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Ms. Mariah Sophia V. Armero
From G11-S1
Sr. Ande Balmaceda

Ms. Aimee Lacabe

Learning Competency
The learners explain evidences of evolution (e.g. fossil record, biogeography, DNA/
protein sequences, homology and embryology (STEM_BIO11/12-IIIc-g-12)

❖ The Evidence for Evolution Anatomy and embryology Darwin thought of
evolution as "descent with modification," a process in which species change and
give rise to new species over many generations. He proposed that the evolutionary
history of life forms a branching tree with many levels, in which all species can be
traced back to an ancient common ancestor.

Let's get started and have fun learning how to satisfy all your questions and uncertainties. In
addition to having a blast, you will be able to:
• provide examples of evidence for evolution;
• describe some contemporary proofs for evolution.

I have enough faith in you to complete all six of the exercises on this self-learning equipment. These
exercises provide a strong emphasis on the essential knowledge and abilities needed to become
familiar with the evidence of evolution and its proper applications. Don't worry, every task you will
do will be exciting.
Can't remain for so long? Your activity card's pages may now be turned.
You will learn a lot from answering the activity card, so have fun with it.

It offers tasks that are arranged according to the order in which the focus skills are listed on a
guide card and includes examples to help make the concepts concrete, often using examples from
real-world situations.

Are you excited to participate in these different activities? Here are a few hints:

This exercise is intended to help you write the names of the evidences for
evolution in a style that you will undoubtedly find enjoyable.

In this portion, you need to contrast analogous from homologous features.

You will differentiate the characteristics of biogeography and molecular

biology in this activity. Learn to know the comparison.
The idea of this activity is to counterpart the image with the corresponding
descriptions concerning the examples of fossil records. It's easy...

Look for the words of the Evidences of Evolution

hidden in the picture by writing their corresponding word galore...

In this corner, you need to complete the table of the evidences of evolution
whether it is for analogous only or homologous only...

Eagerly anticipating the first activity? Let's get started right

away and enjoy learning about the various Evolutionary

Please use the clue to the right to attempt to scramble the letters to create a new word or words as part of the Evidences of
Evolution. After that, enter your response inside the arrow. Next, draw the supplied clue inside the box to illustrate.
If two or more species
share a unique
physical feature
features of different
species that are similar
in function but not
necessarily in structure
Scientists collect
information that allows
them to make evolutionary
connections between
molecular basis of
biological activity

the study of the

geographic distribution
of plants, animals, and
other forms of life
history of life as
documented by fossils
Fill out the space provided with all the information regarding analogous and homologous features. Information is found in the right if
it is found in analogous features, in the left if it is found in homologous features, and in the center if it is found in both sections.

Helps in Evolutionary studies Examples: Thorus of Bougainvillea and tendrils of Cucurvita

Organs which are different in origin but similar in function Organs which are similar in origin but different in function
Divergent evolution Convergent evolution
Example is Wings of butterfly and of birds

Keep in mind that everyone is unique! You're amazing!

The various pieces of information could be distinguished
because they were in the proper places. Go on!!!

Can you tell molecular biology apart from biogeography? Let's go! Let's complete
the box and have fun!


Let's find out more about the fossil records. To advance in difficulty, label the components of
the example images of fossil records by drawing a line through the relevant words. You must
find it simple, I'm sure.

IImage credit: "Understanding evolution: Figure
7," by OpenStax College, Biology, CC BY 4.0.

In this activity, you have previously labeled the various components of the fossil record IImage credit: "Equine evolution," by H. Zell, CC
BY-SA 3.0.

instances. If you failed to tag them in the appropriate places, don't panic. One could continue...
Let's look more about each of the evidences set up in the evolution. Can you find them?
Encircle the word/s that you find.




Your eyes give the impression of being a microscope. Searching for the terms was simple.
Your skills are growing! To continue studying, please try the page after this one.
Finish off the table by adding a smiling face ( ) to the box for homologous alone, a star ( )
for analogous only, or a cross ( ) for both homologous and analogous.

