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1.Your brother just graduated from the 1.Making a cake
university. There are some options for -relax
him. In your opinion, what should he +Making and decorating cakes is a hobby.
do? => feel regain positive energy after hard
-finding a job study day
+eam stable income=> support himself and +Children can make cakes with their
his family parents.=> have a great moment to close
-face work pressure knit family
-studying for a master's degree => have fun at the weekends
+have better career prospect (triển vọng -make friends
nghề nghiệp tốt hơn) +participate in cake making clubs
-costs much money => meet many people having the same
-traveling interests=> establish new relationships and
+reduce stress after hard years of learning improve communication skills
+expand knowledge/acquired knowledge. => share receipt and tips to making a cake
=>have more experiences and knowledge
about making cake
+Not many people know how to make a
cake. Therefore, a cake can help you have
more special friends.
save money
+buy ingredients, eggs, milk, flour to make
cakes by themselves
+don't need to purchase cakes at the bakery
=> save money
+ Knowing how to make a cake can save
you a lot of money especially in someone
else's birthday.
meaningful present
-A cake can be a very meaningful present to
express my love to them
-Making a cake follows the hobbies of them.
=>They feel very interested

2. A group of students are discussing 2. Eating at the school canteen has

the best way to spend their summer benefits.
vacation. There are possible activities -be convenient
for them to choose: +after school, students can walk to the
-taking part in a language club school canteen which is in the school
+(necessary/ vital/ crucial) for future job campus to have meals
-Learning languages is a long process and +students don't need to cook or go outside
students should learn English any time to buy food
during their semester. -save time
-doing volunteer +do not wake up early to prepare cooking
+meaningful (help community, help street food and think about what to eat today.
children,ex...) +They don't need to clean up after meals.
+improve many soft skills (.upgrade => have time for study and relaxation
necessary skills.)
-taking up a sport -have fun
+be good for my health +students can eat at the canteen with their
-it benefits students themselves friends or classmates.
-It's not really meaningful to society +While eating, they can gossip, discuss
issues related to their personal and student
-save a great deal of money
+it cheaper than purchased in bistro or
restaurant, so it is affordable for financial

3. You and your classmates are 3. People should be encouraged to travel

choosing how to organize the by bike.
international women's day. There are -save money
three options +A bike is more inexpensive than other
-going on a picnic means of transport like car or motorbike
+have a lot of fun +bikes don't use fuels to run
-need time to find a suitable place => suitable to financial student or people
-cost much money to prepare many things have lower income
(food, drink, tents....) -prevent diseases
-it depends on the weather. +riding a bike helps burn calories and build
-having a small party in class muscle
+have a warm party together +it helps reduce the risks of heart diseases
+everyone can take part in various and prevent overweight.
activities (sing, play mini games, cooking -protect the environment
contests) +A bike is friendly with the environment
-singing karaoke because it doesn't release exhaust into the
+good option atmosphere.
-not suitable for everyone ( they don't like (A bike is an environmentally friendly means
noisy places) of transport.)
-some people are not confident enough to +Using bicycles is a good way to protect our
sing.. planet. => reduce the number of cars and
motorbikes=> reduce air pollution
-a good way to see the city
+recharge battery after hard working day
+explore the new road and cuisine in the city

4. You are thinking of a way to keep 4.Disadvantages of cohabitation (chung

memories for students. There are three sống)
choices. +high risk of being separate (tan vỡ)
-buying uniform When couples live under the same roof,
- spend a lot of money purchasing it. they're possibly in conflict with each other.
-it's difficult for them to reach a consensus To explain this, they have different views
/ken ‘senses/ about lifestyle. viewpoint... so they may
(khó để đạt được sự đồng thuận) argue to prove themselves right.
-making an album +more tension (căng thẳng)
- it's easy to be lost Be under control => have little privacy
-expensive=> cost much money for taking =>become more and more stressed
photos and printing them
-making a video It can be seen that when they live together
+We can save it on the smartphone or they have little privacy for themselves and
laptop => it can be kept for a long time and it's hard to share problems with their
everyone can watch it when they want. partners. Therefore, they become more and
+We can make it for free. more stressed.
+It can keep memorable moments +unexpected pregnancy (mang thai ngoài
ý muốn)
-When these couples cohabit, it's possible
for women to have an unexpected
=> Then, they have to face the family
- They think can not nurtural the children
=>Awfully, in some cases, women may
decide to have an abortion, so it can
negatively affect their health

