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The Elevator Speech, or “Pitch”

Module 6
The Elevator Speech

⚫ Is a tool used by job-seekers and for

organizations and individuals with products
and services to sell.
⚫ Gives your audience the “who, what, and
why” in about a minute – the length of time it
takes to ride from the top to the bottom of a
building in an elevator.
Sound Bites
⚫ Short, 15-30 second Elevator Speeches are
referred to as “Sound Bites”.
⚫ The trick is to make your Sound Bite so
intriguing that people will want to spend more
time talking with you.
Sound Bites

⚫ At its most basic level, the Sound Bite’s structure is:

⚫ Hi, my name is __________. I’m in the _________
field, and I’m looking to _______.
⚫ The last blank would be filled in with your current
career aspiration, whether it is to stay within your
field and move up or move into a different career.
⚫ A college student or new graduate might add
the following to the basic structure:

⚫ Hi, my name is _________. I will be

graduating/I just graduated from _________
with a diploma in ___________. I’m looking
for a position in _______My skills and
accomplishments include ________.I’ve
researched your company and learned
_________. So I know I could make a
contribution. I would very much like an
The “Elevator Speech” is an effective tool that can
be used in any number of situations:

⚫ events designed specifically for networking

⚫ casual networking opportunities we encounter nearly every day
– the kids’ soccer games, plane flights, waiting in line to buy
tickets, etc.
⚫ career or job fairs
⚫ cold calls to employers – e.g. the information interview
⚫ Job interviews, where the Elevator Speech can provide the
answer to at least two common interview questions: “Tell me
about yourself” and “Why should I hire you?”

⚫ Watch the short clip below as an example of

how to answer the question, “Tell us
something about yourself”, which is another
form of the elevator speech:
You need to know yourself

⚫ What are your key strengths?

⚫ What adjectives describe you?
⚫ What do you want others to know about you?
⚫ Why are you interested in this job with this
company/ organization?
Outline your elevator speech using
these questions:

⚫ Who am I?
⚫ What do I offer?
⚫ What problem can I solve?
⚫ What are the main contributions I can make?
⚫ What should the listener do as a result of hearing
⚫ Think of it as your tv. commercial – the audience
either likes it or not in first few seconds
⚫ Use the opportunity to leave a business card
Things to Remember…

⚫ Know your audience.

⚫ Employ a “You Attitude”.
⚫ Stress your benefit to the listener
and touch on how you’re better
than your competition.
The Elevator Speech

⚫ This principle encompasses many

names: “unique selling proposition”,
“value proposition”, benefit statement,
competitive advantage, deliverables,
differentiation, personal branding
Know Yourself

⚫ Be sure to include:
– key strengths
– adjectives that describe you
– a description of what you are trying to let
others know about you
– a statement of your interest in the
company or industry the person
(audience) represents
Try to answer:

⚫ Thelistener’s unspoken
question is: “Why should I hire

⚫ Is as important as the words

⚫ Maintain eye contact and confident body
language – show them you care
⚫ Let audience hear commitment and
confidence in voice and words
⚫ Smile!!

⚫ Take some time to write your pitch

⚫ Practice – out loud!
⚫ You want to deliver it the way you speak, not
like a speech, rehearsed and stilted
⚫ Try this to find your voice: To practice,
imagine telling a 3 minute “adventure story”
about yourself – needs to be engaging and
Now you try!
⚫ Who am I? (introduce yourself)
⚫ I am graduating with a diploma in ______ in May,
20 __
⚫ What do I know about your organization?
(=research, compliments)
⚫ What makes me different from my competition?
(Develop a statement of the primary differentiation
of yourself. The differentiation is the single most
important thing that sets you apart from the
Now you try!

⚫ My skills/ accomplishments and interests in

this field are ____
⚫ What benefits can employers derive from my
skills based on my proven accomplishments?
⚫ What would I like the audience to do after my
“pitch”? (interview, meeting, referral?)
Examples of statements

⚫ I excel at ____
⚫ I can bring ___
⚫ My previous employers have said ____
⚫ My professors have said _____
⚫ In my last job I _____
Sample elevator speech

⚫ Hi, my name is Samantha Atcheson, and I’m a graduating

student in Ecosystems Management. I’m looking for a position
that will allow me to use my research and analysis skills. Over
the past few years, I’ve been strengthening these skills through
my work with a local watershed council on conservation
strategies to support water quality and habitats. Eventually, I’d
like to develop education programs on water conservation
awareness. I read that your organization is involved in water
quality projects. Can you tell me how someone with my
experience could fit into your organization?
Sample elevator speech

⚫ I ‘m Chelsea Morgan, and my career goal is to help

create affordable, renewable energy, because I
believe our environment is on a critical path. My
environmental technology diploma from Fleming
College and internship with Progress Energy has
prepared me for the tough challenges in the field. I
know your company is environmentally conscious
and progressive, and I’m excited to be on the
forefront of change. I’d really appreciate the
opportunity of discussing your needs and how I can

⚫ Hansen, Katharine. Fantastic Formulas for

Composing Elevator Speeches. Retrieved February,
2, 2009, from:
⚫ Hansen, Katharine. The Elevator Speech is the
Swiss Army Knife of Job-Search Tools. Retrieved
February 2, 2009, from:

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