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D.12 Circle1 3. gt? wre ¢ then the equation x° + y? + 2gx + will represent [MPPET-03] (a) Acircle of radius g (b) Acitele of radius f (©) Acircle of diameter @) Acirele of radius 0 The equation of the circle in the first quadrant touching each coordinate axis at a distance of ‘one unit from the origin is (RPET-91] 0 0 (@) 8 +y°—2x-Iy+ (b) x° +? — 2x —2y— © ¥+y—2x-2y=0 (@) None of these Radius of circle is (x — 5) &@-1) +(-7) (4) =0is (a) 3 (b) 4 © 52 @ 72 The equation of the circle whose diameters have the end points (a, 0), (0, 6) is given by [PET-93] (@) e+) ax—by=0 (b) x+y? + ax—by=0 (© ¥+y¥—art by=0 @¥+y¥ tart by=0 ax? + 2y? + Ibxy + 2x—y + ¢ = 0 represents a cirele through the origin, if [PET-84] @ a © .b @ 1b Equation of a circle whose centre is origin and radius is equal to the distance between the lines x = | and x = —1 is 1b .b [PET-84] @¥ty¥=1 10. u. 12. 13. 14. A circle has its equation in the form x°+ y* + 2x + dy +1 = 0. Choose the correct coor- dinates of its centre and the right value of its radius from the following [PET-82] (a) Centre (-1,-2), radius = 2 (b) Centre (2, 1), radius =1 (c) Centre (1, 2), radius = 3 @ Centre (-1, 2), radius =2 The area of the curve x* + y? = 2ax is (a) na* (b) 2na? (©) 4na @ ; na Which of the following line is a diameter of the circle x? + y*— 6x —8y-9=0 (@) 3x~4y (b) 4x—3y (© xtys7 @x-y=1 The equation of circle passing through the points of intersection of circles x°+ y*— 6x +8 =O and x°+ y* = 6 and point (1, 1) is @ x+y? 6et (b) +2 3x4 © ¥+y—4yt+2=0 (@) None of these The radius of the circle passing through the point (6, 2) and two of whose diameters are x + y=6 and x+2y=4is [Karnataka CET-04] @4 6 © 2 @ 20 Let, P(x, y,) and OC, y,) are two points such that their abscissa x,and x, are the roots of the equation x? + 2v — 3 = 0 while the ordinates ‘y, and y, are the roots of the equation y* + 4y — 12 = 0. The centre of the circle with PQ as diameter is [Orissa JEE-2005] (b) (1, 2) @) Cl, 2) @ C12) © (1-2) Circle 1 D.13 WORKSHEET: TO CHECK THE PREPARATION LEVEL Important Instructions 1. The answer sheet is immediately below the worksheet 2. The test is of 15 minutes 3. The worksheet consists of 15 questions. The maximum marks are 45. 4. Use Blue/Black Ball point pen only for writing particulars/marking responses. Use of pencil is strictly prohibited 1. The coordinates of the centre and the radius of the circle x + y? + 4x ~ 6y ~ 36 = 0 are, respectively, given by INDA-2001] () (4,-6) and 7 @ (2,3)and7 2. If rr, and r, are the radii of the circles t+ y? + 6x —4y = 3 and , respectively, then INDA-2002] (b) r>r,>r, @ren>r (@) (4,6) and 6 © (,-3)and 6 @ rpr>r, © rern>r, 3. Centre of the circle (x — 3)" + (y— 4)" = 5 is [MPPET-88] @ G,4) ©) C3,-4) © 4.3) @ C43) 4. Radius of the circle x° + y? + 2x cos 6 + 2y sin 0-8 = 0, is IMNR-74] @1 ®3 © 23 @ vio 5. The radius of the circle x? + y? + 4x + 6y +13 =0is [Karnataka CET-05] @ 26 & VB © 23 @o 6. From three non-collinear points we can draw (@) Only one circle _(b) Three circle (©) infinite circles (@) No circle 7. The equation of the circle which touches both the axes and whose radius is a, is [PET-1984] (@ +)?—2ax—2ay+a*=0 (b) E+" + ax + ay—a?=0 10. ul. 12. 13. 14. (@) x2 +y° + ax + 2ay—a' @ 8 +¥-ax—ayta?=0 The equation ax? + by? + 2hxy + 2gx + 2fp +e = 0 will represent a circle, if [MNR-79; PET-88, 97] Oand c=0 and h=0 #0 and @ f= gande=0 The equation x*+ y*= 0 denotes [PET-84] @) Apoint (b) Acircle (©) x-axis (@) y-axis ‘The equation of the cirele in the first quadrant which touches each axis at a distance 5 from the origin is (a) 2+)? + Sx +5y+25=0 (b) 8 +¥*— 10x — 10y +25 =0 (c) 8 +2 Sxe—Sy+25=0 @ ¥+¥-129+27=0 ‘The equation of the circle of radius 3 that lies, in the fourth quadrant and touching the lines x=Oandy=0is [EAMCET-2007] (a) 8 +2 6x + 6y+9=0 (b) P+ 6r—6y + 9=0 (©) 8 4+2 + 6x—6y+9=0 @ e+ y+ 6x+6y+9=0 Equation of a circle passing through origin is 6x + 2y = 0. What is the equation of one of its diameters? INDA-2008] (@ x+3y=0 (b) x+y= ©x=y @ 3x+y=0 If the coordinates of one end of the diameter of the circle x? + y? — &x — dy +e = 0 are G3, 2), then the coordiantes of other end are [Roorkee-95] (@) G, 3) (b) (2) (©) (,-8) @) (11, 2) If area of the circle 4x*+ 4y*— 8x + 16) +k=0 is On, then k is equal to @) -16 © +16 ) 16 @4 D.14 Circle1 15. If x-axis is tangent to the circle x? +y° + 2ge (a) =k ) =f + 2fy += 0, then which one of the follow- k Of=e ing is correct ? INDA-2009] ANSWER SHEET 1@0©@ @QO®@ 1 @OO@ 2@0O@ ®O®@O 2.@@®O@O 3@®0O@ ®O®O 13. ®@@OO 4@OOO ®O®@ 4.®@O@O@O 5@OO®O ®O®@ 5.®O®O@ HINTS AND EXPLANATIONS 4. (b) radius =,/cos’@+sin’@-(-8) =3 7. (a) If circle touches both axis (Let it be in Ist quadrant) N Centre (a, a) radius = a equation is (x - a)? + (y-a)* x+y? Jax - ay + a In all quadrant equation can be x + y? = 2ax * Jay +a*=0 10. (b) Here centre is (7, r) Where radius =r Distance of point of contact with axis from origin = 5 = radius =5 Equation is (x — 5)? + (y- 5) = 3? xP+y2— 10x - 10y +25 12. (a) Centre of circle is Diameter always passes through centre (3, -1) Satisfy each option to get (a) 13, (a) Centre (4, 2) Let other end be (a, f) 14. (a) Area = 9n mw =n r=3 Equation of circle is yx? + 4y*- 8x + 16y +k =0 or Meynaredye tao Vet fi-c=3 > f-yrve—Kas 15. (a) Since, x-axis is a tangent to the given circle. It means circle touches the x-axis. LECTURE BASIC concepts 1. Position of a Point with Respect to Circle (i) Position of Point A(x,,y,) with respect to the circle x? + y*= a* is (i) out side ifx2+y2—a?>0 (ii) on the circle ifx? +y,2-a*=0 (iii) inside the circle ifx2+y2-a? <0 Gi) Position of Point A(w,, y,) with respect to the circle x° + y? + 2gx + 2fp + c= 0 is Gi) outside the circle if x? +y? + 2ge, + Bte>0 ii) onthe circle ifx,2+y,2+ 2ex, + 2f), + c=0 (iii) inside the cirele if x2 + y,2 + 2gx, + 2fyre<0 NOTE In equation of circle which passes through origin, ce =0i.e., constant term is zero. 2. The Least and Greatest Distance of a Point from a Circle Ky VIP. A iB The diameter through point P(x,, y,) cuts the circle at point 4 and B, then the point P from the circle is at the (i) Least distance = PA = PC- CA (ii) greatest distance = PB = PC + CB Circle 2 (Relative position of point with respect to circle, parametric form of equation of circle, relative position of line and circle) 3. Parametric Equation of a Circle The number of variables is reduced by the parameteric equations and both co-ordiantes of point are expressed in terms of one variable only. @ For the circle x? + y* = a’, parametric ‘equation are x=a cos 8,y=a sin 8, Hence for all values of 8, the point 0 (a 60s 0, asin 6) lies on the circle x? + y? (ii) For the circle (x - h)? + (y — b)? = a? parametric equations are x = h + a cos 0; y=ktasind Hence for all values of 0, the point 0 (h + a cos 0, k +a sin 0) is on the circle (hy +0 -KF (iii) For the general equation of circle x? + y*+ 2gx + 2fp + ¢ = 0, Parametric equations are x=-gt Jg?+f?-c cos 0; y=ft Vg'+f'-e sind, 4, Circle Passing Through Three Given Points The equation of circle passing through three points A(x,,.¥,), Bory y,) and C(x, y,) is, vty ox y | tor x yd ty XT sty yy | =0 D.16 Circle2 NOTES 1. The circle passing through three points can be obtained by Inverse test or negative test or verification method or substitution method. 2. Through three non-collinear points one and only ‘one circle can be made to pass. 3. Condition that given four points be concylic The given four points P, Q, R and S are satid to be coneylic if the fourth point also lies on the circle passing through any three points of the given four points 5. Position of the Coordinate Axes with Respect, to General Circle ie x+y? + 2gr + 2fpto=0 (i) If Circle x? + y? + 2ge + 2fy + ¢ = 0 inter- sects x-axis in two real points if g?> c and length of x-intercepts =2\g?-¢ Gi) Circle x? +? + 2gx + 2f + = 0, touches x-axis if g=¢ (iii) The circle, intersects x-axis in two imagi- nary points ie., circle and x-axis are sepa- rate if g? cand the length of its y-intercept is =2\f'-c (b) Circle x? + y? + 2gx + 2fp += 0 touches y-axis if f? = e. (© Circle x? +)? + 2gx + 2fy += 0 and _y-axis will be separate ie., intersect in imaginary point if f? _{ Perpendicular distance’ (radius)? -| °°" from centre to the chord NOTES 1. If the line y = mx +c is a chord of circle x* + y* = a® then the coordinates of mid-point of chord = es 2. The co-ordinates of mid-point of the chord of the circle x? + y= a? be (h, k) then the equation of chord is hx + k p+ ke 62 The line y= mx +c isa tangent to circle x* + y= a (‘e,, the length of perpendicular from the centre to the line is equal to its radius) then c=+ta Vi+m? and the co-ordinate of point of contaet is ( —"_¢ — +m? 1+m* NOTE For all values of m the straight line y 1+m? isa tangent of the circle x + mx £4 6.3 The line y= mx +c intersects the circle in two imaginary points ie., both are separate if c > aX(1 +m?) NOTE A line will intersect, touch or neither intersect nor touch the circle according as the length of perpen- dicular from centre to the line is less than, equal to, or more than the radius. 