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15/03/2022 Return Visit/offer bible study

Jane: Hello Luritha its lovely to speak to you again how are you ?
Luritha: I am fine thank you, how are you?
Jane: Yes good thanks. Last time we spoke we discussed who Jesus was and I left you with a
question to think about and that was: Why did Jesus die? What do you think?
Luritha: Well I have been thinking about it but I really don’t know.
Jane: That’s ok it’s a question that has puzzled lots of people over the last 2000 years.
Thankfully the bible gives us the answer. Lets have a look and see what it says at Matthew
20 v 28. Luritha could you read that please?........................Did you notice the end of the
verse there, it gave the reason Jesus died?
Luritha: Yes it says he gave his life as a ransom
Jane: Yes that’s right – what do you think of when you read the word ransom?
Luritha: Its usually a price paid to get something back.
Jane: Yes exactly. So Jesus gave his life to buy back the lives of others and not just for a few,
the verse we read said for many. Jesus gave his life for everyone who sincerely wants to
benefit from that sacrifice, including you and me. Jesus also told us how we could show
appreciation for the sacrifice he made. Perhaps we could discuss that next time we speak?
Luritha: Yes that sounds really interesting.
Jane: The bible can help us to find answers to lots of life’s big questions and also gives
practical advice for daily living. To help people to benefit from the bibles message we offer
a free interactice home bible study course – can I just show you a brief 2 minute video that
explains how this works.
Luritha: Yes ok I have a couple of minutes.
Jane: ……… So there is a lot of information to take in there but its something for you to think
about. I will send you a link to the publication we use its called Enjoy Life Forever so you can
have a look at the content. Perhaps when we have our discussion next week, you can let me
know if it is something that interests you. Thanks for your time this week and I look forward
to catching up with you at the same time next week.
Luritha: Thank you I look forward to it too.

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