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Alexandra Bunuan

March 14, 2023

Reading Notes: Teaching Tolerance Ch5
List of techniques that you might use in your classroom to engage and re-engage students
- Empathy
- Let students get to know you and get to know them as well
- Talk about your life outside of school and also get to know them outside
of class/school
- “I Wish My Teacher Knew” assignment
- Take the time to reflect what the students want you to know them and
use this as a tool to cater how you teach in the classroom
- Rephrasing
- “I get paid regardless” - instead say ”I’m not giving up on you” or “I’m here
for you everyday”
- “You know what you did” - instead say “ Let’s review our rules” or “I noticed
that you __. Next time __.
- “If you had been paying attention, you would know!” — instead say something
like “Start by asking a classmate for help. If you still need clarification, I’m
- “What is wrong with you?”— Saying this to a child implies—publicly—that
something is wrong with them. If you have the urge to ask what is wrong with a
child, instead try asking yourself, What has this child been through?
- “We always...”— Instead say “What do we do after we ___? to encourage them
to look for the answer on their own.
- “In my classroom...”— instead say “I like that in our classroom, we __.”
- Talking one on one
- If another student is the victim of the behavior, make it publicly that the
behavior will be addressed
- Collaborate rules and guidelines
- Collaborate with students on what is the behavior expectations in the classroom
- Collaborate what should the routine be, like how many minutes to they want to
have for cleanup or certain tasks that they feel comfortable with
- Classroom Routines: have a set routine in the class
- Practice inclusivity
- Our classroom has no place for hate
- Materials should be inclusive
- Differentiate learning styles and student personalities
- Provide different learning types and not generalize one student. Don’t punish or
even have a bias the whole class just because of one student
- Examine biases: keep yourself in check
- Maybe even have an assignment that allows students to give you feedback
- It’s okay to tell your students that you’ve made a mistake and that you will try
- Showing you care with the first assignment
- Identity assignment/project
- Take breaks.
- Allow students to take breaks if needed. Maybe even do a class walk or allow to
do work or sketches outside
- Mind-fullness
- Teach students how to calm down, breathe, and focus their energy
- Maybe even do a 5-10 min mindfulness activity everyday before class to
re-center their energy
- Refer to mental health or support services
- Be aware of the resources provided in your school or locally so you have it for
yourself and be able to provide to students

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