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Development Digital Worksheet Based on Wizer.

me In Teaching
Speaking At SMAN 7 Medan
Kristina Sinaturi1, Nazli Amelia2, Raymondo Tarigan3, Rizky Panggabean4,
Siti Nurhaliza Lubis5
Universitas Negeri Medan

Abstract :

Keywords :

Worksheet is a learning tool as a complement or means of supporting the implementation of the
learning plan. According to Sugianto Hidayah and Sugiarto (2006) Student Worksheet (LKS) is
one type of learning aids. According to Hendro Darmodjo and Jenny R. E. Kaligis (1992)
worksheets contain practicum instructions, experiments that can be done at home, discussion
material, crossword puzzles, portfolio assignments, and training questions, as well as all forms of
instructions that are able to invite students to move in the process learning, so that the teacher
worksheet can help students to learn in a directed manner. With the existence of student
worksheets, the teacher can find out the level of student understanding of the material being
taught. Worksheet has 2 types, namely conventional and interactive worksheets. Conventional
worksheets, usually in the form of print outs. While interactive worksheets are carried out with
computer and internet support. However, at school it is often found that the teacher does not use
worksheets in teaching and only tells students to work on the questions given and then written in
their own books, where, this results in students to be less active in learning and also makes the
teacher unable to measure how the ability and Student understanding of the material taught. This
happens, because the teacher feels too much costs incurred if using a worksheet because it must
be print out according to many students he will taught.
Based on this, it is known that many teachers do not know that there are digital worksheets that
teachers can use paid or unpaid. One example of an interactive worksheet is
According to Kopniak (2018) is a free, easy-to-use service and high-speed internet-
based product for creating interactive multimedia worksheets. With this, teachers can
create worksheets according to their creativity. In, various features have been provided
starting from community, worksheets and create new worksheets, learners and coffee room. All
of these features will greatly assist teachers in creating worksheets, especially community,
worksheets and create new worksheets. In addition, in creating worksheets on teachers
can add images, audio, video and also teachers can determine differentiation rules or rules for
students who need remedial or enrichment. So that teachers can provide assignments or
worksheets that are in accordance with the abilities of students.
Scientific Approach is an approach that is required to be carried out in teaching at school based
on the 2013 curriculum. Based on the Ministry of Education and Culture (2014) Scientific
approach is learning that uses scientific rules. The scientific approach or scientific method
generally contains a series of data collection activities through observation, asking,
experimenting, processing information or data, then communicating. The five activities of the
Scientific Approach must be carried out during the learning activity, as well as in the questions
made by the teacher in the worksheet. In order to achieve learning objectives based on the
system approach. In addition, to make students more critical and analytical.
Speaking is one of the four language skills where as we know the 4 language skills are, speaking,
listening, reading and writing. Speaking is one of the human communication tools. Speaking is a
ability that has been taught to everyone since childhood. According to Tarigan (1985) speaking
is the ability to pronounce the sounds of articulation or words to express, state, and convey
thoughts, ideas, and feelings. Speaking can be very easy if you have mastered a lot of
vocabulary. However, when only knowing this little vocabulary will be a difficult thing. This
usually happens when speaking in foreign languages like English. This is because the speaker
has only a little vocabulary and is not accustomed to speaking in English. One of the speaking
materials taught at school is procedure text. Procedure Text is material taught in class 12. Where,
students will demonstrate procedure texts related to manual use of technology and tips.
The problems that have been described previously also occurred in one of the high schools in
Medan, namely SMAN 7 Medan when learning procedure text. In class 12 IPS 2 of SMAN 7
Medan, the teacher did not use worksheet at all and only gave questions to the students to create
a procedure text, then told them to write their procedure text in a book, then told some people to
distribute their procedure text to their friends. This of course will make students lazy to work on
the problem, so they become less active. And this also resulted in the teacher not knowing how
the students' speaking ability in distributing the procedure text they made. When the teacher was
asked why not using worksheets, the teacher said that, using worksheets was too troublesome
because the teacher had to collect a lot of student worksheet paper. So the teacher also did not
make worksheets for her students. In addition, it is also known that the tasks given by the
teacher are not in accordance with the scientific approach. Where, this is not in accordance with
the current curriculum, namely Curriculum 2013. Therefore, our group developed a digital
worksheet using that can be used by teachers to make students more interested and
active in doing the tasks given by the teacher. This digital worksheet can attract students'
attention, because there are various features that make students interested. In addition, with this
digital worksheet, teachers will know how their students' English speaking skills are. And the
assessment can be done easily, because it can be assessed anytime and anywhere.
Procedure Text
Text procedure is a text that gives instructions, informs, or helps readers about how to make or
do something. According to, Mahsun (2014) Procedure text or direction is one type of text that
has the aim of directing or teaching the steps or procedures of an activity. The purpose of the text
procedure is to explain how something is made, carried out or used through sequential steps.
a. Structure of Procedure Text
The text procedure has 3 structures, namely:

 Goal, is a procedure text structure that explains the purpose or progress.

 Materials, is a procedure text structure that explains the tools and materials needed.
 Steps, containing steps or instructions in making or doing something.
Linguistic Rules for Procedure Text

b. The language Features in Procedure Text

There are 4 language features used in procedure text, namely :
1. Using Simple Present Tense
Procedure Text is written using a simple present tense, because in the procedure text,
there are sentences about how to make or do something.
2. Using the command sentence (imperative sentences)
Imperative Sentence is always preceded by Verb 1 of Action Verb or verbs that involve
physical activity. So in, there is no need to use the subject at the beginning of the
3. Using Connectives (Connectives)
Connectives are used to connect the steps in it so that the list of instructions made
becomes coherent and easy to understand.
4. Using information words (adverb)
The word information (adverb) is used to provide time information. There are 2 types of
words or adverbs used in procedure text, namely: adverb of time and adverb of manner
Digital Worksheet
Belawati (2007: 3:27) states that "Students' worksheet is a teaching material that has been
package in such a way so that students are expected to learn the teaching material
independently". According to Hendro Darmodjo and Jenny R. E. Kaligis (1992) worksheets
contain practicum instructions, experiments that can be done at home, discussion material,
crossword puzzles, portfolio assignments, and training questions, as well as all forms of
instructions that are able to invite students to move in the process learning, so that the teacher
worksheet can help students to learn in a directed manner.
Due to the times, worksheets are not only conventional, but there are also digital forms. Digital
worksheet is an alternative online learning media that can be designed by the teacher in
supporting the development of high-level thinking skills in students, including the ability to think
analytically. According to Puspita and Dewi (2021) the use of e-worksheets in learning affects
student learning exercises to be more enjoyable, as well as giving students freedom to practice
and arousing students in learning. Digital student worksheet can be operated easily through
gadgets. Data on the digital student worksheet is equipped with images and videos that can
increase students' understanding of the material so that it does not cause material misconceptions.
Based on this, it is known that worksheets are learning resources that contain brief material,
learning objectives, instructions for doing questions and a number of questions that must be
answered by students independently. With the development of increasingly sophisticated times,
worksheets are not only in conventional form anymore, but also in digital form. Even so,
worksheets still have the same content. The way of accessing and working on it is different.
Where, digital worksheets are accessed through a link shared by the teacher and done through the
student's gadget. In addition, pictures and videos can be included in it which can make students
more interested in doing the tasks given by the teacher in the worksheet.
a. The Function of Digital Worksheet
According to Prastowo (20: 205), student worksheet has three functions, namely:

1. As a teaching material that can minimize the role of educators, but activate students
2. As teaching materials that make it easier for students to understand the material provided
3. As concise and task-rich teaching material for practicing
4. Facilitate the implementation of teaching to students

b. The Elements of Digital Worksheet

Students’ worksheet mainly contains tasks/exercise for students to complete. In addition, it
includes special instruction or steps to finish a task. According to Husna, Mulyati, and Sari
(2015) purposed seven elements in constructing worksheet, namely:

1. Title
2. Basic compentence
3. Learning objective
4. Material and equipment
5. Brief explanation
6. Steps or procedure
7. Assesment or task

