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(ALL Time New Roman 12 – SPASI 1)

PRODI ________________
SEMESTER GENAP 2022 – 2023
All Time New Roman 12 spsasi 1,5

1. Kelompok
a. Nama kelompok : Group I
b. Proyek yang dikaji : Pengembangan media untuk genre long functional text
(Procedure text)
2. Materi/Konsep
Mahasiswa secara kelompok mengajukan konsep dan mencantumkan bahan referensi
(buku, hasil penelitian, artikel) yang berkaitan dengan topik (Bahasa atau seni muatan lokal)
Materi/Konsep :
Procedure text is a type of text that describes how something can be made or used through a
series of steps and the purpose of Procedure Text is to provide instructions on the steps or
methods of making or operating something.

The following is the linguistic structure of the procedure text which consists of:
 Aims/Goals (Objectives)
The purpose of the procedure text will be found from the title. For example, to explain
how to make mango juice, the objective would be written into the title itself, for example
"How to make ice cream".
 Ingredients/Materials
Things can be materials or tools needed to make something. For example, to make mango
juice, the ingredients needed are mangoes, water, and so on.
 Steps
Contains steps or stages in making, doing, or operating something. This section is usually
written sequentially (chronologically), starting from the first step to the last process until
finally the purpose of the procedural text is achieved.
 Results
The result of a series of steps that have been carried out.
Quoted from the English module Package C Equivalent to SMA/MA Class XII published by the
Ministry of Education and Culture by Yuniarti, S.Pd., M.Pd, the language features of the
procedure text are:
 Written using the Simple Present Tense, because the contents of the sentence are facts
related to how something is made or used.
 Using imperative sentences (command sentences). Example: cut the mango, chop the
garlic, pour the water, and others.
 Action verbs: the verbs that show physical activity such as us, put, stir, mix, etc...
 Using conjunctive/connective words to link one activity to the next. Example: firstly,
secondly, then, after that, last, finally and others.
 Using adverbs (adverbs) to provide information about time Example: for 3 minutes, one
hour, until, and to provide information on methods, such as thoroughly, well, fast, and

Example of Procedure Text

How to Make Ice Cream
- 2 cups milk or cream
- 2 tablespoons sugar
- 1 teaspoon Vanilla extract
- Several cups of Ice
- 1 cup salt
- Tub or large coffee can to hold salt and ice
- Glass bowl or small coffee can
- Electric mixer or whisk
- Ice cream scoop
- Storage container for freezer

 First, setting up the cooling apparatus. Stir ice and salt in the larger container.
Then, combine the ingredients. Mix together the milk, sugar, and vanilla in the glass
bowl. Then, set this bowl in the tub filled with ice and rock salt, making sure that the salt
water does not spill into the bowl.
 Next, mix the ice cream. Mix the ingredients in the small container vigorously. The salty
ice mixture will cool the mixture down until it turns into ice cream. It should take about
10 to 15 minutes to stir the ice cream using either method. Stir until it is free from ice
crystals and is the right consistency.
 Last, storage and serving. ice cream is ready.

Referensi : Procedure Text; Definition, Generic Structures, Purposes, Language

Features. (2017). Procedure Text; Definition, Generic Structures, Purposes, Language
Features – BRITISH Course
Procedure Text:Struktur, Ciri, dan Contohnya dalam Bahasa Inggris. (2020). "Procedure
Text:Struktur, Ciri, dan Contohnya dalam Bahasa