5. You are planning to give a gift for 5. Factors for an equal(bình đẳng)
your parents on their wedding partnership in a family
anniversary -work as a team
-a handmade card +husbands and wives have the same goals
+It's meaningful: (buying a house/land/ a car)
• Can keep it for a long time. +they help and support each other when a
• It can be used to decorate the family member has difficulty
bedroom/makeup table/work table. => build a close knit family
+good for mental health -share the responsibility for taking care
• The card is designed based on their of children
hobby with the picture of my family in the +educating kids
center => they will happy and reduce stress help children with homework, read and
whenever seeing it write,count => upgrade knowledge
+it's inexpensive: Teach them how to behave well, => help
• Cost of materials: paper, color, develop the character betterl
picture....=> affordable price +take care of babies
• Suitable for student financial ability (feed the babies, provide babies with good
-a couple of movie tickets nutrition, take a bath for the babies, cook
+my parents have private time together: food, change clothes, inject vaccines to
• Enjoy film together => reduce stress enhance immune system)
-they don't like movies: -do the household chores (công việc
• Sound of the movie is too loud nhà) (run the household)
• Feel dizzy because of the light effects +If wives prepare and cooking food
- my mother hate the darkness in the +the man will clean up after meals
cinema => build up a happy family
-a bunch of flowers = a bouquet of
+flowers are beautiful:
• Beautiful colorful gift
-be allergic to pollen
-it easy broken so it not keep for a long time

6. You have a Sunday evening: 7. benefits of traditional music

-going out with friends -maintain culture
+have a lot of fun +Music is a part of culture
+ go anywhere you like (same vibe, same +Listening to traditional music helps people
hobby) get to know more about culture
+ comfortable +Traditional music has existed(tồn tại) for a
-I spend a lot of time with friends during the long time and it reflects the culture of our
weekdays country.
+I can spend time with them on Saturday +When culture can't be expressed in words,
-hanging out with family they can be expressed in music.
+Family is vital in my heart -connect people
+My habit is to spend time with my family +Music can connect people having the same
on weekends.I feel comfortable when favorite kinds of music/have in thing
spending time with my beloved family common.
members.=> (create memories together) =>They can share and discuss songs.
+Sharing stories with family is also a way to => acquire circle of friends and enhance
reduce stress. (I often talk about funny knowledge about the music
stories at school,..) +People can take part in traditional music
+I don't have to pay the bills clubs to make friends.
-staying at home (They sing and dance together, have fun
+It's safe (For those who like peace, staying and take photos)
at home is also a reasonable choice) -relax
-it's boring (you may be depressed) +Music is an integral part of people's mental
-I want to hang out to regain energy life.
+After a hard day at work, people can enjoy
their favorite pieces of music to chill out
- introduce about VietNamese
+is a good way to me introduce my culture
and traditional in VietNam for foreigners If
they can not travel to VietNam

Tương tự: Choosing a place to study for

the exam.
-at home
+ It's free (anything you need is in your
home; foods, drinks,...)
+Comfortable: Can study anywhere you like
( back yard, table, laying on the bed....)
+Invite friend to study with if you feel boring
and I am not worried about bothering
-school library
+Have a lot of books .
-But not comfortable because you need to
stay quiet.
-A lot of people in there so you may be
distracted (bị phân tâm)
-Food is not allowed in the library
-coffee shop
+Have delicious drinks
-You can't concentrate on studying because
of many things: coffee machine, smoothie
machine, customers going out, going in,

7. You're studying in Ha Noi and 7. "benefits of going camping

considering a place to stay (TRAVELING)
-a boarding house -expand social networking
+have more private space -> invite friends +make friends with other campers and local
without bothering anyone people ->they not only teach you more
+can share house -> Cheaper things about camping but also other things->
- too difficult to find a safe place on social broaden your novel horizon-> enhance
media platform social skills
-It's more expensive and unsafe +take part in many outdoor activities
-a dormitory => have a lot of friends=> improve
+not only time-saving but also money- communication skills
saving -discover new places = explore new
-conflict with roommate destinations
+live with many friends=> have a lot of fun +go camping in various places such as
+It is conveniently located=> save time and mountains, hills or beaches => explore new
money things that I have ever known
+easily take part in many clubs in school +gain insight into local culture -> to get to
-a relative's house understand them
+It's quite safe-> they can take care of you => discover new things about cuisine,
instead of your parents people and culture
+curfew time +expand their background knowledge -
-It's not comfortable enjoy fresh air
-don't have much private space +the campsites are usually near the forest or
-I will be controlled by my relative beaches which have numerous green trees
=> enjoy clean air=> good for health
+take part in outdoor activities=> close to
the nature (golden opportunity)
->let off steam after some hard days at work
8. It's hotter so your family is going to 8. 'Influences of living far away from
plan a trip to home (trong writing có)
-Da Nang -mental issues
+The most livable city in Vietnam + shock culture => difficult to adapt
-The weather is extremely hot + language barrier =>no one to talk or share
-The cost is expensive problems => feel lonely and get homesick
-HCM and miss parents
+A modern city -finance
-it's too polluted and noisy (...) +cost an arm and leg money to spend for life
-It's usually traffic jams in rush hours which alone
make me very angry =>work part time to earn extra income to
-Ha Noi cover living expenses => can negatively
+It's the capital of Vietnam influence their performance study
+various interesting tourist sites (Hoan -Independence
Kiem lake. Ho Chi Minh mausoleum. One +live far away from family=>manage budget,
pillar pagoda, ancient square, The Huc do houseworks and take care of themselves
bridge) =>more mature and independent
=> gain insights into culture and cuisine +make their own decision and be
+The food is very delicious, i can explore responsible for their decisions => upgrade
the cuisine in there necessary skills

