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A project submitted in partial fulfillment of

therequirements for the
Degree of

M.Com 2021-2023


College Roll No. MCOM21/12

Registration No. KU2021032266

University Roll No. 221606428503

Under the Supervision of

Prof. Dr. Fouzia Tabbasum

Faculty of Commerce
Karim City College, Jamshedpur-831001

Faculty of Commerce, Jamshedpur


The foregoing project report entitled “The role of

marketing strategy in determining consumer purchasing
behavior”, is hereby approved as a creditable study of
project topic and has been presented in satisfactory
manner to warrant its acceptance as prerequisite to the
degree for which it has been submitted.

It is understood that by this approval, the undersigned do

not necessarily endorse any conclusion drawn or opinion
expressed there in but approved the project report for te
purpose for which it is submitted.



I express my deep sense of gratitude and indebtedness to my project

supervisor Dr. Fouzia Tabbasum for providing precious guidance, inspiring
discussions, and constant supervision throughout the course of this work, His
timely help constructive criticism and conscientious efforts made it possible to
present the work contained in the project. I am also thankful to our HOD Dr.
Md. Moazzam Nazri for his help during my project work.

My sincere thanks to all faculty members of commerce who helped

directly or indirectly in the completion of this project.

I am also thankful to our Honorable Prof-in-charge Dr. Mohammad

Reyaz for his inspiration.

Last but not least I feel pleasure and privileged to fulfil my parents’
ambition and I am greatly indebted to them for bearing the
inconvenience during my M. Com Course.

Name :- Rohit Kumar

Registration No. KU2021032236

University Roll No.221606428503


List Of Table (i)
List of Graphs (ii)


1.i Introduction .……………………………...………………...7
1.ii Background of the study………………………………...……………..8
1.iii Statement of Problem ……….…………………………….…….......…8
1.iv Research Question…….……………………..…….…………….….….8
1.v Objective of the study…… ……………..………………………......…9 Significance of the study …...……………….……………...…..….…..9
1.vii Scope and Limitation of the study.....…………………………...……10
1.viii Definition of terms………………………..……………………..……11
1.ix Chapter Scheme………………...………..…...………………..……..12












Of all business activities or functions, none is as interested in the consumer and his purchasing
behaviour as marketing. Marketing is invariably connected with the research into consumers
purchasing behaviour; namely what the consumer want, need, prefer and value, who are the
prospective consumers and where they live their income and mode of spending, how and why
they make purchase decision and so on. Infact the influencing of the buyer behaviour is the
primary task of the marketing department in any organisation.

Equally, marketing tries to define the right type of product in terms of the company’s objective
and attempts to make it available at the right place and at the right price, with the right
promotions. This performance of marketing functions involves basically marrying consumer
wants and with the appropriate products and services. It is the duty of the firm to adopt
appropriate marketing strategy to attract customers to its products. This is important because
in a free market economy, the ultimate judge of the firm performance is the consumer.

Consumer purchasing behaviour will determine the fate of the enterprise, this behaviour can
best be described by a marketing manager who can also tell how he will be influenced by
market variables such as price, promotion, product (variation and distribution) and place.

Marketing strategy depicts the overall company program for selecting a particular market
segment and then satisfying it’s consumers through careful use of elements of the marketing,
mix product, price, place (distribution) and promotion. Effective marketing requires decision
that successfully integrates a forms marketing program towards satisfying the consumer whose
act in obtaining and using goods and services, including his decision process that precede and
determine those acts are highly affected by the strategy adopted by the marketing manager in
marketing the firm’s products.

Since the performance of marketing function involves basically marrying consumer needs and
wants with the appropriate products and services and since it is generally believed that
marketing begins and ends with the consumer, this project therefore attempt to examine how
the use of marketing strategies have generated sales following it’s impact on consumer,

purchasing behaviours. Efforts are therefore made to show the relationship between sales
turnover and amount spent on marketing activities and it’s resultant impact on consumer
purchasing behaviour. We shall also concentrate on establishing how consumer purchasing
behaviour is influenced by a form’s strategy for accomplishing marketing objectives and plans.

Equally, marketing tries to define the right type of products in terms of the company’s
objective and attempts to make it available at the right place and at the right price, with the
right promotions. This the performance of marketing functions involves basically marrying
consumer wants and with the appropriate products and services. It is the duty of the firm to
adopt appropriate marketing strategy to attract customers to its products. This is important
because in a free market economy, the ultimate judge of the firm performance is the consumer.

Consumer purchasing behaviour will determine the fate of the enterprise, this behaviour can
best be described by a marketing manager who can also tell how he will be influenced by
market variables such as price, promotion, product (variation and distribution)
Marketing strategy depicts the overall company program for selecting a particular market
segment and then satisfying it’s consumers through careful use of elements of the marketing
mix-product, price place (distribution) and promotion. Effective marketing requires decisions
that successfully integrate a forms marketing program towards satisfying the consumer whose
act in obtaining and using goods and services, including his decision process that precede and
determine those acts are highly affected by the strategy adopted by the marketing manager in
marketing the firm’s products.

A variety of factors have an impact on consumer behavior, and will promote or restrict its
progress. Therefore, consumer behavior is influenced by various factors, which are mainly
individual characteristics of consumers: gender,age, occupation, education level; internal and
external attributes of product, such as product quality, value, structure, packaging, name,
trademark and price; social and economic factors such as social andpolitical conditions, social
atmosphere, customs and habits, social income level and social consumption level; market
environment such as market structure, sales service, operation mode, and advertising means.



Consumer behavior refers to the mental and emotional process and the observable behavior of consumers
during searching, purchasing and post consumption of a product or service.

Consumer behavior involves study of how people buy, what they buy, when they buy and why they buy. It
blends the elements from psychology, sociology, sociopsychology, anthropology and economics. It also tries
to assess the influence on the consumer from groups such as family, friends, reference groups and society in

Buyer behavior has two aspects: the final purchase activity visible to any observer and the detailed or short
decision process that may involve the interplay of a number of complex variables not visible to anyone.

What influences consumers to purchase products or services? The consumer buying process is
a complex matter as many internal and external factors have an impact on the buying decisions
of the consumer.

When purchasing a product there several processes, which consumers go through. These will
be discussed below.

Purchase decision

Through the evaluation process discussed above consumers will reach their final purchase
decision and they reach the final process of going through the purchase action e.g. The process
of going to the shop to buy the product, which for some consumers can be as just as rewarding
as actually purchasing the product. Purchase of the product can either be through the store, the
web, or over the phone.

