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After oracle db installation (11g) 9500132919


1.goto command prompt => sqlplus sys/admin as sysdba

2.grant resource , connect , dba to hr;
3.alter user hr account unlock;
4.alter user hr identified by admin;
5.grant create user to hr;
6.grant execute on utl_file to hr;
7.grant resource to hr;
8.connect hr/admin.

Oak Ridge Automatic Computer and Logical Engine

Oracle - db technology (backend)
6i , 8i , 9i , 10g , 11g , 12c ..

i integration
g grid
c cloud

java frontend

other db techs
sql server
mongo db
db2 .. etc

why oracle ? because - high performance / data security

oracle understands only - sql/plsql

structured query language - sql

procedural language structured query language - plsql

using sql we can store data / retreive / manipulation (correction)

insert / delete / select => english like language

InSert / INSERT => case insensitive
it can be written in multiple lines

default tables for beginers

employees / departments / locations

table => collection of data that composed of rows and columns

tools => toad / sql developer / plsql developer / sqlplus / isqlplus

Relational Operators
= <> !=
in not in
like not like
between not between
is null is not null

select first_name , salary , hire_date from employees where salary = 24000;

select first_name , salary , hire_date from employees where salary > 15000;
select first_name , salary , hire_date from employees where salary >= 17000;
bselect first_name , salary , hire_date from employees where salary <= 4800;
select employee_id , first_name , salary , hire_date from employees where
first_name = 'Steven';

select employee_id , first_name , salary

from employees where first_name <> 'Steven';

select employee_id , first_name , salary from employees where first_name in

('Steven', 'Neena','Lex');

select employee_id , first_name , salary from employees where first_name not in

('Steven', 'Neena','Lex');

select first_name , salary , hire_date

from employees where salary in (24000 , 17000 , 4800);

select * from employees where department_id is null;

select * from employees where department_id is not null;

select * from employees where first_name like 'A%'; -- starts with A

select * from employees where first_name like '%e'; -- ends with e
select * from employees where first_name like 'N%y';
select * from employees where first_name like '%and%';
select * from employees where first_name like '__n%';
select * from employees where first_name like '____'; -- acting like =
select first_name , length(first_name) from employees where first_name like
select * from employees where first_name not like 'A%';

select * from employees where employee_id between 105 and 109;

select * from employees where salary between 5000 and 6000;
select * from employees where salary not between 5000 and 6000;
select * from employees where salary >all (10000,9000,7500,10200); -- GREATEST
select * from employees where salary >any (14000,14800,17500,15000); -- LEAST

<any = Less than maximum.

>any = Greater than minimum.
=any = Equivalant to IN.
>all = Greater than maximum.
<all = Lesser than minimum.

select * from employees order by salary desc;

select first_name ,salary from employees order by 2 asc;

table name
order by
asc/desc -- last

single row functions

case manipulation
character manipulation
number function
general functions
null functions
conversion functions

case manipulation


select first_name , upper(first_name) , last_name , lower(last_name) , email,

initcap(email) from employees;

select * from employees where lower(first_name) ='steven';

character manipulation
* * **************** * *

instr 4 - 1 - input 2 - searching letter 3 - starting position 4 - no of

purpose : to identify the given char position
eg : select first_name , instr(first_name,'a',1,2) from employees;
select first_name , instr(first_name,'e',1,1) from employees;

substr 3 - 1 - input 2 - starting position 3 - how many char to be displayed

purpose : to display specific strings
eg : select last_name , substr(last_name,2,2) from employees;
select last_name , substr(first_name,1,3) from employees;

length 1 - 1 - input
purpose : to count the no of letters
eg : select first_name , length(first_name) from employees;
select length('Hermann') from dual;

reverse 1 - 1 - input
purpose : to get the mirror of the given string
eg : select first_name , reverse(first_name) from employees;
replace 3 - 1 - input 2 - to be replaced 3 - replacement string ( optional)
purpose : to change a word by word
eg : select replace('greens tech','tech','technologys') from dual;

translate 3 - 1 - input 2 - to be changed 3 - replacement string

purpose : to change a letter to different letter
eg : select translate('zoho','zh','lg') from dual;

trim 3 - 1 - to be trimmed 2 - from 3 - input

purpose : to remove string from both the sides
eg : select trim('!' from '!!greens!!' ) from dual;
select trim(' V ') from dual;
select ' V ' from dual;

ltrim - 2 - 1 - input 2 - to be trimmed

purpose : to remove a specific string from left hand side
eg : select ltrim('##greens##', '#') from dual;

rtrim - 2 - 1 - input 2 - to be trimmed

purpose : to remove a specific string from right hand side
eg : select rtrim('##greens##', '#') from dual;

lpad - 3 - 1 - input 2 - total string to be displayed 3 - to be added at the

purpose : to add a specific string at left hand side
eg : select lpad('greens',10,'!') from dual;
select lpad(first_name,length(first_name)+2 , '*') from employees

rpad - 3 - 1 - input 2 - total string to be displayed 3 - to be added at the

purpose : to add a specific string at right hand side
eg : select rpad('greens',10,'!') from dual;

