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Received October 10, 2018, accepted October 23, 2018, date of publication November 2, 2018, date of current version

December 3, 2018.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2879386

A Simplified DOA Estimation Method Based on

Correntropy in the Presence of Impulsive Noise
1 Faculty of Electronic Information and Electrical Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China
2 State Radio Monitoring Center, Beijing 100037, China

Corresponding author: Tianshuang Qiu (

This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 61671105, Grant 61139001, Grant 61172108,
and Grant 81241059.

ABSTRACT Many approaches have been studied in the field of array signal processing when impulsive noise
is modeled with an alpha-stable distribution. By introducing the correntropy, which exhibits a robust statistics
property, this paper defines a correntropy-based (COB) operator that provides a powerful mechanism to
eliminate the detrimental effect of outliers in alpha-stable distributed noise environments. To improve
computational efficiency, we apply the unitary transformation to the COB upper triangular Toeplitz matrix
and construct a novel real-valued approximate estimation matrix with a MUSIC-like algorithm. On the basis
of guaranteeing the accuracy of the direction of arrival estimation, the proposed algorithm also significantly
reduces the computational complexity of the calculations. Comprehensive Monte Carlo simulation results
demonstrate that the proposed algorithm is more robust than the existing algorithms in terms of the
probability of resolution and root-mean-square-error, especially in the presence of highly impulsive noise or
low generalized signal-to-noise ratio.

INDEX TERMS Alpha-stable distribution, correntropy, Toeplitz matrix, unitary transformation, MUSIC,
DOA estimation.

I. INTRODUCTION Gaussian distribution, a severe deterioration in performance

The problem of DOA estimation has been the focus of may occur. As a consequence of heavy tails of probability
research for decades [1]–[5], and numerous effective meth- density function (pdf), the alpha-stable distribution provides
ods have been proposed, for example, subspace-based a more useful theoretical tool than the Gaussian distribution
high-resolution parameter estimation methods such as to describe the signal and noise sources mentioned above.
ESPRIT [6]–[8] and MUSIC [9]–[11], maximum-likelihood As a variable parameter α controls the heaviness of tails,
[12], [13] and conjugate augmented MUSIC [14] techniques the alpha-stable distribution is a very flexible modeling tool.
including wireless communications, radar [15], sonar and Unfortunately, no closed-form expression exists for the pdf
microphone array systems. In the past, DOA estimation has of the alpha-stable distribution except for the Gaussian and
been extensively investigated in the presence of additive noise Cauchy distributions. The alpha-stable distribution is gener-
that is assumed to be modeled by the Gaussian distribu- ally defined by its characteristic function as
tion, and a variety of algorithms has been proposed. How-
ϕ(t) = exp jµt − γ |t|α 1 + jβsgn(t)ω(t, α)
ever, many signals and noises encountered in practice are
decidedly non-Gaussian, for example, low-frequency atmo- where
 πα 
spheric noise, underwater acoustic signals and many types of tan α 6= 1
human-made noises. Therefore, it is inappropriate to model ω(t, α) = 2 2 (2)
the noise under Gaussian conditions. Recent studies also  log |t| α=1
show that due to the influence of sea waves and moun- π
tains, the array outputs exhibit sharp spikes [16]. In [17], and

these classes of noises often result in significant perfor- 1
 t>0
mance degradation for systems optimized under the Gaussian sgn(t) = 0 t=0 (3)
assumption; that is, if the noise statistics deviate from the 

−1 t<0
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Q. Tian et al.: Simplified DOA Estimation Method Based on Correntropy in the Presence of Impulsive Noise

for some real α, β, γ , µ with than the fractional lower-order based methods. However, its
performance might degrade with an increase in the rank of
0 < α ≤ 2, −1 ≤ β ≤ 1, γ > 0, −∞ < µ < +∞ the signal subspace.
(4) The unitary transformation method [28] was presented
to transform the complex covariance matrix of an equally
α is the characteristic exponent, which measures the thickness spaced linear array into a real symmetric matrix. Since the
of the tails of the distribution and is uniquely determined. β is computations of performing the unitary transformation are
a symmetry parameter and determines the sign and degree of much less than those of performing the eigenvalue decom-
asymmetry. β = 0 implies a distribution symmetric about µ. position and spectral peak search, this method saves a sig-
In this case, the distribution is called symmetric alpha-stable nificant number of calculations. The unitary transformation
(SαS). γ is a scale parameter, also called the dispersion. It is was also applied to spherical arrays in [29] to achieve a lower
similar to the variance of the Gaussian distribution and can computational cost and better performance.
measure the degree of discretization of the data samples. µ is In [30], the correntropy was proposed as a new statistic
a location parameter. Furthermore, for the SαS distribution, that can quantify both the statistical distribution and the
µ represents the mean when 1 < α ≤ 2 or the median when time structure of two random processes. The correntropy,
0 < α < 1. An SαS distribution is said to be standard if which contains higher-order statistics, can extract more infor-
γ = 1, µ = 0. mation than the correlation function and provide a robust
Note that SαS degenerates into the Gaussian distribution method to suppress the influence of outliers. By virtue
when α = 2. Due to the infinite covariance of the SαS dis- of correntropy, [37] defined a robust correlation criterion,
tribution, the conventional DOA estimation algorithms based the correntropy-based correlation (CRCO), to estimate DOA
on the second-order statistics degrade dramatically in their by MUSIC. It introduced correntropy as an adaptive factor
performance under impulsive noise environments [18]. For into the covariance matrix to reduce the effect of impulsive
details about the SαS distribution, see [19] and the references noise.
therein. In this paper, we focus on passive radio monitoring and
One idea for improving the performance of the conven- signal source target location and address the DOA estimation
tional MUSIC algorithms based on second-order statistics problems of robust subspace under impulsive noise envi-
is to adopt the fractional lower-order statistics instead of ronments including the scenarios where the bursts or spikes
the second-order covariance, e.g., FLOM-MUSIC [20]. Frac- generally exhibit in the array signals from the perspective of
tional lower-order statistics-based methods are robust against correntropy. The main contributions of this work are summa-
outliers, but large sample sizes are required to achieve a sat- rized as follows:
isfactory performance [22]. The fractional lower-order cyclic • An effective estimation operator is derived, and a novel
statistics can effectively restrain both the impulsive noise and correntropy-based MUSIC algorithm is proposed to esti-
the co-channel interference [21]. mate DOAs in the presence of impulsive noise. The
In addition, there is a class of impulsive noise robust proposed algorithm can significantly improve the esti-
algorithms introduced within different applications based mation performance in terms of resolution and accuracy.
on the `p -norm as the fidelity criterion. For example, the We also prove the boundedness of this operator.
`p -norm is used via ADMM for robust matrix completion [23]. • To reduce the computational complexity of the
To overcome the drawbacks of the two-step method of time MUSIC-like algorithm, we construct a Toeplitz matrix
delay estimation (TDE), such as error accumulation, esti- and define a new real-valued estimation matrix, which
mation bias and nonrobust impulsive noise or outliers, [24] maintains a low level of computational complexity but
proposed the `p -norm minimization algorithm. Moreover, provides reasonable DOA estimation performance.
an `p -`1 minimization approach named Lp-ADM was pro- Consider CRCO-MUSIC and ZMNL-MUSIC algorithms;
posed in [25], in which `p -norm was used for error penal- although CRCO applies correntropy to suppress impulsive
ization and `1 -norm was employed for sparsity. In [26], noise, we rederive a new estimation matrix that is more robust
a new channel estimation and an equalizer design crite- than the estimation matrix used by CRCO. ZMNL handles
rion based on the minimization of the absolute error func- heavy-tailed noise by passing it through a zero-memory non-
tion with an `1 -norm regularization term were proposed, linearity; however, although the algorithm is more immune
which involved the `1 -regularized least-absolutes (`1 -LA) to impulsive noise than the fractional lower-order statistics
and the linear least-absolutes (LLA) algorithms. By using the such as FLOM and phased fractional lower-order moment
`1 -modulus of complex numbers instead of the standard (PFLOM) [15], it has lower noise suppression ability than
modulus, the channel estimation and equalization problem is correntropy. The proposed algorithm not only achieves better
recast into linear programming that can be efficiently solved. DOA estimation performance but also has lower computa-
The zero-memory non-linearity (ZMNL) [27] based tional complexity.
MUSIC methods were proposed for limiting the influence The remainder of this paper is organized as follows.
of impulsive noise by clipping the amplitude of the received After a brief introduction of the signal model of the sensor
signals. ZMNL may provide more accurate DOA estimation array outputs, Section II describes the definition and some