Scientific Approach
Scientific Approach is an approach to teaching that is required to be used by teachers in
Curriculum 2013. According to the Ministry of Education and Culture (2014), the scientific
approach is learning that uses scientific principles. The scientific approach or scientific method
generally contains a series of data collection activities through observation, questioning,
experimentation, processing information or data, then communicating. According to Prihadi
(2014), there are several steps in carrying out scientific approach activities, namely:

 Observing is the activity of identifying an object through sensing, namely through the
senses of seeing (reading, listening), smelling, hearing, tasting and touching when
observing an object using or not using tools so that students can identify a problem.
 Questioning is an activity to express something that students want to know about an
object, event, or process. Questions can be asked orally or in writing and can be in the
form of question sentences or hypothesis sentences so that students can formulate
problems and hypotheses.
 Collecting data is an activity to find information as material to be analyzed and
concluded. This activity can be done by reading books, field observations, trials,
interviews, distributing questionnaires, and others so that students can test the hypotheses
that have been made before.
 Associating, is processing data in a series of physical and mental activities with the help
of certain equipment. Data processing can be done by classifying, sorting, counting,
dividing, and arranging data in a more informative form, as well as determining the
source of the data so that it is more meaningful. Furthermore, students analyze data to
compare or determine the relationship between the data they have processed and the
existing theory so that a conclusion can be drawn.
 Communicating, is an activity of students in describing and conveying their findings
from observing, questioning, collecting and processing data, and associating which are
addressed to others both orally and in writing. as Digital Worksheet In Teaching Speaking is an online software with an interactive display and its features are also free for use by
academics. This Web Worksheet builds a link between the experience and creativity of the
teacher by adding different types of questions: multiple choice, essay, open-ended questions,
matching pairs, fill in the blanks, fill in and put on pictures and tables. worksheets
visually influence and inspire students to learn more and adapt technology very interestingly

According to Embong ( 2012) worksheet content is about all kinds of audio and visual materials
including speech, text, music, animation, photos, videos and different combinations. In creating worksheets teachers are free to choose from a variety of backgrounds and themes. allows teachers to add custom media to blended worksheets such as video, audio,
images and so on. Videos can open the mind to learning or practicing many interesting skills and
tasks. Users or teachers can apply these worksheets as a modern way of learning.
worksheet allows teachers and students to build a perfect worksheet many features, such as
recorded images and added for questions, can be found in the task.


In this study, researchers used the research and development (R&D) method. According to Borg
and Gall (2003), research and development method is an industry-based development approach
in which research findings are used to build new products and methods, which are then
rigorously field tested, assessed, and modified until they meet comparable criteria of
effectiveness, quality, or standards. Therefore, the researcher uses this method because the
researcher will develop a digital worksheet for teaching speaking on procedure text in class 12
IPS 2 SMAN 7 Medan. Where the researcher uses in making the digital worksheet.

This research is conducted so that students become more interested and active in doing the tasks
given by the teacher. The subject of this research is 12 IPS 2 SMAN 7 Medan. The data
collection instruments used by researchers in this study are syllabus, lesson plan, and textbook.
And the data collection techniques used by researchers in collecting data for this study are
observation and video recording. Where, based on the results of the observation and video
recording, the researcher made a questionnaire according to the results of the researcher's
observations which were then analyzed using need analysis. In conducting this research activity,
researchers followed six R&D steps in accordance with the theory of Borg and Gall (2003),

1. Collecting data and information

2. Analyzing data
3. Designing digital worksheet
4. Validating the digital worksheet
5. Revising the product
6. Final Product


This research was conducted in class 12 IPS 2 SMAN 7 Medan. In processing the data of this
study, the researcher analyzed the data based on the questionnaire that has been adjusted to the
results of observation and video recording conducted by the researcher in class 12 IPS 2 SMAN
7 Medan. Where, the questionnaire is then analyzed by using need analysis to find out the needs
of students in speaking. Where, the data will be used in developing a digital worksheet, namely
A. Analyzing Data

a. The Description of The Students

Table 4.1 Respondent’s Data of Need Analysis

Number of Respondent Sex Age

25 students Male Female

12 18 16-17

Table 4.1 shows that there are 30 students from the 12th grade of Social Sciences SMAN 7
Medan which are used as data in a questionnaire made by researchers. Students from the class
consist of A 12 men and 18 women, which is around 16-17 years old

b. Questionnaire Analysis

The questionnaire made by the researcher consists of 8 questions in which, 8 questions are
tailored to the necessities, lacks, wants, goals, material input, and learning activities desired by
students in speaking English on the text procedure material.