Post Purchase Behavior

Ever have doubts about the product after you purchased it? This simply is post purchase
behavior and research shows that it is a common trait amongst purchasers of products.
Manufacturers of products clearly want recent consumers to feel proud of their purchase, it is
therefore just as important for manufacturers to advertise for the sake of their recent purchaser
so consumers feel comfortable that they own a product from a strong and reputable
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organization. This limits post purchase behavior. i.e. You feel reassured that you own the latest
advertised product.

Factors influencing the behavior of buyers.

Consumer behavior is affected by many uncontrollable factors. Just think, what influences you
before you buy a product or service? Your friends, your upbringing, your culture, the media, a
role model or influences from certain groups?

Culture is one factor that influences behavior. Simply culture is defined as our attitudes and
beliefs. But how are these attitudes and beliefs developed? As an individual growing up, a child
is influenced by their parents, brothers, sister and other family member who may teach them
what is wrong or right. They learn about their religion and culture, which helps them develop
these opinions, attitudes and beliefs (AIO) . These factors will influence their purchase behavior
however other factors like groups of friends, or people they look up to may influence their
choices of purchasing a particular product or service. Reference groups are particular groups of
people some people may look up towards to that have an impact on consumer behavior. So they
can be simply a band like the Spice Girls or your immediate family members. Opinion leaders
are those people that you look up to because your respect their views and judgments and these
views may influence consumer decisions. So it maybe a friend who works with the IT trade
who may influence your decision on what computer to buy. The economical environment also
has an impact on consumer behavior; do consumers have a secure job and a regular income to
spend on goods? Marketing and advertising obviously influence consumers in trying to evoke
them to purchase a particular product or service.

Peoples social status will also impact their behavior. What is their role within society? Are they
Actors? Doctors? Office worker? and mothers and fathers also? Clearly being parents affects
your buying habits depending on the age of the children, the type of job may mean you need to
purchase formal clothes, the income which is earned has an impact. The lifePerformence of
someone who earns £250000 would clearly be different from someone who earns £25000. Also
characters have an influence on buying decision. Whether the person is extrovert (out going and
spends on entertainment) or introvert (keeps to themselves and purchases via online or mail
order) again has an impact on the types of purchases made.
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A competitor, in order to achieve the loyalty of the customers, offer an endless

information flow on the products and services and thereby continuously educates the customer
about the opportunities in the market. Therefore today even an ordinary person, is in possession
of the large amount of data to use for the purpose of making a decision as to which products/
services he would go in for. The competitive environment is making the customer wisher day
by day and he is able to take a large number of decisions on his own. The experts’ advice of the
olden days is being replaced by the customer’s own wisdom. This is making the market place
more complicated and unpredictable. The customer is getting smarter today and he is able to
decide his own money’s worth and therefore, organization across the board are `pursuing the
customer’s views to streamline their business strategies to remain customer- worthy.
People are the prime factor for any organization to maintain the effectiveness and thus
develop the right focus for the people, so that each one perceives as clearly as possible his
position in the cycle of growth and prosperity of the organization. Agendas will have to be
drawn in such a manner and communicated so effectively that the individual is able to enjoy a
meaningful life in the organization, endowed with authority and responsibility for the role he
“One should be able to see for oneself the impact of the contributions one has made
towards the growth and prosperity cycle of the organization. As a matter of fact the relationship
between the people and the organization should be so designed that each one is here to
experience the pleasure of winning and pain of losing. People alone are of no significance unless
and until they have an intimate and continuous interaction with the process”.
Therefore organization have to take continuous care to update their quality of the people
and that of processes simultaneously so that a healthy relationship is built up and maintained
making the relationship happy and healthy one. This, when done, should generate in people a
sense of entrepreneurship ownership of the organization.
“Since the customer are the main focus of any organization its structure should be so flat i.e.,
people fluently interact with the customer and maintain continuous feedback about the
customer’s moods and methods in order to shape its business portfolio and strategies”.
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It is very important to find whether the fundamentals of the organization are getting strong
as desired. It is therefore rightly said that a well trained army with quality arms and ammunitions
and with a sense of involvement can got the nations frontiers inn desirable and dependable
manner similarly: people at the operation level with superior competency and capability
supplied with superior products and strategies can acquire a place for an organization in the
market place. Retail outlets are the contact points of the customers and therefore the image of
the organization largely depends upon the quality of the people managing the interventions and
transactions at the level.

The Consumer Market:

The consume market consists of all the individuals and households who buy or acquire
goods and services for personal consumption. The simplest model consumer buyer behavior is
the stimulus – response model. According to this model marketing stimuli ( the four Ps) and
the major forces (economic, technological, political, cultural) enter the consumer’s “black box”
and reproduce certain responses.

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Social factors influence buyer’s behavior. A person’s reference group-family, friends,
social organizations, professional associations- strongly affect product and brand choices. The
buyer’s age, life-cycle stage, occupation, economic circumstances, lifePerformence,
personality, and other personal. Characteristics influence his or her buying decisions.
Consumer life-Performances the pattern of acting and interacting in the world are also an
important influence on purchase decisions.
Finally, consumer-buying behavior is influenced by four major psychological factors-
motivation, perception, learning, and beliefs and attitudes. Each of these factors provides a
different perspective for understanding the workings of the buyer’s black box.

It can be defined as the process by which an individual selects, organizes, and interprets
stimuli into a meaningful and coherent picture of the world. A stimulus is a unit of input to any
of the senses. Examples of stimulus ie, sensory input include products, packages, brand names,
advertisements, and commercials, sensory receptor.
Marketers do not want their target audience to look only at the models in their ads. They

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want to communicate something about their products as well. Marketers often use attractive
models,humour, other factors to attract the target market’s interest. Information processing is
a series of activities by which stimuli are perceived, transformed in to information, and stored.
Information processing model has four major steps or stages,

a) Exposure
b) Attention
c) Interpretation, and
d) Memory

Consumer Buying Behavior

Possibly the most challenging concept in marketing deals with understanding why buyers do
what they do (or don’t do). But such knowledge is critical for marketers since Wanting a strong
understanding of buyer behavior will help shed light on what is important to the customer and
also suggest the important influences on customer decision-making. Using this information,
marketers can create marketing programs that they believe will be of interest to customers.

As you might guess, factors affecting how customers make decisions are extremely complex.
Buyer behavior is deeply rooted in psychology with dashes of sociology thrown in just to make
things more interesting. Since every person in the world is different, it is impossible to have
simple rules that explain how buying decisions are made. But those who have spent many years
analyzing customer activity have presented us with useful “guidelines” in how someone decides
whether or not to make a purchase.

Why Consumers Buy

As we discussed in the What is Marketing? tutorial, customers make purchases in order to

satisfy needs. Some of these needs are basic and must be filled by everyone on the planet (e.g.,
food, shelter) while others are not required for basic survival and vary depending on the person.
It probably makes more sense to classify needs that are not a necessity as wants or desires. In
fact, in many countries where the standard of living is very high, a large portion of the
population’s income is spent on wants and desires rather than on basic needs.