7. Equation of Tangent (@ Equation of the tangent to the circle x? + yea? at (x,,y,) isax, ty, =a? (Gi) The parametric equation of the tangent to the circle x? + y* =a? at a point (a cos 0,a sin 0) is x cos 0+ y sin 0= a, (ii) Area of the triangle enclosed by the tangent to the circle x? + y*=a" at point 0 (a cos 0, a’ sin26 (iv) If the line lx + my +n = 0 is a tangent to the circle x? + y= a? then condition is n* = ai(F +m?) and co-ordinates of point of a sin 6) and coordinate axes is = 2g a contact is | -/—,-m— noon (v) Equation of tangent at point P(x,,y,) to the circle x? +? + 2ex + 2f + e=Ois xx ty te EtR)t Sty) te=0 NOTES 1. The equation of tangent at point (0, 0) to the circle x? +)? + 2gr + 2fp + c= Ois gx + fy=0 2. ‘The equation of tangent of slope m to the eirele + ys atisy = meta Vitm and the coordinate of the point of contact are Circle2 D.17 (__am a am a or), \ Vi4m? i+ } (; 14m? Fe) 3. The length of the perpendicular from centre of the cirele to the tangent is equal to the radius of circle 7.1 The number of tangents drawn from any point to the circle is (a) zer0 if the point is inside the circle (b) one if the point is on the circle (© Two if the point is outside the circle 1. Find the equation of circle of lowest size which passes through the point (-4, 2) and whose centre lies on the line 3x + 2y = 5 [MP-1997] Solution The length of perpendicular from the point (4, 2) to the line 3x + 2y = 5 must be equal to radius of circle of lowest size. =3(-4) = 22) +5 Radius of circle = ord Given line is 3x + 2y=5 a Equation of any line perpendicular to line (1) is 2e-3y +A=0 It passes through (-4, 2) * 2(-4)-32)+2=0 Equation of perpendicular line is, 2x-3y + 14=0 Q Solving equations (1) and (2), we get x = -1 and y=4, Hence, centre of circle is (-1, 4) ‘Therefore, required equation is (t+ 0-48 = (V3 P > tet] +y¥+16-8y=13 > xttytt2x—8y+4=0 2. Find the co-ordinates of the points of intersec- tion of the line Sx — y + 2 = 0 and the circle xo + — 13x — dy — 9 = 0 and also find the length of the intercepted chord. Solution Equation of line is Sx-y +2=0 ay Equation of circle is x° + y*- 13x- 4y-9 = 0 @ Putting the value of y in equation (2) from equation (1), we get x? + (Sx+ = 26x? 13x-1 = Ixt-x-1 = @-D@r+)=0 I3x-4(5x + 2)-9=0 0 =lorx=-= x=lore=-5 When x = 1,y=5(1)+2=7 When x 1 L =5/-+]+2=-~ [a}es Coordinates of points of intersection are 1 dant [-}. } D.18 Circle2 Length of intercepted chord 7 > 144) +[ 74 2 2 eect eel 44° V4 V2 3. Ifthe circle x? +y*= a? cuts off an intercept of length 26 from the line y = mx + ¢ then prove that c= (1 + m?) (a? B°) Solution Here, centre and radius of the circle x? + y= are (0, 0) and OP = a respectively. Draw perpendicular OM on chord PQ, then by geometry PM = QM and PO = 2PM Now, length of the perpendicular OM on the line yame+e (ie, PQ) Chord PQ = 2PM = 2 JoP?-OM? z =2 Ja?-— lem According to question, PQ = 2b 2 = 2,/a*-—_, 1+ mt a Proved. 4. Ifa line passes through (- /8 , J )and makes an angle 135° with X-axis. It meets the circle x= 5 cos 0, y=5 sin @ at the points 4 and B, then find the length of 4B. Solution Parametric equation of the circle be x= 5 cos 0, y=5sin@ Its Cartesian equation be w+ ya25 wos), ‘Equation of the line passing through (- /8 , 8 ) and making an angle 135° with X-axis be (— vB)=tan 135° («+ VB) => y- vB =-+x+ WB) (2) > — ae From equation (2). ‘Therefore, intersection of line and circle be ied wt (Se) Length of the chord 5. Find the parametric representation of the circle 3x? + 3y? + 4x - 6y—4=0 Solution The given equation is 3x? +3? + 4x-6y-4=0 = etye+ Seay wegen 2,4 2 3 Sagetyt dys = eatee(2) ey -ayee which is of the form (x — h)? +(y— k= where, h= ~2 kates Parametric equations of the given circle are x = 24 3c0s0, y=1+5sind, 0 < 3.3 3 8<2n, & +reos0,y=k+r sin 0) 6. Find the cartesian equation of the curve whose parametric equations are 2at Given equations are x= "5 a a(l-1") rr @) > putr= tan Oto get x =a sin 20, y=a cos 20 Squaring and adding these equations, we get xo +)? = a (sin? 20 + cos? 20) y = xtyed' 7. Find the equation of the circle passing through (0, 0) and making intercepts a and b on the coordinate axes. INCERT] Circle2 D.19 Solution ‘As the cirele passes through the origin and makes intercepts a and 6 on x-axis and y-axis, respectively, therefore, the points A(a, 0) and BQ, b) also lie on the circle in reference As Z AOB = 90, therefore, [AB] is a di- ameter of the circle. Using diameter form, the equation of the circle is (x —a) (x0) + (0) (y-6)=0| Diameter form or x?+)*-ax-by=0 8. Find the co-ordinates of the points of intersee- tion of the line 2v + y — 1 = 0 and the circle x°4+ y? + Gx — dy +8 = 0 and show that given line is a tangent to the circle. Solution Equation of line is 2x + y - = y=l-2e a) Equation of circle is x? +? + 6x - 4y +8 = 0 Q) Putting the value of y in equation (2) from ‘equation (1), we get x? + (1 — 2x)? + 6x -4(1 = 2x) +8 P+ 1—dyt dx? + 6x —4 + Bet 5x7 + 10x +5 =0 tet] (@&+tlF=0 (+1). @+I)=0 x=-1,-1 ya1-2C1)=142=3 Points of intersection are (-1, 3) and a, 3) Hence points of intersection are coincident i.e,, one point. Therefore by definition of tan- geney, given line 2x + y— 1 = 0 is tangent to the circle x? +? + 6x —4y +8=0. > = > = = Proved. D.20 Circle2 9. Find the value of p if the line x cos a + y sin a= p touches the circle x° + y*— 12x = 0. Solution Given circle is, x? +)? - 12: Here, 2¢ = -12, 2f= O and c=0 = g=-6,f=0 and Centre of the cirele = (-g, ~/)= (6, 0) and Radius of the circle= Jg*+f?—e = \36+0-0=6 Since the line x cos a + y sin a = p touches the circle, therefore length of the perpendicular drawn from centre (6, 0) on this line is equal to radius 6. 6cosa+0-p _ 6cosa—p p=6cosa+6 = 6 (cos a1), 6 (cos a+ 1) p=6(cosatl), (

p= ldeos > wuud 10, Point (3, -1) is centre of a circle. This circle cuts off a chord of length 6 units on the line 2x + Sy + 18 = 0, Find the equation of the circle. Solution Given, centre of the circle is (3, -1) and equation of the chord AB is 2x + Sy + 18 = 0 a Draw a perpendicular CM on the line AB, then MA = L4B=1x6=3 22 Now, CM = Length of the perpendicular drawn from C(3, -1) on the line (1). _2x3+5x(I) +18 _ 6-518 19 4425, a9 a9 Radius of the circle. CA = VCM? + MA Bes 361+ 261 29 1622 "29° Equation of the circle is (x- 3)°+ (y+ 1)? = 2 29 > 29x26 +9 +y2 + 2y #1) = 622 29x? + 29) — 1 74x + 58y + 290-62: > 29x2 + 29)*—174x + S8y—332= v 11. Find the tangents to the circle x7 + y* = a? which make the triangle with axes of area a, Solution Any tangent to the circle x? + y?= a? be yemxetavi+m ay ‘This line cuts the X-axis at A. when y= 0 O=mx+avi+m* ye palitm m Again, tangent (1) cuts the Faxis at B, where x= 0 J y=tavi+m >= OB=tavi+m Area of the triangle formed by axes and tangent OA.OB oS odin) a(l+m" 2m According to question, + 12. If the line 3x + 4y — > (1=myP > m=+1 Putting this value of m in equation (1), y=txtavitl = y=txtay2 Which are the equation of tangents. = 0 touches the circle @- IP + @- B= ofr. , then find the value Circle2 D.21 Solution Given line is 3x + 4y-1=0 Given circle is (x— 1° + 2)" Its centre is (1, 2) and radius is 2 If line (1) touches the circle (2), then length of the perpendicular drawn from centre (1, 2) to the line (1) is equal to radius r. wo @ te, pa BeNAX2=1 348-110 , V9+16 25 TO GRASP THE TOPIC; SOLVE THESE PROBLEMS J @ EXERCISE1 1 If the equations of the two diameters of a circle are x — y = 5 and 2x + y = 4 and the radius of the circle is 5, find the equation of the circle. Ify = 2x isa chord of the circle x? + y*— 10x = 0, find the equaion of a circle with this chord as diameter. Find the lengths of the intercepts of the circle x? + y? — Sx — 13y— 14 = 0 on the axes of co-ordinates Find the co-ordinates of the points of intersec- tion of the line 2v + y — 1 = 0 and the circle x+y? + 6x— 4y + 8 = 0 and show that given line is a tangent to the circle. Find the value of k so that striaght line 4x + 3y +k=0 bea tangent to the circle x? +y° = 4. Find the equation of the tangent to the circle xo+y?=2at (1, DD Find the equation of the tangents to the circle x! + y?— 12x + 4y— 16 = 0 which are perpen- dicular to the line 4x — 3y + 8 = 0. Find the equation of the circle which passes through the points (1,— 2) and (4, ~3) and has its centre on the line 3x + 4y = 7 . Find the equation of the circle that passes through the point (1, 0), (-1 , 0) and (0, 1). . Show that the points (9, 1), (7, 9) (-2, 12) and (6, 10) are coneyelic. . To find the position of the points @) C42, Gi) origin, with respect to the circle 2x? + 2) + 16x—8y—41 =0 |. Find the equation of the circle whose centre is on the line y — x + 1 = 0 and passing through the point (7, 3) and its radius is 3, . Find the equations of the tangent to the circle x? + y2 = 25 at points whose abscissa is 4. . The equation of the tangents at point (a, f) to the circle x? +? = cuts the axes at points A and B. Show that the area of triangle OAB is 1+ where 0 is origin. 208 . Show that the line y=x+ay2 touches the circles x? + y*= ) Pat the point -E% D.22 Circle2 8. Find the equation of tangents to the circle x + y? = 25, which make an angle 30° with the axis of X. EXERCISE 1 7. 3x+4y-SV68 -10=0 9. Find out the equation of tangents to the circle x? +y?=4 which are parallel to the straight line x + 2y +3=0. ~ ANSWERS 4.2 + yt Lae — Lay +76 Le ty Get dy—12=0 gst ey’) —ode + 18y + gray = 25 2. 