Number functions

round - 1 checks the decimal whether 5 or > 5 => will rounding off
eg : select round(42.56) , round(85.86) , round(78.49) from dual;

trunc - 1 removes the decimals - 2 nd argument decides hw mny digits to display

eg : select trunc(42.56) , trunc(85.86) , trunc(78.4452589,2) from dual; trunc and
floor are same.

mod - 2 - gives the reminder

eg : select mod(10,2) , mod(15,2) from dual;

ceil - 1 - opposite to round function - irrespective of decimal - moves to next

eg : select ceil(14.0001) , ceil(45.36) , ceil(58.69) from dual;
floor - 1 - removes the decimals - but no 2 nd argument
eg : select floor(12.369) from dual;

abs - 1 - removes the sign from a number

eg : select abs(-52) , abs(85.25) from dual;

sign - 1 - if -ve then -1 if +ve then +1

eg : select sign(-658.52) , sign(96.23) from dual;

as - column alias

date functions
add_months--select add_months(sysdate,2) from dual;
months_between---select months_between('01-oct-2017','01-may-2017') as output from
next_day---select next_day(sysdate,'monday') from dual;
last_day--select last_day('09-feb-2018') from dual;

add_months - 2 - 1 - input - 2 - how many months to be added

eg : select add_months(sysdate,2) from dual;
select add_months(sysdate,-2) from dual;
select add_months('09-oct-1994',4) from dual;


format - 'dd-mon-yyyy'

months_between - 2 - inputs - to get no of months between two dates

eg : select months_between('01-oct-2017','01-may-2017') as output from dual;
eg : select trunc(months_between(sysdate,'28-mar-1996')/12) as age from dual;

next_day - 2 - 1 - input - 2 - the next day you want to search

eg : select next_day(sysdate,'monday') from dual;
select next_day('09-aug-2018','saturday') from dual;
select next_day('09-aug-2018',3) from dual;

last_day - 1 - input - to get the last date of the input

eg : select last_day('09-feb-2018') from dual;

general functions
distinct / unique
concat ||

create table gentab(a number , b number , c number , d varchar(5) , e varchar(5) );

insert into gentab values(12,14,17,'sai','ram');

insert into gentab values(28,45,87,'green','house');
insert into gentab values(47,52,32,'ora','cle');
insert into gentab values(13,18,19,'green','stech');
insert into gentab values(1,4,7,'chand','i ran');
select a,b,c, greatest(a,b,c) , least(a,b,c) from gentab;
select greatest(28, 45 ,87,99) from dual;
select unique department_id from employees;
select d,e , concat(d,e) from gentab;
select concat('green','house') from dual;
select concat(a,b) from gentab;
select a||' '||b||c||d||e from gentab;
select a , case when a>15 then a*10 when a<15 then a*15 end as output from gentab;
select b , decode(b,45,b*10,52,b*20,b*30) from gentab;

CASE and DECODE --Both are used to implement the if/else functionality.
--------------- Case is the extended the version of decode.
Decode we can able to do only equality function
case we can do equality and non equality functions.

CASE can be used as a part of expression

DECODE can't be used as a part of expression.
DECODE works like 'if else' functionality

Select decode(1,2,3,4,5,6) from dual;

Ans: 6 how?

(always 1st one is input

if 1 is 2 then 3, if 4 then 5
else 6)

simple ex:- select decode(&input,'1','one','2','two','3','three','None') from


select * from student_tab;


1 SCOTT 85 P
2 ALLEN 30 F
3 SMITH 45 P
4 ADAMS 25 F

select s_no,
from student_tab;

select s_no,
CASE s_result
WHEN 'P' then 'PASS'
WHEN 'F' then 'FAIL'
AS result from student_tab;
select s_no,
WHEN s_result = 'P' and s_mark >=60 then 'PASS = FIRST CLASS'
WHEN s_result = 'P' and s_makr < 60 then 'PASS = SECOND CLASS'
WHEN s_result = 'F' then 'FAIL'
FROM student_tab;

Null functions => null is not equal to anything. you can not compare anything
with null. null is null

nulls first / nulls last

select * from employees order by department_id asc nulls first;

select * from employees order by department_id desc nulls last

function no of arguament functionality

Nvl 2 if 1 is null then 2
Nvl2 3 if 1 is null then 3 else 2
Nullif 2 if both same then null else 1
Coalesce n first not null value

create table tl_nvl(a number , b number , c number , d number);

insert into tl_nvl(a,b,c,d) values(null,1,2,null);
insert into tl_nvl(a,b,c,d) values(2,1,2,null);
insert into tl_nvl(a,b,c,d) values(null,9,2,9);
insert into tl_nvl(a,b,c,d) values(5,1,2,3);
insert into tl_nvl(a,b,c,d) values(8,7,null,7);
insert into tl_nvl(a,b,c,d) values(6,null,2,null);

select * from tl_nvl;

select a , nvl(a,2018) from tl_nvl;

select b , nvl2(b,2018,2017) from tl_nvl;
select b,d , nullif(b,d) from tl_nvl;
select a,b,c,d , coalesce(a,b,c,d) from tl_nvl;