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In this tutorial when we mention the consumer we are referring to the actual buyer, the person
spending the money. But is should also be pointed out that the one who does the buying is not
necessarily the user of what is bought and that others may be involved in the buying decision
in addition to the actual buyer. While the purchasing process in the consumer market is not as
complex as the business market, Wanting multiple people involved in a purchase decision is
not unusual. For example, in planning for a family vacation the mother may make the hotel
reservations but others in the family may have input on the hotel choice. Similarly, a father may
purchase snacks at the grocery store but his young child may be the one who selected it from
the store shelf.

How Consumers Buy

So now that we have discussed the factors influencing a consumer’s decision to purchase, let’s examine the
process itself. This process is presented in a sequence of 5 steps as shown below.

However, whether a consumer will actually carryout each step depends on the type of purchase decision that is
faced. For instance, for minor re-purchases the consumer may be quite loyal to the same brand, thus the decision
is a routine one (i.e., buy the same product) and little effort is involved in making a purchase decision. In cases
of routine, brand loyal purchases consumers may skip several steps in the purchasing process since they know
exactly what they want allowing the consumer to move quickly through the steps. But for more complex
decisions, such as Major New Purchases, the purchasing process can extend for days, weeks, months or longer.
So in presenting these steps marketers should realize that, depending on the circumstances surrounding the
purchase, the importance of each step may vary.

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The main objective of this study is the role of marketing strategy in determining consumer. But
for the successful completion of the study: the study intends to achive the following objectives:
To determine marketing strategies and use them to identify and retain consumer.
1. To find out how uses the strategy to make profit.
2. To identify the major problems associated with the implementation and use of the marketing
strategy in this company.
3. To ascertain the relationship between marketing strategy and consumer purchasing
4. Examine marketing mix elements that enhance product differentiation in the eye of the
5. Analyze the advertising method of the promotional mix element that enhances consumer
purchases decision.
6. Analyze the extent at which the marketing mix elements enhances sales turnover

The four P’s – Product, Price, Promotion and Place – are helpful because they provide a focus
for an understanding of the marketing activities and the marketing planning carried out by a
business. They are often known as the marketing mix because they provide a structure for a
successful marketing campaign. Marketing mix is not a scientific theory, but merely a
conceptual framework that identifies three principal decision-making managers make in
configuring their offerings to suit consumers’ needs. The tools can be used to develop both
long-term strategies and short-term tactical programs. The idea of the marketing mix is the
same idea as when mixing a cake. A baker will alter the proportions of ingredients in a cake
depending on the type of cake he wishes to bake. The proportions in the marketing mix can be
altered in the same way and differ from the product to product.

Pricing is one of the most visible aspects of a company’s marketing program. This is because

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of the role prices play in the determination of buyer’s choice on one hand and the determination
of revenue, market share, and profitability of companies on the other hand.
A product which is well developed, well packaged with good distributive channels and efficient
advertising but no fair price will not succeed in the market. The price which the market can
take is what is referred to as a fair price.
Conceptually, price refers to the amount of money charged for good and/or services. The price
of a product is what the company gets back in return for all the efforts put into manufacturing
and marketing the products. Thus, the fastest and most effective way for a company to realize
its maximum profit is to get its pricing right. Pricing objectives should be derived from overall
marketing objectives, which in turn should be derived from corporate objectives. The most
common pricing objectives include achieving a targeted return on investment and market share,
stabilizing of price and margin, and meeting or preventing competition.
➢ Pricing policy determines the cost of the product to the customer.
➢ The product price must be balanced between the company’s cost for the product and the
strength of demand.
➢ The price strategies include distribution and margins to be made by the middlemen who
assist in the marketing effort must be taken into account.
➢ Functional, quantity, seasonal and cash discounts must also be taken into consideration in
the price strategy.
➢ The price is the only element in the marketing mix that generates revenue . Promotion
Promotion mix encompasses a broad range of activities designed to communicate with
individual’s groups or organizations in order to influence members or a selected audience to
accept the promoting forms goods, services or ideas. The promotion mix facilitates exchange.
In conceptual terms, promotion is the element in an organization’s marketing mix that serves
to inform, persuade and remind the market and/or the organization of a product, in the hope of
influencing the recipients’ feelings, beliefs or behavior. Promotion is aimed at communicating
a message to customers about a product or service that is being offered by a firm. The
promotional elements comprise a mix of tools available for marketers. Commonly known as
the promotional mix, it includes elements such as 1, advertising, 2, personal selling, 3, sales
promotion, 4, public relations and 5, direct marketing.
18 | P a g e Place

Conceptually, place is defined as a channel, distribution or intermediary. In short, it is the

mechanism of goods and services that facilitates the flow of goods and services from the
manufacturers and service providers to the end users. The concept of place is to make the right
goods and services available in the right quantities and at the right locations when customers
need them. The distribution responsibilities of marketing encompass the management of both
physical distribution and marketing channel activities. Performed together, these two activities
link producers with consumers and industrial user in the economic system.

The place element, or the distribution, in the marketing mix has two components, channel
management and logistics management. Channel management is concerned with entire process
of setting up and operating the contractual organization, consisting of various types of
middlemen. Logistics management is focused on providing product availability .The decision
of a proper distribution channel involves numerous interrelated variables that must integrate
wholly into the total marketing mix.
The individuals or organizations that make up marketing channels engage in activities
associated with the:-
2) Physical storage and movement of goods
3) Transfer of title of goods
4) Communication among the various individuals or organization in the system.
5) Negotiation and ordering activities associated with exchange.
6) Payment for products exchanged through the channel.
The manufacturer has to make decision on what channel of distribution to use given the
constraint of what is available. He has to design a channel system by first of all establishing
the channel objectives and constraints in terms of customer, products, middlemen,
competition, company and environmental characteristics. After this the major channel
alternative has to be evaluated using cost – benefit and adaptive criteria and most appropriate
channel chosen.

19 | P a g e Product
A product can be defined as anything that can be offered to the market for attention, acquisition
or consumption including physical objects, services, personalities, organizations and desires. It
can also can be defined as anything that can be offered for want or need satisfaction, i.e. the
term include an object, activity, person, place organization or idea.
Products can be classified into two major categories, that is, tangible and intangible. A tangible
product is merchandise that can be touched, such as a book, chair, television, and so on. In
contrast, intangible products or services are elements of products which have unobservable
product attributes and can be measured in terms of delivery, credit and warranty. As more and
more consumer place great emphasis on these aspects, there influence on
customers/consumers’ overall satisfaction and decision-making is higher as compared with
other sectors Many products are a combination of a concrete product and the accompanying


The fact that implementation of effective marketing strategies creates satisfaction for both the
procedures and consumers, there is the need to improve on market orientation among organisations.
Companies should realize the importance of strategic planning in the provision of goods and
services to ensure guaranteed profits.

