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 Good afternoon Chair, Mr Adjudicator and members of the floor.

I would like to
propose the motion that ‘Masks should be abolished’. Many have said that the
concept of masks hinders their lifestyle, as well as hinders there health. I would like
to add how many people suffer with use of face masks. During the peak point of the
pandemic, many front-line workers were reported to have a constant headache after
use. Specifically, many nurses and front-line working doctors said that they had
headaches after wearing masks for a long period of time. A recent survey taken
during that period had shown that ‘67.5% of healthcare workers had reported
aggravation in their headache after face mask use, later leading to a fever. 63% of
the people who had this ‘headache’ didn’t catch the virus for another month.
Clearly, we would not want to neglect the hard-working people’s health in the name
of ‘protection’. The opposition may argue that we are protecting ourselves against
the virus by using these masks, but the immune system has shown to adapt against
the disease when in need. On the other hand, the headache of facemasks seems to
be constant.

 Let’s all be honest, masks aren’t really most favourable in school life. I’m pretty sure
that teachers would find it extremely annoying to ask their students to take off their
masks every time that a student contributes to a class. It defeats the purpose,
doesn’t it! Wearing a mask in a store, may have been a necessary safety precaution,
a while ago, but is it really necessary to use in 2023? There have been no big spikes
in the virus in the past few months. We can resort to basic hygiene once more, if
everyone is willing to be sanitary. A simple cough int your elbow is an effective
solution, and hand-washing is highly promoted by schools. We think that it is
necessary to make everyone educated on basic hygiene, rather than force them all
to wear a face-covering.

 Masks aren’t the most appealing health-wise either. The National Library of
Medicine has stated in their study that mask wearers have a case of hypoxia, which
is a medical condition in which the body’s bloodstream lacks oxygen for respiration.
This has been shown to occasionally produce a chemical reaction that results in the
pro-inflammation in the lungs. This has shown to increase breathing resistance by

 In conclusion we can see that masks have many health disadvantages, that out-
weigh the positives.

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