You might move on to the next page if you've already achieved your objective. You can
improve your talents in this method, so don't worry.

Go back to the "Evidences of Evolution" now. Consider the components of this Human
Evolution. Your response should be typed inside the box given.

Ladies' and Gentlemen's Selections:

Hint: Homo erectus; Homo sapiens; Australopithecus afarensis; Homo neanderthalensis, Homo habilis Master sure that you
can identify the parts of this evoilutionary evidence. Then, kindly turn to the next page!

One method to improve the information and suggestions you may use to complete the exercises
in these proficiency booster bits and pieces is to expand your thoughts. Try it; practice makes
perfect, so there's no harm in trying. Come over here! In the event that some of the specifics
confuse you, it would be best to recapitulate them.

Add the following functions to the table. A hint and are used to convey the solutions.
The following techniques and materials
have been used for the project.
Brief answers are Sketch the following
required for the
questions in this model.
Please illustrate the

evolutionary proofs
listed below.

I am now evaluating you if you can be a certified evolutionary biologist student. Are you ready? Gently read the instruction and
comprehensively answer. CHECK UP!!! Shade or blacken the circle as you answer the following questions. Avoid erasures.
I suppose you've done a good job of expanding your thinking. Practice letting go of the notion of the many evolutionary evidences.

Thank you for a job well done.


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consectetur adipiscing elit,
sed do eiusmod tempor
incididunt ut labore et
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aliquip ex ea commodo
Homologous features- If two or more species share a unique physical feature, such as a
bone structure or a body plan, they may all have inherited this feature from a
common ancestor. Physical features shared due to evolutionary history (a common ancestor)
are said to be homologous.
Analogous features- To make things a little more interesting and complicated, not all
features that look alike are marks of common ancestry. Instead, some physical
similarities are analogous: they evolved independently in different organisms because the
organisms lived in similar environments or experienced similar selective pressures. This
process is called convergent evolution. (To converge means to come together, like two lines
meeting at a point.)
Determining relationships from similar features- In general, biologists don't draw
about how species are related on the basis of any single feature they think is
homologous. Instead, they study a large collection of features (often, both physical features
and DNA sequences) and draw conclusions about relatedness based on these features as a
group. We will explore this idea further when we examine phylogenetic trees.
❖ Molecular biology- Like structural homologies, similarities between biological
molecules canreflect shared evolutionary ancestry. At the most basic level, all living
organisms share:

❖ The same genetic material (DNA)
The same, or highly similar, genetic codes
❖ The same basic process of gene expression (transcription and translation)
❖The same molecular building blocks, such as amino acids
❖ Biogeography- The geographic distribution of organisms on Earth follows patterns
that are best explained by evolution, in combination with the movement of tectonic
plates over geological time.
❖ Fossil record-Fossils are the preserved remains of previously living organisms or their
traces, dating from the distant past. The fossil record is not, alas, complete or unbroken:
most organisms never fossilize, and even the organisms that do fossilize are rarely found
by humans.
Here are some information materials for you to consult
further readings:

Check to see whether you responded correctly! Verify your answer to make sure it is accurate. It would
be preferable, in my opinion, to be aware of your flaws and talents. "Why not?" Still, there's opportunity
for development.

Activity 1: "Name Game, Create My Activity 2: "Contrast Me!!! Count Your Activity 3: "Compare Me!!!"
Image!!!" Blessing"

Activity 4: "Label-Level Me!!!" Activity 5: "Job Hunting!!!- Evidences Activity 6: "I Want To Be Complete!!!"
It's very energizing to read the Evidences of
Evolution - Knowledge Power;
I now understand that your brainpower is
strengthened by familiarity and ability in evolution
I acknowledge the dedication and zeal that you have
exaggerated through manipulation and interference.

Mission Complete!

Images help us understand the theory.

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