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The first and foremost thing to do is have a close look at the whole test paper from A to Z .Read
the title of the article ,study the poster closely ,quickly read the Version and Them
Theme and last read
the essay questions .Why do this ? Very simply because the test as a whole is one piece of
information and when you do that, that you get a clear idea about the topic/theme and activate the
prior knowledge about it.. Also,
Also another critical thing is to read the comprehension questions
before you read the article and underline the sub questions and key words and while reading try
to find the answers to those sub questions as well as try to see if the key words in the question
are somewhere in the text .




Read the following interview with Muhammad Yunus , Bangladeshi economist and Nobel prize winner

Beyond Profit: A Talk With Muhammad Yunus


1 You often speak about the emergence of a new kind of business, you call it social business, which is
2 different from what we usually think of as socially responsible business. Can you explain what you mean?

3 Capitalism has been interpreted as an exclusively profit-centric

profit centric human engagement. What I have been trying to
4 promote is different. I dismiss personal profit, and focus exclusively on people and planet. That’s what I call
5 social business: a non-dividend
dividend company dedicated to solving human problems. I’m not saying to get away from
6 profit-making
making businesses. I’m saying keep these separate, run them in parallel. There is a toolbox to solve the
7 problems of poverty, unemployment, the environment. All I’m doing is adding one more tool to the box. It’s
8 simply enhancing the capability of people to express themselves in another way to address the problems we
9 have.
10 Is it realistic to expect people to pursue this kind of business?

11 The profit orientation is only one orientation of a person. The same people who are interested in profit making
12 are also selfless.. The selfless part of human beings has not been allowed
allowed to play out. As a result, we created a
13 concept of business based on money-centric,
money one-dimensional
dimensional human beings. But real human beings are
14 multidimensional.

15 What do you say to people who say that business needs the profit incentive?
16 Making money is an incentive. But making other people happy is a super incentive. We haven’t explored that
17 part of it. I’m inviting you to have a taste of it. If you like it you’ll make your own decision. I tasted it and I
18 found it an exciting thing to do — more exciting than making money.
19 What makes you confident the idea will grow?

20 There’s a whole generation of young people coming up with social business ideas. Profit making doesn’t interest
21 them as much as it interested people before, particularly the postwar generation. Their main question is: What
22 am I going to do with my life. What is the purpose of my life?
23 Where will the investment come from?
24 Individuals, companies have foundations, charity organizations. There are billions of dollars locked up in them.
25 We can reserve a portion of charity money for social businesses. It’s a reorientation of the whole idea of charity,
26 and in the process you can build self-sustaining companies and initiatives. Once people like the idea of social
27 money they’ll start diverting their business money into social business.
28 What would you say to a person who asks, ‘Where should I start?’

29 What are the problems you see around you? Sit down and make a list. Then put them in order of priority,
30 [starting with] the things you hate the most. Then start with one and see if you can find a business approach to
31 solve it. Suppose you put down unemployment. O.K., why don’t you create a social business to solve the
32 problem of five unemployed people? With microcredit, all I was trying to do was to help a few people in one
33 village so that they didn’t have to go to loan sharks and lose everything in the process. That’s how social
34 business begins. Everything starts with solving a very tiny slice of a problem.
35 What do you imagine will happen with poverty in the coming decades?

36 I encourage people to write social fiction: imagine society where all our present problems remain totally
37 unknown. All the impossible things of today’s world are routine there. At this moment that society looks
38 impossible. But if we can imagine, it will happen. If we cannot imagine, it will never happen. Removing poverty
39 is one of those social fictions which can be visualized now. With the creative power we have today, this is a
40 doable proposition. We can create a world where poverty doesn’t exist. In order for the next generation to see
41 poverty, we’ll have to create poverty museums. That’s where poverty belongs, not in human society. So let’s put
42 this on the list of impossibilities that we want to make possible within the next 20 years. That’s the way change
43 takes place.
44 What would you say to a young person today who wants to change the world?

45 First, you have the creative power, alone yourself, to change the whole world. Start believing in it. When you
46 believe in it, you start finding out how you’re going to make it happen. And always start small. Nothing will
47 change overnight. But you start the process. In order to solve global problems, you have to solve the problems of
48 individuals. If you bring it down to the individual, you’ll see how doable it is to solve it. We always think of
49 global problems, and we get stuck. It’s overwhelming. So this is the way to proceed. Solve one person’s
50 problem, then five people’s problem.
51 What would you like to see in the next five years?

52 At least 1 percent of the world economy be made up with social business. If we can make that 1 percent happen,
53 I think the world will be completely different. People will see how exciting it is, and soon the level will rise from
54 1 to 5 percent. Pave the way to get to 50 percent.