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Q. Tian et al.: Simplified DOA Estimation Method Based on Correntropy in the Presence of Impulsive Noise

essential properties of the correntropy of independent and a(θk ) has the following special structure: a(θk ) =
2π 2π
identical distribution (i.i.d.) complex SαS random variables. [1, e−j λ d sin(θk ) , · · · , e−j λ (M −1)d sin(θk ) ]T .
To suppress the impulsive noise and simplify the solution, • n(t) = [n1 (t), n2 (t), · · · , nM (t)]T is the M × 1 vector of
Section III defines the correntropy-based (COB) operator additive measurement noise.
and derives several properties of the COB. Furthermore, x(t) and n(t) are multivariate independent and zero-
we present the difference between MSE and COB and dis- mean; n(t) is assumed to be spatially uncorrelated. The
cuss the advantage of correntropy. On this basis, we con- problem addressed in this paper is estimating the DOAs
struct the COB Toeplitz matrix. Considering the unitary {θ1 , θ2 , · · · , θL } of the sources from the N snapshots of the
transformation, we define an approximate estimation matrix array outputs. The number of sources L is assumed to be
that is employed to substitute the covariance matrix of the known.
conventional MUSIC-like algorithm for DOA estimation in
Section IV. Finally, we demonstrate simulation results in B. CORRENTROPY AND ITS PROPERTIES
Section V, and Section VI summarizes the conclusions and Inspired by information theoretic learning, based on the view-
future works. point of kernel methods, the correntropy has been proposed
The following notations are used throughout this paper. as a novel robust statistic. Ref. [30] shows that correntropy is
The superscripts 0 ∗0 , 0 T 0 and 0 H 0 denote the conjugate, trans- directly related to the probability of how similar two random
pose and conjugate transpose, respectively. E[·], <(·) and =(·) variables are in a neighborhood of the joint space controlled
represent the mathematical expectation and real and imagi- by the kernel size. Furthermore, the correntropy also provides
nary part operators, respectively. a powerful mechanism to eliminate the detrimental effect of
By extending the fundamental definition of the correlation
function for random processes with a generalized correlation
Consider L narrow-band independent, complex isotropic function and containing higher-order moments of the pdf,
incoherent sources with a known center frequency ω and the correntropy has been employed in problems [34]–[36],
locations {θ1 , θ2 , · · · , θL } impinging on a uniform linear including the DOA estimation problems [37]–[40].
array (ULA) with M sensors. In the following, we assume Refs. [30] and [32] define the correntropy between two
that the underlying noises are i.i.d. complex SαS random arbitrary random variables X and Y as follows
processes with the same characteristic exponent α and that Z
the real and imaginary parts of these noises are statistically V σ (X , Y ) = E [κσ (X − Y )] = κσ (x − y)dFv (x, y) (7)
independent of one another [31] both along the array sensors
and over time. In the subspace-based algorithms, the number where κσ (·) is a shift-invariant kernel that satisfies Mercer’s
of signal sources needs to be less than the number of sensors, theorem and Fv (·, ·) denotes the joint distribution function
that is, L < M . As the propagation delay across the array of (X , Y ) in [33].
is much smaller than the reciprocal of the signal bandwidth, However, for some cases of practical interest, since we
the complex envelope of the array output at the ith sensor do not know the joint pdf and only use a finite amount of
can be employed to estimate the parameters in the following data{(xi , yi )}N
i=1 , the sample estimator of correntropy [30] can
model: be obtained through
xi (t) = ai (θk )sk (t) + ni (t), i = 1, 2, · · · , M (5) 1 X
V̂ σ (X , Y ) = κσ (xi − yi ) (8)
k=1 N

where ai (θk ) = e−j λ (i−1)d sin(θk ) is the steering coefficient The Gaussian kernel is generally chosen as the kernel
of the ith sensor toward direction θk , the distance between function that can be expressed as
adjacent sensors is d, λ is the wavelength of the carrier, sk (t) is !
the kth signal received at the ith sensor and ni (t) is the additive 1 (xi −yi )2
noise at the ith sensor. κσ (xi − yi ) = √ exp − , i = 1, 2, · · · , N
2π σ 2σ 2
Equation (5) can be rewritten in a compact form as
x(t) = A(θ)s(t) + n(t) (6)
where σ > 0 denotes the kernel size, and N is the number of
where we have the following: the data points. The kernel size can be determined by using
• x(t) = [x1 (t), x2 (t), · · · , xM (t)]T is the M × 1 vector of Silverman’s rule or maximum-likelihood concepts.
the signals received by the sensor array. It is worth noting that by utilizing a Taylor series expansion
• s(t) = [s1 (t), s2 (t), · · · , sL (t)]T is the L × 1 vector of with the Gaussian kernel, the correntropy can be formed as
the complex signal amplitudes for the sources. ∞
" #
= [a(θ1 ), a(θ2 ), · · · , a(θL )] is the M × L 1 X (−1)n (X − Y )2n
• A(θ ) V σ (X , Y ) = √ E (10)
matrix of the array steering vector, and each vector 2π σ 2n n! σ 2n