Conversion Functions

select to_number('123') from dual;

select reverse(to_number('123')) from dual;

select to_char(sysdate,'D') , to_char(sysdate,'DD') , to_char(sysdate,'DY') ,

to_char(sysdate,'DAY') from dual;

select to_char(sysdate,'MM') , to_char(sysdate,'MON') , to_char(sysdate,'MONTH')

from dual;

select to_char(sysdate,'YY') , to_char(sysdate,'YYYY') , to_char(sysdate,'YEAR')

from joins
select to_char(sysdate,'W') , to_char(sysdate,'IW') from dual;

select to_date('14/MAY/1998','DD/MON/YYYY') from dual;

select to_date('1995-OCT-05','YYYY-MON-DD') from dual;

select to_timestamp('12-FEB-2017 22:15:40' , 'DD-MON-YYYY HH24:MI:SS') from dual;


ddl - data definition language ( auto commit language)


char 2000
varchar / varchar2 4000
timestamp-- (date & time)
long--(can store string upto 2gigabytes)
clob char large object(can store upto 128 terabytes of char data)
blob binary large object(can store upto 128 terabytes of binary data)
bfile path - outside

char(3) varchar(3)
sai sai
a hi

constriants - to set a rule on a column - optional


on delete cascade - parent table delete then child table also get deleted.
on delete null - parent table data deleted means child table data become null.
on delete update- when parent table get updated child table also get upated.

primary key - no nulls , no duplicates

foreign key - yes nulls , yes duplicates
unique - yes nulls , no duplicates
not null - no nulls , yes duplicates
check - condition

drop table students;

drop table course;

create table course

cid number,
cname varchar(50) not null,
fees number not null,
constraint q1 primary key(cid),
constraint q2 unique(cname)

create table students

sid number,
sname varchar(100) not null,
age number,
dob date,
doj timestamp,
cid number,
gender char(1),
phno number(10),
email varchar(100),
address long,
resume clob,
qual varchar(15),
photo blob,
profile bfile,
constraint w1 primary key(sid),
constraint w2 foreign key(cid) references course(cid),
constraint w3 check ( gender in ('m','f') ),
constraint w4 unique(phno),
constraint w5 check( length(phno) = 10 )

* Question: Need to add values in column only with data 'yes' and null values
should not get insert into column? (note:already existing data is there)
ANS: ALTER TABLE ct1 add constraint ctn check(a = 'yes')novalidate; -- to update
only 'yes' values.
ANS: ALTER TABLE ct1 modify a not null novalidate; -- to avoid null values.

create table wwe(aa number);

6 operations
1. adding a column
alter table wwe add bb date;

1.adding a column
alter table wwe add cc varchar(10);

2.droping a column
alter table wwe drop column bb;

3.adding a constraint
alter table wwe add constraint ww1 primary key(aa);

4.droping a constraint
alter table wwe drop constraint ww1;

5.renaming a column
alter table wwe rename column cc to bb;

6.modifying a datatype
alter table wwe modify bb date;

select * from user_tables where table_name in ('COURSE','STUDENTS');

select * from user_tab_columns where table_name ='COURSE'
select * from user_constraints where table_name = 'WWE';
select * from user_cons_columns where table_name = 'WWE';

truncate table emp;

alter table wwe rename to wwf;

dml => data manipulation language


create table t1(a number, b number);

insert into t1(a,b) values(10,20);

insert into t1(a,b) values(11,12);
insert into t1(a,b) values(13,14);

update t1 set a=20 where b=12;

update t1 set b=50;

delete from t1 where a>10;

delete from t1;

id name fee
101 sai 5000
102 ram 5000

101 sai 4500 u

drop table omr;

drop table tam;
create table omr(id number , name varchar(5) , fee number );
create table tam(id number , name varchar(5) , fee number );

insert into omr(id,name,fee) values(101,'sai',5000);

insert into omr(id,name,fee) values(102,'ram',5000);

insert into tam(id,name,fee) values(101,'sai',4500);

merge into tam using omr on ( = )

when matched then
update set tam.fee = omr.fee
when not matched then
insert ( , , tam.fee)
values( , , omr.fee);

dcl => data control language

create user tbbm identified by abc;
select * from all_users;
grant create session to tbbm;
grant select on wwf to tbbm;
select * from hr.wwf;
grant insert on wwf to tbbm;
grant delete on wwf to tbbm;
grant all on wwf to tbbm;
revoke all on wwf from tbbm;

TCL=>Transaction control language.