Good strategies mean lower cost and so lower prices and consumers are induced to repeat purchase.
This way the producers realize their aims and objectives and consumer gets needed goods and
services at affordable prices. It is therefore towards this state of affairs that this research work is

This research work is also undertaken in the hope that it’s finding will enable marketing people to
understanding, adapt and apply knowledge of consumers purchasing behaviour in tackling their
marketing problems.

Again it is hoped that the study and the recommendation that will be made, will be of benefit to the
s marketing department in particular and the entire industry as a whole. It will contribute to
determining the strategic requirements for effective marketing and would enable firms serve their
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customers more effectively and efficiently. If the research achieves this, it will be a worthwhile
contribution to the integration of functional specialism (marketing) that is essential in the business
world today.


Although marketing mix strategy is synonymous with the four elements of Price, Product, Place
and Promotions which is a business tool used in marketing and by marketing professionals in
achieving organizations sales, profitability and overall goal. However, the study is conducted
on the role of marketing mix strategy in determining consumer purchases decision. It is scoped
to cover the relationship of the four marketing mix elements to sales turnover and determine
the promotional element’s relation to consumer decision which affects the purchase decision of
the consumer.
There are some factors that constitute limitations to this study; paramount among them are time
and financial constraints, in the areas of adequate treatment of literatures and logistics as well
as itinerary of sourcing information.
Another limitation to the study was the reluctance of the company to give all information
required for security reasons as they may be affected by competitors. In addition, some of the
respondents were un-cooperative and unwilling to take the questionnaire or accept interview
appointments from the researcher. There was also the problem of some respondents not
returning their questionnaires, having lost them or misplaced them.

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This chapter relates to the Introduction, Background of the study, marketing strategies,
objective , Statement of problem, scope and limitation of the study, factor affecting consumer


Chapter 3 provides information about the Literature Review


This chapter consists of Research Methodology, Method of Data collection ,Balance Sheet,
Profit & loss and Data Analysis and interpretation



Summary of Findings, Conclusion and Suggestions / Recommendations and references

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Automobile industry in India

The automobile industry in India is the ninth largest in the world with an annual production
of over 2.3 million units in 2008 In 2009, India emerged as Asia's fourth largest exporter of
automobiles, behind Japan, South Korea and Thailand.

Following economic liberalization in India in 1991, the Indian automotive industry has
demonstrated sustained growth as a result of increased competitiveness and relaxed restrictions.
Several Indian automobile manufacturers such as Tata Motors, Maruti Suzuki and Mahindra
and Mahindra, expanded their domestic and international operations. India's robust economic
growth led to the further expansion of its domestic automobile market which attracted
significant India-specific investment by multinational automobile manufacturers. In February
2009, monthly sales of passenger cars in India exceeded 100,000 units.

bryonic automotive industry emerged in India in the 1940s. Following the independence, in
1947, the Government of India and the private sector launched efforts to create an automotive
component manufacturing industry to supply to the automobile industry. However, the growth
was relatively slow in the 1950s and 1960s due to nationalization and the license raj which
hampered the Indian private sector. After 1970, the automotive industry started to grow, but the
growth was mainly driven by tractors, commercial vehicles and scooters. Cars were still a major
luxury. Japanese manufacturers entered the Indian market ultimately leading to the
establishment of Maruti Udyog. A number of foreign firms initiated joint ventures with Indian

In the 1980s, a number of Japanese manufacturers launched joint-ventures for building

motorcycles and light commercial-vehicles. It was at this time that the Indian government chose
Suzuki for its joint-venture to manufacture small cars. Following the economic liberalization in
1991 and the gradual weakening of the license raj, a number of Indian and multi-national car
companies launched operations. Since then, automotive component and automobile
manufacturing growth has accelerated to meet domestic and export demands.

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The Britannica Encyclopedia a motorcycle as a bike or tricycle propelled by an internal

–combustion engine (or, less often by an electric engine). The automobile was the reply to the
19th –century reams of self-propelling the horse-drawn bikeriage. Similarly, the invention of
the motorcycle created the self –propelling bicycle. The first commercial design was three-
wheeler built by Edward Butler in Great Britain in 1884. This employed a horizontal single-
cylinder gasoline engine mounted between two steer able front wheels and connected by a drive
chain to the rear wheel. The 1900s saw the conversion of many bicycles or pedal cycles by
adding small, centrally mounted spark ignition engine engines. There was then felt the need
for reliable constructions. This led to road trial tests and competition between manufacturers.
Tourist Trophy (TT) races were held on the Isle of main in 1907 as reliability or endurance
races. Such were the proving ground for many new ideas from early two-stroke-cycle designs
to supercharged multivalent engines mounted on aerodynamic, bikebon fiber reinforced


The invention of two wheelers is a much-debated issue. “Who invented the first
motorcycle?” May seem like a simple question, “safety”, bicycle, i.e., bicycle with front and
rear wheels of the same size, with a pedal crank mechanism to drive the rear wheel. Those
bicycles in turn described from high-wheel bicycles. The high –wheelers descended from an
early type of pushbike, without pedals, propelled by the rider’s feet pushing against the ground.
These appeared around 1800, used iron banded wagon wheels, and were called “bone-
crushers”, both for their jarring ride, and their tendency to toss their riders. Gottiieb Daimler
(who credited with the building the first motorcycle in 1885, one wheel in the front and one in
the back, although it had a smaller spring-loaded outrigger wheel on each side. It was
constructed mostly of wood, the wheels were of the iron-banded wooden-spooked wagon-type
and it definitely had a “bone-crusher” chassis!


Most of the developments during the early phase concentrated on three and four-wheeled design
since it was complex enough to get the machines running with out having to worry about them
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falling over. The next notable two-wheeler though was the Hildebrand & Wolf Mueller,
patented in Munich in 1894. In 1895, the French firm of DeDion-button built and engine that
was to make the mass production and common use of motorcycle possible. The first motorcycle
with electric start and a fully modem electrical system; the Hence special from the Indian
Motorcycle Company astounded the industry in 1931. Before World War 1, IMC was the largest
motorcycle manufacturer in the world producing over 20000 bikes per year.


The popularity of the vehicle grew especially after 1910, in 1916; the Indian motorcycle
company introduced the model H racer, and placed it on sale. During World War 1, all branches
of the armed forces in Europe used motorcycles principally for dispatching. After the war, it
enjoyed a sport vogue until the Great Depression began in motorcycles lasted into the late 20 th
century; weight the vehicle being used for high-speed touring and sport competitions. The more
sophisticated of a 125cc model. Since then, an increasing number of powerful bikes have blazed
the roads.