Answer the following questions in your own words

1.In the light of the interview give the significance of the rise of social enterprise compared to
traditional business and assess its merits .

Answer :

[ Indent ] Muhammad yumus sees social business as complementary to traditional

business. Indeed,Social entrepreneurship has come to fill a void in the capitalist system centered
essentially and even uniquely on profit making ,sometimes at the expense of many things which
such as people and environment rights and which sadly goes against modern time realities.
Therefore ,it should be seen as a new trend that has as much value as classical business in wealth
creation or even more worth as it aims at creating positiveand durable impact rather than just
making money in a greedy way and distributing dividends to shareholders .Also, it offers youth
a great opportunity to be their own bosses and make a difference by using business principles to
help solve challenging issues they see around them thus giving meaning to their lives or time on
earth. To give capitalism a more humane touch, it is hoped that this trend gains more attention
in the near future according to Yunus .

The answer to the comprehension question must be an indented paragraph without any space
between the sentences apart from the [.]and it should answer all the subquestions in the question
[In the light of the interview give the significance of the rise of social enterprise compared to
traditional business and assess its merits .]

According to the article what role does creativity have in the context of social business

Answer :

[  Indent ] As the saying goes “if you can dream, you can do it.” Soo creativity
resourcefulness, inventiveness and even ‘crazy ideas’ are key because the issues social
enterprises aim to solvee are thorny and necessitate new ideas and basically because you cannot
solve new problems with old ideas.

Comment on the following poster in a 100 words paragraph (+/-
(+/ 10 words)

 Indent 1[Topic sentence /contextualization] .The The poster deals with social entrepreneurs as
change makers .2[analysis /explanation ]in ]in fact social enterprises are there to help solve the difficult
challenges existing all around like and heart centered social entrepreneurs are the right people to do
that. They look for impact rather than profit. profit 3[reaction/attitude ]II firmly believe that social
entrepreneurs are superheroes of modern times. time For example, Grameen Danone anone in Bangladesh not
only helps malnourished children,
children but also gives jobs to many poor people who distribute it there.
4[Conclusion /Final
inal comment ] To conclude as Yunus said :” Social ocial entrepreneurs ask the right
question “Whatt am I going to do with my life? What is the purpose of my life?”and
and that is the key question
5 [number of words -111 words ]

Notice the
he structure of the paragraph .There
.T are 5 components .Make sure you have them in
the CNAEM [Do not describe the picture by saying for example we see a man/woman doing this
and that ,etc.Instead find the main theme /message and say why is it important or relevant ]

For a good grade all the components

omponents must be there in your commentary paragraph [1 what is the
topic/theme]- [22 what does it mean and why is it important to discuss]-[3
discuss what I think or believe /do I
agree with the author /idea or do I disagree and why ?]-4
? [the
the conclusion or final opinion by saying for
example -I suggest that ……./ I predict that ……./II find myself asking this question ………?/
use a quotation from the text they give you or the Version or Theme
Theme if there are any by saying : as XY
said :”……………………….”

Translate into French
I dream of a day when we don’t need to qualify the word “entrepreneurship” with the word “social”
when all entrepreneurs will understand that their job is to apply innovation and business principles to
solve intract able social and environmental problems around the world.“Social entrepreneurship
should evolve to become the norm, Social entrepreneurship” should simply be “entrepreneurship”—
Elizabeth MacBride, CEO/Founder, Times of Entrepreneurship

[My translation ]Je rêve du jour ou on n’aura plus à associer le mot ‘social’ avec le mot
‘entrepreneuriat’, ou tous les entrepreneurs comprendront que leur tache et d’ appliquer
/utiliser l innovation et les principes du monde des affaires pour résoudre les problèmes sociaux
et environnementaux épineux/difficiles du monde .L’entrepreneuriat social doit évoluer pour
être la norme et ainsi devenir l’ entrepreneuriat tout court.

Nota bene : On dit entrepreneuriat et non entreprenariat


Translate into English

L’ objectif principal d’une entreprise sociale est la solution d'un problème qui affecte la société,
comme la pauvreté ou la pollution de l'environnement. Ces entreprises peuvent également générer des
opportunités d'emploi qui aident davantage de personnes de la population économiquement active à
entrer sur le marché du travail. Mais surtout, ils doivent être une bonne opportunité commerciale. Cela
signifie qu'ils sont censés générer des bénéfices rentables et durables.

[My translation ]The main goal of a social enterprise is solving a problem affecting society like
poverty and pollution. Also, Those businesses could generate job opportunities for the active
population in the job market.But above all ,they need to be a good business opportunity. That is
,they should generate durable profit .