Tương tự
+Students should live independently.
-be more responsible
-build more confidence
-have less burden(gánh nặng) on others

9. Your younger sister usually tells a lie. 9. Reasons for violent teenagers
What should you do? -violent scenes
-talk to her + Spend a great deal of time to watch
+we are siblings => follow my advice movies, clips on the internet which contains
+....have good mutual understanding => a lot of violence action
easily find a best way to solving following =>imitate(bắt chước) bad behaviors
the personal character -the lack of parents' care
+It's good for her. +parents are occupied with their work and
-talk to your parents have no time for children
+My parents can give some advice +Children don't have a chance to talk to their
-My parents scold(la mắng) her. parents. They can do everything without
-It's not good for my parents' health. control by parents
(They get angry....> high blood pressure) -influences from friends
-keep silent +play with a group of bad friends
-The worst and worse solution =>imitate them because they do not enough
-she will continues to tell a lie mature to know how to right or wrong issue
=> serious consequences in the future/ can - effect develop character of them
negatively influence her character in the -violent, bullying, selfish => effect of their life
future in the future
10. A group of students are discussing 10. Benefits of studying abroad
an activity to raise fund for poor -see the world
children - a school concert +can experience a brand-new country with
+have a lot of fun incredible new outlooks, customs and
-need a lot of time to prepare and rehearse activities -> to broaden the horizons about
-need money to hire clothes around the world
- a market to sell old things + opportunity to see natural wonders.
+easy to do and everyone can join(I just museums, stadium….
take a lot of things i don’t use and bring it to +improve English and become confident
sell) => no need to spend much time -develop personal skills
+meaningful (educate students about +independent and mature (do everything by
recycling and protecting the environment) themselve such as cooking, do housework,
-marathon management financial)
+good for health => upgrade necessary skills such as:
-not everyone can join problem-solving skills, social skills, problem-
-some students may not be healthy enough solving skills, survival skills
to run -make new friends
opportunity to meet new friends who live in
different countries.-> create lasting
relationships and help together when live in
far from home
=> expend circle friends

11. You're going to talk about an activity 11. fun ways of learning English
that the governments should do to -songs
develop the city. +children can be exposed(lộ ra) to English at
-planting more trees an early age when they listen to English
+easy to do songs.
+don't need much money to buy trees +It's easy to remember vocabulary thanks to
+everyone/ residents can participate in the lyrics and melodies.
grow the trees + have various kinds of music that is suitable
+good for the environment (supply green for all ages such as children, teenagers,
space for the city, absorb carbon dioxide=> middle age,.....
fresher air) -movies
=> improve air quality +Watching films and reading subtitles is also
-building more industrial zones a good way to learn English
+create many job opportunities pronunciation(phát âm),intonation(ngữ điệu)
=> reduce unemployment rate and how to use English naturally
+thúc đẩy kinh tế nước nhà and attract +People can learn grammar and vocabulary
investor from overseas to building more in contexts (bối cảnh)
industrial zones Ex: Imitation and showing techniques =>.. -
-cause environmental pollution (occupy games
land, release exhaust, waste water...=>) - +Most games are written in English
building more hospitals + they can talk with foreigners so the
+take care of people's health better pronunciation will be improve
-invest much money to buy medical +People can recharge battery and learn
facilities English at the same time.
=> must training the doctor to control Ex: play farm games=> learn vocabulary
modern machine about animals, fruits, bingo
-have many hospitals already the biggest
issue is to upgrade the quality of services to
provide people with better health care