Indian is the second largest manufacturer and producer to two wheelers in the World. It
stands next only to Japan and China in terms of the number of V produced and domestic sales
respectively. This destination was achieved due to variety of reason like restrictive policy
followed by the government of India towards the passenger bike industry, rising demand for
personal transport, inefficiency in the public transportation system etc. The Indian two-
wheelers industry made a small beginning in the early 50s when Automobile products of India
(API) started manufacturing scooters in the country. Until 1958, API and Enfield were the sole
The first Japanese motorcycles were introduced in the early eighties. TVS Suzuki and
Hero Honda brought in the first two-stroke and four-stroke engine motorcycles respectively.
These two players initially started with assembly of CKD Kits, and later on progressed to
indigenous manufacturing.

The industry had a smooth ride in the 50s, 60s and 70s when government prohibited new entries
and strictly controlled capacity expansion. The industry saw a sudden growth in the 80s. The
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industry witnessed a steady of 14% leading to a peak volume of 1.9 mn vehicles in 1990.

In 1990 the entire automobile industry saw a drastic fall in demand. This resulted in a
decline of 15% in 1991 and 8% in 1992, resulting in a production loss of 0.4mn vehicles.
Barring Hero Honda, all the major producers suffered from recession in FY93 and FY94. Hero
Honda showed a marginal decline in 1992.

The reason for recession in the sector were the incessant rise in fuel prices, high input
costs and reduced purchasing power due to significant like increased production in 1992, due
to new entrants coupled with recession in the industry resulted in companies either reporting
losses or a fall in profits.


The two-wheelers market has had a perceptible shift from a buyers market to a sellers
market with a variety of choice, players will have compete on various fronts viz. pricing,
technology product design, productivity after sale service, marketing and distribution. In the
short term, market shares of individual manufacturers are going to be sensitive to capacity,
product acceptance, pricing and competitive pressures from other manufacturers.

As incomes grow and people grow and people feel the need to own a private means of
transport, sales of two-wheelers will rise. Penetration is expected to increase to approximately
to more than 25% by 2005.


Hero MotoCorp Ltd. (Formerly Hero Honda Motors Ltd.) is the world's largest manufacturer
of two - wheelers, based in India.
In 2001, the company achieved the coveted position of being the largest two-wheeler
manufacturing company in India and also, the 'World No.1' two-wheeler company in terms of
unit volume sales in a calendar year. Hero MotoCorp Ltd. continues to maintain this position
till date.

Today, every second motorcycle sold in the country is a Hero Honda bike. Every 30 seconds,

28 | P a g e
someone in India buys Hero Honda's top-selling motorcycle – Splendor.

The Hero Honda story began with a simple vision – the vision of a mobile and an empowered
India, powered by Hero Honda. This vision was driven by Hero Honda’s commitment to
customer, quality and excellence, and while doing so, maintaining the highest standards of
ethics and societal responsibilities. Hero Honda believes that the fastest way to turn that dream
into a reality is by remaining focused on that vision.

Hero Honda’s key strategy has been driven by innovation in every sphere of activity – building
a robust product portfolio across categories, exploring new markets, aggressively expanding
the network and continuing to invest in brand building activities.

Hero Honda bikes are manufactured across three globally benchmarked manufacturing
facilities. Two of these are based at Gurgaon and Dharuhera which are located in the state of
Haryana in northern India. The third and the latest manufacturing plant is based at Haridwar, in
the hill state of Uttrakhand.

In the 1980’s Hero Honda pioneered the introduction of fuel-efficient, environment friendly
four-stroke motorcycles in the country. Today, Hero Honda continues to be technology pioneer.
It became the first company to launch the Fuel Injection (FI) technology in Indian motorcycles,
with the launch of the Glamour FI in June 2006.
Hero Honda's product range includes variety of motorcycles that have set the industry standards
across all the market segments. The company also started manufacturing scooter in 2006. Hero
Honda offers large no. of products and caters to wide variety of requirements across all the

29 | P a g e
The company's growth in the two wheeler market in India is the result of an intrinsic ability to
increase reach in new geographies and growth markets. Hero Honda's extensive sales and
service network now spans close to 4500 customer touch points. These comprise a mix of
authorized dealerships, Service & Spare Parts outlets, and dealer-appointed outlets across the


The company has been continuously investing in brand building utilizing not only the new
product launch and new campaign launch opportunities but also through innovative marketing
initiatives revolving around cricket, entertainment and ground- level activation.

Hero Honda has been actively promoting various sports such as hockey, cricket and golf. Hero
Honda was the title sponsor of the Hero Honda FIH Hockey World Cup that was played in
Delhi during Feb-March 2010. Hero Honda also partners the Commonwealth Games Delhi


Hero Honda’s mission is to strive for synergy between technology, systems and human
resources, to produce products and services that meet the quality, performance and price
aspirations of its customers. At the same time maintain the highest standards of ethics and social

This mission is what drives Hero Honda to new heights in excellence and helps the organization
forge a unique and mutually beneficial relationship with all its stake holders.


Hero Honda is a world leader because of its excellent manpower, proven management, extensive
dealer network, efficient supply chain and world-class products with cutting edge technology
from Honda Motor Company, Japan. The teamwork and commitment are manifested in the

30 | P a g e
highest level of customer satisfaction, and this goes a long way towards reinforcing its
leadership status

No. Name of the Directors Designation

1 Mr. Brijmohan Lall Munjal Chairman & Whole-time Director

2 Mr. Pawan Munjal Managing Director & C.E.O.

3 Mr. Toshiaki Nakagawa Joint Managing Director

4 Mr. Sumihisa Fukuda Technical Director

5 Mr. Sunil Kant Munjal Non-Executive Director

6 Mr. Suman Kant Munjal Non-Executive Director

7 Mr. Takashi Nagai Non-Executive Director

8 Mr. Yuji Shiga Non-Executive Director

9 Mr. Pradeep Dinodia Non-executive & Independent Director

10 Gen. (Retd.) V. P. Malik Non-executive & Independent Director

11 Mr. Analjit Singh Non-executive & Independent Director

12 Dr. Pritam Singh Non-executive & Independent Director

13 Ms. Shobhana Bhartia Non-executive & Independent Director

14. Mr. M. Damodaran Non-executive & Independent Director

15. Mr. Ravi Nath Non-executive & Independent Director

16. Dr. Anand C. Burman Non-executive & Independent Director

Mr. Brijmohan Lall Munjal is currently on the board of the following companies:

No. Name of Company Nature of Office

1 Hero Honda Motors Limited Chairman and Whole-time Director

2 Hero Honda Finlease Limited Chairman and Director

3 Munjal Showa Limited Chairman and Director

4 Easy Bill Limited Director

5 Rockman Industries Limited Director

6 Shivam Autotech Limited Director

31 | P a g e
Year Event

1983 Joint Collaboration Agreement with Honda Motor Co. Ltd. Japan signed
Shareholders Agreement signed

1984 Hero Honda Motors Ltd. Incorporated

1985 First motorcycle "CD 100" rolled out

1987 100,000th motorcycle produced

1989 New motorcycle model - "Sleek" introduced

1991 New motorcycle model - "CD 100 SS" introduced

500,000th motorcycle produced

1992 Raman Munjal Vidya Mandir inaugurated - A School in the memory of founder Managing Director, Mr.
Raman Kant Munjal

1994 New motorcycle model - "Splendor" introduced

1,000,000th motorcycle produced

1997 New motorcycle model - "Street" introduced

Hero Honda's 2nd manufacturing plant at Gurgaon inaugurated

1998 2,000,000th motorcycle produced

1999 New motorcycle model - "CBZ" introduced

Environment Management System of Dharuhera Plant certified with ISO-14001 by DNV Holland
Raman Munjal Memorial Hospital inaugurated - A Hospital in the memory of founder Managing Director,
Mr. Raman Kant Munjal

2000 4,000,000th motorcycle produced

Environment Management System of Gurgaon Plant certified ISO-14001 by DNV Holland
Splendor declared 'World No. 1' - largest selling single two-wheeler model
"Hero Honda Passport Programme" - CRM Programme launched

2001 New motorcycle model - "Passion" introduced

One million production in one single year
New motorcycle model - "Joy" introduced
5,000,000th motorcycle produced

2002 New motorcycle model - "Dawn" introduced

New motorcycle model - "Ambition" introduced
Appointed Virender Sehwag, Mohammad Kaif, Yuvraj Singh, Harbhajan Singh and Zaheer Khan as Brand

2003 Becomes the first Indian Company to cross the cumulative 7 million sales mark
Splendor has emerged as the World's largest selling model for the third calendar year in a row(2000, 2001,

32 | P a g e
New motorcycle model - "CD Dawn" introduced
New motorcycle model - "Splendor +" introduced
New motorcycle model - "Passion Plus" introduced
New motorcycle model - "Karizma" introduced

2004 New motorcycle model - "Ambition 135" introduced

Hero Honda became the World No. 1 Company for the third consecutive year.
Crossed sales of over 2 million units in a single year, a global record.
Splendor - World's largest selling motorcycle crossed the 5 million mark
New motorcycle model - "CBZ*" introduced
Joint Technical Agreement renewed
Total sales crossed a record of 10 million motorcycles

2005 Hero Honda is the World No. 1 for the 4th year in a row
New motorcycle model - "Super Splendor" introduced
New motorcycle model - "CD Deluxe" introduced
New motorcycle model - "Glamour" introduced
New motorcycle model - "Achiever" introduced
First Scooter model from Hero Honda - "Pleasure" introduced

2006 Hero Honda is the World No. 1 for the 5th year in a row

15 million production milestone achieved

2007 Hero Honda is the World No. 1 for the 6th year in a row
New 'Splendor NXG' launched
New 'CD Deluxe' launched
New 'Passion Plus' launched
New motorcycle model 'Hunk' launched
20 million production milestone achieved

2008 Hero Honda Haridwar Plant inauguration

New 'Pleasure' launched
Splendor NXG lauched with power start feature
New motorcycle model 'Passion Pro' launched
New 'CBZ Xtreme' launched
25 million production milestone achieved
CD Deluxe lauched with power start feature
New 'Glamour' launched

33 | P a g e
2009 Hunk' (Limited Edition) launched
Splendor completed 11 million production landmark
New motorcycle model 'Karizma - ZMR' launched
2010 Silver jubilee celebrations

2011 New model Splendor Pro launched

Launch of new Super Splendor and New Hunk

New licensing arrangement signed between Hero and Honda

Launch of new refreshed versions of Glamour, Glamour FI, CBZ Xtreme, Karizma
Crosses the landmark figure of 5 million cumulative sales in a single year


Year Awards & Recognitions

Two-wheeler Manufacturer of the Year award by Bike India magazine.

Adjudged the "Bike Manufacturer of the Year" at the Economic Times ZigWheels Car and Bike
- CNBC Awaaz - Storyboard special commendation for "Effective rebranding of a new corporate
entity" by CNBC Awaaz Consumer Awards
- "Most Recommended Two-Wheeler Brand of the Year" award by CNBC Awaaz Consumer
- Colloquy Loyalty Awards "Innovation in Loyalty Marketing International 2011" for Hero
- "Best Activity Generating Short or Long-Term Brand Loyalty" by the Promotion Marketing
Award of Asia Order of Merit for Hero GoodLife
2010 - Ranked No 1 brand in the Auto (Two-Wheelers) category in the Brand Equity "Most Trusted
Brand" 2011 survey

Company of the Year awarded by Economic Times Awards for Corporate Excellence 2008-09.

CNBC TV18 Overdrive Awards 2010 'Hall of Fame' to Splendor

NDTV Profit Car & Bike Awards 2010 -

• Two-wheeler Manufacturer of the Year

• CnB Viewers' Choice Two-wheeler of the Year (Karizma ZMR)

Bike Maker of the Year by ET-ZigWheels Car & Bike of the Year Awards 2009

2009 'Two-wheeler Manufacturer of the Year' by NDTV Profit Car & Bike Awards 2009 and Passion Pro
adjudged as CNB Viewers' Choice two-wheeler

Top Indian Company under the 'Automobile - Two-wheelers' sector by the Dun & Bradstreet-Rolta
Corporate Awards

34 | P a g e
Won Gold in the Reader's Digest Trusted Brand 2009 in the 'Motorcycles' category

NDTV Profit Business Leadership Awards 2009 - two-wheeler category

2008 NDTV Profit Business Leadership Award 2008 - Hero Honda Wins the Coveted "NDTV Profit
Business Leadership Award 2008"
TopGear Design Awards 2008 - Hunk Bike of the Year Award
NDTV Profit Car India & Bike India Awards - NDTV “Viewers’ Choice Award” to Hunk in Bike
IndiaTimes Mindscape and Savile Row ( A Forbes Group Venture ) Loyalty Awards - “Customer
and Brand Loyalty Award” in Automobile (two-wheeler) sector

Asian Retail Congress Award for Retail Excellence (Strategies and Solutions of business innovation
and transformation) - Best Customer Loyalty Program in Automobile category

NDTV Profit Car India & Bike India Awards - Bike Manufacturer of the year

Overdrive Magazine - Bike Manufacturer of the year

TNS Voice of the Customer Awards:
• No.1 executive motorcycle Splendor NXG
• No.1 standard motorcycle CD Deluxe
• No. premium motorcycle CBZ Xtreme

2007 The NDTV Profit Car India & Bike India Awards 2007 in the following category:
• Overall "Bike of the Year" - CBZ X-treme
• "Bike of the Year" - CBZ X-treme (up to 150 cc category)
• "Bike Technology of the Year" - Glamout PGM FI

"Auto Tech of the Year" - Glamout PGM FI by Overdrive Magazine.