8+ y—2e—dy=0 55=0 3.15 8 By=xt10 EXERCISE 2 I. (1 -1, 3 y = ‘ Chee ) Lxetyel 9, x+2yt2V5=0 aie 3. (i) and (ii) point inside the 6 xty=2. circle. SOLVED OBJECTIVE PROBLEMS: HELPING HAND 1. Let AB be a chord of the circle x7 + y* = subtending a right angle at the center, Then the locus of the centroid of the A PAB as P moves on the circle. ([NF-2001] (@) Aparabola (b) Acircle (©) Anellipse (@ A pair of straight lines Solution (b) Let the centroid = («,B) Then rtreos0 9g _rtrsind 30 3 which isa circle. BO, 1) P(r cos® ..r sind) Ar, 0) 2. If the tangent at the point P on the circle x? + y+ 6x + 6y = 2 meets the straight line Sx —2y + 6 = 0 ata point Q on the y-axis, then the length of PO is [uT-2002] @4 (b) 2v5 ©5 @) 3V5 Solution (c) LetP .y,). The tangent at P is xx, + yy, + 30 + x) + 30 + y) -2=0 a) Coordinates of Q satisfy (i), 5x - 2» + 6 = 0, x=0. So, 3x, + 6y, +7=0 and Q = (0, 3) “PQ aap +(y-3) HOH +9 1-6x,-12y,, + yj + 6x, +6y,-2=0) = 11-2 Gx, + 6y,)= 11-2 (-7)=25 So, PO=5. 3. Under which one of the following conditions does the circle x? + y? + 2gx + 2f + c= 0 meet the x-axis in two points on opposite sides of the origin? INDA-2007] (@ c>0 (b) e<0 © c=0 @ cso Solution (b) The circle x? +)? + 2gr + 2fp + c= O meets x-axis (y = 0) in two points on opposite sides of origin. Ifmean x? + 2gr + ¢=0 sox at vie'~fe = x=-g# g*-c Circle meets the x-axis in two points on op- posite side of origin Hence, -g+ /g?-c >0 ~8-ygi-c <0 = g?-¢ >gsg-c>g? = -c>0.c<0 4. If points (0, 0); (1, 0); (0, 2) and (0, a) are coneyelie, then a is equal to [PET (Raj)-97] (@) 01 (b) 0,2 ©-1,2 @ None of these Solution (b) Obviously (0, 0); (1, 0) and (0, 2) are ver tices of a right angled triangle, so equation of the circle passing through these points is (Det y-2)=0 = Styt-x-2y=0 Since this also passes through (0, a), so a?-2a=0 > a=0,2 Circle2 D.23 5. The side of an equilateral triangle drawn in the circle x? + y? = a? is (@) 2a ) 3a © Bia (d) None of these Solution (b) Using cosine formula in AAOB [UPSEAT-99] cos120° = = AB= Ba 6. Let L, be a straight line passing through the origin and L, be the straight line x + y = 1. If the intercepts made by the circle x° + y*—x + 3y = 0 on L, and L, are equal, then which of the following equations can represent L, [HT-1999] (@ xty=0 (b) x-y=0 (©) x+7y=0 @ x-Ty=0 Solution (b,c) Let the equation of line passing through origin be y = mx. Therefore We know that chord of equal length are equi- distant from centre. Distance of both chord are equal centre Only solving we get = Tn? -6m-1=0 = (Im+1)(m-1)=0 Lines are y=x,y=- Lx 7 or x-y=0, x+Ty=0. D.24 Circle2 7. If two distinct chord, drawn from the point (p,q) on the circle x? + y= px + gy (where, pg # 0) are bisected by the x-axis, then [IT-99; 2M] @ pad (b) p= 8q° © p<8¢ (a) p> 8q° Solution 2 (@ From the equation of circle it is clear that circle passes through origin, Let AB is chord of the circle. A= (p,q). C is mid-point and Coordinate of Cis (h, 0) Then co-ordinates of B are (p + 2h, -q) and B lies on the circle x? + y* = px + qy, we have (pt 2hY + Cah = pp + 2h) +g Ca) = p?+ dle 4ph + q?=—p? + 2ph—g > 2p? +2q?—6ph + 4h? =0 = 2h? 3ph-+ p+ g=0 a There are given two distinct chords which are bisected at x-axis then, there will be two dis- tinct values of h satisfying (1). So discriminant of this quadratic equation must be > 0. > D>0>C3py-42@'+q)>0 > 9p? 8p? 8q?>0 > pP-8¢>0 > _p?> 8q° Therefore, (4) is the answer. 8. Consider, L,: 2x + 3y +p — [1IT-JEE-2008] Ly 2x+3y+p+3=0 where p is a real number, and Civ ty? + 6x-10y+30=0 Statement 1: [fline Lisa chord of circle C, then line L, is not always a diameter of circle C: Statement 2: If line L, is a diameter of circle C, then line L,, is not a chord of circle C. Solution (©) The circle is (x + 3° +(y-5)"=4 The distance between L,: 2x + 3y + p —3=Oand L,=2x+3y+pt3=0is 6 6 =< VP+3 V3 the radius of the circle (= 2) Statement 2 is false. IfL, is a diameter then L, has to intersect the circle in two distinct points and then it will be a chord. Ly der u Statement | is true. IfZ, is a chord, L, may lie outside the circle and so need not always be a diameter. - Circle2 D.25 OBJECTIVE PROBLEMS: IMPORTANT QUESTIONS WITH SOLUTIONS 1. The equation of the chord of the circle x? + y* = a? having (x,,y,) as its mid-points is [MT-83; PET-86; CET-03] 2. ABCD is a square the length, of whose side is a, Taking AB and AD as the coordinate axes, the equation of the circle passing through the vertices of the square is @ e+y+ar+ay=0 (b) +32 ax-ay=0 (©) x+y? + Jax + 2ay=0 @ ¥ +)*— 2ax—2ay=0 3. The locus of the middle points of those chords, of the circle x? + y* = 4 which subtend a right angle at the origin is [IT-84; PET-97] (@) Y+)2-2e-2y=0 ) ety © ¥ty¥=2 @ @-1+@-1F 4. y= my is a chord of a circle of radius a and the diameter of the circle lies among x-axis and one end of this chord is origin. The equa- tion of the circle described on this chord as diameter is [PET-90] (@) (1 +m?) G2 +y9)-2ax=0 (b) (1 +m?) (G2 + y*) — 2a(e + my) =0 © (1 tm?) (2 + y9) + 2a(e + my) = 0 @) (1 +m?) (2 + y®) — 2a(e— my) = 0 5. A point inside the circle x? + y* + 3x —3y +2 =0is [PET-88] @) C13) ) 2,1) © 21) (d) (3,2) 6. Position of the point (1, 1) with respect to the circle x? +y*— 2x +y-1 =0is [PET-86, 90] () Upon the cirlee (@) None of these (@) outside the circle (©) Inside the circle 1. 10. a. 12. 13. the equation to the tangents to the circle 6x + 4y = 12 which are parallel to the straight line 4x + 3y +5 = 0, are [ISM Dhanbad-73; PET-91] (@) 3x-4y-19=0, 3x-4y +31 =0 (b) 4x + 3y-19=0, dx + 3y #31 (© 4x +3y +190, 4x4 3y-31 @ 3x-4y + 19= 0, 3x—4y +31 =0 The straight line x — y ~ 3 = 0 touches the circle x? + y? — 4x + 6y + 11 = 0 at the point whose co-ordinates are [PET-93] (@) ,-2) b) 2) (©) C1, 2) @) (C1, -2) At which point the line y=x + V2 a touches Por Line y= x-+av2 @at to the circle x* + y* is a tangent to the circle x? + y? (ee ea) (ee ‘The centre of the circlex=—1 +2.cos0,y=3+ 2 sin 0 is [PET-1995] @) (.-3) (b) G1. 3) © (3) (@) None of these x=7 touches the cirele x? + y?—4y—6y—12= 0, then the coordinates of the point of contact are (@) (7,3) (b) 7,4) © 7.8) @ 7,2) ‘The equation of circle with centre (1, 2) and tangent x+y -5= is [PET-O1] (@) 8 +y*+2x-4y+6=0 (b) 2 +y2=2x-4y43=0 (©) x2+)2-2x + dy + 8=0 (@ x°+)*-2x—4y + 86=0 ‘The equation to the tangents to the circle x* + = 4, which are parallel to x + 2y + 3 =O are [PET-2003] (b) x+2y=42V3 (@ x-2p=42V5 (@ x-2y=2 (© x+2y=42V5 D.26 Circle2 14. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. The intercept on the line y = x by the circle x2 +)*—2x =0 is AB, equation of the circle on AB as a diameter is JAIEEE-04] (a) + +x-y=0 () P+ y-x+y=0 © etytxrty=0 @¥ty¥-x-y=0 If the chord y = mx + 1 of the circle x? + yy’ = 1 subtends an angle of measure 45° at the ‘measure segment of the circle then value of m is [AIEEE-2002] @ 2 ) 2 ©- @ None of these The radius of any circle touching the lines 3x—4y + 5=0 and 6x - 8-9 = 0 is IMPPET-2005] @ 19 (b) 0.95 © 29 (@) 145 ‘The value of c, for which the line a tangent to the circle x’ IMPPET-2004] (a) -16V5 (b) 45 © 165 (@ 20 The locus of mid-point of the chords of the circle x° + y? — 2x — 2y - 2 = 0 which makes an angle of 120° at the centre is IMNR-1994] (@ 8 +y—2v-2y (b) Pty txty— (©) x2+9?- 2x 2y- @ None of these The length of the chord joining the points in which the straight line sta! cuts the Jeat+ye= 19 circle x? +y*= F> is [Orissa JEE-2003] @1 (b) 2 od @s If the line 3x — 2y = k meets the circle x? + y* = 47 only at one point, then k is equal to ICET (Karnataka)-2003] 21. 22. 23. 24, 25. 26. (a) 3277 (©) G29) 7 () 207 @) (20/9) Circle passing through the points (f, 1), (1, ) and (f,£) for all values of ¢ passes through the point [Orissa JEE-2007] (a) ©,0) (b) C1) © d.-1) @ C.D If the equation of the tangent to the circle xo + y? — 2x + 6y — 6 = 0 parallel to 3x — 4y +7 = 0 is 3x —4y + k= 0, then the values of kare [Kerala (Engg.)-05] (@) 5-35 (b) -5, 35 (©) 7,-32 (d) -7, 32 If the straight line y = my is outside the circle xi +y?— 20) +90 =0, then [Roorkee-1999] (@) m>3 (b) m<3 (c) |m|>3 (d) |m|<3 The number of distinct tangents that can be drawn from the origin to the circle x? + y? = 20+ y) is HICS-90] fo ()2 (b) 1 @3 Consider a family of circles which are pass- ing through the point (-1, 1) and are tangent to x-axis. If (h, K) ate the co-ordinates of the centre of the circles, then the set of values of k is given by the interval [AIEEE-2007] 1 O ©) KES 1 1 1 -sSks5 @) ks © 2 2 @ 2 ‘The circle x* line 3x ~ 43 = dy + 8y + 5 intersects the ‘mat two distinct points if JAIEEE-2010] (@) -35 0, Hence point lies outside the circle. 7. (¢) Let equation of tangent be 4x + 3y + k=0, then orroia POC Vi6+9 = 6+k=#25 > k= 19and-31 Hence the tangents are 4 + 3y + 19 = 0 and 4x +3y-31=0. 8. (a) The point must satisfy the line and the circle simultaneously. Obviously the point of contact is (1, -2). 9. (d) Suppose that point be (h, k). Tangent at (A, Wy is he + ky =a? =x-y= —V2a or 10. (b) Given that me cos 0. p33 Also (2) (2) > (rth +(y-3) 4. in® 11. (a) Putting x = 7, we get y?- 6y + 9= 0 > y=3. Hence the point of contact is (7, 3). 12. (b) *: Radius of circle = Perpendicular dis- tance of tangent from the centre of circle. Hence the equation of required circle is @- t+ G29 = O/2¥ > + -2v-dy +3 OR Verification Method: Centre of circles in options are as follows (@) 1,2) ® (2) © (2) @ C1) So (b) can be the only answer 0 D.28 Circle2 13. 