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1 The given line graph illustrates the amount of food consumed such as meat, salt and fish

between 1985 and 2010 in China. Units are measured in grams per person per week.
Overall, it can be seen that while fish remained popular throught the period, salt consumption
rate decreased every year and conversely the consumption of meat is increasingly popular.

2 The given line graph illustrates the amount and type of fast food consumed such as pizza, fish
and chips and hamburgers between 1975 and 2000 by Australian teenagers. Units are measured
in number of times eaten per year.
Overall, it can be seen that while hamburgers and pizza have continued to rise in the amount
eaten each year and similar proportion, while fish and chips have decreased.

3 The given charts illustrates components of GDP such as IT industry and Service industry between
1992 and 2000 in the UK. Units are measured in %.
Overall, it can be seen GDP in the UK continoused to rise each year. IT industry have significant
increased than service industry.

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