12. You will suggest the best time for 12. Benefits of getting up early
your foreign friends to visit your country +doing exercise
-spring -wake up early to do yoga or have some
+the weather is pleasant gentle exercises to warm up bodies
=> take part in outdoor activities =>burn calories and buid muscle
+it is the season of festivals (...) -see the city in the morning
I have a long vacation.=> have time for my => breath fresh air
friend -prepare our mind for a new working day
-summer (mentally prepare for a new working day)
It's too hot and rainy. the temperature about +having time for breakfast
37 degrees => make me feel angry -breakfast is the most important meal of a
-I have no day off. day
-autumn -if people get up early, they have time to
-nothing is special in this season cook or buy healthy meals for themselves
-I have a lot of exams in this time to end =>have energy and reduce risks of diseases
semester such as stomachache
+working more effectively
-have time to make a plan or make a to-do
list to know what to do during a day/makeup
and prepare clothes
=> enhance work productivity get to school
or get to the workplace on time and be well-
=>complete the tasks well, not burnout

13. A way to find materials for the 13. printed books should be used in
graduation thesis (luận văn tốt nghiệp) class
-on the internet +convenient
+convenient save time and save money -it doesn't depend on internet connection
+ the information is regularly upgrade and electricity
-books at the library -schools do not equip with computers or
+inexpensive laptops
+can see graduation thesis which is from -easy to take note
many students are graduate last year +cheap price
-can't go to the library at night +It expensive than the book original .It is
-I can only borrow a book for few days about ⅓ the price of the book purchase in
-at a bookstore store
+a great source of materials =>All students can buy it, it is suitable with
-expensive financial students
=> it affordable with the financially student +in the library has many books we can
borrow to printed it
+avoid eye issues
If students use printed books they will no
need to use mobile phone or laptop.
=>They will avoid eye diseases such as
nearsightedness, farsightedness

14. What would you do if you won the 14.museums and art galleries should be
lottery? free to encourage children to go to
+buying a new TV museums because of following reasons
+a useful household appliance for the +widen knowledge
family -see real objects,artifacts and painting
-There is already a TV in my house and my =>understanding the famous artists, the
family doesn't usually watch TV because of meaning of the pieces and the historical
the habit of using mobile phones. background
-Spending money for other home - Benefiting to children's creativeness by
appliances and furniture or repairing the admiring(chiêm ngưỡng) lots of paintings
house and pictures
+depositing it to the bank -> Children's creativity could be stimulated. -
+A great deal of money should be sent to >Contributing to the development of their
the bank as a saving account brain.
->The money is guaranteed by the bank Ex: paintings, artifacts
security system +reduce stress
+Receiving a small amount of money from -They feel more comfortable, not worry
its monthly interest rate about the price because They don't pood to
->Using the amount for expenses or now for the tickets
investment in a few financial fields to ear ->Free tickets for children could encourage
more families to participate in art exhibitions.
+get monthly interest Parents feel free to afford a tour.
+traveling –Making a chance for family members to
+reduce stress, spend time with family gather after hard working and studying
+expand knowledge hours. ->Having enjoyable moments and
-It's not high time to travel bettering family relationships.
->Taking a little time to adjust to recent +meet friends having the same interests -
family circumstances. People can meet and talk, discuss to each
->Balancing the budget and avoiding other and share what they know about
conducting some activities which wastes history.
money -they can improve skills necessary such as
communication skills, social skills...
->Making children more confident and get
wise to social conversations and upgrading
their own interpersonal(giao tiếp) skills
15. Your school is going to invite a 15. Healthy breakfast is important
guest for the opening ceremony. There +provide energy for the whole day
possible options -After a long night, our stomach is empty,so
+ a famous singer we need energy to work and study -
+ Happy => make students feel excited and Concentrate(tập trung) on working work
happy before the new school year effectively
-cost a lot of money -Breakfast is best importance meal in day
-It is not suitable for all ages => Because +prevent diseases
teachers and parents prefer traditional -If we skip(bỏ qua), we have a stomachache
dance performances -Maintain the daily days, following the
+ an outstanding alumni (cựu sinh viên schedule a good way to help our mental and
xuất sắc) physical health (feel comfortable, good for
+ Give students good study tips which heart, blood)
make him successful in study such as: +control weight
teamwork skills, problem-solving skills…. -Healthy food helps keep fit and control
+don't cost a lot of money weight (eating more fruits, vegetables.
+ Inspire (truyền cảm hứng) and motivate drinking milk,...)
other students to learn. Because they want -If people skip breakfast, they will eat more
to become a person who look like him in the afternoon and evening-> get obese
+a representative of a company
-Give students useful advice
-difficult to invite => because they are quite

