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Hailey Ricketts

Professor Hudson

College Skills 103-001

Chapter 11 Choosing a college major and degree

30 September 2021

When it comes to choosing a major and career, my biggest challenge is wondering if I am

meant for the major or career field that I choose. The chapter gave us a story about a guy

named Ethan. I can relate to Ethan in so many ways. I am unsure of my abilities, unsure of what

I want to do with my life, and unsure about myself. I find it so difficult to make decisions that I

know are going to affect the rest of my life. My family is also very similar to Ethan's. I have a

very healthy relationship with my parents however neither of them have a college degree, so

when it comes to talking about college and what I want to do, it is very hard to get advice from

them because they don’t understand or know much about it. However, my parents are very

supportive of whatever I do and they trust that I know what I am doing. I too like Ethan find it

hard to get motivated about school and often find myself procrastinating until the last minute,

just like this chapter reflection. One insight that I definitely want to remember is the part of

the chapter called “Step 1: Follow Your Bliss”. I like this section of the chapter because of

where it says “In an ideal world, which major and career would you choose? Don’t think about

anything except the actual content you’d be studying. Don’t consider career opportunities,

requirements, difficulty, or anything else that might keep you from making these choices in an

ideal world. What are you passionate about? What do you spend your time thinking about?

What would you prefer to do in your spare time?” This series of questions that this section of the

chapter talks about really makes me think about who I am and who I want to be.

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