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Q. Tian et al.: Simplified DOA Estimation Method Based on Correntropy in the Presence of Impulsive Noise

which involves all the even-order moments of the random Euclidean zone; when the point is apart from the origin, CIM
variable X −Y . Consequently, it is beneficial for nonlinear and behaves similarly to an L1 norm; and if the point is farther
non-Gaussian signal processing. Equation (10) also indicates from the origin, CIM behaves similarly to an L0 norm. These
that the correntropy contains the conventional covariance findings demonstrate that the correntropy is a local similarity
function, and kernel size controls the weights of higher-order measure and more robust to outliers and the scale of CIM can
moments. However, from (8), it is easy to see that the corren- be controlled by the kernel size.
tropy is much simpler to estimate directly from data samples Additionally, we list four main properties of CIM with
than the conventional moments. complex joint SαS random variables X and Y :
In 2D sample space, correntropy induces a metric named • CIM is nonnegative: CIM(X , Y ) ≥ 0.
the correntropy induced metric (CIM). Considering two vec- • CIM is symmetric: CIM(X , Y ) = CIM(Y , X ).
tors X = [x1 , x2 , · · · , xn ]T and Y = [y1 , y2 , · · · , yn ]T , • CIM reaches its minimum if and only if X = Y , then
the CIM function is defined by CIM(X , Y ) = 0.
p • CIM satisfies the triangle inequality: CIM(X , Z ) ≤
CIM(X , Y ) = κσ (0) − V σ (X , Y ) (11)
CIM(X , Y ) + CIM(Y , Z ) if the random variable Z has
the contours of CIM that measure the distance from the origin the same distribution as X or Y .
to a point (xi , yi ), i = 1, 2, · · · , n, are shown in Fig. 1.
We define a novel operator based on the correntropy to effi-
ciently suppress outliers in the presence of impulsive noise.
Considering two i.i.d. SαS random variables X and Y ,
the COB operator VT is defined by
h i
V T = E κσ (X − Y )(X − Y )2 (12)
Some important properties of the COB operator are pre-
sented next. The first three are obtained after straightforward
derivations and will therefore not be proved here. The proof
of the forth property is shown in APPENDIX A.
1) COB operator is symmetric: VT (X , Y ) = VT (Y , X ).
2) COB operator is centrosymmetric: VT (X , Y ) =
VT (−X , −Y ).
3) COB operator is nonnegative for real signals: VT ≥ 0.
It is easy to see that κσ (X − Y ) > 0 and (X − Y )2 ≥ 0,
so the COB operator reaches its minimum if and only
if X = Y .
4) COB operator is bounded.
Considering two random variables X and Y , the residual error
is defined by ε = X − Y . The MSE can be expressed as
MSE (X , Y ) = Z Z − Y) ]
E[(X 2

= (x − y)2 fXY (x − y)dxdy

= ε 2 f (ε) dε (13)

FIGURE 1. Contours of CIM in 2D sample space with different kernel and

size: (a) σ = 1; (b) σ = 1.8.
V T (X , Y ) = Z Z σ (X − Y )(X − Y ) ]
E[κ 2

CIM is translation invariant and not homogeneous, so it = κσ (x − y)(x − y)2 fXY (x − y)dxdy
does not induce a single norm. We can also observe some Z
interesting facts from Fig. 1: when the point is close to the = κσ (ε)ε 2 f (ε)dε (14)
origin, CIM behaves similarly to an L2 norm called the

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Q. Tian et al.: Simplified DOA Estimation Method Based on Correntropy in the Presence of Impulsive Noise

From (13), we can observe that the MSE is a second-order where ξ is a given positive constant. Here, we apply the
statistic in the joint space with a valley along the line y = x. parameter ξ to ensure that the estimation matrix Q0 satisfies
Since the MSE quantifies the differences between x and y and the semipositive definite conditions. It is easy to determine
is quadratically increased for values away from this line, it can that when the array outputs are complex-valued, (18) is equiv-
be employed as a similarity measure in the joint space. alent to (17) in the case of ξ = 1. When the array outputs are
However, the MSE reflects the influence of global error real-valued, the condition ξ 6 = 1 can guarantee the estimation
and can provide optimality for the Gaussian noise. If the matrix to avoid a nonpositive definite case. Therefore, (18) is
underlying noise is modeled with the alpha-stable distribution more robust than (17).
that has outliers, the impulsive residuals will be accumulated To simplify the derivation of the expression given in the fol-
(i, j)
in the MSE. This is why other distributions will make the lowing equations, we define κσ := κσ (xi , xj ∗ ); moreover,
MSE nonoptimal, especially if the measurement noise con- to reduce the high computational cost, the M × M estimation
tains impulsive components; then, the noise has a nonzero matrix Q0 is triangulated, and the upper triangular Toeplitz
mean or is nonsymmetric. matrix can be defined in (19), which appears at the top of the
In (14), we employ the exponential kernel function that can next page.
be expressed as


In this section, we propose a novel method based on the
Assume ε contains impulsive components; as ε increases, MUSIC-like algorithm according to the fact that it is formu-
the κσ (ε) decay quickly, and if ε tends to +∞, the κσ (ε) lated regarding real-valued computations within.
tends to zero. Consequently, the outliers will not tend to The p × p exchange matrix is defined as follows
dominate, and the COB can obtain better performance than  
the MSE. 0 0 ··· 1
Now, we can summarize that the COB operator introduces .. 

0 0 1
an adaptive weight factor into the second-order statistics. J =. (20)
.. ..
 
 .. . . 0

By using the kernel size as a zoom adjuster of the data
samples and decreasing the influence of impulsive noises 1 0 · · · 0 p×p
exponentially, the COB operator improves the performance
of the parameter estimation on the basis of the boundedness We define the following sparse matrices for an even or odd
of the second-order statistics. number sensor array outputs.
If M is an even value, we define
1 I jI
In the m×m square case, the Toeplitz matrix has the following U=√ (21)
structure: 2 −J jJ

b1,1 b1,2 ··· b1,m
 where J and I are the M /2 × M /2 exchange and identity
.. ..  matrices, respectively. It can easily be shown that U satisfies
. . 

 b2,1 b1,1
T = (16) U H U = UU H = I. However, we can also set M to be odd;
 . .. ..