16. A way for foreigners to learn education offers several

Vietnamese history benefits
+museum +job opportunities
+it's more interesting because the tour -the university have a lot of workshop and
guides will tell them everything. invite the representative of a company in the
+They can see real objects, artifacts and fields i study
paintings => Give students useful advice and require
=> understand more deeply about for them for a post, so the student can
Vietnamese history prepare necessary skills to gain a better job
+documentaries(phim tài liệu) in the future
+watching documentaries is convenient -have skills in the fields, extensive
-It's hard to find a suitable one. In knowledge
additional, it not real +necessary skills.. such as solving-problem
+history books skills, teamworks skills, selling skills
+a good source of information about history +easy to do task when i work and not
-reading books may be quite boring. burnout in work
-In additional,language barrier make them +academic degree
not to understand the information in books -necessary for jobs
- the management will evaluation based on
qualifications for a position
"A way for advertising
-Watching TV is not really popular nowadays
because young people prefer surfing the
+It is fast
Example: It only take 30 second to post an
-The internet is more and more developed
=>More and more people use the internet
every day, especially women and young
people who are potential consumers.
+a good way
-not effective because people just read a
few words and throw them away
-it's not good for the environment because
we have to cut down more trees to produce

17. You're going to take a part time job 17. Working in groups helps students
+shop assistant learn better at school
+doesn't require much energy +learn from other teams
-need to have good selling skills, -Different teams have different strengths
communication skills, persuasive(thuyết -Learn with other people from different field
phục) skills.... => know about many thing of fields
-the salary is not high => learn from each other
+tutor (gia sư) =>gain knowledge from the presentations of
+ received a handsome salary other members
=> have more money to cover living +become active
expenses -share ideas, discuss the issues
+the working time is shorter -present and protect ideas in front of many
=>have more time for studies and => become more dynamic (năng động)
relaxation +students no need to ask their teachers.
+the work schedule is flexible They can easily understand what their
Arrange the schedule with students friends say
If I feel tires, I can left them have a day off +improve communication skills
+Wafer -when working in groups, students can
+earn a lot of money communicate with other members
+require much energy (move a lot) => hose their communication skills
-work many hours => upgrade necessary skills and it is very
important for student in the future
18.You just built a new house and you 18.Smoking (cigarettes: thuốc lá) has
are going to raise a pet negative influences
a dog +health deterioration(giảm)
-I’m a dog lover -Cigarettes(thuốc lá) contain a lot of
he is my loyal friend.After a long tiring day, I chemicals which are detrimental(detrəmənt
have a habit of playing with my dog to có hại) to our health.
regain energy =>It can lead to various diseases including
-He helps me keep my house by barking at tuberculosis(lao), lung cancer, heart
strangers attack…..
a cat -It affects not only smokers health but also
-I don’t like a cat because he frequently that of people who are exposed(kế bên) to
eats food in the kitchen without my smoke
permission => passive(thụ động) smokers including
-A cat is lazy children and pregnant(có thai) women
a bird +pollution
-I feel very noisy when it singing -Smoke from tobacco: khói thuốc lá has
-hard to take care of (worms => afraid of negative influences on the environment.
worms) -This results in pollution, especially air
contamination(sự ô nhiễm).
-In addition, cigarettes used are
discharged(thải ra).This is also a reason for
=> climate change/natural disasters
+ bad habit
-Set a bad example for children to follow
Smoking can make people, especially
teenagers, form a bad habit.
-They tend to smoke at the school and not
pay attention to lessons.They think when
they smoke they will be very cool. This
causes bad academic performance

19. You're going to suggest a way to 19. Good teachers need to have some
punish students who cheat in the exams factors (nhân tố)
+ Give them zero +broad knowledge
-cause serious consequences, it make be equipped with good knowledge including
them fail exam general(tổng quát) knowledge and
=> cost a lot of money to take exam/ study especially professional one(chuyên môn)
again => convey(chuyển đổi) the knowledge to
+Reduce 50% of their score students and answer students questions
-it is suitable because it is moral(có đạo => enhance the effectiveness: hiệu quả of
đức), the student will scare but they not learning and teaching process
take an exam again +teaching methods
-giving student a chance to revision and modern, effective and suitable for different
prevent them not continues cheat in the groups of students
exams => suitable with each student’s personality
+ask them to get out of the examination => attract: thu hút students
room => help students understand the lessons
The room will quite noisy +love for teaching job and students
=> affect other candidates in the -It is a noble jobs
examination room -love for students, teachers can overcome
difficulties despite the low income
=> feel comfortable and not burnout
=> In fact, a lot of teachers volunteer to
teach in remote areas/mountainous areas

