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There is another Waste-To-Energy Plant where all types of

municipal solid waste can be used to generate energy and electricity.
The waste garbage can be biodegradable, non-biodegradable, glass
or metals. All these are burnt in this plant and the heat is used to
make steam. This steam through turbines produces electricity that
can be used commercially.
Producing electricity is only one reason to burn municipal
solid waste. Burning waste also reduces the disposable volume by
And very importantly, we can get plastic composite as a bi-
product from this process which can be used to construct roads, etc.
For instance, if a road being made in the locality be of 10 ft. deep
then this plastic can be used to fill about 3 ft. especially around the
potholes. This system can be widely used for the benefit of the
common people of the locality which will result in a reduction of fatal

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