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Nama: Ira Aripah

Kelas : Pendidikan Ners TK 2B

Mata Kuliah : English

Hari/Tenggal : Rabu, 1 Februari 2023


1. Main idea : People used the barter system before money existed

An appropriate title : Bartering

2. Main idea : Money in the code of Ur-Nammu

An appropriate title : Code of ur- nammu

3. Main idea : The value of the continental Dollar crashed

An appropriate title : Dolar Kontinental

4. Main idea : Germany after World War I

An appropriate title : hyperinflation in Germany after World War I

5. Main idea : there are several ways to detect counterfeiting of money

An appropriate title : counterfeiting money

6. Main idea : use of bitcoins

An appropriate title : Bitcoin is an entireli digital currencery

7. Main idea : The Shakles of Debt

An appropriate title : how certain young people can become burdened with debt

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