20. Teachers are discussing the best 20. Preparing for a job interview
way to assess students' performance in -wearing appropriately
class -is is important to wear suitable dress to
-give scores create good impression(ấn tượng)
+It's practical. => employers feel be respected
-when they get bad marks -wearing appropriately make us feel more
=> they do not know how to make progress confident
=> have conflict with each other and -good knowledge
compare not fair to gain top in class -knowledge is one of the vital things to
-give comments decide your success or failure
+Students know what to do to improve because it reflex work effectiveness that you
themselves can help the business increase sales
-when they get bad comments - If you have good professional knowledge
=> student feel worse and negative affect you will easy to do task assignments
mental health -confidence
không chắc=>hard to classify students into +showing your ability in front of employers
excellent students, good students and so helps you get high marks.
on +recruiters need confident candidates to
-both bring benefits for their companies
+Thanks to the scores, students can easily +help you answer all questions
recognize(nhận ra) their rank in class =>good answer the questions from the
+Thanks to comments, students know how interviewers
to try more to get higher scores.
(=> It is good for students comprehensive
assessment.(đánh giá toàn diện))

Tương tự đề khác: giáo viên yêu cầu

chọn cách để đánh giá như tư đánh
-self assessment(đánh giá)
-It's hard to recognize my weakness(nhược
-It's subjective
-teacher assessment
+teachers are experienced and
=>give me some comments useful
+teachers are more objective(khách quan)
=> they can understand the level of me
when they study
-peer assessment
-it's subjective because students may prefer
their close friends
-students are just learners, so they have no
experience in assessment

21. You were invited to your friend's 21. Benefits of google

graduation party. You're going to take -gaining access to a variety of
- your lover information sources
-My lover will be shy because there are so +every one update information => we can
many strangers(người lạ). I can't talk a lot choice the materials that we need
with my friend because I need to spend => accomplish the assignment and learn
time for my lover better english without go in the center
+lover => uncomfortable -updating information quickly
-your close friend +stay up to date with the current news
+ I don't like going with my close friend.He ( It only take 1 minitutes to update the news
doesn't know the host of the party so people who live different country can
=> difficult to talk have a more new in the world)
-just go alone? +information on global
+ I don't need to wait for anyone to go to -entertainment tool
the party, it makes me feel comfortable. +recharge batteries after study hours, with
+ I can spend time with my friend to talk various programs
with him. +sale something, find part time job to earn
+ I can build a new relationship when I go extra money
Overcome sadness
-listen to music
-share with someone
-do exercise

22. Your class is choosing a place to 22. Students have to face a lot of
take photos to save memories. Three pressure
destinations are considered: -friend competition (peer pressure)
-a park +compete with each other to get a
+It's large space, so we don't have to worry scholarship
that we could bother(làm phiền) someone +make efforts (nổ lực) to be in the list of top
+It's free to get inside => save money students in class
+Convenient because the park located in => conflict with each other to gain a highest
the downtown , people are easily to come score
here +feel depressed(trầm cảm) if they can't keep
-a flower garden up with: theo kịp other excellent classmates
-It's hard to find a flower garden having -parent's expectation( mong đợi)
cheap cost that suitable for students +parents work really hard to earn money to
-Be allergic to pollen pay the school fee and they always place all
-a zoo their hope: đặt hết hi vọng on their children
-we must buy a ticket to enter +They want their kids to become
-The animals usually fall asleep while we outstanding students, which is their pride:
are watching them => it's not a good view niềm tự hào and also a huge pressure on
to take pictures with them their children
=>study hard to meet their parents'
expectation => burnout
-teachers' requirements
+study numerous subjects at schools.
+different teachers have different
=> up to their ear( bận rộn) in homework =>
have a lot of deadline to complete

23. What should the governments invest 23.benefits of knowing how to drive a car
to improve education quality? +time saving
-teachers/ teaching staffs -flexibler than public transport, trains and
+human resource is the most vital factor => buses operate during fixed times that makes
it very important to invest me uncomfortable
+training workshops/ seminars -don't have to wait for a bus or a taxi -
+Teacher can make use of the teaching traveling by car is fast
facilities effectively +discovering many places
+Teacher who is direct teaching for student -drive a car to travel to many cities
=> update new teaching methods, enhance -can drive differents routes I want so I can
professional knowledge is necessary explore new destination
-students/ learners =>traveling alone
-It's hard to invest because there are so +safety
many students annually -It's safer than driving motorbike
-facilities -People are not influenced by the weather.
-It is meaningless to equip schools with
modern facilities without good teachers to
use them