*save point.


savepoint sp1;
delete from emp where employee_id <110;
savepoint sp2;
delete from emp where employee_id <120;
savepoint sp3;
delete from emp where employee_id <130;
savepoint sp4;
rollback to sp2;

Virtual column(Virtual column is a table column whose values is automatically
computed using other columns values,
The values of the virtual column are not stored in data base,their values were
derived rather being stored on disc)

create table vvtt

id number,
name varchar(10),
salary number,
bonus number generated always as (salary*5/100) virtual

insert into vvtt(id,name,salary) values(1,'sai',10000);

select * from vvtt;

Set Operators(set operators combine the results of two queries into a single
queries containing set operators are called compound queries)
union => removes duplicates ,(displayes non duplicate values) asc
union all => it displays results as it is in the table
intersect => common values
minus => value in first query not in second query it will compare on first table
values if rendu irukum means delete compare only on first table.

Rules of columns should be matched type should be matched
3.execution order can be changed by using ( and )--open and close brases.

drop table t1;

drop table t2;
create table t1(a number);
create table t2(b number);
insert into t1(a) values(1);
insert into t1(a) values(2);
insert into t1(a) values(5);
insert into t1(a) values(3);
insert into t1(a) values(9);
insert into t2(b) values(2);
insert into t2(b) values(3);
insert into t2(b) values(4);
insert into t2(b) values(8);
insert into t2(b) values(9);

select a from t1
select b from t2;

union all
select b from t2
union all
select a from t1;

select a from t1
select b from t2;

select a from t1
select b from t2;

select b from t2
select a from t1;


select b from t2
select a from t1
union all
select b from t2
select a from t1;

select b from t2
(select a from t1
union all
select b from t2)
select a from t1;


gtt - global temporary table - session wise data mangement

on commit delete rows -- default

on commit preserve rows

create global temporary table abcgtt(a number) on commit delete rows;

insert into abcgtt(a) values(1);

insert into abcgtt(a) values(2);
insert into abcgtt(a) values(3);

create global temporary table xyzgtt(a number) on commit preserve rows;

insert into xyzgtt(a) values(1);

insert into xyzgtt(a) values(2);
insert into xyzgtt(a) values(3);
select * from xyzgtt;
sqlplus hr/admin
select * from xyzgtt;


Analytical Functions
listagg -- 11g

select first_name , salary , rank() over(order by salary desc) from employees;

select first_name , salary , dense_rank() over(order by salary desc) from


select first_name , last_name , hire_date , salary , row_number() over(order by

first_name asc) from employees;

select first_name , salary , department_id,

dense_rank() over(partition by department_id order by salary desc) from employees;

select first_name , salary , lead(salary,1,4500) over(order by salary desc) as

ld_function ,
salary - lead(salary,1,4500) over(order by salary desc) as sal_diff from employees;

select first_name , salary , lag(salary,1) over(order by salary desc) from


select * from(
select first_name , salary ,department_id,dense_rank() over(order by salary desc)
as rnk from employees)
where rnk = 3;

with abcde as
(select first_name , salary ,department_id,dense_rank() over(order by salary desc)
as rnk from employees)
select * from abcde where rnk=3;

select department_id ,listagg(first_name,'/') within group( order by first_name asc

) from employees
group by department_id;

select listagg(first_name,'*') within group( order by first_name asc ) from


with e as(
select first_name , salary , dense_rank() over(order by salary desc) as rnk from
select * from e where rnk = 1;

select first_name , department_id , salary ,

dense_rank() over(partition by department_id order by salary desc) as rnk from

with s as(
select first_name , department_id , salary ,
dense_rank() over(partition by department_id order by salary desc) as rnk from
select * from s where rnk=1;

select first_name , salary , hire_date , row_number() over(order by 3 desc) as rn

from employees;

select listagg(first_name,',') within group(order by 1 asc) from employees

select first_name , salary , hire_date , lead(hire_date,1,'12-JUN-2017') over(order

by 3 desc) as ld_fun,
hire_date - lead(hire_date,1,'12-JUN-2017') over(order by 3 desc) as days_diff from


Pseudo columns
sysdate / current_date

Dual : Oracle predefined dummy table (Or) One row one column table

select sysdate , current_date , systimestamp from dual;

select user , uid from dual;
select * from all_users;
select rownum , first_name , salary from employees;

select rowid , first_name , salary from employees where rowid


select length('AAAEAbAAEAAAADNAAC') from dual;

select employee_id , first_name , manager_id , level from employees start with

employee_id = 100
connect by prior employee_id = manager_id;

select level from dual connect by level <= 100; -- to print 1 to 100

select substr('oracle',1,level) from dual connect by level<=6;

rownum and rowid diff

Ans : Rownum : It just displays sequence number to the query output. It doesn't
stored in database. it will work for = 1 and <= n in select stmnt.
Rowid : For every row in a table , oracle creates unique 18 digits alpha
numeric id which is stored in database.mainly used for performance improvement