1. Necessities

Table 4.2 Necessities of The Speaking Skill For Now

Item Question Responses Percentage


1 What students need to improve a. vocabulary 50%

their speaking skills?
b. pronunciation 20%

c. grammar 30%

This table shows that 50% students are needed to improve their speaking skills by mastery many
vocabularies. The 30% students need to improve their speaking by understand the grammar
accuracy in the text and the 20% by improving their pronunciation. Based on the table, the
product will be created provides the material will help students improving their speaking skills
by mastering vocabularies and the good grammar.
2. Lacks

Table 4.3 The Students’ Level Profiency

Item Question Responses Percentage


2 Students’ proficiency speaking in a. Students know what they want to 24%

English… say in English, but when students
want to speak students forget a few
words in English and often make
grammar errors.

b. Students can talk a little in 40%

English, and students often make
mistakes in pronunciation.

c. Students can't speak in English at 36%


Table 4.3 shows that 40% students are able to speak a little bit English and often to make some
mistakes in pronunciation. There are 36 % students can’t speak in English at all. But there are
24% students are knowing what they want to say in English even though sometimes forget some
vocabularies and grammar about the related text.
Table 4.4 The Student’s Difficulties In Speaking English
Item Question Responses Percentage

3 Have students ever had difficulty a. Always. 60%

speaking English?
b. Sometimes. 35%

c. Never. 5%

Table 4.4 presents that 60% students are always have difficulties when speaking English. Also
35% have experienced that sometimes in difficulties in speaking English. But only 5% that never
felt difficulties in speaking English.
3. Wants
Table 4.5 The Student’s Wants In Learning Process
Item Question Responses Percentage

4 The material students need in a. Vocabulary mastery in English 70%

speaking English is?
b. Mastery of pronunciation in 13%

c. Mastery of grammar in English 17%

5. What kind of material and a. Audio Visual 33%

question that students want in
learning procedure text? b. Text 24%

c. Audio 43%

Table 4.5 shows that 70% students need material in speaking English to mastery the vocabulary.
There are 33% students need material to master the grammar and the rest 24% of students choose
to master the pronunciation of the vocabulary. In getting the material and worksheet they prefer
choose the learning by.
Table 4.6 Students’ Goal
Item Question Responses Percentage

6 Students’ purpose in following a. To be able to master vocabulary 37%

speaking activity based on in speaking English
academic oral is?
b. To be able to master 31%
pronunciation in speaking English

c. To be able to master grammar 32%

in speaking English

Table of 4.6 shows that the purpose of 37% students following speaking activity based on
academic oral is to master the vocabulary in speaking English. The 32% are able to master
grammar and the 31% are to master the pronunciation of the vocabularies. To facilitate the
purposes of the students, this digital worksheet that supported by provides many
features that help them to master vocabulary.
4. Input
Table 4.7 Types of Input
Item Question Responses Percentage

7 Learning material desired by a. The structure of procedure text 22%

students to learn speaking in
English b. The example of picture about 20%
procedure text

c. The example of vocabulary and 58%

pronunciation of the difficult

Table 4.7 presents that 58% students want learning material by the example of vocabulary and
pronunciation of difficulty words related to procedure text. The 22% students agree that learning
material by the structure of procedure text. The rest of students choose the learning material by
example of picture about procedure text.