 .. . . in this case, the transformation matrix can be defined by

b1,2 
bm,1 ··· b2,1 b1,1 m×m  
1  T
I √0 jI
Accordingly, the corresponding COB Toeplitz matrix Q of U=√ 0 2 0T  (22)
2 −J 0 jJ
the sensor array outputs can be constructed, and the (i, j)th
entry Qi,j can be expressed as
h i where 0 = (0, 0, · · · , 0)T is the (M −1)/2×1 vector, J and I
Qi,j = E κσ (xi (t) − xj∗ (t))(xi (t) − xj∗ (t))2 (17) are of size (M − 1)/2 × (M − 1)/2. Moreover, without loss
of generality, let us assume that M is even.
where xi (t) and xj (t) are the ith and jth components, respec- In this section, we will briefly review the unitary MUSIC
tively, of the vector x(t). algorithm:
√ firstly, a unitary matrix U 0 is defined, e.g., U 0 =
Furthermore, consider the characteristics of the received (1/ 2)[I, J; jJ, −jI] [28], and it satisfies U 0 −1 = U 0 H
signal. If the array outputs {xi (t)}Mi=1 are real-valued, the Qi,j and U 0 ∗ J = U 0 . Secondly, for any M × M Hermitian
will be zero for i = j; that is, the singular value decom- persymmetric matrix G, U 0 GU 0 H is real and symmetric, i.e.,
position (SVD) of Q does not exist. To solve this problem, ∗
we introduce a weight factor ξ and further generalize the

U 0 GU 0 H = U 0 * G* U 0 T
definition of (17) as
h i = U 0 * JJG* JJU 0 T
Q0i,j = E κσ (xi (t) − xj∗ (t))(xi (t) − ξ xj∗ (t))2 (18) = U 0 GU 0 H (23)

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Q. Tian et al.: Simplified DOA Estimation Method Based on Correntropy in the Presence of Impulsive Noise

 h 2 i h 2 i h  i
E κσ x1 − ξ x1∗
E κσ x1 − ξ x2∗ ··· E κσ
(1,M )
x1 − ξ xM∗ 2

.. ..
 h 
2 i
 

 0 E κσ x1 − ξ x1∗ . 

RT =  .. .. .. h i
2 
 (19)
. . . E κσ
x1 − ξ x2∗
 
 
 h i 
(1,1) 2
E κσ x1 − ξ x1∗

0 ··· 0

Furthermore, U 0 GU 0 H is Hermitian since G is Hermitian. 1 A − CJ + JBJ jA + jCJ − jJBJ
With this theorem, we can form a real symmetric trans- 2 −jA + jCJ + jJBJ A + CJ + JBJ
formed covariance matrix U 0 RU 0 H . It is well known that the (28)
eigenvalues and eigenvectors of a real-valued matrix are real, The matrix RT has an upper triangular Toeplitz structure;
so calculating the eigencomponents of U 0 GU 0 H requires thus, it is easy to determine that the submatrices satisfy
real compilations only. We can derivate that if we define the condition: A = B. Therefore, we can simplify RT by
the real-valued eigenvectors and eigenvalues as η0i and λ0i of replacing B with A; then, (28) can be rewritten as follows:
U 0 GU 0 H , the following relations can be obtained as
η0i = U 0 ηi

(24) 1 A − CJ + JAJ jA + jCJ − jJAJ
= (29)
2 −jA + jCJ + jJAJ A + CJ + JAJ
<(A + AT − CJ) <(jA + jCJ − jAT )
CT =
λ0i = λi (25) T
2 <(−jA + jCJ + jA ) <(A + AT + CJ)
1 <(A)+<(AT )−<(CJ) −=(A)−=(CJ)+=(AT )
where ηi and λi i = 1, 2, · · · , M are the eigenvectors and =
eigenvalues of R, respectively. Therefore, the signal and noise 2 =(A)−=(CJ)−=(AT ) <(A)+<(AT )+<(CJ)
subspaces can be constructed from both (24) and (25). Finally, (30)
after performing the SVD and searching for the spectral peak, whose real parts can be expressed by (30).
the DOAs of the signal sources can be obtained. To build the estimation matrix under the assumption of the
To reduce the computational complexity, the solution we signal model in (6), we have to compute an M × M matrix.
adopted is converting the complex-valued estimation matrix However, if we want to achieve the proposed estimation
to a real-valued matrix. Due to the unitary matrix U defined matrix C T in (30), we only need to calculate two M /2 × M /2
by (21), there is U ∗ J 6 = U; it can be seen that U does not matrices A and C, which involve merely computing M /2 and
satisfy (23). That is, URT U H is a complex-valued matrix. M − 1 entries, respectively.
Therefore, we define the real part of U H RT U as a new Comparing the computations of performing the SVD and
approximate estimation matrix searching for the spectral peak, as multiplication occupies
  most of the computational load and a complex-valued mul-
C T := < U H RT U (26) tiplication requires four real multiplications and three real
which can be obtained via the forward COB Toeplitz additions, whatever the construction of covariance matrix,
matrix RT . This new estimation matrix reduces the compu- SVD or spectral peak search, the proposed algorithm will
tational cost by at least a factor of four without sacrificing save a considerable number of computations.
accuracy, and our previous works proved that the matrix U
performs better than the unitary matrix involved in [28].
As RT is an upper triangular Toeplitz matrix, we can divide
it into four M /2 × M /2 submatrices: A, B, C and 0, which As analyzed in Sections III and IV, the COB-based unitary
are shown as follows: MUSIC algorithm for finding a source’s direction, referred
  to as the COBU-MUSIC algorithm, can be implemented by
A C the following six steps.
RT = (27)
0 B 1) Compute the M × M upper triangular Toeplitz esti-
in which A and B are also upper triangular matrices. mation matrix Q0 , and its nonzero (i, j)th entry can be
By replacing the expression of U with (21), it follows that written as
N  ∗ (t)|
H  1 X |xi (t) − xj
Q0i,j =
1 I jI A C I jI exp −
U H RT U = N 2σ 2
2 −J jJ 0 B −J jJ t=1
A C − JB I jI

= xi (t) − ξ xj (t)

2 −jA −jC − jJB −J jJ

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Q. Tian et al.: Simplified DOA Estimation Method Based on Correntropy in the Presence of Impulsive Noise

