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1st Artwork Proposal: Wavy shape

The wavy shape of the female body signifies the liquidity of body image standards. Like bodies
of water, they are easily influenced and their waves are constantly moving, never settling for
long periods of time. Only in this case, what influences the shape of the body are the buttons
controlled by whoever is viewing the body through the screen.
2nd Artwork Proposal: The twisted body

Most of my research in chapter 2 highlights the appearance of thin figures and small waists in
current beauty standards which are also seen in TikTok. This design is highly inspired by a
performance by Jody Steel where she places body makeup on her stomach to create a twisting
illusion. I incorporated that idea into this concept by twisting the female form. It instigates that
the more people interact with the reaction buttons of TikTok, the more the body twists to take on
a smaller shape.
3rd Artwork Proposal: Building blocks

Another way to see the influence of TikTok on body image is how everything is “built” by the
viewers. This brought the idea of using block-shaped materials to form a female body. The
building blocks signify how through their interactions with videos that portray body image, they
are constructing their own standards.

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