* Sequence-- : it generates unique numbers automatically. mainly used for primary

key column)
Sequence attributes

drop Sequence tbmsq;

create Sequence tbmsq start with 1 increment by 1 maxvalue 5;
dont use currval
select tbmsq.nextval from dual;
select tbmsq.currval from dual;
alter Sequence tbmsq increment by 5 nomaxvalue;
select tbmsq.nextval from dual;
select * from user_sequences;

create table col2(a number, b varchar(20));

create sequence sq1 start with 101 increment by 1 max value 500;

insert into col2 values(sq1.nextval,'&value');

Enter value for value : sai

Group functions => This funcion will group the rows and fetch one row for each

1.Group functions ignore null values.

2.Columns in select statement with group functions, those columns to be mentioned
in group by clause
3.* allowed only in count function.
4.String ,number datatype work only in max,min,count and sum , avg will work only
for number.
5.Conditions with group function to be mentioned in Having clause.
6.Only one argument possible inside a group function.

select * from employees where department_id is null;

select min(salary) , max(employee_id) , min(employee_id) , max(salary) ,

min(first_name) from employees;

select count(*) from employees;

select count(first_name) , count(salary) , count(department_id ) from employees

select sum(salary) from employees;

select avg(salary) , 691416/107 from employees

select first_name,sum(salary)from employees where first_name like 'A%' group by


select first_name,sum(salary)from employees having first_name like 'A%' group by


select department_id , max(salary) , min(salary) from employees group by

department_id order by department_id;

select department_id , count(first_name) from employees group by department_id;

select department_id , count(department_id) from employees group by department_id

having count(department_id) <> 1

select department_id , min(salary) , count(first_name) , sum(salary) from employees

where department_id in (50,60,80)

group by department_id
order by 1;

select department_id , count(employee_id) from employees

group by department_id having count(employee_id) > 1;

column name
table name
group by
add columns + grp fun 515213
grp fun with condition
order by

sql plus commands
clear screen/clear scr/cl scr
set pagesize => how many records to be displayed in each page
set linesize => how many char to be printed in each line
@ => @desktop\testomr.txt
set heading on => columns to be displyed ?
set heading off => columns not to be displayed ?
set feedback on => whether acknowledgement required ?
set feedback off => or not ?
set timing on => time taken to execute the query
set timing off => to disable
set verify on => to display old and new
set verify off => to remove old and new
define => to change value of constant variable
undefine => to reset the value of constant variable
ed => edit the query .. save .. close then give /
ttitle ' hi '
btitle ' bye '
& => substitution variable
/&& => constant
/ => last executed statement
spool => spool desktop\test.txt ....... spool off
show user => to display the current user
exit/quit => to quit the session

sql loader => bulk loader utility(Sql loader is a utility provided by oracle to
load data from external files into database)
Files which associated with sql loader are :- (data file,control file,log file,bad
file,discard file)
step 1 : data preparation

open a notepad


save as (select all files) => 1.csv (comma separated value file)

step 2 : table creation

create table course ( cid number , cname varchar(10) , fees number);

step 3 : control file preparation

open a notpad
load data infile 'desktop\1.csv'
append into table course
fields terminated by ","

save as (select all files) => 2.ctl (ctl - control file )

step 4 : execution process

sql loader concept possible only in command prompt

goto cmd => don't login to database

sqlldr hr/greens control=desktop\2.ctl skip=1

views => virtual table / only query will be stored / does not occupy memory in db
DML-possible in simple view.
View is just a named doesn't store anything.actually data comes from the
base table.
No need to refresh. Since the data is directly fetched from base table.
Index not possible in view,because there will be no data in view only query will be
we can create view for not create table by creating FORCE VIEW

types of view

simple view => if the select query is simple

complex view => if the select query is not simple

create or replace view testview as select * from t1;

select * from user_views;
dml possible ? - yes
things reflected in base table when any action performed on view.
index possible ? - no - because view does not have data

retriction methods
with read only-- no data manipulation allowed in any condition, only selects are
allowed against the views.
with check option--row insertion allowed based on some condition. it used for
restricted DML operations.
create or replace view testv2 as select * from t2 with read only;
create or replace view testv3 as select * from t2 where b < 5 with check option;

insert into testv3(b) values(1);

insert into testv3(b) values(6);

Complex view

group function
analytical function
dictionary table
sub query .... etc
create or replace view testv4 as select upper(first_name) as fname
from employees;

create or replace force view testv5 as select * from testvv;

select * from user_views where view_name='TESTV5';

drop view testv5;


Mview => materialized view - snap shot of a query result

While querying it fetches data from MV memory.
Need to do refresh to get updated data.

