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Nematodes - "Roundworms" , Foind in all tissues adn go through the Larval Stage

Toxacara Canis
Common Name Canine Roundworm
Definitive Host Dogs
Lifecycle Direct, Paratenic
Diagnosis Eggs in Feces
Prepatent Period 2-4 Weeks
Tx Pyran, Fenbendazole
Signs in Host
Infective L3

Protozoans - "Coccidia" , Found in Intestinal Tract and Blood

arval Stage
Nematodes - "Roundworms" , Foind in all tissues adn go through the Larval Stage

Toxacara Cati
Common Name Cat Roundworm Common Name
Definitive Host Cat Definitive Host
Lifecycle Direct, Paratenic Lifecycle
Diagnosis Eggs in Feces Diagnosis
Prepatent Period 8 weeks Prepatent Period
Tx Tx
Signs in Host Signs in Host
Infective L3 Infective

Common Name Common Name

Definitive Host Definitive Host
Lifecycle Lifecycle
Diagnosis Diagnosis
Prepatent Period Prepatent Period
Tx Tx
Signs in Host Signs in Host
Infective Infective
arval Stage
Nematodes - "Roundworms" , Foind in all tissues and go through the Larval Stag

Toxacara canis Toxacara cati

Common Name Canine Roundworm Common Name
Definitive Host Dogs Definitive Host
Lifecycle Direct Lifecycle
Diagnosis Eggs in Feces Diagnosis
Prepatent Period 3-5 weeks Prepatent Period
Tx Pyran & Panacur Tx
Signs in Host Signs in Host
Infective Infective
Toxascaris Leonina Baylisascaris Procyon
Common Name Roundworms Common Name
Definitive Host Cat or Dog Definitive Host
Lifecycle Direct, Paratinic Lifecycle
Diagnosis Eggs in Feces Diagnosis
Prepatent Period 8-10 weeks Prepatent Period
Tx Pyran,Fenbendenzole,HW Preventitive Tx
Signs in Host No Signs Signs in Host
Infective L3 Infective

Common Name Common Name

Definitive Host Definitive Host
Lifecycle Lifecycle
Diagnosis Diagnosis
Prepatent Period Prepatent Period
Tx Tx
Signs in Host Signs in Host
Infective Infective
oxacara cati
Feline Roundworm
Eggs In Feces
8 Weeks

aylisascaris Procyoni
Racoon Roundworm
Racoon, Cats, Dogs
Direct, Paratinic
eggs in feces
7-10 week
Pyran, Fenbendezole

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