2) Compute the M /2 × M /2 matrices <(A), =(A), <(AT ), pdf is symmetric; therefore, we can represent the pdf as
=(AT ), < (CJ) and = (CJ), which constitute the esti-
fpd (ω̄, ω̃) = fpd (±ω̄, ±ω̃)
mation matrix C T ; p
3) Execute SVD on C T and obtain the M × (M − L) = f ( ω̄2 + ω̃2 ) = f (ρ) (33)
singular matrix D, which associates with the smallest √
M − L singular values of the estimation matrix C T . where ρ = |ω| = ω̄2 + ω̃2 , and f (·) is defined on
4) Compute the spatial spectrum of COBU-MUSIC [0, +∞). Assume that fpd (ω̄, ω̃) satisfies the regularity condi-
tions (some details of the regularity conditions can be found
P COBU (θ ) = −1 H (32) in APPENDIX B), which are necessary for the existence
aH (θ )D DH D D a(θ) of Cramér-Rao bound (CRB), the CRB on the accuracy of
where a(θ ) is the ULA steering vector; estimating the DOA parameter vector θ = [θ1 , θ2 , . . . , θL ]T
5) Find L local peaks of P COBU (θ ); for non-Gaussian noise has been derived in [12] and [43].
6) Estimate the DOAs {θ1 , θ2 , . . . , θL } of the multiple In [12], the variance of any unbiased estimation is given to
sources from the L peaks. obtain bounded below by the following
X h
(θ) = Ic < SH (t)ZH (θ)(I − A(θ )
In practical applications, not only the DOA estimation t=1
performance of the methods but also their computational ×(AH (θ)A(θ))−1 AH (θ ))Z(θ )S(t) (34)
complexity is important. Therefore, we compare the compu-
tational complexity of the MUSIC, FLOM-MUSIC, PFLOM- where S(t) = diag {s1 (t), s2 (t), · · · , sL (t)} is a diagonal
MUSIC, ZMNL-MUSIC and CRCO-MUSIC algorithms matrix, Z(θ ) = [∂a(θ1 )/∂θ1 , ∂a(θ2 )/∂θ2 , · · · , ∂a(θL )/∂θL ]
with that of the proposed algorithm in this section. It is and Ic can be written as
well known that the MUSIC-like DOA estimation algorithms Z∞  0 2
involve constructing a covariance matrix, eigenvalue decom- f (ρ)
Ic = π ρdρ (35)
position and spectral peak search. In general, the computa- f (ρ)
tional complexity of the MUSIC algorithm is concentrated 0
in the eigenvalue decomposition and spectral peak search where f (·) is the noise pdf. Equation (34) illustrates that CRB
stages. is affected only by the scalar factor 1/Ic .
For the spectral peak search, (π/$ ) + 1 steps are required, Unfortunately, no closed-form expressions exist for the
in which $ is the step length. The calculation for each alpha-stable distributions, except for the Cauchy (α = 1)
step is 2M (M − L) + M real multiplications. Therefore, and Gaussian (α = 2) distributions. However, power series
the total number of operation in the spectral peak search is expansions of stable density functions are available and
O([2 M (M − L) + M ](π/$ + 1)). shown in APPENDIX C.
Considering the eigenvalue decomposition of the Let us consider the complex Gaussian distributed noise
M × M complex matrix, O(20M 3 ) real multiplications with variance 2γ
are required [41]; therefore, the complexity of MUSIC,
FLOM-MUSIC, PFLOM-MUSIC, ZMNL-MUSIC and f (ρ) = exp − (36)
CRCO-MUSIC is O(20M 3 ) real multiplications, and the 2π γ 2γ
complexity of COBU-MUSIC is O(17/3M 3 + 2NM 2 ) real and the complex Cauchy distributed noise
multiplications [42]. v
For constructing the covariance matrix, MUSIC needs f (ρ) = 3/2 (37)
2π v + ρ 2
O(4NM 2 ) real multiplications, and the complexity of FLOM-
MUSIC, PFLOM-MUSIC and ZMNL-MUSIC is O(6NM 2 + where v is the dispersion. Evaluation of (36) and (37) yields
11NM ), O(4NM 2 + 14NM ) and O(4NM 2 + 15NM ), respec- Ic (γ ) = 1/γ and Ic (v) = 3/5v2 for the Gaussian and Cauchy
tively. In terms of real multiplications, the total computational distributions, respectively. As suggested by [44], if 1 ≤
complexity required by the CRCO-MUSIC can be approxi- α ≤ 2, the CRB scalar factor Ic can be well-described
mately expressed as O(13NM 2 ), and the complexity of the as a quadratic monotonically increasing function with the
proposed algorithm is O(11NM ). It can readily be seen that characteristic exponent α.
the computational complexity of the proposed algorithm is
dominated by the requirements of estimating the DOAs and V. SIMULATION RESULTS
among all the algorithms, the proposed algorithm has the best A. SIMULATION SETUP
execution efficiency. In these simulations, we assume that two statistically inde-
pendent narrow-band quadrature phase-shift keying (QPSK)
D. CRAMÉR-RAO BOUND signals with unit power are received by a ULA with M = 8
Consider that the complex-valued noise components ω (t) = sensors and d = λ/2, where d is the distance between
ω̄ (t) + jω̃ (t) are i.i.d. in time and space, and assume that the adjacent sensors and λ is the wavelength of both signals.

67016 VOLUME 6, 2018

Q. Tian et al.: Simplified DOA Estimation Method Based on Correntropy in the Presence of Impulsive Noise

The underlying noises are additive complex isotropic SαS

distribution with the characteristic exponent 0 < α ≤ 2
and the location parameter µ = 0. However, due to the
infinite variance of the alpha-stable family for 0 < α < 2,
we define an effective alternative signal-to-noise ratio (SNR),
namely, the generalized signal-to-noise ratio (GSNR), which
is utilized to evaluate the rate of the signal power over noise
dispersion by
1 h i
GSNR = 10 log E |s(t)|2 (38)
where γ is the dispersion parameter of the SαS distribution.
We evaluate the estimation capability of the proposed
algorithm through two statistical measures: the probability
of resolution and the root mean square error (RMSE). The
two signals are considered to be resolvable if the following
resolution criterion can be satisfied
δ(θI , θII ) = g(θm ) − [g(θI ) + g(θII )] > 0 (39)
where θI and θII are two signal arrival angles, θm is the
mean of θI and θII , and g(θ ) is the reciprocal of the spatial
spectrum P(θ ). The probability of resolution is the ratio of the
successful runs to the total Monte Carlo runs, and the RMSE
of those successful runs is defined by
v u K
u K 
1 t 1
u X 2 u 1 X 2
RMSE = x̂1 (i)−x1 + t (x̂2 (i)−x2 ) 
2 K K
i=1 i=1
where K is the number of the successful runs and x̂1 and x̂2
are the successful estimates of x1 and x2 , respectively.
In each simulation, we perform three hundred Monte Carlo
runs and compute the probability of resolution and RMSE of
the DOA estimation. The performance of several algorithms FIGURE 2. Performance of different weight factors: (a) Probability of
resolution; (b) Root mean square error.
is reviewed as the functions of seven parameters, namely,
the weight factor, kernel size, GSNR, characteristic exponent,
number of snapshots, angular separation and SNR.
In Fig. 2, we see that when the weight factor ξ = 1, both
the RMSE and the probability of resolution are optimal. The
performance degrades with the increase or decrease in the
weight factor. Furthermore, increasing the impulsive com-
The directions of the two impinging sources are θ1 = 5◦
ponents in the noise or decreasing the GSNR will lead to a
and θ2 = 15◦ except in Section V-G.
reduction in the performance of DOA estimation. Therefore,
to obtain the optimal performance of the proposed algorithm,
setting the weight factor to 1 is the most reasonable under the
In (18), we introduce a weight factor ξ to ensure that the esti- complex-valued array output conditions. Fig. 2 also indicates
mation matrix satisfies the semipositive definite conditions. that, in practice, the effective interval of the weight factor can
When the weight factor equals 1, the data samples used to be limited to (0, 1].
build the estimation matrix are original array outputs without
any adjustment. Therefore, DOA estimation can achieve high C. THE SELECTION OF THE KERNEL SIZE
precision. However, when ξ 6 = 1, the amplitude of the data Fig. 3 illustrates the performance of the proposed algorithm
samples is changed by the multiple of the weight factor. The versus kernel size σ varied from 0.2 to 4.0 and the char-
direct effects are that the original information will be lost acteristic exponent α varied from 1.0 to 1.6. As recom-
and that the accuracy of the DOA estimation will decrease. mended in [30], the correntropy is directly related to the
Therefore, if the array outputs are real-valued, we choose probability of how similar two random variables are in a
ξ 6 = 1, the solution for the direction finding is at the expense neighborhood of the joint space controlled by the kernel size.
of loss accuracy. Furthermore, the kernel size can also affect the performance