14, © x4 2y+A=0 Centre of x? + y*=4 is (0, 0) Tangents which are parallel to x + 2y + 3 = 0 is x+2y+h=0 a Perpendicular distance from (0, 0) to x + 2y + 4. = 0 should be equal to radius of circle, (Clearly radius = 2). O+2x04A _ > +2? > A=42V5 Put the value of A in (i), tangents of circle are x+2y=42V5 OR Only (b) and (¢) lines are parallel to x + 2y + 3=0. ‘Also the line is a tangent to x? + y= 4. Its distance from (0, 0) should be 2. Therefore, (¢) is the answer. (@) Given, circle is x° + y*- 2x = 0 @, and line is y=x Gi) Putting y = x in (i), We get 2x? - 2x = 0 3 x=0,1 From (i), y= 0,1 Let 4=(0,0),B=(1, 1) Equation of Required cirele is (x - 0)(e - 1) + OOO -1)=0 or ty—x-y=0. 15. (¢) Given circle is x° + y*= 1 C(O, 0) and radius = 1 and chord is y= mx +1 cosase= 2 CR CP = Perpendicular distance from (0, 0) to chord y= mx +1 m?+1=2>m=41 16. (b) Distance between the lines 3x — 4y + 5 = 0 5+ 19 ind 6x — Sy -9 = 0 =(—|=19 wnse-ty-920u [eze.(2) 1.9 is the diameter of circle Radius of circle = 8 17. (b) Given that y = 2x +e @ and x? + y? =16 (ii) We know that y = mx + c is tangent to the cir- sthen c= tavi+m? m=2,a=4 e=tavie2? = 245 18, (a) The centre of given circle is (1, 1) and its radius is J2 From the figure, if M(h, k) be the middle point of chord AB subtending an angle 28 ac, then = cost =} 3 AC cle + y?= 3 2 = 4CM=AC? or 4[(h- 1k +(ke-1F]=4 = W+K-2h-2k+2 Hence, the locus is x? + y?—2x—2y+1=0. 19. (b) OM = length of the perpendicular to the line Ax + 3y = 12 from (0, 0) = 12/5 y AKO4 (0) Radius of the circle is 8 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. Circle2 D.29 3 points form right angled triangle AC is diameter of circumeircle equation of circle is &-D@-D+y-DO-H=0 which clearly pairs through (1, 1) (a) Equation of circle is, x2 + y? — 2x + 6y-6=0 (e- 1)? + +3) Radius of circle = 4 (ay ‘And centre of circle = (1, -3) Equation of tangent 3x - 4y + k= 0 Hence k= 5,-35 (@) If the straight line y = my is outside the given circle then distance from centre of circle 10 area > (Ltm)<10 > m<9 > |m|<3. > radius of circle (b) Origin lies on the circle, so number of distinct tangents is 1 )R=(h+ P+ (k-1P > 2k=h?+2h+2 > 2k=(h+ ytd = #21 > kz 12 (@) r= V4+16+5 =5 6-16 5 => -25ac (b) g?> ac (©) fi=be @ g=ac 4. The geometric means of the abscissa of the points of intersection of the circle x? + y* - 4x = 6y +7 =0 and the line y = 1 is [SCRA-2007] @ V7 ) V2 © Via @1 5. The locus of the mid-point of the portion of any tangent to the circle x? + y? = a? inter- cepted between the co-ordinate axes is ISCRA-2007] 6. Consider a circle of radius R. What is the length of a chord which subtends an angle 0 at the centre? INDA-2007] (@) 2R sin (0/2) (b) 28 sin® (©) 2R tan (6/2) (d) 2R tan @ 7. The equation of two circles which touch the Y-axis at (0, 3) and make an intercept of 8 units on X-axis are [Karnataka CET-2007] @) P+ y?+ 10x-6y + 9=0 (b) x+y? 46x —10y + 9=0 (©) x+y Bet l0y+ (@) x+y? + 10x + Gy + 8. If x° + y? — Dex - cy + c? = 0 represents a circle touching coordinate axes and 5 + a «1 and its centre is in Ist quadrant then value of Cis [MP PET-2007] (@1 (b) 2 ©@3 @6 9. 2x-y-2=0 isa line and x? + y* — 6x + 2y +5=O and 5x? + 5y?= 4 are two circles. The line touches [UPSC (Rly)-98] (a) first cirele but not second (b) second circle but not first (©) both circles (d) None of these 10. The point diametrically opposite to the point P(1, 0) on the circle x + y? + 2x + dy-3 =0 is [AIEEE-2008] @ G4) ) G.-4) (©) 3,4) @) (3,-4) 11. If G, ~ 2) is the centre of a circle and 4x + 3y + 19 = 0 is a tangent to the circle, then the equation of the circle is [Kerala PET-2008] (a) P+)? 6x + dy +2! (b) x7 +)? 6x + dy +1 (© x4 y- 6x4 4y—12 (d) x2 + 9° 6x + dy +13 Circle2 D.33 12, The equation of the smallest circle passing @ 12 & 34 through the points (2, 2) and (3, 3) is © 43 @ 5/4 [Karnataka CET-2008] (@) 8 +y°+5e—5y412=0 17. If the centre of a circle is (-6, 8) and it passes (b) 28 +y2— Se 4 5y—12 through the origin, then equation to its tangent ©) ++ Set5y 41 at the origin, is [MNR-76] (@) 8 +P -5e— Sy + 12=0 (@) =x (b) 4y=3x °) 3y=4 (d) 3+ 4y=0 13. The point (5, ~ 7) lies outside the circle ae ae [Karnataka CET-2008] | 18. If the line 3x + 4y — 1 = 0 touches the circle (@ + y—5e4 7-120 (= 1 + @- 2) =P then the value of will (b) 8 +2 Be +7y-2=0 be [RPET-86] (© ¥+¥-8=0 @2 5 (@) 8+ -5e+1=0 ©) 125 @ 285 14, Point (1, 2) relative to the circle x? +y?+4y— | 19. The angle between the tangents drawn at the 2y—4=0 is which one of the following? points (5, 12) and (12, 5)to the citele x? +)? [NDA-2008] = 169 is [MPPET-2009] (@) Exterior point (@) 45° () 60° (b) Interior point, but not centre (©) 30° (@ 90° ann 20. The line ax + by + ¢=0 is normal to the circle (d) Centre ty? +2gx t py td=0, if 15. If the circle x° + y° + 2gr + 2fp + ¢ = 0, [MPPET-2009] (c > 0) touches the y-axis, then which one of @agtbfte=0 — (byag+bf-c=0 the following is correct? © ag-bf+e=0 — A)ag—bf-e=0 (@) g=-ve only (b) g=#Ve 21. Ifthe lines 3x ~ 4y—7 = 0 and 2x ~ 3y— : _ 0 are two diameters of a circle whose area is © f= Ve only os Po Maeve 49x sq. units, then the equation of the circle is IMPPET-2009] 16. The lines 3x ~ 4y + 4 =0 and 6x ~ 8y-7=0 (@) x+y + 2e-2y—4 are tangents to the same circle then radius of (b) x2 +9? — 2x + 2y—4 this circle is (© #4+y'+2e-2y-S1= [Orissa JEE-2008] @ ¥ + y— 2x + 2-5 ‘ANSWER SHEET 1@0®00 2 @0O® 15. ®@®O® 2@0O@ »@OO@ 16. ®@@O@O 2@02O@ 0. ®@@®O@ 1.®@®O@O 4@OO@ u.@OO®@ 18. @®O® 5@QO@ 12.@OO©O®@ 192.®@®O@ 6@®O@ 3 ®@OO®@ 20 @@O® 7@®O®@ 4 ®@O®OO 1. ®©O@O®O D.34 Circle2 HINTS AND EXPLANATIONS 4. (b) For abscissa of points of intersection, Put y=! incirele x+y? 4x-6y+7=0 P=4x-6*1+7=0 4x +2=0; let roots are x,,.x, GM. ofx, and x, = xx = v2 5. (d) Let equation of tangent be x cos 0+ysinO=a or id-point of AB aa 2cos’ 2sin® , sing=— 2h 2k Squaring and adding (4) a) 6 (@) sing = 22 2 OB cos = = $ £= length of chord 12, (d) For smallest circle (2, 2) and (3, 3) must be end points of diameter. Equation of cirele (x ~ 2) (x -3) + (y-2) o- +P Sy— Spt 12=0 16. (b) 3x — dy + 4 = 0 and Gr - 8y-7= 0 are parallel tangents distance between them = Diameter = 2r 8-(-7) 6? +(-' 8. (a, d) Centre (CC); 2r| C=C radius = /C? +C? - +221 or 4x + 3y— 12 =0 is tangent Distance from centre of the tangent = radius => 7C-12=5Cor7C-12 = C=60rC=1 19. (d) Since, both the points lie on the circle. At (3, 12), equation of tangent is Sx + 12y= 169 @ At (12, -5), equation of tangent is 12x— Sy = 169 Gi) It is clear that equations (i) and (ii) are perpen- dicular to each other. Hence, angle between them is 90°. 20. (b) The centre of given cirele is (-g, -f). If the given line ax + by + ¢ = 0 is normal to the circle, then it passes through the centre of circle. alg) t bf) +e=0 > agtbf-c=0 21. (b) The intersection of given two linesis (1,—1) which is the centre of circle. ©. Equation of circle is (It +O+ DEP => xt+y?—2e42y—47=0 LECTURE Circle 3 (Relative position of circles, pair of tangents and chord of contact draw from an enternal point) BASIC CONCEPTS 1. Position of One Circle with Respect to Other Let the equation of two circles be S,=x ty? 2gxt IYyte,=0 Oy Six ty? + 2ex + Ify + 0,=0 2) whose centre is c, and c, and radius is r, and rr respectively and ¢,c, = d= distance between their centres. (Two Circles Touch Externally if the distance d between their centres is equal to the sum of theirradiusie.,¢,c,=d=r, +r, and the number of common tangent lines is 3 and the point of contact P divides the line of centres o,c, inter- nally in the ratio r,:r, c A =rjtryC\C,=CP+CP rr Equation of the common tangent AB is S, -S, =0 Fix +X KY2 thy nth 7 th Point of contact at Example S,=x8+y8-2v-4y-4=0 tdetdy t4=0 (1,257, =3,n=36, (2, -2), 2 ‘Two circles touch internally if the distance d between their centres is equal to the differ ence of their radii, ie., o,c, = d =r, —r, and the number of common tangent line is one and point of contact P divides the line of centres ¢¢, externally in the ratio r,:r, aw NOTE Equation of the common tangent AB is 8, -S,=0 36 Circle3 Examples S,=x2 + y?— 4x -6y-87=0 Sy=xety?+4e-2 6, (2,37, =10,n= 6-2, Or, (iii) Concentric circles The circle having same centre but different radius are called concentric cireles. L ttyerietyartnéry 2. (a+ - bY ah at @-by 3. ety + 2grt Ifrte,=0 x+y Ier t If tc,=0 2. Pair of Tangents and Chord of Contact 2.1. (i) The length of tangent drawn to the circle x? +? = a? from an external point (x,, y,) (ii) The length of tangent drawn to the circle x+y? 2gx+ 2fy+¢=0 from external po- int (x, y,) is = yar +7 + 29x, +2 fy, +e = JS;, where S, is known as power of point (x,.,) (v) The equation of a pair of tangents drawn to the circle x? +y*=a? from an external point (x,,¥)) is SS, = where S= x2 + — a, S,=x2+y,2-a? and T= xx, +yy,-a (vi) The equation of a pair of tangents drawn to the circle x7 + y? + 2gx + 2fp +e = 0 from external point (x,, y,) is SS, = T? where, S = x? + y? + 2gx + 2fy +c, S,=x2 ty, + 2ex, + Yr, to and T xx, tyy, taetx) Hoty) +e 2.2 If the angle between a pairs of tangents drawn from an external point (x,, y,) to the circle x? + a? be 0 then tan 0 2xradiusx length of tangent (length of tangent)’ -(radius)* If two tangents intersect at right angle, then condition is x,? + y,2= 2a* (Angle between two circles is = 90°), 3. Let S, = 0, S, = 0 be equation of circles and = 0 is equation of a line, then (a) S, + 4.8, = 0 is equation of circle passing through point of intersection of S, and S, Q#-1) (b) 8, +2. L = 0 is equation of circle passing through point of intersection of line Zand circle S, SOLVED SUBJECTIVE PROBLEMS (XII BOARD (C.B.S.E./STATE)): FOR BETTER UNDERSTANDING AND CONCEPT BUILDING OF THE TOPIC 1. Prove that the circles x? + y? + 2av += 0 and x+y" + 2by +c = 0 will touch each other, if IMP-1983, 898; MNR-87] Solution Equation x? + y? + 2ax + © = 0 represents a circle whose centre is Ca, 0) and radius n= va’—c a) Equation x? + y* - 2by + ¢ = 0 represents a circle whose centre is C, (0, ~b) and radius r, =e @ If circle touch each other, then Their distance between the centres = Sum of their radii or CC.