"Bike of the Year" - CBZ X-treme by Overdrive Magazine.

Ranked CBZ X-treme "Bike of the Year" - by B S Motoring Magazine

“Most Trusted Company” , by TNS Voice of the Customer Awards 2006.

CD Deluxe rated as "No 1 standard motorcycle" by TNS Voice of the Customer Awards 2006.

2006 Adjudged 7th Top Indian Company by Wallstreet Journal Asia (Top Indian Two Wheeler Company).

One of the 8 Indian companies to enter the Forbes top 200 list of world’s most reputed companies.

35 | P a g e
No. 1 in automobile industry by TNS Corporate Social Responsibility Award.

Best in its class awards for each category by TNS Total Customer Satisfaction Awards 2006:
• Splendor Plus (Executive)
• CD Deluxe (Entry)
• Pleasure (Gearless Scooters)

Splendor & Passion - Top two models in two wheeler category by ET Brand Equity Survey 2006.

Adjudged 7th Top Indian Company by Wallstreet Journal Asia (Top Indian Two Wheeler Company).

Top Indian company in the Automobile - Two Wheeler sector by Dun & Bradstreet - American
Express Corporate Awards 2006.

Hero Honda Splendor rated as India's most preferred two-wheeler brand at the Awaaz Consumer
Awards 2006.

Certificate of Export Excellence for outstanding export performance during 2003-04 for two-wheeler &
three- wheelers - Complete (Non SSI) by Engineering Export Promotion Council.

The NDTV Profit Car India & Bike India Awards 2006 in the following category:
• Bike Maker of the Year
• Bike of the Year - Achiever
• Bike of the Year - Achiever (up to 150 cc category)
• Bike of the Year - Glamour (up to 125 cc category)
• NDTV Viewers' Choice Award to Glamour in the bike category


PHOENIX MOTORS PVT LTD is dealership type of business. PHOENIX MOTORS PVT
LTD. is established on 21st march 2003. The business is running by only one man. The owner
name is ch .madhu mathi the firm is located at habsiguda in Hyderabad.
Generally the sale will be either on cash basis or on institutional basis. Bank like
ICICI, HDFC and CENTURION are providing loans to customers.
Advertising strategy of phoenix motors:
They are giving the ads through newspapers, wall paintings, hoardings and field staff.
They are upgrading sales by introducing the schemes, group bookings, institutional sales and
customer door-to-door activities.
36 | P a g e
Categorization of Staff members:
Staff members are categorized for technicians, 25 members are allotted for field staff, 5
members are recruited for sales for persons, 5 persons are placed for evaluating for spare parts,
5 members are allotted for managerial accounts and another 3 persons for cash transaction and
other members are allotted for remaining work.
Customer relationship:
They entertain the showroom providing a customer’s huge having pool game, internet
facility and television with home there system. They provide bile maintenance programs on
every week.
According to other dealers PHOENIX motors in first in sales and best in service. They treat
customer, is the very important person at PHOENIX motors customer satisfaction is their motto,
why because, they will satisfied customer is the best advertisement. They provide better value
for the customers and as well as employees also. At PHOENIX motors the customer is the boss.
Average they are selling 25 vehicles per day. PHOENIX motors PVT L.T.D is the A.P s
NO.1 dealership in sales and other activities? It is a QLAD (qualify leader through quality
dealer). At PHOENIX motor they gave the quality service to the customers why because ‘the
cost is long forgotten but the quality is remembered for ever”. They treat quality has a...
Q Quest for excellence
U Understanding customer’s needs
A Action to achieve customer’s appreciation.
L Leadership determined to be a leader
I involving all the people
T Team spirit to work for a common goal
Y Yard sticks to measure programs.
Warranty on proprietary items like Tyros, Tubes and Battery etc, will be directly
handled by the respective original manufactures (OEM’s) except AMCO for batteries and
Dunlop and Falcon tires and Tubes. In case of any defect in proprietary items, other than the
above two mentioned OEM’S the dealers must approach the Brach office dealer of the
respective manufacture. For AMCO batteries and Dunlop and falcon tires, tubes claims will be
37 | P a g e
accepted at our authorized dealerships per the mutually agreed terms and conditions between
HERO HONDA and of these two OEM’s in case the claim is not accepted for invalid reasons.
Then the claim along with the refusal note form the OEM can be sent to the warranty section at
gorgon plan after due to recommendation of the area service engineer. If any other six services
or subsequent paid services is not availed as per the recommended schedule given in the owner’s
manual. If HERO HONDA recommended engine oil is not used. To normal wear & tear
components like bulbs, electric wiring, filters, spark plug, clutch plates, braded shoes, fasteners,
shim washers, oil seals, gaskets, rubber parts (other than tyre and tube) plastic components,
chain$ sprockets and in case of wheel rim misalignment or bend.
If there is any damage due o modification or fittings of accessories other than ones
recommended by HERO HONDA. If the motor has been used in any competitive events like
tracking races or rallies. If there is any damage to the painted surface due to industrial pollution
or other extraneous factors. For clams made for any consequential damage due to any previous
malfunction. For normal phenomenon like noise, vibration, oil seepage, which do not affect the
performance of the motorcycles.


PHOENIX motors participate and conduct social service activities. Recently the phoenix
motors organized a BLOOD DONATION CAMP for the trust on 21st January 2006.they
motivated on the consumers to participated in this camp and also provide certificate for the


To entertain the customers the showroom providing a customers huge having pool game,
Internet facility and television with home theatre system. They provide bike maintenance
programs on every week. According to other dealers PHOENIX motors in first in sales and
best in service. They treat customer, is the very important person at PHOENIX motors customer
satisfaction is their motto, why because, the well satisfied customer is the best advertisement.
They provide better value for the customers and as well as employees also. At PHONIX motors
the customer is the boss.

38 | P a g e

PHOENIX Motors participates in social service activities. The Phoenix motors organize
a BLOOD DONATION CAMP for the trust in every year. They motivated on the customers to
participated in this camp and also provide Certificate for the customers.