24. Your friend is coming to visit you 24. benefits of taking a gap year
this month. You are choosing a gift for +experience
her -go to work to gain experiences such as
-a painting experiences for management, selling skill,
-So big => difficult to bring it communicate skills
-a palm leaf conical hat(nón lá) -contact with other people who haves
+traditional in VietNamese experiences in field=> acquire knowledge
+beautiful and meaningful (introduce +skills
culture and history my country) -teamwork: teamwork skills, communicate
-a pack of coffee skills
-it is not good for health -do charity work: social skills,
-She don’t like drinking coffee -traveling: survival skill,problem-solving skills
it which lead her sleep disturbance +well-preparation for further studies
- In during time gap year, i have try many
works so have real skills and experiences
=> necessary and apply of study
-apply theory into practice: áp dụng lý
thuyết vào thực tế

25. Your children start to go to school. 25. disadvantages of keeping animals in

There are three suggestions: the zoo
-schools that focus on personality +less freedom
development -In the zoos, people try to create an artificial:
+important (nhân tạo) environment but it is not like the
+parents can teach their children at home real habitat (môi trường sống) for animals
Ex: teach them have to behave with others -There are no waterfalls, forests, rivers like
-greetings schools that focus on academic wildlife, so animals don't have ideal space to
development freely(tự do) do what they like.
+knowledge is power +limited space
Theo cô có 3 ý chính: -lions and tigers are usually kept in
- school that focus on academic cages:lồng which are quite narrow(hẹp)
development => uncomfortable
+knowledge is power => less survival skills
-students that focus on relaraction

26.There are some benefits of waking up

- Develop discipline(kỷ luật)
+ wake up at the same time everyday => do
it consistently: làm nó một cách nhất quán
+waking up early is not easy, people hit the
snooze button => must have motivate and
be strict(nghiêm khắc) to yourself
- Be more productive:
+ have great deal of time in a day => get
more things done
+ early hours is quiet => focus/concentrate
better => work/study more effectively
+ spend early hours: planing the days,
tackling(giải quyết) the most important tasks
- Improve health:
+ get up early =>tend to go to bed early =>
have a regular sleep routine => healthy
+ early morning: enjoy fresh air, go for a
walk/ do meditation: thiền => stay fit and
reduce stress
=> reduce risk of some diseases: get
obesity, heart disease, cancer,....

ĐỀ HỌC VIỆN AN NINH NHÂN DÂN A good teacher is very important. -

(06/2023) Deliver knowledge
A foreign friend visits Vietnam. 3 places +knowledgeable/established => knows a lot
to stay: => impart/ deliver knowledge accurately;
- HOTEL teach students a lot of things
+ convenient: It is (located) in the city + know how to make student feel interesting
center, near famous tourist attractions; lots when studying
of services -Motivate(động viên) students
+ private: do not have to share room with + inspire and motivate students to be better,
others to try hard to make their dream come true.
+have more facilities such as restaurant, Be a friend who student can trust and share
pool which make you blow off steam with
ON HOSTEL(nhà trọ): -Have good teaching method
+ cheap +deliver knowledge in an interesting way
-noisy, not private and not safer, crowded make learning fun => by using different and
HOMESTAY: various tools, games, websites,...
- not convenient => stay with strangers => student interested to study
- uncomfortable => behave properly in
different culture
- do not have freedom => can't go out late,
invite friends

ĐỀ ĐH BÁCH KHOA (03/2023) Part3: Raising pets brings a lot of

School (fav subject, liking, disliking) advantages:
- subjects: English, literature, math, -reduce stress
physics, geography... (interesting, fun...) - Pets are friends who provide
- aspects(khía cạnh) of a school unconditional love of and
+ friends: hard-working, companionship: bạn đồng hành when i
excellent/brilliant live alone
+ teachers: dedicated/ supportive/ -(when i go home after tired days, I
understanding; teach creatively; experts receive warm welcome so I feel happy)
in their fields -Research shows that interacting with
+ school curriculum: practical, animals can boost a type of hormone
innovative <> outdated, heavy named serotonin which can make
+facilities: modern/ state-of-the-art, people happy and relaxed.
spacious (school yard) <> old, -be more responsible(trách nhiệm)
inadequate/not enough - Taking care of pets teaches people the
2.Time management (good?; how to importance of responsibility, routine, and
manage time; when important) commitment.
- advantages of good time management -Regularly go the pet hospital to check
skills: up health and vaccination for pet
+ get more things done (work-life => built a good feature
balance: have more time for myself/ -make more friends
family/...) -When i keep a dog, they have to walk
+ feel productive/energetic/ have sense the dog on a daily basis .When they do
of fulfillment that, it means they can meet some
- when: daily lives => study/ work people=> meet other owners/meet like-
effectively minded people
- how: -Participate in group love animals =>
+make a to-do list the night before give some advice to take care of pets
+ tackle (giải quyết) the most important =>acquires social networkings
task first
+ stay away from distraction while
working (phones, texts,...)