cmd => sqlplus sys/admin as sysdba

grant create materialized view to hr;
connect hr/admin

create materialized view mvw as select * from t2;

select * from user_mviews;

dml not possible ? yes

index possible ? yes

insert into t2(a) values(12);

delete from t2;

select * from mvw;

execute dbms_mview.refresh('mvw','c');

refresh methods
************ **

drop materialized view mvw;

select * from user_snapshots;

select * from user_mviews;
synonym - alternative name for an object
we can create multiple synonym for an object
we can create multiple synonym for a synonym
if table is dropped then what abt synonym ?
invaild - synonym translation is no longer valid
is it possible to perform dml on synonym ? yes
is it possible to create synonym with the same name of an object name ? yes

Purpose : To access a particular db object by different user with different access

create or replace synonym st1 for t1;

create or replace synonym st2 for st1;
select * from user_synonyms;
drop synonym st1;

joins -- to retrieve data from more than one table

types of joins
inner join => matching records
left outer join => matching of both , unmatching of left table
right outer join => matching of both , unmatching of right table
full outer join => matching and unmatching of both tables
self join => joining table within itself
cross join => cartesian poduct , no of rows in first table * no of rows in
second table
drop table students purge;
drop table course purge;
create table students(sid number, sname varchar(50), cid number) ;
create table course(cid number, cname varchar(50)) ;

insert into course(cid, cname) values(10, 'ORACLE');

insert into course(cid, cname) values(20, 'JAVA');
insert into course(cid, cname) values(30, 'C++');
insert into course(cid, cname) values(40, 'UNIX');
insert into course(cid, cname) values(50, 'LINUX');
insert into course(cid, cname) values(60, 'PYTHON');
insert into course(cid, cname) values(70, 'RPA');
insert into students(sid, sname, cid) values(501, 'NEENA', 10);
insert into students(sid, sname, cid) values(502, 'ALEX', 20);
insert into students(sid, sname, cid) values(503, 'RUPA', 30);
insert into students(sid, sname, cid) values(504, 'KIRAN', 40);
insert into students(sid, sname, cid) values(505, 'RAJU', 80);

sname cname
neena oracle
alex java
rupa c++
kiran unix

select students.sname , course.cname

from course join students on (course.cid = students.cid);


select students.sname , course.cname

from course inner join students on (course.cid = students.cid);


select students.sname , course.cname

from students , course
where students.cid = course.cid

Left Outer Join


sname cname
neena oracle
alex java
rupa c++
kiran unix

select s.sname , c.cname

from students s, course c
where s.cid = c.cid(+);


select s.sname , c.cname

from students s left outer join course c on (s.cid = c.cid);


select s.sname , c.cname

from students s left join course c on (s.cid = c.cid);

Right Outer Join


select s.sname , c.cname

from students s, course c
where s.cid(+) = c.cid;


select s.sname , c.cname

from students s right outer join course c on (s.cid = c.cid);


select s.sname , c.cname

from students s right join course c on (s.cid = c.cid);

sname cname
neena oracle
alex java
rupa c++
kiran unix

select students.sname , course.cname

from students full join course
on (students.cid = course.cid);

select students.sname , course.cname

from students full outer join course
on (students.cid = course.cid)
where students.sname is null or course.cname is null;--this query is to found none
of the students studying any of the course.

how to create copy table ?

create table emp as select * from employees;

create table emp as select * from employees where 1=2;
self join

select a.first_name as empname, b.first_name as managername

from emp a, emp b
where a.manager_id = b.employee_id;

cross join / cartesian product

select students.sname , course.cname

from students , course


Mview => materialized view - snap shot of a query result

cmd => sqlplus sys/admin as sysdba

grant create materialized view to hr;
connect hr/admin

create materialized view mvw as select * from t2;

select * from user_mviews;

dml not possible ? yes

index possible ? yes

insert into t2(a) values(12);

delete from t2;

select * from mvw;

execute dbms_mview.refresh('mvw','c');

refresh methods
************ **

drop materialized view mvw;

select * from user_snapshots;

select * from user_mviews;

*) Difference between SQL Loader and External Table.
* SQL Loader is command line utility to load data from external files into
* The data from external file can be accessed as if it were in the database
* SQL Loader can be loaded from any system having oracle client installed.
* In External table the files has to be accessed from system where DB is
installed via pre-defined directory object.
* SQL Loader Insert the data into target table.
* External table the data accessed via external table,can be joined with
other tables to fetch necessary data.