VOLUME 6, 2018 67017

Q. Tian et al.: Simplified DOA Estimation Method Based on Correntropy in the Presence of Impulsive Noise

FIGURE 3. Performance of different kernel sizes: (a) Probability of FIGURE 4. Performance of different methods versus GSNR at α = 1.5:
resolution; (b) Root mean square error. (a) Probability of resolution; (b) Root mean square error.

of the COBU-MUSIC. Fig. 3(a) shows that as σ increases In Fig. 4, the underlying noise is set to be modulated impul-
from 0.2 to 0.4, the probability of resolution monotonically sive noise with the characteristic exponent α = 1.5; the per-
increases from 0.05 to 1 and has almost no difference with formance of all algorithms improved with the increasing of
different α values. When σ is in [0.5, 2.2], the probability GSNR is demonstrated. However, the conventional MUSIC,
of resolution equals 1; that is to say, the resolution of signal FLOM-MUSIC and PFLOM-MUSIC algorithms are infe-
sources is 100%. rior to the other algorithms. For low GSNR, the CRCO-
However, if σ > 2.2, the probability of resolution MUSIC, ZMNL-MUSIC and COBU-MUSIC have a higher
presents a downward trend. The RMSEs are minimum in success probability than the other algorithms, and the RMSE
σ ∈ [0.7, 1.5] as shown in Fig. 3(b). Fig. 3 also illus- of COBU-MUSIC is lower than the RMSEs of the other
trates that if the kernel size is fixed, the performance of algorithms.
the COBU-MUSIC will decrease with decreasing the char- A fairly strong impulsive noise environment with
acteristic exponent α. From what has been discussed above, α = 1.0 (Cauchy noise) is employed, and the DOA estima-
the kernel size is chosen as σ = 1.0 in our simulations. tions are presented in Fig. 5. As expected, due to the increase
of the impulsive components in the noise, the performance
of all algorithms degrades; however, the performance of the
COBU-MUSIC is still the best and very close to the CRB.
Fig. 4 and Fig. 5 display the performance of the COBU-
MUSIC compared with the other algorithms versus GSNRs E. THE EFFECT OF THE CHARACTERISTIC EXPONENT
over a wide range from −5 dB to 10 dB. The number Fig. 6 shows the probability of resolution and RMSE curves
of snapshots available for these algorithms is set to 300. as functions of the characteristic exponent α, which varies

67018 VOLUME 6, 2018

Q. Tian et al.: Simplified DOA Estimation Method Based on Correntropy in the Presence of Impulsive Noise

FIGURE 5. Performance of different methods versus GSNR at α = 1.0: FIGURE 6. Performance of different methods versus the characteristic
(a) Probability of resolution; (b) Root mean square error. exponent α: (a) Probability of resolution; (b) Root mean square error.

from highly impulsive conditions with α = 1.0 to moderately The GSNR is kept almost constant at 5 dB. We choose
impulsive conditions with α = 1.6. To allow a direct com- the characteristic exponent α = 1.2 corresponding to a
parison of the estimation performance of various algorithms, highly impulsive noise condition. From Fig. 7(a), we can
the GSNR is assumed as 0 dB in these simulations, and the observe that although the CRCO-MUSIC, PFLOM-MUSIC
number of snapshots available to the algorithms is N = 300. and ZMNL-MUSIC are superior to the FLOM-MUSIC and
In general, all of the algorithms perform very well for conventional MUSIC algorithms, they are inferior to the
α = 1.6 and poorly for α = 1.0. In Fig. 6(a), it is evident COBU-MUSIC regarding the probability of resolution.
that the change in α has a slight impact on the probability of Fig. 7(b) shows the resulting RMSE of the estimated DOA
resolution of the proposed algorithm. In α ∈ [1.0, 1.6], the as a function of the number of snapshots N . The CRB is also
probability of resolution is close to or equal to 1. In Fig. 6(b), plotted. As expected, when N increases from 100 to 1000,
the COBU-MUSIC based on the SαS noise assumption has the RMSE decreases. The reason is that when the number
the lowest RMSE and is very close to the CRB; in other of snapshots is small, the difference between the estimated
words, the performance of the COBU-MUSIC is closer to value and the true value is large. It is noted that the proposed
optimal than the other algorithms. The results indicate that it algorithm can obtain the best accurate DOA estimation.
is beneficial to apply the COBU-MUSIC instead of the other
algorithms if quite impulsive noise is involved. G. THE EFFECT OF THE ANGULAR SEPARATION
The importance of this experiment rests in its study of the
F. THE EFFECT OF THE NUMBER OF SNAPSHOTS performance of the proposed algorithm and other contrast
In this experiment, we study the influence of the number algorithms concerning the angular separation of the two
of snapshots N on the performance of these algorithms. incoming signals. In this experiment, a fairly strong impulsive

VOLUME 6, 2018 67019

Q. Tian et al.: Simplified DOA Estimation Method Based on Correntropy in the Presence of Impulsive Noise

FIGURE 7. Performance of different methods versus the number of FIGURE 8. Performance of different methods versus the angular
snapshots N: (a) Probability of resolution; (b) Root mean square error. separation: (a) Probability of resolution; (b) Root mean square error.

noise with α = 1.2 is applied, and the GSNR is kept at 5 dB.