ĐỀ ĐẠI HỌC HÀ NỘI (2/2023) University life is a valuable

You want to meet your old high experience for students. -
school teachers and friends - visit Independence
school -hold a party inviting friends - turn 18 => move out, take care of
and teachers -hold an 1-day trip themselves, pay tuition fees by
-Party: themselves
+ can together to prepare the food, -take part-time jobs
drinks and so on -to do everything by themselves
=> have good memories to each other including management financial,
+ more activities: singing, taking fun cooking, do houseworks,.....
story, dancing which suitable for => become mature and independence
individual character -Achievement
- school: not convenient (teachers have - have more chances to experience
to teach during working hours, keep different things: learning & doing
quiet at school) research at schools.. valuable ts.
- trip: do not have free time which fits -taking part in
everyone's schedule; expensive competitions/camps/programs
-take to participate in workshops,.....
-Social networking
-meet a lot of people from schools,
workplace and extracurricular activities
-join a club
=>acquire circles of friends and learn
manything from them

ĐỀ ĐẠI HỌC NGÂN HÀNG ( 02/2023) Extra-curricular activities brings a lot

of benefits
+Make new friends
-meet like-minded people who share the
same interest with me and can share
anything; broaden my network
=>acquire circles of friends and learn
manything from them
+ Sharpen soft skills
-teamwork activities require
communication skills, problem-solving
skills, cooperation skills
=>boost them improve necessary skills
+Perform better at school
-apply theory into practice: áp dụng lý
thuyết vào thực tế
=> understanding lessons better

ĐẠI HỌC HANU (01/2023) ĐẠI HỌC HANU (01/2023)

There are some factors causing There are some factors causing
stress at work stress at work
- Poor working conditions - Poor working conditions
lack facilities to protect and create -lack of facilities: air-conditioner (in the
environment for workers summer); unsafe working condition,
-Too much work healthcare programs
-Bad => feel not unsafe and always worry
-Too much work
- heavy workload, work overtime=>
-not have time to take care of
themselves and their family
-Bad management
- unprofessional bosses.So they think
not motive to continuous with work.
-can also be one of your biggest supporters

ĐỀ ĐH SƯ PHẠM (10/2022) Part 3: There are some factors(nhân

You want to lose weight +Go on a tố) causing stress:
diet +Work out at the gym +Use +work/study burnout
weight loss supplements +There is a lot of workload in modern
+ WORK OUT AT THE GYM: society.
+có nhiều dụng cụ hiện đại để tập: máy +People have to constantly(liên tục)
chạy bộ, dây nhảy, tạ…….. learn something new about their majors
=> save a great deal of money to and technologies.
purchase +The labour workforce(lực lượng lao
• mental health: meet new people động) is more competitive.
• get help from trainer n….. +poor financial situation
+ Go on a diet: changing diet +Living cost is higher, especially in big
suddenly(đột ngột) is difficult. Moreover cities.
I eat with my family so I do not change +It is more difficult to make a living/ earn
the food. It is a challenging when doing income, not earn enough income to
alone secure the standard living
+ Use weight loss supplements: +relationship problems
unsafe, short-term health benefit +People have less time for families and
- the quality of the product not as high friends
as what they advertise => do not keep in touch with them
=>wase a lot of money

ĐỀ ĐH SƯ PHẠM (09/2022) 3.Advantages of baking by yourself

Dancing (liking, who you go +Save money
alone/friends, advantages) + cheaper, no shipping fee and other
service fee
- keep fit/ get into shape + can buy the ingredients by myself such
- make new friends (joining dancing as eggs, flours,......
club/class) +Make new friends
-steps, movements +join class, club and meet many peoples
- féel the music and rhythm dancer who have many thing in common
- kinds of dancing: freestyle, hip-hop, => not only share tips to make a cake
traditional dances but also talk about the life
+Make the cake more meaningful
2.Who should help students who do + it is more meaningful to the receivers
not perform well in the class? when the cake is made by their beloved
+Teacher +Academic mentor +Close ones
friend + i can make a cake follow the receiver’s
+feel comfortable to exchange ideas;
because we have same age to the way
to explain to easy to understand/
explain in a simple way
+can ask some questions whenever I
want. Opposite The teacher are very
busy to response my question for me
+ teacher:
busy with a large class class? and have
much questions from other students
+ academic mentor:
not often be in class, may not easily
discuss frequently

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