="#r, OF +048) Va’ -ctV¥ c Squaring both the sides, we get e+e et b-c£2 (a? -c)(b* -c) > 2c=+ AW(a’ -c)(b?-c) 2. Show that the circles x? + y*— 14x - 10y + 58 = 0 and x? + y* — 2 + 6y ~ 26 = 0 touch each other externally. Solution Given equation of the circles are x +y?— 14x l0y + 58=0 a and x? +)-2v + 6y-26=0 @ Centre and radius of the circle (1) are resp- ectively Cg, S) or (7, 5) and fg? fe = VOTH = Vi =4 Centre of the circle (2) is (-g, -f) or (1,-3) and its radius = yg" +f? = VI+9¥26 = V36 =6 Now, distance between the centre of these two circles = (7-1 + (5 +3) = 36+ 64 = Vi00 =10=4+6 = Sum of their radius Hence, circles touch each other externally. 3. Lines x = 4, y = 2, x =-2 and y = -3 repre- sent sides of rectangle, Find the equation of a circle whose one diameter is diagonal of this, rectangle Solution Let equation of the sides AB, BC, CD and DA of the rectangle are respectively (), x=-2 ), VED Band y= on (A) Intersection of line (1) and (4) is A(4, -3) Intersection of line (2) and (3) is C(-2, 2) ya3 Circle 3 D.37 y A c y=2 D x=4 (-2, 2) x< a >x (=-2)8 (4-9) A y=-3 a Ends of the diagonal AC are A(4, -3) and CC2, 2) Equation of the circle whose diameter is AC be =x) @-x) + O-¥)O-¥)=O = (x-4)@+2)+(V+3)G-2=0 = x-2rtyity-8-6=0 2 Sty-2rty-1 Again, co-ordinates of points B and D are re- spectively (—2, -3, ) and (4, 2). Equation of the cirlee whose diameter is BD be (x +2) @-4)+(V+3)-2)=0 = o2e-8+yt+y-6=0 9 e+ yet y-14=0 Therefore, equation of the circle whose two diameters are diagonal of rectangle be xt yd ty-14=0 4. Find the equation of the circle in which the chord joining the points (a, ) and (b, -a) subtends an angle of 45° at any point on the circumference of the circle Solution Given points are A(a, b) and B(b, -a) and P(h, k) is any point on the circumference of the circle. Then, gradient of PA = and gradient of PB =m ZAPB = 45°. 38 Circle3 1_ EE BMn=B)~(k+ay(h=a) (h-ay(h—b) +(k—by(k+ a) > (h-a)(h—b)+ (kb) (k+a) — b) (h—b)—(k +a) (h—-a) > ha + b) + ab + B+ Kab) ab ik — bh — bk + b*) — (hk + ah — ak — a?) > R-h(at b)+ ka-b) =-Wa + b) + Ka—b) + a+b = WHeaa+h Thus, equation of the circle is locus of the point P(h, k) Payee tht 5. Prove that the tangents to the circle x? + y= 5 at point (1, ~2) also touches the circle x* + y* = 8x + 6y +20=0 Solution Given circle is x? +y*= 5 = Stya(5? a Its centre is (0, 0) and radius is J5 Equation of the tangent to the circle (1) at the point (1, 2) is x x 1 +y x (2) = 5 = x-Ws5 sense (2) Equation of the given second circle is Sty Bx +6 +2050 son) Here, 2¢=-8, 2/= 6 and ¢ = 20 = g=-4,f=3andc=20 (a, Sf) or 4, -3) and radius = (4)? +(-3)’-20 = Vi6+9-20 = V5 If line (2) touches the circle (3), then length of the perpendicular drawn from its centre (4, -3) to the line will equal to its radius 5 Now, length of the perpendicular drawn from centre (4, -3) to the line (2) is Centre of this circle 6. Abscissa of two points A and B are roots of, the equation x2 + 2x — and ordinate are roots of the equation y? + 4y — b? = 0, Find the equation of that circle whose diameter is AB. Find its centre and radius. Solution Let abscissa of the points A and B are x, and x, respectively. ad) Again, let ordinate of the points A and B are y, and y, respectively. ), and y, are roots of the equation y* + 4y-b?=0 ¥, ty, = —Aand yy, = -b* @) Thus, the points be A(e,,y,) and B(x,, 5) Equation of the circle whose a diameter is AB be (x) @—x) + O-Y)O-¥)=0 2 Pax, tx) txt -90, +9) + yy, = xP -C2yr-a ty - Styl + et dy-(@2+b)=0 Here, 2¢ = 2, 2f= 4 and ¢ = (a? + 6?) f= 2and ¢ =a" +b) Centre = (-g, =f) or (-1, -2) = fl+4t(a? +h) =a +b 45 7. Tangent to the circle x? + y*— 4x 2y—11=0 are drawn from the point (4, 5) then find the area of the triangle formed by these tangents and two radii > ge and radius Solution Given equation of the circle be x? + y? ~ 4x — 2y-11=0 Here, 2g =-4, 2/=-2,¢=-I1 2 g=-2,f=-Le=-ll Centre of this circle = -g, ~) = (2, 1) and radius = /g*+ f?-c = Jasisil=Vi6=4 Length of the tangent drawn from the point (4, 5) to the circle (1) be AB = JS, Circle 3 D.39 = VF +9 -4x4-2x5-11 = Vi6+25-16-10-11 = V4 =2 ar(\ ABC) = ar(A ACD) ar(A ABCD) = ar(\ ABC) + ar(A ACD) = 2x ar(A ABC) 1 2 5 x AB x BC=AB x BC=2%4 = 8 sq. units UNSOLVED SUBJECTIVE PROBLEMS (XII BOARD (C.B.S.E./STATE)): TO GRASP THE TOPIC SOLVE THESE PROBLEMS XERCISE 1 Find the equation of the circle concentric with the circle 2x? + 2y’ + 8x + 10y - 39 = 0 and having its area equal to 16m square units. Find the equation of a circle which passes through the points (2, 3) and (3, - 2) and the chord formed by these points makes the angle of 90° at the centre of circle Show that x= a cos a+b sin a, y=a sin ab cos a represents a circle for all values of a. Tangents are drawn to the circle x? + y* = 10 from the point (4, — 2). Prove that they are perpendicular. Find the length of tangents drawn from the point (2, 6) to the circle x? + y?— 2x 3y-1 = 0 and also find the power of the point. Find the equation of the circle whose radius is, 5 and which touches the circle x? + y? - 2x — 4y ~ 20 = 0 externally at the point (5, 5), Find the equation of the circle whose centre is at the point (4, 5) and which passes through the centre of the circle x° + y? — 6x + 4y - 12=0. © EXERCISE2 Find the equation of the circle drawn on the intercept made by the line 2x + 3y = 6 between the coordinate axes as diameter. Find the equation of the circle which passes through the centre of the circle x? + y2 + By + 10y — 7 = 0 and concentric with the circle 2x? + 29? - 8x - 12y - 9=0.3 Find the equation of the circle circumscribing the triangle formed by the lines x + y = 6, 2x +y=4andx+2y=5 Find the length of tangent drawn from (2, 5) to the circle x? + y*— 2x - 3y- 1= 0. Find the equation of a circle of radius 5 which lies within the circle x* + y? + L4v + 10y - 26 = 0 and which touches the given circle at the point (-1, 3). A circle of radius 2 lies in the first quadrant and touches both the axes. Find the equation of the circle with centre at (6, 5) and touching the above circle externally. D.40 Circle3 ANSWERS EXERCISE 1 6 (98 + -8F 3. x2 + yy? - 17x - 19y + 50 7. x+y? — 8x - 10y-9=0. =o 1. dx? + dy? + 16x + 20) - 23 4. 9= =0 EXERCISE 2 5 (tat yt lias 2+ - 10r - 2y + 13 6. (@-6F + Wy -SP=F L x4 —3x-2y=0 2. xt+y?— dx — 6y-87=0. SOLVED OBJECTIVE PROBLEMS: HELPING HAND: 1. Let PO and RS be tangents at the extremeties of the diameter PR of a circle of radius r. If PS and RQ intersect at a point X on the circumfer- ence of the circle, then 2r equals. /HT-01] PO+RS (@) \PORS w 72 i 2PORS PQ? + RS* © Fors @ 5 Solution PQ _PQ tan@ = —==—= (15 @ ta PR 2r @, ‘Also tano{ 2-0 )= 85 Gi) 2 2r s @ x R P ie, cot= & . Multiplying (j) and (ii), side- r wise we find PORS ORS ie, -O.RS = 2r = |(POKRS). 2. Let ABCD be a quadrilateral with area 18, with side AB parallel to the side CD and AB = 2CD. Let AD be perpendicular to AB and CD. If a circle is drawn inside the quadri- lateral ABCD touching all the sides, then its <-tan@,cot@ = radius is (@)3 (b) 2 © 32 @1 [1F-2007] Solution ) (0.04 BQx,, 0) According to figure $x3xx27=18 orx,xr=6 (1) Equation of BC is y= -2"(x-2x,) x BC is tangent to circle (x =r)? + (7) Therefore, the perpendicular distance of BC from centre = radius r+ (r= 2x) x (2) From (1) and (2) r= 2 units. 3. Each question contains Statement-1 (Assertion) and Statement-2 (Reason). Of these statements, mark correct choice if: (@) Statements-I and 2are true and Statement-2 is a correct explanation for statement-1 (b) Statements-1 and 2 are true and Statement-2 is not a correct explanation for statement-1 (©) Statement-I is true, Statement-2 is false (@) Statement-1 is false, Statement-2 is true. Tangents are drawn from the point (17, 7) to the circle x? +)? = 169, [mr-2007] Statement 1: The tangents are mutually per- pendicular because. Statement 2: The locus of the points from which mutually perpendicular tangents can be drawn to the given circle is x° + y? Solution (@)_x°+y°= 169 Equation of a pair of tangents, from (h, k) to the given circle is SS, = 7? Circle3 D.41 (lee + ky — 169) = (H? + — 169) (2 + y? = 169) or AA? + Fy? + (169)? + Dixy — 338 (he + hy) XP + 12 — 169) + 2? + Ke - 169) - 169 (e+ R169) x(k — 169) + y*(h? — 169) - Day + 338 (hex + ky) ~ 169 (+P) =0. For the pair of lines to be mutually perpen- dicular, coeff. of x? + coeff. y*=0 or f+ k2-338=0 > W+h=338, which is the equation of a director circle. Point (17, 7) satisfies the above equation. Hence, statement | and 2 are true, statement 2 is a correct explanation of statement 1 4. The locus of the centre of a circle of radius 2 which rolls on the outside of circle x° + y? + 3x-6y-9= 0, is (@) vty + 3x-6y +5=0 (b) 8 +32 + 3x-6y—31=0 as 29 (© x +yh+3x-Gy+ F =O (@) None of these Solution (b) Let (h, k) be the centre of the circle which rolls on the outside of the given circle. Centre of the given circle is (3/2, 3) and its radius = 2 ro49-2 4 2 Clearly, (h, ) is always at a distance equal to the sum (Ge2)-3 of the radii of two cirele from (34) ‘Therefore, 3y 2_(13) (+3) +(k-3) -(3) > +e +3h— 6+ 249-18 4 4 = Hence locus of (h, &) is x* + y? + 3x -6y-31=0. 