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EUROPE Latest Articles

The Most Charming University Towns in Editor’s Picks: Best B&Bs and Inns in
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Italy May 16, 2023

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From famed Tuscan destinations to remote hilltop hubs, we take a look at Italy’s most Canada from NYC
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charming towns and small cities, where student life meets picturesque urban landscapes.

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Students on a break sitting on the duomo stairs in Urbino (Photo: Alain Rouiller via Flickr / CC BY-SA 2.0)

There is a direct correlation between ancient universities and historic towns in Italy. As the Late
Middle Ages and Renaissance marked the golden age for many reigns, and duchies and city-states
patchworked across the pre-unified country, a host of educational hubs proliferated. They promoted
the scientific and humanistic advances of the time while reflecting local wealth, often in fierce
competition with each other. Those that still exist today still define the towns they belong to, telling
stories of architectural marvels, internationally-reputed scholars and prestigious legacies.

Our article focuses on towns and small cities with less than 100,000 population. We’ve selected them
by taking into account the reputation of their universities, with particular regard to historical prestige
and international outlook. Le Marche claimed the title of the most represented region in our list, which
is ordered from north to south and features a mix of popular and lesser-known destinations. Each
presents its own combination of student lifestyle, cultural vibrancy and rich artistic heritage.


The birthplace of Raphael, Urbino is a Renaissance town whose extraordinary

architecture speaks eloquently of the cultural stature it held between the 15th and 16th
centuries. The oldest university dates back to 1506. Its scattered campus includes some
of the town’s finest buildings, such as the Convent of Saint Augustin and Bonaventura
Palace. The more recent institutes of higher education – Fine Arts and Industrial Design
– are also housed at prime historic locations. A university town at heart, Urbino is home
to more students than

itsnearly 14,000 residents. They quickly become familiar with the distinctive piole and
volte, brick alleys and vaulted passageways cutting through a harmonious blend of
Medieval and Renaissance architecture.

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