3. Tugas Proyek:
Perencanaan Proyek :
(Mahasiswa secara berkelompok menyampaikan desain dan gagasan terhadap project
yang akan dianalisis)
a. Gagasan : 1. Media Digital Worksheet ( which is adapted to 4
language skills, namely, speaking, listening, reading, and writing
2. Visual media use images to help students understand how or
the process of making something
3. Audio-visual media uses video makers to explain how to make
procedure text
b. Desain Proyek :
The project we chose for teaching the procedure text material is the digital worksheet. The
digital worksheet that we chose to be a worksheet for students is According to
Kopniak (2018) is a free, easy-to-use service and high-speed internetbased product
for creating interactive multimedia worksheets. With this, teachers can create
worksheets according to their creativity. In, various features have been provided
starting from community, worksheets and create new worksheets, learners and coffee room.
All of these features will greatly assist teachers in creating worksheets, especially
community, worksheets and create new worksheets. In addition, in creating worksheets on teachers can add images, audio, video and also teachers can determine
differentiation rules or rules for students who need remedial or enrichment. So that teachers
can provide assignments or worksheets that are in accordance with the abilities of students.
In addition, this can help students learn 4 language skills, namely, speaking,
listening, reading and writing. In the speaking section, students will explain what they have
learned by recording it on the voice note feature. In the listening section students will listen
to the videos that have been provided by the teacher at for student observation. In
the reading section, students will read the text procedure text given by the teacher, and for the
writing section the student will write a procedure text.
In this, our group adjusts it to the 2013 curriculum, as it is known that the 2013
curriculum uses a scientific approach which has 5 elements in it. The five main elements that
build this digital worksheet are the steps in the scientific approach.
The following is an explanation of the content of each element in the digital worksheet:
1. Observing: In this part, students will be introduced to the language features used in
procedure text. Where, they are given several videos to observe
2. Questioning: In this part, there are some tasks based on the videos they observed. Then,
they will explain one of the videos using voice record to develop their speaking skills.
3. Experimenting: In this section, students will get more information about the material they
are learning, so they can better understand and implement the material.
4. Associating: In this section, it consists of several tasks with the aim of honing students'
thinking skills.
5. Communicating: In this section, students will present the results they have learned orally

(Mahasiswa secara berkelompok menentukan waktu dan tempat untuk melakukan tugas
c. Tempat Pelaksanaan : SMA N 7 Medan
d. Waktu Pelaksanaan : 12 Maret 2023
(Diskusi dan Validasi)
e. Materi diskusi : 1. ___ (beri penjelasan)
2. ___ (beri penjelasan) dst nya
f. Validasi gagasan :
(Validasi gagasan yang dtetapkan)
g. Sumber data: journal, book, article
(Mahasiswa secara berkelompok mengumpulkan data terkait tugas proyek)

4. Pelaksanaan proyek:
a. Tahapan pelaksanaan proyek :
dalam pembuatan kelompok kami menggunakan lima elemen dalam scientific
approach. Namun hal yang dilakukan untuk bisa membuat nya yang dilakukan terlebih
dulu adalah silahkan buat akun. Untuk melakukannya, ikuti langkah-langkah berikut:
1. klik link
2. Click on Log In or Join
3. Click on Sign Up
4. Click on "Teacher"
5. Create an account using an email and create a password (be sure to record your password).

adapun Langkah-langkah lima elemen dalam scientific approach:

1. Mengamati
hal pertama create worksheet
kedua buat judul mengenai project yang akan dilakukan
ketiga pilihla menu "Add Activities"
keempat klik link yang ada di menu "Add Activities"
lalu tambahkan di link video, dan buat judul berserta Description.
2. Menanya
Hal pertama pilih yang ada di menu "Add Activities"
Kedua pilih “open question”
Lalu “Enter question for the student” dan berikan instruksi dari pertanyaan tersebut.
3. Bereksperimen:
Pilihlah yang ada di menu "Add Activities"
Klik “text”
Lalu buatlah “title”
Setelah itu buatlah penjelasan materi yang ingin dibuat di dalam “text”
4. Mengasosiasi :
Pilihlah yang ada di menu "Add Activities"
Klik “matching”
Lalu buatlah “title”
Berikan “instruksi”
Setelah itu tambahkan gambar dan penjelasan yang ada di “Add matching pairs”
5. Mengkomunikasikan:
pilih yang ada di menu "Add Activities"
Kedua pilih “open question”
Lalu “Enter question for the student” dan berikan instruksi dari pertanyaan tersebut.

b. Laporan hasil proyek (narasi) : (halaman terpisah)

c. Laporan hasil proyek (Ppt) : (halaman terpisah)

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