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Sophie’s World Reflection

Script Graphic Organizer

Format Talk Show

Chapter Chapter 30: Darwin

School of Darwin

Group Member Role

Lola Interviewer

Zuri Host

Consistent Format
Summary of Narrative(confused on this) (think we have it)
Summary of Book structure
Discipline of Philosophy Chosen (a chapter to focus on)
At least one quote
Clear connections between translation in Philosophy and Paradigm shifts
Clear connection between the Book structure and Paradigm shifts


Pages Quote Reason for quote

422 “Next Chapter” To show that Alberto and

Sophie have accepted they
are in a book

418 Find an understanding

“This is where modern science believes life between how evolution
began between 3 and 4 billion years ago” related to the paradigm shift
we are focusing on
“It began as a growing Mass which (geocentric to heliocentric)
gradually cooled”
Script Outline:

Zuri: Hi Welcome to Philosophy Talk, I’m your host Zuri and I am here with Lola to talk about
the book Sophie’s World! Why don’t you introduce yourself?

Lola: Hi! Thank you for having me! My name is Lola and we recently read a book called
Sophie’s World in Physics class.

Zuri: How are you today?

Lola: Doing good! How are you?

Zuri: Excited to talk about this!

Lola: Me too! So where do we start?

Zuri: We are starting the book reading about a girl who receives letters from this guy named
Albeto. Fast forward we find out that it is a girl named Hilde reading a book about Sophie.
Throughout the book, Albert has taught Sophie that there’s no firm distinction between
philosophy and science. We will be talking about the last chapter: Chapter 30.

Lola: Yeah I think that is a great place to start, when reading this book there are so many
moments when you question what was going on and who is really telling this story so It was
interesting to see how the plot and story changes.

Zuri: So what school of philosophy do you think was shown in this chapter?

Lola: Well, in this chapter a lot of good philosophical ideas are brought up. But Darwin, who
was a philosopher in the 18th and 19th century. He had the theory that evolution and how all life
forms have a connection. He found this out with the information available.

Zuri: Makes sense because as said in the book: “This is where modern science believes life
began between 3 and 4 billion years ago”(418) In the chapter they mentioned Thomas Hardy,
who was an English poet and author who was influenced by Charles Darwin. He wrote about
this because he was influenced by Darwin’s way of thinking that all life forms are connected.
Since life began during the same time life, all life could be connected
Lola: yes exactly, but I would also like to add that throughout the book there are multiple
connections when it comes to Darwin not only influences but thoughts and philosophy. This
relates to the paradigm shift from geocentric to heliocentric which heavily impacted the way of
thinking and evolution. Copernicus changed thinking from geocentric to heliocentric which
changed the thinking of human life. Now we all think that the sun is the center of the universe.
This has evaluated human minds from Ptolemy who said the earth was the center of the
universe. Showing the human minds have involved and that human minds are also connected
for the way we understand and progress information. This also demonstrates how people’s
ideas can influence other people’s ideas

Zuri: The book structure can relate to this because in the book structure there are many times
when Sophie thinks and questions if she is real or not, and if what she is experiencing is really
true. We could interpret Darwin’s ideas as all species are destined to either evolve or die.
Alberto’s command at the end of the chapter: “Next Chapter” (422) only confirms the fictional
nature of the story, and shows that Alberto and Sophie have now fully accepted that they exist
only within the world of a book. Obviously Alberto and Sophie are life forms because there is a
connection between Hilde and them.

Zuri: It is so crazy to me how science and philosophy can be so intertwined!

Lola: Me too!

Zuri: Well that’s it folks! Thanks for joining us for this week’s episode.
Lola: Thank you again for having me!

Zuri: Next week we'll be diving into some more philosophical theories! See you next time!

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