42 Circle3 5 If OA and OB be the tangents to the circle xe + y? — 6 — 8y + 21 = 0 drawn from the origin O, then AB is equal to tr @u sv 7 of Solution (b) Here the equation of AB (chord of contact) is 0+0~3(%+0)-4(y+0) +21=0 = 3x+dy-21=0 @ CM = perpendicular distance from (3, 4) to line (i) is &) (@) None of these 3x3+4x. V9+16 AB=2AM = ai 6. The equation of the circle which passes thro- ugh the intersection of x? + y? + 13x - 3y = 0 and 2x? + 2)? + dx — Ty ~ 25 = 0 and whose centre lies on 13x+ 30y=0is {DCE-2001] (@) ¥ $y + 30x— 13-25 (b) 4x2 + dy? + 30x ~ 13y 2: (©) 2x? + 2y* + 30x 13y- 2: @ ¥ Fy + 30x— 13y +2 Solution (b) The equation of required circle is S, + % 5,=0 = MOF + +A) + x2 +132) -y 25 3a )-2 = [papas ; Centre = 2 > Centre lies on 13x + 30) =0 743, = 0} q 2 =0 = asl Hence the equation of required circle is 4x? + dy? + 30x - 13y-25=0 7. IfP isa point such that the ratio of the squares of the lengths, of the tangents from P to the circles x° + y* + 2x - 4y -20 = 0 and x° + y*— 4x + 2y— 44 = 0 is 2:3, then the locus of P is a circle with centre [EAMCET-2003] (@) (7, -8) (b) (7,8) (©) (7,8) @) (-7,-8) Solution x+y 42x-4y-20_ 2 ® = ere =ax+2y-44 3 = t+ y+ Lae 16y +28=0 Centre = (-7, 8) 8. A circle C, of radius 2 touches both x-axis and y-axis. Another circle C, whose radius is greater than 2 touches circle C, and both the axes. Then the radius of circle C, is {AMU-2005] (a) 6-42 (b) 6-42 (© 6-4y3 (d) 6+4N3 Solution (b) First circle touches both axes and radius is 2 unit Hence centre of circle is (2, 2) Let radius of other circle be a and this circle also touches both the axes. Hence centre of circle is (a, a). This circle touches first circle Hence, (a—2)' +(a-2)? =a+2 squaring both the sides, > a-12at+4=0, az 124 y(l2)’ -4x4x1 2 = AMOR ad But a> 2, Hence a= 6-4 J2 is neglected, Hence, a=6 +42. 9. The locus of the centre of a circle which touches externally the circle x? + y* ~ 6x ~ 6y + 14=0 and also touches the y-axis, is given by the equation 17-1993; DCE-2000] (a) ¥-6x—10y + 14=0 (b) #°- 10r-6y + 14=0 (© y2-6x-10y+ 14=0 @ y*-10r-6y + 14=0 Solution (@)_Let the centre be (h, #), then radius = ht Also CC,=R, +R. or (h-3) + (k-3) = ht J9O49-14 > (h-3¥+(k-3P =H +4 44h > K-10h-6k+14=0 10x—6y+14=0 or 10. If a> 2b > 0 then the positive value of m for which y = mx — b Vi+m? is a common tan- gent to x+y? = 6? and (x- a) + y= Bis [IT (Sereening)-2002] @ Va? = 46° @ a-2b Solution (a) Any tangent to x? + y= Bis y= mx ~ b sft+m. It touches (x - a) tye ~yiem® ip Mac bull m5 orma=26 Vim? Im? +1 2b Va? 4b? P= 4b + 46 m?, ©. Pe Circle 3 D.43 11. A circle is inscribed in an equilateral triangle of side a, the area of any square inscribed in the circle is [1T-1994] a 2a° Le by) 2 @ 3 ) 3 @ & ce @y © 6 @ 2 Solution (©) If p be the altitude, then p = a sin 60° = “8 2 Since the triangle is equilateral, therefore cen- troid, orthocentre, circumcentre and incentre all coincide. Hence, radius of the inscribed circle = ; P or diameter = 2 Foe 71 oF diameter = 2r= Now if x be the side of the square inscribed, then angle in a semicircle being a right angle, hence 12. The locus of centre of the circle of the which touches the circle x? + (y ~ 1)? = I externally and also touches x-axis is @) (Gy) 2+ O-DP= HULL, yy <0} (b) {@, y): 7 = Ay} LEO, y): y <0} ©) {6 y): P= y}U{O, y).¥ <0} A) {Ge y): 7 = AV}ULG, vy)» < OF IIT Screening-2005] Solution (b) According to given condition (h-0) +(k-1? = 141k] = Wak 1P= (1+ [AP D.44 Circle3 o = W=2k+2/k| Hence locus is x? = 2y + 2 pl, y > 0,2 =4y,y<0,P=0 > x=0. 13. Let ABCD be a square of side length 2 units, C, is the circle through vertices 4, B,C, D and C; is the circle touching all sides of the square. If P is a point on C, and Q is a point on C,, PA? + PB? + PC? + PD? en is equal to OA + 0B +0C* +0D [IT JEE-2006] @ 05 (b) 0.75 @l @ 1.25 Solution (b) Let centre of the square be origin and co ordinate axes as shown in the diagram. Then obviously radi of circles ¢, and ¢, are 1 and W2 respectively: T7011, -1) So let P=(Icos0,1sin 6) = (cos0,sin0) Q=(V2cosd,V2sing) Then, PA? + PB* + PC? + PD* = (cos — 1)? + (sin ~1)? + (cos +1)" +(sin0 = 1)? +(cos® +1)? + (sind +1)? + (cos ~ 1)? + (sind +1)? = 12 Similarly QA? + QB* + QC? + QD" = 16 Example = 12/16 = 0.75 14. LetC be any circle with centre (0, V2 ). Then, onthe circle C, there canbe LI..-1997] (a) at the most one rational point (b) at the most two rational points (©) at the most three rational points (d) None of these Solution (b) Let the circle be x? ++ J3 > xt+y°-2 2 y=c wherec=a?-2 =a rational no. Let (x, ¥,), (% ¥,)s (%y ¥,) be three distinet rational points on the circle xity}-2 V2y, xity2-2V2y, svesnees (Q) x}tyj-2v2y,=0 @B) comparing the irrational parts of the equa- tions, we get a) Mas a) ‘Comparing the rational parts of the equations, we get stypaattyinn ty Ys the only possible values of x are + x,, Ex, tx, there can be at the most two rational points on the circle C. Thus (b) is the cor- rect answer. 15. Angle of intersection of the curves r = sin 0+ cos @ and r = 2 sin @ is equal to IMPPET-2006] (a) w2 () x3 (© wa (@) None of these Solution (©) The equations of the given curves are r=sin 0+ cos 0 Multiplying r on both sides, we get P=rsin8+rcos 0 Let x=rcos®,y=rsin® 2 xtytsyte + (YT a) This equation represents a circle, whose centre 11 is (5 ata te sais = Ye init in @ on squaring, we get r° = 2r sin 0 1 Gi) This equation also represents a circle, whose centre is (0, 1) and radius = 1. Distance between the centres of both circles J Hence, the angle of intersection of two circles 1 1 dy tog? 41- cere fiat ee | 2x sox v2 af 2)a% [--cos%= =cos| = |=" |--cost=— v2) 4 4 2 16. The area of the triangle formed by joining the origin to the points of intersection of the line x V5 +2y=35 and circle 7 +y*= 10 is [Roorkee Qualification-1998] (@3 (b) 4 os @6 Solution (©) Length of perpendicular from origin to the line x J5 + 2y=3V5 is Q 0 (i + 2y =3N5 3v5 oL= ———— Vsy +2" 3v5 Ba Circle 3 D.45 Radius of the given circle= J10 =O0=OP PQ =20L=2,J00 =O? =2 Vi0-3 = 2V5 Thus area of * PO OL= 4x25 x J5=5. ragraph (Q.18 to 20) Acircle C of radius 1 is inscribed in an equilat- eral triangle POR. The points of contact of C with the sides PO, OR, RP are D, E, F respec tively. The line PQ is given by the equation V3x+y—6=0 and the point Dis (# 3} Further, it is given that the origin and the cen- tre of C are on the same side of the line PO. 17. The equation of circle C is [HT-JEE-2008] @ @-2\8F+y-D= 1 O) ear (943] © &- V3 +@F1P=1 @ @&- BY +@-1P=1 Solution (@) We have to find the equation to the circle of radius | and touching the line 3 +y-6= 33 3 OaD TT °F Q & 5V& +y -6=0 R P E ‘The equation to CD in parametric form is 33 3 > D.46 Circle3 Pp D =~ Which gives C = (V3, 1) or (2 V3.2) But origin and C are on the same side of PQ. Then, C = (3,1) ‘The equation to circle is (x — V3)? + - 1)? =1. Remark: Choices (b) and (¢) can be at once 33 3 eliminated because D (23) does'nt lie on the equation given by (b) and (c), 18 Points £ and F are given by [IT-JEE-2008] xB 3 @ (24 (v3.0) 31 ®) (24 (v3.0) M33) (93 1 © la apt a2 3 V3)(V3 1 ® [} }(F4) Solution (@) C divides RD in the ratio 2: 1 AsC=(J3, I)andD (43) We have 33-23 34-2 ae ae roo The points P and Q are at a distance of J3 from D. The equation to PQ in parametric form is a3 3 > Which give two points Q(V3, 3) and P2N3,0) 3 3 Eis the mid-point of QR = (}: 3] Fis the mid-point of PR = (3 ,0) 19, Equations of the sides OR, RP are [IT JEE-2008] (a) yaapethy ao &) yaggsyed © ye Bery @y= VBxy=0 Solution (@) The equation to RP is simply y = 0 ‘The equation to OR is y -3 = Bir- B)ie,y= Bx 20. The centres of two circles C, and C, each of unit radius are at a distance of 6 units from each other. Let P be the mid-point of the line seg- ment joining the centres of C, and C,and C be a circle touching circles C,and C, externally. If ‘a common tangent to C, and C passing through P is also a common tangent to C, and C, then the radius of the circle C is [HT-2009] (a) 2 4 © 6 @8 Solution @) cosa= aa = pa 22 counits tana. Alternate (R+1) =(R=1)' + (42)? > R=8 Circle 3 D.47 21. IfP and Q are the points of intersection of the circles x2 + y? + 3x + Ty + 2p - 5 = 0 and 2 +)? +2x + 2y—p?= 0, then there is a circle passing through P, Q and (1, 1) for [AIEEE-2009] (@) all values of p (b) all except one value of p (©) all except two values of p @ exactly one value of p Solution (a) Given circles S=xtyi+ 3x4 Ty+ 2p-5=0 Sixty? 2x4 2y-p'=0 Equation of required circle is S + 25’ Asi passes through (1,1) the value of y= 2#2) (6-p") I7 + 2p = 0, it becomes the second circle. 56, itis true for all value of p. OBJECTIVE PROBLEMS: IMPORTANT QUESTIONS WITH SOLUTIONS . A pair of tangents are drawn from the origin to the circle x° + y* + 20(x + y) + 20 = 0. The equation of the pair of tangents is [PET-90] (a) S++ 10xy=0 (b) 8 +y° + Say (@) 2x? + 2y*+ Sxy (@) 2x? + 2y?= Sey = . If d is the distance between the centres of two circles r,,, are their radii and d =r, +r,, then [PET-86] (a) The circles touch each other externally. (b) The circles touch each other intemally. (©) The circles cut each other. (@ The circles are disjoint . The length of tangent from the point (5 1) to the circle x? + y? + 6x - 4y - 0, is (a) 81 ©7 (b) 29 @2 4. An infinite number of tangents can be drawn from (1, 2)to the circle x? + y?