39 | P a g e

40 | P a g e

The below table shows the age group of the respondents surveyed:

AGE No Of Respondents
18-28 8
28-38 28
38-48 10
Above 48 54
Total 100

No Of Respondents



No Of Respondents


18-28 28-38 38-48 Above 48 Total

INFERENCE: From the above table, 8% of the respondents belong to the age group
of 18-28 years, 28% of the respondents belong to the age group of 28-38 years, 10%
of the respondents belong to the age group of 38-48 years, 54% of the respondents
belong to the age group of above 48 years.

41 | P a g e

The below table shows the type of respondents of the respondents surveyed.

Occupation No Of Respondents
Student 0
Business 50
Private Employee 32
Govt Employee 18
Total 100

No Of Respondents
20 No Of Respondents

INFERENCE: From the above table 0% of the respondents are students, 50% of
the respondents are businessmen, 32% of the respondents are private employee,
18% of the respondents are Govt employee.

42 | P a g e

The below table shows that whether the respondents is wanting a bike or not

Wanting a bike or not No of respondents

Yes 80
No 20
Total 100

Having a two wheeler or not




From the above table 80%of people wanting bike and 20% do not want bike.


The below table shows the type of BIKE that the respondent is wanting.

Type of BIKE No of respondents % of respondents

100CC 51 51
180CC 14 14
150CC 26 26
200CC 09 9

43 | P a g e


% of respondents
No of respondents


100CC 180CC 150CC 200CC


From the above table 51%of the respondents are Wanting Hero MotoCorp Ltd
100CC BIKE. 14%of the respondents want 180CC. 26%of the respondents are
wanting 150CC.9% of the respondents want 200CC.


The below table shows, from where did the respondent get the information about the

Sources of information No of respondents

Offers 15

Advertisements 27

Referred from friends & relatives 33

Technology 10

Finance Schemes 15

Total 100

44 | P a g e
15% 15.00% Offers

Referred from friends &

Finance Schemes


From the above table 15%of people known from offers, 27% of people known
from advertisements, and 33% of people known from their friends and relatives,
10% of people known from technology, 15% of people known from finance


HERO Performance Mileage Features Price pickup Reliability Image
Excellent 10 25 24 02 05 08 20
Very good 25 24 15 18 06 02 20
Good 10 21 25 12 15 35 25

Average 21 10 10 14 5 6 8

Poor 0 2 1 8 2 3 1

45 | P a g e
60% Poor
50% Average
20% Very good
10% Excellent


From the above table 17% of the respondents preferred PERFORMENCE as their
main motive, 22% of the respondents preferred PRICE as their main motive, 4%of
the respondents preferred FEATURES as their main motive, 22% of the respondents
preferred TRANSPORT as their main motive, 2% of the respondents preferred
RELIABILITY as their main motive, 21% of the respondents preferred BRAND
IMAGE as their main motive.

The following table shows that, some of the brands of bikes respondents selected
performance as
their main motive.

Brand No of respondents
Total 100

46 | P a g e
No of respondents



The above table shows that Bajaj and Honda companies are the competitors with
HERO Bikes.


The following table shows that, some of the brands of respondents selected PRICE
as their main motive.

Brand No of respondents
Total 100

47 | P a g e
No of respondents



No of respondents




The above table shows that HONDA is the competitor with HERO MOTO


The following table shows that, some of the brands of respondents selected
PICK UP as their main motive.

Brand No of respondents
Total 100

48 | P a g e
No of respondents

Axis Title


HERO BAJAJ No of respondents


No of respondents 50 10 30 10 100


The above table shows that HERO is the best.


The following table shows that, some of the brands of respondents selected
MILEAGE as their main motive.

MILEAGE No of respondents
Total 100

49 | P a g e
No of respondents



No of respondents




The above table shows that HERO is the best.


The following table shows that, some of the brands of respondents selected
RELIABILITY as their main motive.

Reliability No of respondents
Total 100

50 | P a g e
No of respondents



No of respondents




The above table shows that HONDA is the competitor with HERO .


The following table shows that, some of the brands of respondents selected
FEATURES as their main motive.

FEATURES No of respondents
Total 100

51 | P a g e
No of respondents



No of respondents




The above table shows that HERO is the best.


The following table shows that, some of the brands of respondents selected BRAND
IMAGE is their main motive

Brand Image No of respondents

Total 100

52 | P a g e
No of respondents



No of respondents




The above table shows that HERO is the best.

14) Respondents:

Respondents who want to buy the BIKE of a particular brand:

Brand No of respondents
Total 100

53 | P a g e
No of respondents



No of respondents




The above table shows 40% of the respondents want to buy HERO BIKES.

54 | P a g e


55 | P a g e

o 45% of the respondents are Hero MotoCorp Ltd customers and hence it is most Preferred
BIKE brand out of various brands.

o Hero MotoCorp Ltd 150CC is the most preferred model out of all products

o 60% of the respondents are considering Hero MotoCorp Ltd brand before Purchasing there
for use.

o Most of the respondents are getting information through friends Before purchasing the

o Most of the respondents are Wanting good satisfaction with dealer Service comparing to
other brands.

o Most of the respondents are giving more preference to mileage.

o 60% of the respondents are affecting by their friends and relatives.

56 | P a g e

➢ 50% of the Hero MotoCorp Ltd customers are business people and
32% of the customers are private employees.
➢ Most of the respondents belong to the age group of 18-50 years.
➢ Hero MotoCorp Ltd 150CC is the most preferred model in the Hero
MotoCorp Ltd products.
➢ Most of the respondents getting information through the Media and
friends before purchasing the vehicle.
➢ Most of the respondents are motivated by their friends and family
➢ Most of the respondents have good satisfaction with the
performance of their BIKE strength.
➢ 64% of the respondents are satisfied with the mileage of their BIKE.
➢ Most of the respondents felt that the price is reasonable.
➢ Cent percent of the respondents satisfied with the response of the
sales executive at first visit.
➢ 60% of the Hero MotoCorp Ltd users have good satisfaction with
the performance given b the company.
➢ Most of the respondents are satisfied with the response of the
company to the complaints given by the customers.
➢ Most of the respondents are satisfied with the fulfillment of
promises by the company.

57 | P a g e

➢ The BIKEs recently introduced by Hero MotoCorp Ltd are mostly

concerned about home base. So, they should also consider commercial
people while manufacturing.

➢ Indian market is a price sensitive market’s the BIKEs should be at

Minimum price with maximum quality.

➢ The standard of pricing should be improved.

➢ Advertisements in Televisions, offers should be increased to attract
the People.

➢ If Hero MotoCorp Ltd can improve in Performance and brand image

it will be the best in all the other competition brands.

58 | P a g e
59 | P a g e

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