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List of discoveries and inventions made by filipino inventors and scientist that made an
impact here and abroad.

● Incubator by Fe Del Mundo

She invented the bamboo incubator that helps the baby to recover if she/he is
lack of months before the baby born.

● Luna rover by Eduardo San Juan

He is one of the inventor of moon buggy of luna hover it is the car used when
asrronauts and niel armstrong explored the moon.

● Flourescent by Agapito Flores

He invented the most commonly used lighting devices in the world thats why our
home becomes brighter.

2. List down some of the new filipino discoveries and inventions that you think must be
promoted and supported by the government?

● Plant derived active ingredients for pharmaceuticals

Tuklas lunas program has discovered 18 active ingredients in local plants that
could be used to treat dengue.
-I think government should be supported and promote the tuklas lunas program that can
treat the patient with dengue because this kind of sick very danger and the majority of
deathrate is young age patient and medics really need a vaccine for this. This should be
implemented for us to be secure and safe. Hence, the discoveries may fight the evolving
disease from mosquitos like Zika virus or etc. and will may help save the humanity.

● Robotics for physical rehabilitation

Exoskeleton is a cost-effrctivr 3D printed wearable robot to help post stroke and
other injured patients to move their upper limbs better and faster.
-Supporting and promoting this by government will be sure have a very good impact for
individuals. This may be use in future use in people who have accidentally injured in physical
and disabled people will be healed not just physically but also emotionally because being
disabled is depressing.
● Boosting coconut production
Filipino scientists have developed a method to improve coconut propagation
through a process called "somatic embryogenesis technology" (CSet). Through this
technology, coconut variety with better genetic stock can be reproduced using
immature flowers and immature embryos.
-This discovery should support and promote by government because saving coconuts
resources and provide good quality leads people become healthy and natural provided. On
the other side, the natural resources reproduced using flowers and immature embryos
prevents the wildlife health affecting butterflies or mother nature's beaty.

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