—2x—dy +2=0, then 2. is equal to [PET-89] (a) -20 (b) 0 (©) 5 (@ Cannot be determined 5. The equation of the circle which passes through the points (2, 3) and (4, 5) and the centre lies on the straight lines y — 4x + 3 =0, is [RPET-85; PET-89] (a) x4 y+ 4y— 10y +25 =0 (b) x+y? 4x - 10y + 25 =0 (© + y*—4x-l0y + 16 =0 @ ¥ += 14e+8=0 6. The two tangents to a circle from an external point are always [PET-86] (a) Equal (b) Perpendicular to each other (©) Parallel to each other (@) None of these D.48 Circle3 1. 10. 1. 12. 13. The circle on the chord x cos a +y sin a= p of the circle x? + y* = a as diameter has the equation [PET-93; Roorke-67] (a) 8 +y?— a? 2p(x cos a +y sin a—p)=0 (b) x+y +a? + 2p(e cos a—ysina+p)=0 (© ¥ +a? + 2p(xcos a+ ysina+p)=0 @ x+y ~2p(e cos a—ysin ap) Tangents drawn from origin to the circle x* + y — 2ax ~ 2by + b? = 0 are perpendicular to each other, if [PET-95] (@) a-b=1 (b) a+b (c) @= 8? @ a= ‘The equation of a circle with origin as centre passing through the vertices of an equilateral triangle whose median is of length 3a is [AIEEE-2002] Any circle through the points of intersection of the lines x + J3y = land V3x-y=2if intersects these lines at point P and Q, then the angle subtended by the are PQ at its centre is [PET-98] (@) 180° (b) 90° (c) 120° (@) Depend on centre and radius + gx + 2fp=Oand x? +y*+2g'x + 2f'y=0 touch externally, if [PET-94] (©) Se’ +fe=0 A circle x? +»? + 2gx + 2fp + c = 0 passing through (4, -2) and concentric to the circle xo + y?— 2x + dy + 20 = 0, then the value of c will be IRPET-84, 86] @ (b) 4 @o @1 The square of the length of the tangent (power) from (3, ~4) on the circle x?-+y?— 4x — 6y+3=0 [PET-2000] 14. 16. 17. 18. 19. (a) 20 (©) 40 (b) 30 @ 50 ‘The centres of a set of circles, each of radius 3, lie on the circle x? + y= 25. The locus of any point in the set is JAIEEE-2002] (a) 4sx°t+y? s64 (by Fy? S25 (©) V+y? 225 @ 3sx4+y7s9 The circle x? + y*- 10x + 16 =O and x? +) ¥ intersect each other at two distinct points, if [DCE-1996; MPPET-2006] (b) r>8 (d) 25 A variable circle passes through a fixed point A(p, q) and touches x-axis. The locus of the other end of the diameter of this circle passing through A will be [AIEEE-2004] (a) (py = 4ge (©) @-pY = 4qy A circle passes through (0, 0) and (1, 0) and touches the circle x? + y? = 9, then the centre of circle is [11T-1992; AIEEE-02] @) W~ 4h = px SOLUTIONS (c) Equation of pair of tangent is given by ss, sax? +y?+ 20 +) +20, 5! = 20, T= 10@+y)+20=0 2s T > fx? +2 + 206 +y) +20} =1O@+ y+ 27 = 4x4 4+ 10xy=0 3 w+ 2+ Sey=0. OR The equation of the pair of tangents from the origin (0, 0) to the circle x? 4 y? +2gr 42 frtc=0 is (x? +y*)=(gxt fry @) CC,=CP+CP.d=r,+r, Circle 3 D.49 oo (83 of) (tse Adiameter of the circle x* + )*—2v- 6y +6 = 0 is a chord of another circle C with centre (2, 1). ‘The radius of this circle C is [IIT (Screening)-2004] @1 ®3 @©2 @ B . Tangents drawn from the point P(1, 8) to the circle x° + y*— 6x — 4y— 1] =0 touch the circle at the points A and B. The equation of the circumeircle of the trian- gle PAB is [E2009] (a) Pty? + 4x—6y + 19=0 (b) x2 +)" — 4x - 10y + 19 =0 (6) 8+? —2x + 6y—2: @ 84+) -6r—4y 41 (c) Length of tangent is given by L, = JS, =V49 =7 (©) Clearly the point (1, 2) is the centre of the given circle and infinite tangents can only be drawn from a point circle. Hence radius should be zero. VP +2?-A=05A=5 (b) First find the centre, Let centre be (h, &), then n= 2)? + (k=3F = y(h-4y +(k-5)° a and k-4h+3=0 2) from (1), we get — 4h + 6k ~ 8h + 10k = 16 + 25-4-9, or 4h +4k-28=Oorh+k-7=0 ....3) from (3) and (2), we get (h, #) as (2, 5). Hence centre is (2, 5) and radius is 2. OR Obviousy circle x? + y?- 4x — 10y + 25 = 0 passing through (2, 3), (4, 5). D.50 Circle3 6. (a) From the definition: tangents drawn from, an external point to a circle are of the same length. 7. (a) The equation of the circle on the chord A=xcos.aty sin a—p =0 of the circles = x? + y?— a? = 0 as diameter has the equation S+A4=0 a where 2 is constant whose value is obtained by given condition. Comparing (i) with given option we find correct answer (a) only. 8 (©) We know that if tangents drawn from the origin to the circle x? + y? + Igx + Yfyptc = 0 are perpendicular if g? + f? = 2c presently: gaa f=-bc=P Sa 9% @ 0 (0,0), R= AD=2x3a=2a Equation of desired circle is x? + y= (2a)? 10. () Let the point of intersect of two lines is A. xe iBy =1 a P The angle subtended by PO on centre C. = two times the angle subtended by PQ on point A for x+ J3y=1,m,=-1/ V3 and for i. 2. 13. 14. 15. ZA= 90°. The angle subtended by are PQ at its centre = 2 x 90° = 180° (a) Since both circles are passing through origin (constant terms are zero) therefore their common tangents will pass through origin and will also be identical which are as follows gx + fy = 0 (tangent to circle 1 at the origin) @ gix + f'y = 0 (tangent to circle 2 at the origin) (ii) f On comparing (i) and (ii), we find & g ie, gf =f! (a) We know that equation of concentric cir- cles different only in constant term. Therefore, required equation of circle is x? +y?- 2x + 4y + k= 0....G), where k is constant. Now this circle also passes through the point 4-2 16+4-8-8+k=05k=—4 (© Length of tangent = 3? + (4) - 4) - 6(-4) +3 = 40 ‘Square of length of tangent = 40. (a) Let (h, &) be any point in the set, then ‘equation of circle is (he +(y- bP =9 But (h, ) lies on x +? = 25, then h? + = 25 2< Distance between the two circle <8 2 OA Sr>$-327r>2 andr (ht2P+(k-3¥=4 2 W444 dh ++ 9-6k=4 > W+Ke + 4h-6k+9=0 Thus, required equation of the locus is x* + y? + 4x—6y-9=0. 19, (b) (2 + y2 + 13x — 3p) +2 (x? + Oy? + de — Jy ~ 25) = 0 it passes through (1, 1) therefore 1 2 Hence the required equation will be Ax? + dy? + 30x — 13y-25 = 0. 20. (c) The common chord of given circles is 2x-Gy-4-a=0 sennnsesnes @) Since, x° + y*= 4 bisects the circumference of the circle x? + y*— 2x + 6y +a = 0, therefore, (i) passes through the centre of second circle ie, (1-3). 2+18-4-a=05 a=16 21. (d) Clearly, r, -r,>C, C. C,B,4).7,= 1 C0, 0) R-r> (3-0) +(4-0" 2 R-r>S. D.52 Circle3 22. Let other end of the diameter through A be B = bh). Then centre of the cirele (S244) Given circle touches x-axis Its radius = we (= py +6 But radius = jae = 2 2 > (h- py =4qk Hence required locus of B is (x —p)*= 4qy 23. (d) Radius of the circle r = 3/2 1 aa 4 > (54) =i py 4k] (1,0) 1 Hence centre is (+4) 24. Let AB be given diameter of the given circle which is a chord of another circle C. Centre of the given circle Q = (1, 3) and its radius 0B = Vi+9-6 =2 IfP be the centre of the circle C, then PO=Vit4=V5 radius of circle C= PB, = (PO? +08 = 5+4=3 25 (b) : The centre of the circle is C (3, 2) Since CA and CB are perpendicular to PA and PB, CP is the diameter of the circumcircle of triangle PAB. Its equation is (3) &- D+ W-2)-8)=0 or x8+y8—4x-10y+19=0 UNSOLVED OBJECTIVE PROBLEMS (IDENTICAL PROBLEMS FOR PRACTICE) : FOR IMPROVING SPEED WITH ACCURACY 1. The number of common tangents of the circles x+y —2e-1=0 and e+ y-2y-7=0 is [Orissa JEE-2007] @l (b) 2 ©3 @4 2, The circles x? + y?= 9 and x2 + y*— 12y +27 = 0 touch each other, The equation of their common tangent is (a) 4y=9 ) @y=3 @ 3. The two tangents to a circle from an external point are always [MPPET-86] 3 (a) Equal (b) Perpendicular to each other (©) Parallel to each other (@) None of these 4. The angle between the tangents from (a, f) to the circle x? +y*= a2, is ® wo sis lot + a _ (b) mE 9. 10 ML. © 2tan" Lie (a) None of these Two tangents drawn from the origin to the circle x° + y* + 2gr + 2fy + = 0 will be per pendicular to each other, if @) gtf=2 ) g=fae © gtfze (d) None of these ‘The number of common tangents to the circles xt y?= 4 and x + y*— 6x 8y = 24 is [11T-98; 2M; KCET-2007] @0 ) 1 ©@3 @4 The triangle POR is inscribed in the circle x? + = 25. If Q and R have co-ordinate (3, 4) and (-4, 3) respectively, then ZOPR is equal to [1T-2000] (a) n2 (&) x3 (©) m4 (@) x16 If circle x° + y° + 6x — 2y + k= 0 bisects the circumference of the circle x? + y* + 2x - 6y — 15 = 0, then k is equal to JEAMCET-2003] (a) -23 (b) 23 © -21 @ 21 The circles x? + y*— 4x — 6 — 12 = O and x? + yt4x+6y+4=0 [Kerala PET-2008] (@) touch extemally (b) do not intersect (©) touch internally (@) intersect at two points If the circles x*+*= 9 and x? +y* + 2ax + 2y +1 =0 touch each other internally, then a = is equal to [Karnataka CET-2008] 4 -4 @ 3 b) 3 4 © #2 © 3 ‘Two circles x’ +y*—2v—3=0 and x° +? 4x = 6-8 = 0 are such that @ IMPPET-2008] 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Circle D.53 @) they touch intemally (b) they touch externally (©) they intersect in two points (@) they are non-intersecting The two circles ~4y=Oandx?+y*—-8y =0 [BIT Ranchi-1985] (@) Touch each other internally (b) Touch each other externally (©) Do not touch each other (d) None of these The equation of the circle which passes through the point of intersection of circles s+ y2—8x—2y +7 =O and x+y? 4e + LOy +8 =O and having its centre on y-axis, will be @ ety +2049 (b) P42 + 22x-9 © V+ ¥ + 2y+9= (@) +52 + 22y-9=0 From any point on the circle x° + y?* gents are drawn to the circle x? + y# a, the angle between them is [RPET-2002] ) a (d) None of these (@) w2 (©) 2a If the circles x?