External Tables => data import and export process(External table is also another
method to read external file into oracele table)

Data Loading - import

Data Pumping / Data Unloading - export

create or replace directory exdata as 'D:\New';

drop table abc;

create table abc

cntryid char(30),
cntrycode char(30),
cntryname char(30),
cntrylang char(30)
organization external
type oracle_loader
default directory exdata
access parameters
records delimited by newline
fields terminated by ','
missing field values are null
cntryid char(30),
cntrycode char(30),
cntryname char(30),
cntrylang char(30)
location ('list1.txt','list2.txt')
parallel 5
reject limit unlimited;

Data Pumping or Data Unloading or Data Export

drop table pump_data;

create table pump_data

organization external
type oracle_datapump
default directory exdata
as select first_name , upper(first_name) as firstname , length(first_name) as len
from employees;

********* *

why ? to retrieve the data faster but not all the times, to make performance
decision maker - optimizer
when ? whenever a column frequently called in where clause

b*tree => less duplicates / high cordinality-->more uniquness

bitmap => more duplicates / low cordinality-->less uniquness
unique => non duplicates
composite => for more than one column
reverse key => for sorting asc/desc
function based => applying fuction on a column

create table emp as select * from employees; -- to create copy table

select * from emp where first_name ='Steven';

select first_name , salary , hire_date

from emp where employee_id <= 110; -- 3

create index fninx on emp(first_name); -- btree

create bitmap index gninx on emp(gender); --bitmap

select * from user_indexes where table_name ='EMP';

select * from user_ind_columns where table_name ='EMP';

create unique index edinx on employees2(employee_id);

select * from emp where first_name = 'Steven' and salary = 2200;

create index cmpinx on emp(first_name,salary);

select * from emp order by salary asc;

create index orinx on emp(salary asc); -- reversekey

select * from emp where upper(first_name) = 'STEVEN';

create index fnbinx on emp(upper(first_name)); -- function based index

Hints => to force oracle to read the index


select /*+index(emp revinx)*/*from emp where salary>15000;

select /*+ index(employees EMP_DEPARTMENT_IX) */ * from employees where

department_id =50; //
select /*+ full(employees) */ * from employees where department_id =90;


Table Partitioning => to make performance better

(table partitioning allows tables to be subdivided into a smaller pieces enabling
these database objects to be managed easily
and helps to reduce the total cost of ownership of storing large amount of data,)

sql 10
plsql 10
java 10
unix 10

select * from course where cname='plsql'; --10

sql 100000 p1
plsql 100000 p2
java 100000 p3
unix 100000 p4

select * from course where cname='plsql'; --100000


List Partitioning
create table course
cid number,
cname varchar(15)
partition by list(cname)
partition a1 values('sql'),
partition a2 values('plsql'),
partition a3 values('java'),
partition a4 values('unix'),
partition a5 values(default)

Range Partitioning
create table emp1
eid number,
ename varchar(10),
phno number,
salary number
partition by range(salary)
interval(5000) --11g
partition b1 values less than (5000),
partition b2 values less than (10000),
partition b3 values less than (15000),
partition b4 values less than (20000)

select * from user_tab_partitions;

* Any table can be partitioned except those table contains columns with LONG or
LONG RAW datatypes.
* However use tables containing columns with CLOB or CBLOG datatypes...

sub query => query that embeded within another query

inner query => this will execute first

outer query

single row sub query: if sub query returns only one row
select first_name from employees where salary = (select min(salary) from

multiple row sub query: if sub query returns multiple rows

select first_name , department_id from employees where department_id in
select department_id from departments where department_name in

multiple column sub query: if query contains multiple columns

select * from employees where ( department_id , manager_id ) in
select department_id , manager_id from departments

inline view: if your query is in from clause


select * from
(select first_name , salary , dense_rank() over(order by salary desc) as rnk from
where rnk = 2;

scalar sub query: if your query is in select clause


select first_name ,
(select department_name from departments where departments.department_id =
employees.department_id) as depname ,
salary from employees;

correlated sub query: inner query depends on outer query

select * from employees where department_id in
select department_id from departments where departments.department_id =

nested sub query: sub query that embeded within another subquery
select * from employees where department_id in(select department_id from
departments where departments.department_id=employees.department_id and
location_id in(select location_id from locations where

How a query getting processed ?

whenever you running a select statement oracle will do 3 checks

select first_name from employees where employee_id=106;

1.syntactic check
if any mistake there in clauses

2.symantic check
if any mistake there in column name or table name
3.shared pool check ( library cache check )
for every select statement oracle will generate sqlid1
it will check the same sqlid is there in the library cache
if found then it will go for softparsing else optimizer will generate new

alter table t add empstatus varchar(20);

insert into t1 (empstatus) values('good') where empno = 111;

create table sssss(empno int,empname varchar(20),empsal int,emprole varchar(20));

insert into sssss values(111,'aaa',50000,'developer');
insert into sssss values(112,'bbb',55000,'developrer');
insert into sssss (empno,empname)values(113,'ccc');
insert into sssss values(114,'cdc',80000,'support');
insert into sssss values(115,'ddd',99000,'developer');
select empno,empname from sssss where empno>100 and empname like 'a%';
select * from sssss where empsal >all (10000,50000,80000);
select * from sssss order by empsal desc;
select distinct emprole from sssss;
select count ( distinct emprole) from sssss;
select max(empsal) from sssss;
select sum(empsal) from sssss;
select emprole,count(empno) from sssss group by emprole;
select empname from sssss where empname like 'c%';
select * from sssss where emprole in ('developer');
select * from sssss;

