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Student: Sonya Hernández

Teacher: Miss Monica Fonfach
About Journalism
The name of the career I want to study is, Journalism. The person who go to
college and graduate in this mayor its called a Journalist.
The year of studies will depend on the college and the country, but here in
Chile are usually like five and half years. Now knowing the years I will need
some options to know witch college I want to go, some of the opctions in the
country are:
Universidad de Chile
Universidad de Concepcion
Universidad Andes
I also have an option (more like a dream lol) and its study in New York at the
New York University
And the sad reality it’s that I don’t have the money to afford the NYU its way
to expensive, but here in Chile the price its more low and the career cost
would be $1.600.000 in Chilean pesos annually
And a pro in the career its that you have a lot of areas where you can work,
like the radio tv, podcast magazines and paper
To work I’m going to need some tools like a microphone, a notebook, a good
quality camera, and a tripod
The professional salary the first year depends on where I graduated but if the
case is (as an example) Universidad de Chile ill receive 1.000.090 at month
Why I want to study this career?
Now that I say all the technical things about the career I’m going to write
about what motivate me to study this career. Honestly this is not my first
option but is the most realistic. Seeing tv and reading papers and blogs I
realize how miserable this career can be if you don’t do your work right if you
don’t know how to take advantage of the opportunities. A journalist has a
platform for communicate and sometime they don’t use it right witch for me
its frustrating see how they lose that chance. So I went over the conclusion:
The best way to change that system its not jus complain about it (like a lot of
people do) and actually do something to change that, and for that I need to
became a professional.
This are examples of the type of journalism I don’t like
this video show the type of journalist who I personally think they are idiots,
and the reason its pretty obvious
The artist is there to promote his music, (his first solo album to be specific)
and the whole interview take place about his old band, and his grief witch he
has said several times how he didn’t want to talk about the lost of his sister
and mother because it’s a private thing. The issue is you have a 28 year old
man, successful and a lot of information to work with and they decided to
loose eleven minutes talking about superficial things and nothing related to the
album (the reason why he was there)
So as a future journalist I don’t want to be like them and really be involved in
my work, investigate and be respectful to the people I interview and all the
work I will do.
this is the type of journalist I want to become if you watch both interviews you
can tell with who Louis its more comfortable


So as we are dreaming in this part, putting that on the front My dream job
would be as an actress but not in Chile I think im bigger than that so I would
say I would like to act in Hollywood or Broadway win some Oscars and
Emmys and be ambassador of the UNICEF and help people having the
sources and the money to do it. Coming back to earth I want to be a journalist
in a big magazine like VOGUE
STUNTMAN the working area it’s a set were are made the
movies They are the ones who make the dangerous scenes so
the actor or actress doesn’t get hurt and put in risk the movie
Funfact: this is the second most dangerous work in the world
the first one is the delivery pizza guy

SUBROGANT MOTHER they don’t have a

working area but as an answer will be their own
uterus, this is because their job its about rent their
uterus so a couple (just a person) can have a child.
Some celebrities had their sons using this cruel
and very expensive system some of those
celebrities are Pryanka Chopra and Nick Jonas,
Kim Kardashian and Kanye West

SNAKE MILKERS his working area is not confirm but we suppose it must
be at zoo or that type of places, his work it extracts venom from the
dangerous snakes
ODOR JUDGES his working area its at hygiene companies they must rate the effectiveness
of the products

PROFESSIONAL MOUNER they work at funerals; they have the experience enough to
attend to funerals and grieve for the deceased

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