The number of snapshots N available to these algorithms the Gaussian mixture model (GMM). In addition, we utilize
is 300. the SNR to evaluate the rate of the signal power over noise
Fig. 8 contains the simulation results. As we can see, power. The SNR can be expressed as
by comparing with the other algorithms, the COBU-MUSIC
exhibits robustness to the angular separation; that is, for a SNR = 10 log (41)
given angular separation in Fig. 8(b), the COBU-MUSIC σn2
always obtains a much lower angular separation threshold
where σs2 and σn2 are the variances of the signal and noise,
than the other contrast algorithms. For a given probability
of resolution in Fig. 8(a), the COBU-MUSIC still obtains a
much smaller angular separation threshold than the others.
1) GGD
We can also clearly observe that for the angular separation in
[2◦ , 10◦ ], the probability of resolution of the COBU-MUSIC The pdf of a zero-mean GGD is given by
is higher than 0.58; however, when the angular separation ς Γ (4/ς ) |υ|ς
equals 2◦ or 3◦ , the other algorithms are not able to separate pg (υ) = exp − ς (42)
2π συ2 Γ 2 (2/ς) ησυ
the two incident sources.
where συ2 is the variance, ς > 0 is the shape parameter,
R∞ Γ (·) is
H. OTHER IMPULSIVE NOISE MODEL the usual Gamma function defined by Γ (x) = 0 t x−1 e−t dt
In this section, we consider other two typical impulsive noise and η = (Γ (2/ς)/Γ (4/ς))ς/2 . The case of ς < 2 models a
models, i.e., the generalized Gaussian distribution (GGD) and heavy-tailed distribution. Specifically, ς = 1 corresponds to

67020 VOLUME 6, 2018

Q. Tian et al.: Simplified DOA Estimation Method Based on Correntropy in the Presence of Impulsive Noise

FIGURE 9. Performance as a function of the SNR in GGD: (a) Probability

FIGURE 10. Performance as a function of the SNR in GMM: (a) Probability
of resolution; (b) Root mean square error.
of resolution; (b) Root mean square error.

the Laplacian distribution, and when ς = 2, the GGD reduces and a large probability %2 . Thus, the GMM can well model
to the Gaussian distribution [47]–[50]. the phenomenon in both impulsive noise and Gaussian noise
Note that the smaller the value of ς is, the more impulsive environments.
the noise. We take ς = 0.3 to simulate the impulsive noise. In this simulation, we set %1 = 0.1, %2 = 0.9 and
σ12 = 100σ22 , which satisfies that 10% of the impulsive
2) GMM noises are contained in the noises and 20 dB stronger than
The pdf of the two-term GMM [51], [52] noise υ can be the Gaussian background noises [51], [52].
expressed as In Fig. 9 and Fig. 10, we consider GGD and GMM
! as impulsive noises and compare the performance of
X %i υ2 COBU-MUSIC with the different algorithms versus SNRs
pm (υ) = √ exp − 2 (43)
2π σ i 2σi
over a wide range from −5 dB to 10 dB. In Fig. 9(a), when
SNR = −5 dB, the probability of resolution of the proposed
where σi2 is the variance of the ith term and 0 ≤ %i ≤ 1 is algorithm is 0.62, whereas the possibility of resolution of the
with %1 + %2 = 1. The total
the probability of the ith term P other algorithms does not exceed 0.2. When SNR > 6 dB,
variance of the GMM is σ 2 = 2i=1 %i σi2 . all algorithms can completely separate the incident signals.
If we choose %1 < %2 and σ12  σ22 , we can view Fig. 9(b) illustrates that as the SNR increases from −5 dB
that large noise samples of variance σ12 with a small prob- to 10 dB, the RMSEs of all algorithms show a tendency to
ability %1 as sparse impulsive noises embed in Gaussian decay; however, among the algorithms assessed, the proposed
background noises with small noise samples of variance σ22 algorithm has the lowest RMSE.

VOLUME 6, 2018 67021

Q. Tian et al.: Simplified DOA Estimation Method Based on Correntropy in the Presence of Impulsive Noise

Fig. 10 shows the performance analysis of the compari- distribution, then V T can be written in the form of integral
son algorithms in the presence of GMM impulsive noise.  

It is worth nothing that when the SNR increases gradually, V T = E z exp − 2

the proposed and several related algorithms have an approxi- Z +∞ |z|
mate trend with GGD impulsive noise. Moreover, the COBU- −
= e 2σ 2 z2 f (z) dz (45)
MUSIC still has the best performance. However, when fixing −∞
the SNR, the suppression of GMM impulsive noise of the where f (z) is the pdf of the random variable z.
proposed algorithm is better than that of GGD impulsive The characteristic function of SαS can also be expressed as
ϕ (ω) = exp jµω − γ |ω|α

Overall, these results indicate that the proposed algorithm (46)
can achieve better performance and higher robustness than Without loss of generality, we assume that all SαS distribu-
others under the three typical impulsive noise (SαS, GGD and tions are centered at the origin so that µ = 0. In this case,
GMM) conditions. an SαS distribution is only determined by the parameters
0 < α ≤ 2 and γ > 0, through its characteristic function
ϕ (ω) = exp −γ |ω|α

We present a novel approach to the DOA estimation problem (47)
for array signal processing in the impulsive noise that is Substituting (47) into (45), we acquire
i.i.d. in time and space and modeled with complex isotropic Z +∞ Z +∞
1 − |z| α
SαS, GGD and GMM, respectively. An estimation matrix VT = e 2σ 2 z2 e−γ |ω| −jωz dωdz
is constructed based on the correntropy and Toeplitz trans- 2π −∞ −∞
Z +∞ Z +∞ 
formation. To improve computational efficiency, we employ 1 − |z| α
≤ e 2σ 2 z2 dz e−γ |ω| dω (48)
the unitary transformation and define a new approximate 2π −∞ −∞
estimation matrix, which is used to build the COBU-MUSIC R +∞ −z2σ 2 2 R +∞  2
algorithm. Denoting g1 = 0 e z dz = 12 −∞ e−|z| 2σ z2 dz
The comprehensive simulations are carried out to evalu- and u = 2σz 2 for short, we find that
ate the performance of different MUSIC-like algorithms and Z∞
analyze the effect of parameter changes on the estimation g1 = 8σ 6
e−u u2 du
results. The results indicate that the COBU-MUSIC outper-
forms other algorithms and its RMSE is closer to the CRB h  i ∞
= 8σ −e−u u2 + 2u + 2
than the RMSEs of other algorithms over wide ranges of
operating conditions and the impulsive noise environments. 6