select first_name , upper(first_name) , last_name , lower(last_name) , email,

initcap(email) from employees;
select upper('bbb') from dual;
select lower('AAAa') as lowercase from dual;
select initcap('aaaa') as initcap from dual;
select instr('rishikesh kumar','i',1,1) from dual;
select substr('rishikesh kumar',6,7) from dual;
select length('rishikesh kumar') from dual;
select translate('zoho','ho','lg') from dual;
select replace('greens tech','tech') from dual;
select trim(' V ') from dual;
select trim('e' from 'greens' ) from dual;
select lpad('greens',10,'savu') from dual;
select round(42.40) from dual;
select trunc(50.677878788,5) from dual;
select ceil(14.0001)from dual;
select floor(12.369) from dual;
select sign(658.52) from dual;

create table m(eid int,name varchar(20),dob date not null,erole varchar(50),

eage int not null,ephone number(10),egender varchar(2),
constraint q1 primary key (eid) ,
constraint q2 unique(name),
constraint q3 unique (ephone)
constraint q4 check(egender in ('m','f')));
create table mn(ephone number(10),sno int,
constraint q5 foreign key (ephone)
reference mn(ephone));

insert into m values (1,'jan','01-jan-2001','developer',1,9999999999,'m');

insert into m values (2,'feb','01-feb-2001','support',2,8888888888,'f');
insert into m values (3,'mar','01-mar-2001','engineer',3,7777777777,'m');
insert into m values (4,'apr','01-apr-2001','support',4,6666666666,'m');
insert into m values (5,'may','01-may-2001','devops',5,5555555555,'f');
insert into mn values(9999999999,1);
insert into mn values(8888888888,2);
select * from m;

create table m1(eid int,name varchar(20),dob date not null,erole varchar(50),

eage int not null,ephone number(10),egender varchar(2),
constraint qq primary key (eid) ,
constraint qm unique(name),
constraint qn unique (ephone),
constraint qt check(egender in ('m','f')));

insert into m1 values (1,'jan','01-jan-2001','developer',1,9999999999,'m');

insert into m1 values (2,'feb','01-feb-2001','support',2,8888888888,'f');
insert into m1 values (3,'mar','01-mar-2001','engineer',3,7777777777,'m');
insert into m1 values (4,'apr','01-apr-2001','support',4,6666666666,'m');
insert into m1 values (5,'may','01-may-2001','devops',5,5555555555,'f');

create table m2(ephone number(10),sno int,

constraint q8 foreign key (ephone)
references m1(ephone));

insert into m2 values(9999999998,1);

insert into m2 values(8888888888,2);
insert into m2 values(7777777777,2);

select * from m;
select * from mn;

reate table m1(eid int,name varchar(20),dob date not null,erole varchar(50),

eage int not null,ephone number(10),egender varchar(2),
constraint qq primary key (eid),
constraint qm unique(name),
constraint qn unique (ephone),
constraint qt check(egender in ('m','f')));

insert into m1 values (1,'jan','01-jan-2001','developer',1,9999999999,'m');

insert into m1 values (2,'feb','01-feb-2001','support',2,8888888888,'f');
insert into m1 values (3,'mar','01-mar-2001','engineer',3,7777777777,'m');
insert into m1 values (4,'apr','01-apr-2001','support',4,6666666666,'m');
insert into m1 values (5,'may','01-may-2001','devops',5,5555555555,'f');
delete from m1 where eid=1;

create table m2(ephone number(10),sno int,

constraint q8 foreign key (ephone)
references m1(ephone) on delete set null);

insert into m2 values(9999999999,1);

insert into m2 values(8888888888,2);
insert into m2 values(7777777777,2);

select * from m1;

select * from m2;

create table students(sid number, sname varchar(50), cid number) ;

create table course(cid number, cname varchar(50)) ;

insert into course(cid, cname) values(10, 'ORACLE');

insert into course(cid, cname) values(20, 'JAVA');
insert into course(cid, cname) values(30, 'C++');
insert into course(cid, cname) values(40, 'UNIX');
insert into course(cid, cname) values(50, 'LINUX');
insert into course(cid, cname) values(60, 'PYTHON');
insert into course(cid, cname) values(70, 'RPA');

insert into students(sid, sname, cid) values(501, 'NEENA', 10);

insert into students(sid, sname, cid) values(502, 'ALEX', 20);
insert into students(sid, sname, cid) values(503, 'RUPA', 30);
insert into students(sid, sname, cid) values(504, 'KIRAN', 40);
insert into students(sid, sname, cid) values(505, 'RAJU', 80);
select students.sname , course.cname
from course left join students on (course.cid = students.cid);
select students.sname , course.cname
from course right join students on (course.cid = students.cid);

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