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BUKOMEKO HENRY 2021-B071-11245

For a mobile application:

A food delivery app for a certain restaurant where people just order different foods and drinks and they
are delivered to their locations at a very cheap price depending on the distance of the customer and the
restaurant location.

1. Value for the user: The app provides users with a delivery service where customers don’t bother to
travel when they want to eat any type of food they want from any restaurant with in Kampala.

2. Contexts of use: The app could be used in a variety of contexts, such as:

while the person wants some specific type of food but doesn’t know the nearest place he or she could
buy it from, the app shows the nearest restaurants around and the available food stuffs they cook
including their prices too.

3. Target users: The target users for this app are individuals, companies, factories and any other
organizations who are interested in buying food and drinks from the desired restaurants around
Kampala city and places near it.

4. Information architecture: The information architecture for the app would consist of the following

ovide access to different foods and drinks available .

location, discounts and the prices of the foods and

drinks available at that particular time.

: This would be the main feature of the app, this shows the user what
price is charged for his or her order depending on the distance and time taken to deliver his or her food
or drinks

tracker: This would allow users to track the nearest restaurant on the app map and its services.

ers to adjust the app's display, managing adds and other settings to suit
their preferences.

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