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.............. Boook Why?

This book teaches a reader to make money and not make money. This book has a lot of motivation

about making money.

(Explain the reason why you recommend this book)

Book Title : Mindset Para Miliarder

Author : William Tanuwidjaja

Publisher : IKAPI

Date published : 2008

Number of pages : 125


Reason for reading:

I read this book because this book has a lot of motivation from several famous figures, one of the authors of this book, who is the owner of the Tokopedia


(Explain the reason why you read this book)

What do you like BEST from the story:

The Biggest Investor In History

According to Roger Lowenstein, Warren Buffett is the greatest investor in history. Buffet is also stylish, because of its unique investment style. But the results are

truly extraordinary. In 5 decades, he has increased the value of shares from less than 100,000 US dollars to 35 billion US dollars in 3 decades. Ten years later, that

figure had grown to 60 billion US dollars.”.

(mention the best part of this book that you like, e.g: the story/the character/the plot)

What do you like LEAST from the story:

I like the words of Napoleon Hill a little, he said "Everyone can expect to be rich, and almost anyone should. But only a few know that a well-thought-out plan, plus a

great desire to achieve prosperity, is what achieving true wealth means." From what he said, I think that being rich is not easy, it takes a great desire and maximum

effort to achieve wealth.

(mention the least part of this book that you like, e.g: the story/the character/the plot)

On scale 1-10, how difficult is this book for you? (1 = easy, 10 = difficult).


The difficulty in reading this book in my opinion is 2, because this book is a motivational book that aims to inspire readers to achieve something the readers want.

On scale 1-10, how good is this book for you? (1 = good, 10 = very good).


I think this book has a score of 10 for me, because the things in this book I think are clear facts. This book has a saying from several figures who tried to achieve

success from the beginning.

Passages to remember (include page numbers):

There is one thing that I remember the most, namely the words of Henry Ford "If you think you can, then you are right. If you think you can't, you are also right."

From what he said, I think that someone's optimism in achieving something is very necessary. Because if someone is doubtful in his decision then that person can't do


(the paragraph or the quote that you remember the most from the book)
The Characters:

Roger Lowenstein, Warren Buffet, Henry Ford, Napoleon Hill, Norman Vincent Peale, Johan Wolfgang Von Goethe, Zig Ziglar, John Paul Getty, David Bach, Barrack

Obama, Chuck Jones, Henry James, Robert T. Kiyosaki, R.W. Emerson, Abraham Lincoln, Benjamin Franklin, Joan Chen, Billi Lim,

(mention the characters)


(mention the places in the story)

Alternatives: -

(if you are given the opportunity to change/remake the story, which part will you change and why?)


This book begins with a discussion of mentality, because basically when someone wants to be successful or rich they have to have a strong mentality. This book

continues to discuss the sincerity of people to be rich, a person must be serious, and if he doubts the hope of becoming rich is only a shadow. At the end of each

chapter in this book there is a quote from a successful character. This book tells readers that being rich or successful is not an easy thing, it takes mentality, desire,

will, mindset, and clear intentions that only people can become rich. In fact, only a few people can become rich.

Comment & critics to the book (content, organization, etc):

This book was created by an Indonesian, namely William Tanuwijaya who is also the owner of the Tokopedia application, but this book contains quotes from outside

Indonesia, this book should have been given several quotes from figures in Indonesia.

Reading for Academic Purpose – Favorite Book

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