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Young people and technologies

Top-three gadgets that are “cool” over time. Their pros and cons and the way they change the life of
students in the future.

First of all, after having a small research, there are top-3 gadgets that attract the attention of
students. The best one is a smartphone. It is small, convenient and so user-friendly. Tablets are in
the second position in popularity. They are well-designed and stylish. They have lots of functions
that help to work and study. And the third place took both computers and laptops. Computers are
usually more powerful and suited for gamers the best. While laptops are more practical. You can
always grab it in your bag and go whenever you want.

Secondly, the use of technologies improved the way people study, the studying process is becoming
easier with the use of remote access possibilities. You always can join the classes or conferences
even if you are out of college or university.

In my opinion, the development of technology can make the life of the student more comfortable. It
will be changing together with students` minds and will be creating a wider range of new AI
technologies that are useful for our future, not only in studies but also at home or at work.


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