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Requirements, Graphical User Interface (GUI) and User Experience (UX) Test

Of JobMatch

Name of Tester: ____________________________ Date of Test: ____________

User Type: School’s OJT Coordinator
Severity Table

Severit Severity Severity Description

y ID Level

1 Very High The system crashes during its operation, potential data loss and database corruption.

2 High The internship match results are inaccurate or irrelevant, users may miss out on relevant

3 Medium There is some missing information in need for the internship.

4 Minor There is an unclear error message that has no impact in the system.

Priority Table

Priority Priority level Priority Description

1 Must fix Server Error / Can't connect to the server.

2 Should fix The functionality of the system is not working well.

3 Low priority The system has a dull appearance and few icons. Missing items like icons and labels.

TASK No. Task Description Severity Priority Remarks

Mark Mark (1 -Pass, 0 – Fail)

Login to the JobMatch application using

1 School’s OJT Coordinator’s credentials:

The school’s OJT coordinators create an

2 account for the company's human resources

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