2021

2. Technical Meeting: 02 October 2021
3. Video Submission: 03 – 07 October 2021
4. Final Round: 16 October 2021
5. Winner Announcement: 20 October 2021


1. Junior High School

One school may send 3 (three) representatives
2. Senior High School
One school may send 3 (three) representatives
3. University
There is no restriction on how many students may represent their university.

We have a total slot of 30 (thirty) slots for each Junior High School and Senior High School
level. For the university level we have 20 (twenty-five) slots available.
Competition Sequences

The competition has 2 (two) sets of rounds:

1. Preliminary Round
All participants should send their storytelling video to the committee via YouTube
2. Final Round
In this round, only 3 (three) top finalists that will be chosen to do a live performance in
front of the judges.

General Rules

1. Preliminary Round
In this round all participants should:
□ Choose one out of five stories
□ Tell the story in 7 minutes
□ Take the video in one single shot without editing or cutting the video
□ Not use any other applications during the story telling, these include; face app,
filter, filmora, after effect, etc.
□ Not read during the performance
□ Upload to YouTube & use the following format
COMPLETE NAME (SCHOOL)-StorytellingUPTBahasa2021
□ Send the link of the YouTube video to the committee via email:
□ Submit the link of the video, the deadline is 7 October 2021 at 08.00 pm
2. Final Round
In this round all three finalist should:
□ In the final round, each finalist will present their story via zoom.
□ The time given to the finalist is 7 (seven) minutes.
□ After that, there will be a Q and A session delivered by one of the judges to each
finalist. Please check all the equipment needed for the zoom presentation, this
includes; PC/laptop/handphone/headset/mic/ring light, etc.
□ Each finalist should choose one of the stories provided by the committee.
□ Each finalist should prepare the necessary equipment such as laptop or
smartphone which is equipped with a camera and ZOOM app.
□ Each finalist should make sure that the laptop or smartphone has a stable internet
□ Each finalist should prepare equipment or properties that will be used during
□ Each finalist should not turn off the camera during the storytelling and the Q n A
□ Each finalist should not use any zoom background
□ Each finalist should not receive any form of assistance
□ Each finalist should not go out of the camera point of view for storytelling and Q
n A session
□ Each finalist should not use harsh or disrespectful language or words during the
storytelling and Q & A session
3. Every participant who has registered online should attend the Technical Meeting on
Saturday, 02 October 2021 as the list of the stories will be distributed during the
Technical Meeting.
4. Every rule must be followed. Disqualification for any participants who violated the rule
will be under the discretion of the committee to decide unilaterally.
5. The certificate of participation for every participant will be sent through e-mail in the
form of an e-certificate.
6. During the final round on 16 October 2021, the committee will mute the microphone of
all the finalists. Finalists are only allowed to unmute the microphone when performing
and talking. To make sure all finalists are audible before the final round starts, there will
be a microphone checking session.
7. If there are technical difficulties (such as any errors in microphones/speakers or troubled
internet connection) or should any problems arise during the performance of the finalists,
to which is no fault of the finalists, then the committee might allow a restart with the
discretion of the committee with the approval of the judges.
8. Every finalist should be present punctually, at least 15 (fifteen) minutes before the final
round starts.
PIC : Neo (085250019462)
1. Sidik (085654121487)
2. Eko (0895700274427)
3. Santi (081227252440)

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