+ y= 4, x +y*— 10x #2 =0 touch externally, then 2. is equal to [AMU-1999] (a) -16 b)9 © 16 @ 25 The points of intersection of the circles x° + y* = 25 and x' +y*-8v+7=Oare [MPPET-1988] (a) (4, 3) and (4, -3) (b) (4,-3) and (4, -3) (©) A, 3) and (4, 3) @ (4, 3)and (3, 4) If the squares of the lengths of the tangents drawn from a point P to circles x° + y? = a, x? +y2= 0x? +y?=c? are in AP, then: IMPPET-2010] @) a,b, care in AP. (b) a, b,c, are in GP. (©) a, BY care in AP. @) a, B care inGP. D.54 Circle3 WORKSHEET: TO CHECK THE PREPARATION LEVEL Important Instructions a The answer sI worksheet. The test is of 17 minutes. ‘The worksheet consists of 17 questions. The maximum marks are 51 Use Blue/Black Ball point pen only for writing particulars/marking responses. Use of pencil is strictly prohibited. is immediately below the . The length of the tangent from the point (5, 4) to the circle x? + y? + 2x - 6y = 6 is [DCE-1999} @ Vir (b) 38 © 22 @ 23 . The equation of the circle concentric to the circle 2x? + 2y* — 3x + 6y + 2 = 0 and having area double the area of this circle, is [DCE-2006] (a) 8x +8y? = 24x 4 48y-13=0 (b) 16x? +16y? + 24x-48y-13=0 (©) 16x? +16y? = 24x + 48y-13=0 (@) 8x2 +8y? +24x-48y-13=0 . The two circles x? + y* — 2x + 6y + 6 =O and xt yt S46 +15=0 (a) Intersect (b) Are concentric (©) Touch internally (d) Touch externally If the circle x? +y* + 4x + 229 +.¢ the circumference of the circle 8y—d=0, then ¢ +d is equal to 0 bisects [Kerala PET-2007] (@) 30 (b) 50 © 40 @ 56 ‘Two diameters of the circle 3x* + 3y? — x — 18y—7 =0 are along the lines 3x +y = ¢, and x—3y=c, Then the value of ¢,¢, is [Kerala PET-2007] @ ~48 () 80 © -72 @ 54 Length of the tangents from the point (1, 2) to the circles x? + y?+x + y—4 =O and 3x? + 10. i. 12. 3y-x-y— k=O are in the ratio 4: 3, then k is equal to [Kerala PET-2007] (@) 202 (b) 4721 © 21 @) 21/4 The equation of a circle concentric to the circle x + y?— 6y +7 = 0 is [SCRA-2007] (@) ¥+-6=0 () 842-6 +17 (© x+y?-6x-18 (@ None of these The equation of the circle passing through the intersection of x + y? - 4x + 6y + 8 = 0, x? +? — 10x ~ 6y ~ 8 = 0 and which passes through the origin is [SCRA-2007] @ ¥+y-2-Ty=0 &) ++ Te=0 ©@¥t¥-e=0 @ ety + 12V=0 The equation of the pair of tangents drawn from the origin to the circle x+y? + 2ex + 2f +e=0is [SCRA-2007] (@) (r+ fyP= eo? +y) ©) (fet gy =o? +7) © et pysety @) elgx +H ty ‘The equations of the tangents to the circle x? +)? = 16 parallel to the line y = x are (SCRA-2007| @ £42 : y (b) y=x 423 ©@y=x+ WB @ ytx+4v2 =0 What is the equation of circle which touches the lines x = 0, y = 0 and x = 2? INDA-2007] (@) xP 4y° + 2x4 2y4+1=0 (b) P+ -4y-4y + 1 =0 (© x +y¥-2x-2y+1=0 (@ None of the above If the circles x? + y? = a? and x° + y?— 2g + touch each other externally, then 13. For an equilateral triangle the centre is the origin and the length of altitude is a. Then the equation of the circumeirele is Circle3 D.55 (bo @ 4B (a) -4/3 © (Kerala Engg)-2004) | ¥6 The points of intersection of eles x +» = 2 2 2 2 ‘Jy? = 2by are (@) e+y' (b) 3x°+ 3y?= 2a? Py (©) e+ y= 4a @) 9x2 + 97= 4a? @) ©.0),@ 6) 14, The equation of the circle having its centre on oe: the line x + 2y —3 = 0 and passing through the ) ,0), ( a a) points of intersection of the circles x? + y?- 2x a’ +b a’ +b = 4y +1 =0and x+y? 4r—2y + 4=0is a+b ab [MNR-1992} © ©, ( z | (@ ¢+y-6r+7=0 y+ (@ None of the above eee ae 17. If three circles are such that each inersects the @ Ory 4 de 4y 4 4=0 remaining two, then their radical axes 15. If the circles x? + y?- 9 = 0 and x? + y* + 2ax [MPPET-2010] + 2y+ 1 =0 touch each other, then a is equal (@) forma triangle —_(b) are coincident to [Roorkee Qualifying-1998] (©) are concurrent —_(d) are parallel ANSWER SHEET 1@0O@ 7.@OO@ 13.®@®O@O 2@0O@ 8 @OO@ 14.@®@@OO 3@0O@O + @®@@O®@ 5. ®©@O®O@ 4@OO@O 0. ©@@O®@ 16. ®@O@O@ @0O®@ 1. @@O@ 1.®@O©O@ 6@@0®O@ 2.@®O@ HINTS AND EXPLANATIONS. 2. (©) Given cirele 2x? + 2y?- 3x + 6 +2=0 or Pay —Zesays1=0 16 3 Put in equation to get 16x? + 16y*— 24x + 48y Required circle is x* +y*—Sx4+3y+A=0 -13=0 12. @x°+y*=a? and ¢, (0,0); r,=4 Area = 2x 29% @rry 10,7 16 x+y? 2gr + g— b?= 0 touch each other D.56 Circle3 16. (b) x° + y*= 2ax and x? + y* = 2by are 2 circle equation of common chord ax — by = 0 or ax 13. (4) In equilateral triangle centroid and cireum- wre centre are coincident ie., origin (Given) 04-242 = 04-74 3 3 A aba > Oe ©. Point are (0,0) and ( 2ab?_2a*b ath a +h a, yf2a) Equation of circle x? + y’ (3) (Put values of x in y= 2 x) ParTtE Conic Section LECTURE Parabola 1 BASIC CONCEPTS. 1. Conic A conic is the locus of a point P which ‘moves so that its distance froma fixed point Sis ina constant ratio to its perpendicular distance from a fixed straight line MN. M PIKY) on 6 i SS (Focus) Ps = Eccentricity = ratio PM P-Any point on the conic 2. Focus The fixed point (S) is called the focus. 3. Directrix The fixed line (MN) is called the directrix. 4. Eccentricity The constant ratio is called the eccentricity and it is denoted by e. 5S. (i) Ife=0 then conic is a circle. (ii) Ife = 1 then conic is a parabola. iii) Ife <1 then conic is ellipse. (iv) Ife> 1 then conic is hyperbola (v) If e= 2 then conic is rectangular hyperbola 61 62 63 10. i. 12. 13. Axis of the Conic ‘The line passing through the focus and vertex. Every conic is symmetrical about its axis. Parabola has only one axis. Axis is a line through focus and perpendicular to the directrix. Ellipse has two axes namely major axis and minor axis, Hyperbola has two axes namely Transverse and Conjugate axes, Vertex The point of intersection of the conic and its axis is called the vertex of the conic, Latus Rectum The latus rectum of a conic is the chord passing through the focus and perpendicular to the axis, Tangent at the Vertex Line through vertex and perpendicular to the axis of conic. Double Ordinate Any chord which is perpen- dicular to the axis of the conic is known as its double ordinate. Focal Distance of any Point P(x, y) on the Conic Distance of P(x, y) from the focus S of a conic is called the focal distance of the point P. Focal Chord Any chord through the focus of a conic is called its focal chord General Equation of the Conic General ‘equation of the conic having focus at (a, 6), eccentricity e and directrix the line /x + my +n =0is E.4 Parabola 1 (E+ m?) {(e~a)? + (y= b)?} = e2 (le + my +n)? a Equation (1) represents @ circle ife =0 (ii) parabola if e = 1 (iii) ellipse ife <1 (iv) Hyperbola if e > 1 13.1 ffx, y)= ax + Dey + by? + 2gx + 2fyte=0...(i) and A= abe + 2fgh ~ af - bg* — oh? Gi) then the equation (i) represents (A pait of straight line if A= 0 (ii) A circle if A #0, a= b and h=0. iii) A parabola if A #0 and h = ab, (iv) Anellipse if A #0 and h < ab, (v) A hyperbola if A #0 and h? > ab, (vi) A rectangle hperbola if A #0, h?> ab and at+b=0 14. Centre of the Conic The centre of the conic ax? + hey + by? + 2gx + 2fp te=0 In gl |e |e sl ie al “| la hl’ Ja A ln ol |n 1 Fi where [Pj l=ab—H #0 The centre of the conic is the solution of afte») _afCny) _ fc ty following wo equation =~ ey or ax +hy+g=0 he+ by +f=0 NOTE The conic is symmetrical about its centre and centre of parabola is not defined. 15. Position of Straight Line with Respect to a Conic Solving equations of conie and line we find quadratic in any one variable and interpret three different cases as follows. If both roots ‘of quadratic are (@ Real and distinet B°> 44C , then straight line will be chord to the conic (ii) Equal (B? = 44C), then straight line will be tangent to the conic. (iii) Imaginary (B? < 4AC), then Straight line lies outside the conic i.e., neither touch nor intersect, 16. Double Ordinate Achord perpendicular to the axis of a conic is known as its double ordinate. 17. Parabola A parabola is the locus of a point which moves such that its distance from a fixed point is equal to its distance from a fixed straight line (directrix). Its eccentricity is always equal to unity (e = 1) and its centre is not defined 18. General Equation of a Parabola Equation of the parabola having focus at S(a, 6) and directrix [x + my + n= 0is (E+ mP) {Ge — a)? + (y= b)} = (et my +n? NOTE Second degree terms in the equation of parabola only form a perfect square. Therefore general equa- tion of a parabola may be written as (px - qy)?+ 2gx + fy +e =0. (2) Equation of axis of the parabola px - qv = 0 (ii) Equation of the tangent of the vertex 2gx + 2fp+e=0 Parabola: Importants results connected with standard forms of a Parabola (i) Standard forms Y) TV= Tangent atthe vertex X=0 Ge yp (.0) |o,o) Direct v= dax = —dax x= day s iV £ NI Vv | Gi) Coordinates of vertex (iii) Coordinates of focus (iv) Equation of the axis (¥) Equation of the directrix (vi) Equation of the latus rectum (vii) Length of the latus rectum: (viii) End points of latus rectum (ix) Parametric equations (8) Slope of the parabola (xi) Equation of tan- gent at vertex (xii) Area of triangle enclosed by the end points of Jatus rectum and the vertex of the parabola (xiii) Parametric co- ordinates of a point t on the parabola (xiv) Focal distance (PS) of a point P(x, y) on the parabola (xv) If the point Gy) is (xvi) If the point (x, y,) is on the parabola then (vii) If the point (,.¥,) is out side the parabola then 4a @2a), (a, 2a) x= at’, y = 2at Right handed x=0 2a* (at?, 2at) atx y= 2at Left handed x=0 2a? Cat’, 2at) yet dar, >0 Parabola1 E.5 (0,0) (0,a) (at, at) aty 4ay,>0 (0,0) (0, -a) Downward yao 2a? (at, -at*) xt day, <0 inside the parabola then x2 + 4ay,=0 x? + 4ay,>0

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