−u 2

Nevertheless, the COBU-MUSIC is also particularly power- = 8σ 2 − lim e u − 2 lim e−u u
u→∞ u→∞
ful for direction finding in the presence of highly impulsive = 16σ 6
noise when reducing computational cost is a crucial design
requirement. Furthermore, future research includes that we then, we only need to consider the integral as follows
will extend our present work to the fields of time delay Z+∞ Z+∞ |z| Z+∞
estimation and detection of the number of signal sources. − 2 2 −γ |ω|α α
e 2σ z dze dω = 32σ 6
e−γ |ω| dω (50)
−∞ −∞ −∞
α α
By defining g2 = 0 e−γ ω dω = 21 −∞ e−γ |ω| dω,
R +∞ R +∞
The translation invariance Gaussian kernel is commonly used through some derivation, we can obtain a simplified form
to construct the correntropy. However, similar to the Parzen as (51) that appears at the top of the next page, where WM
estimation of the pdf, other symmetric kernels can be applied. is the Whittaker M function that can be expressed as
According to theoretical analysis and numerical experiments  (n)
of our previous research, we have found that the performance ∞ 1
2 + ν − µ zn
− 2z 12 +ν
of the exponential kernel is better than that of the Gaus- WM (µ, ν, z) = e z (52)
(1 + 2ν)(n) n!
sian kernel. Therefore, the proof is based on the exponential
kernel. and keep in mind that
Proof: Based on the definitions as mentioned above of both
a(0) = 1
X and Y , the COB operator can be rewritten as:
   a(n) = a(a + 1) · · · (a + n − 2)(a + n − 1) (53)
|X − Y |
V T = E (X − Y )2 exp − (44) To simplify the derivation of the expression given
2σ 2 in (51), we define two partial derivative
1 ! 1  
! functions d1 =
γ−α Γ 1
γ−α Γ 1
According to the discussion in Section III-A, we construct ∂ α ∂ α
∂α α and d2 = ∂γ α .
a new random variable z = X − Y , which obeys the SαS

67022 VOLUME 6, 2018

Q. Tian et al.: Simplified DOA Estimation Method Based on Correntropy in the Presence of Impulsive Noise

γ ωα

α+1 α+1
αω−α+1 γ −1 (αγ ωα + α + 1) (γ ωα )− 2α e− 2 WM 1
α − 2α , 2α + 12 , γ ωα
e−γ ω dω = 

(α + 1) (2α + 1)
γ ωα
   ∞  
+ 1, α+1
ω−α+1 γ −1 (α + 1) (γ ωα )− 2α e− 2 WM 1
α − 2α 2α + 2 , γ ω
1 α γ − α Γ α1
+  = (51)

2α + 1 α


Therefore where θ ∈ 2. If the observations on X are i.i.d.with density

− α1
  function f (xi ; θ ) for each observation.
∂  γ Γ 1
α • The parameter space 2 is compact.
d1 = 
∂α α • The unknown parameter value θc is identified by

θc = arg max E[log f (Xi ; θ )]

∂ 1
∂α γ Γ α1 α − γ − α Γ α1
θ ∈2
α2 • The likelihood function can be expressed as
 1    γ−α1 Ψ 1 Γ 1
"    #
∂ α α −α1 n
∂α γ −α
Γ 1
α − α
α−γ Γ 1
logf (xi ; θ )
L(θ ) = (59)
α2 i=1
ln(γ ) 1 1 1
wihch is continuous in θ . In (58), the expression
"   #
e− α ln(γ )Γ 1
α γ Ψ α Γ α
− α2
α−γ −α Γ 1
α E[log f (X ; θ )] exists.
= • L(θ ) is twice continuously differentiable in a neigh-
   α2    borhood of θc . The information matrix I(θc ) =
γ −α α + Ψ 1
α − ln(γ ) Γ α1 E[−∂ 2 log f (X ; θc )/∂θ ∂θ 0 ] exists and is nonsingular.
=− (54)
C. THE PDF OF sαs distribution
and Consider the complex-valued SαS distributed noise compo-
nents ω (t) = ω̄ (t) + jω̃ (t) are i.i.d. in time and space with
 1
  1
∂  γ −α Γ 1
α γ −α Γ 1
d2 = =− (55) √ defined in (33); by using the polar coordinate ρ = |ω| =
∂γ α γ α2 ω̄2 + ω̃2 , we can further express this pdf as fpd (ω̄, ω̃) =
χ (ρ). When α 6 = 1 or α 6 = 2, no closed-form expressions
where Ψ (·) is the digamma function defined by Ψ (x) = exist for the pdf; fortunately, we can express χ (ρ) as a power

∂x Γ (x) /Γ (x). Under the definition of the SαS distribu- series expression form in (60), which appears at the top of the
tion, we know γ > 0 and 0 < α ≤ 2. Then, d1 < 0 and next page, where
d2 < 0. We can also obtain the following expression
Z∞ ϑ(k) = Γ +1 (61)
α 2
lim e−γ ω dω = +∞ (56)
α→0 and
γ →0 0  
2k + 2
from this, it is straightforward to see that ψ(k) = Γ (62)
α Furthermore, the SαS distribution has two important prop-
g2 = e−γ ω dω < +∞ (57) erties that play a crucial role in the modeling of uncertainty.
0 • Stability property: Assuming that the random variables
which means that the COB operator V T is bounded. This is X1 , X2 are i.i.d. with the same distribution as X , for
the end of the proof.  arbitrary constants c1 , c2 , there are constants a, b such
c1 X1 + c2 X2 := aX + b (63)
The following are the regularity conditions that are gener-
ally needed in statistics and developed to support the Fisher means that c1 X1 + c2 X2 and aX + b obey the same
maximum-likelihood algorithms. distribution as X1 or X2 , then the random variable X
Consider a parametric model in which the joint distribu- has a stable distribution. A general statement can be
tion of X = {x1 , x2 , · · · , xn } has a density function fX (X ; θ), deduced by using the characteristic function in (1): if

VOLUME 6, 2018 67023

Q. Tian et al.: Simplified DOA Estimation Method Based on Correntropy in the Presence of Impulsive Noise

 −αk−2
(−1)k−1 2 π αk ρ
1 X
ϑ (k) sin 0<α<1

 2
π 2 γ 2/α γ 1/α

k! 2

 k=1


 3/2
2π ρ 2 + γ 2

χ(ρ) = ∞ 2k (60)
(−1)k ρ

 1 X
ψ(k) 1/α 1<α<2

απ γ 2/α 22k+1 (k!)2 γ

 k=0
 1 e−ρ 2 /4γ


4π γ

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