Table 4.8
Item Question Responses Percentage

8. Learning activities that students a. Practicing the technique that help 27%
want to learn to speak in English speaking skill.

b. Completing the missing 27%

paragraph with appropriate

c. Explaining the paragraph based 46%

on picture orally.
The table 4.8 shows that 46% students choose learning activity in procedure text by explaining
the steps based on pictures orally. Then 27% choose completing the missing paragraph with the
appropriate sentences. And the last 27% students choose practicing the technique that able to
help their speaking ability.
B. Developing Digital Worksheet
In developing this digital worksheet, researchers adjust it to what students need and what is
needed during the learning process. Where, this can be seen from the results of a questionnaire
adjusted by researchers to student needs. From the results of the questionnaire, the researcher
then developed as a digital worksheet that students will use later when learning. In this
worksheet there are 5 five main elements when working on this worksheet, namely observing,
questioning, experimenting, associating, and communicating. These five main elements are
tailored to the needs of students, so that the abilities they want to learn can be better mastered.
Where the focus of the skills that students want to improve is vocabulary and grammar in
The five main elements that build this digital worksheet are the steps in the scientific approach.
The following is an explanation of the content of each element in the digital worksheet:
1. Observing: In this part, students will be introduced to the language features used in
procedure text. Where, they are given several videos to observe
2. Questioning: In this part, there are some tasks based on the videos they observed. Then,
they will explain one of the videos using voice record to develop their speaking skills.
3. Experimenting: In this section, students will get more information about the material
they are learning, so they can better understand and implement the material.
4. Associating: In this section, it consists of several tasks with the aim of honing students'
thinking skills.
5. Communicating: In this section, students will present the results they have learned
C. Validating Product
Based on the product development that has been developed. The researcher found that students
felt that this digital worksheet was good and helped them in developing their speaking skills
especially on procedure text material. Where, they can focus their skills on vocabulary and
grammar. These two things are the skills that students want to improve and this they managed to
get on the digital worksheet that has been developed. When the researcher finished presenting
this worksheet to students, the researcher asked students to give suggestions on things that need
to be improved from the digital worksheet based on the suitability of content, language and
presentation. And according to students, the things that need to be revised from this digital
worksheet are the instructions and tasks in the associating section.
D. Revising the Product
Based on the student's opinion about the digital worksheet that has been developed by the
researcher. It can be seen that the digital worksheet developed by researchers is
included in the good and feasible criteria. And also in accordance with the scientific approach
which is the five main elements in making this digital worksheet. However, there are some
things that need to be improved and revised. According to students, the things that must be
improved from this worksheet are the instructions and questions in the associating section that
are used need some improvement. Students said that the instructions given were not clear
enough so that sometimes it made them confused whether they had to write to answer the
questions on the worksheet or do a voice record. And for questions from associating from the
worksheet, students stated that markers or symbols should be given so that students can provide
clearer answers.
E. Final Product
Based on the suggestions from the students, the researcher made improvements to the
instructions and questions in the questioning section.
This research aims to develop digital worksheets using in learning speaking with
procedure text material. According to Kopniak (2018) is a free, easy-to-use service
and high-speed internet-based product for creating interactive multimedia worksheets. In the
development, researchers used a scientific approach, which is a teaching approach required in the
2013 curriculum. In conducting this research, the researcher carried out this research activity in
class 12 IPS 2 SMAN 7 Medan. In obtaining data for the development of this, the
researcher made a questionnaire based on the results of observations and video recording
conducted by researchers in class 12 IPS 2 SMAN 7 Medan which was adjusted to the needs of
students by conducting a need analysis. Based on the results of the analysis conducted, it is
known that students need good speaking skills by using correct vocabulary and grammatical.
Where, it also aims that students can know more vocabulary and know how to use it
grammatically. Therefore, the researcher developed the digital worksheet according to
the needs of students and also according to academic needs. So that student goals and academic
goals can be achieved simultaneously.
The development of this digital worksheet as a digital worksheet for students to make
learning more interesting and also make students more active in learning. Also, this is
more practical and does not make teachers bother because they have to store a lot of student
worksheet paper. In addition, the design of made for students can stimulate and
improve students' thinking to be more critical and analytical in speaking activities and learning
procedure text. To find out the feasibility of this, the researcher asked students as
validators of the quality of the developed by the researcher. And according to them, that has been developed by the researcher is feasible and can help them in improving
their speaking skills and understanding procedure text material.

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