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How does carol Ann Duffy convey her transformation in thesis in a way that represents how people

could change in their relationships.

How does carol Ann Duffy through her writing give a representation on how people could see
themselves and their surrounds through their emotions in medusa

How does carol ann duffy represent the impact of emotions on the persona’s actions or how she
represents the link between emotions and actions in medusa

-first stanza first line where she says “ suspicion, a doubt, a jealousy grew in my mind, which turned
the hairs on my head to filthy snakes, as though my thoughts hissed and spat on my scalp”

This shows how her emotions are affecting her thoughts and feelings and her own self image

-the persona due to her thoughts and feelings has become more aggressive and begins to spiral and
falling more into her idea of her being medusa and begins turning everything too stone

-and because of the persona’s negative feelings they speak badly about their love interest and they
believe their love interest will just betray them

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