Do not translate word for word .Instead, read the whole paragraph three times .Get the
main idea and translate that idea as a whole .If you come across a difficult word ,try to
skip it if possible or try to understand it by contextualizing. Remember that the test is
one whole piece of information. So may be you could find the equivalent of that difficult
word in the article ]

Choose ONE of the writing topics

Topic 1
Write a 250-300 words synthesis essay of the suggested documents on the value of social
enterprise for social entrepreneurs and communities (Refer to the documents as Doc 1, Doc 2 ,
Doc 3 and Doc 4)
-Document 1 : the reading passage [the interview]
-Document 2 : the poster
-Document3 : the paragraph on Version
-Document 4 : the paragraph on Theme

Don t forget the title ……………………

Indent [Background] As yunus defines it above: “Social business is a non-dividend

company dedicated to solving human problems». in other words, it is an enterprise focusing
on impact rather than profit and dividends because at the heart if it is a humane dimension
that has been somehow absent or neglected in the money-centered capitalist machine .It is a
new trend that is very promising on many levels and proves full of benefits .[thesis statement
]in this essay and based on doc 1, doc 2 ,doc 3 and doc 4 , I am going to shed light on its
merits for entrepreneurs and communities.

<Separate the paragraphs by skipping two lines >

Indent  [Topic senetence#1 and Focus # 1 followed by a full stop[.] ] First, Social
entrepreneurship has benefits for social entrepreneurs . In fact ,according to doc 1 social
entrepreneurs are more interested in making a difference around them than making profit for
the sake of profit .Through their enterprises, they aim to give a noble meaning to their
existence and make the other happy .Also, in the light of doc 2, social entrepreneurs feel like
they are super heroes of modern times with their heart at the right place as they strive to help
solve many social problems affecting the world which is further clearly stated in doc 3/
Version where here is hope that social entrepreneurship be the norm and not the exception
which is very rewarding on the personal level.Last as we get to know in doc 4 /theme, social
entrepreneurs become their own bosses ,by setting up their own start ups as well as give back
to their communities.

<Separate the paragraphs by skipping two lines >

indent  [Topic senetence#2 and Focus # 2 followed by a full stop[.] ]Second, Social
entrepreneurship has benefits for communities.First, as motioned in doc 1, by its nature a
social business is founded with the noble purpose of solving human problems such as
poverty, unemployment, the environment,etc and so it surely is beneficial to any community.
Second,as shown in doc 2, social entrepreneurs are super heroes that bring about positive
change .Their aim is to serve and do good in a professional way by using business principles
to generate profit that is reinvested to do good again and again .Thirdly ,as we conclude from
doc 3 /Version, any new business creates new jobs ,pays tax ,reinforces overall growth and
further consolidates socio economic development of any country . In other words ,it is
founded on the idea that community, comes first and so this latter is surely the ultimate
beneficiary of the whole idea and action. Last, as underscored in doc 4 /theme, this drive to
solve social or environmental problems affecting society is further emphasized.

<Separate the paragraphs by skipping two lines >

 [Restatement of the thesis statement] To conclude ,and in the light of the various docs as we
have seen, the advantages of social entrepreneurship benefit both social entrepreneurs as well as
communities . [Final opinion or attitude]I firmly believe that this selfless and altruistic tendency
comes at the right moment to give capitalism a more humane face by entrepreneurs who have their
heart at the right place and who are to do the right thing and do the things right .As Ghandi said “the
best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others”

Topic 2

Write an essay in favor of the statement below

Social entrepreneurship has merits for both social entrepreneurs and communities

Don’ t forget the title ……………………

Indent [Background] As Yunus defines it above “Social business: A non-dividend company

dedicated to solving human problems». In other words, it is an enterprise in the true sense of
the term focusing on impact rather than profit and dividends because at the heart if is a
humane dimension that has been somehow absent or neglected in the money-centered
capitalist machine .It is new trend that is very promising on many levels and proves full of
benefits .[thesis statement ]In this essay I am going to shed light on its merits for
entrepreneurs and communities
<Separate the paragraphs by skipping two lines >

Indent  [Topic senetence#1 and Focus # 1 followed by a full stop[.] First, Social
entrepreneurship has benefits for social entrepreneurs . In fact ,it is very rewarding on the personal
level .It is a noble idea that materializes and a heart warming action that takes shape in order to help
solve or indeed solve some issue that the world is facing. For example, a lot of youth are very eager to
help tackle problems like poverty ,hunger, illiteracy ,refugees,etc and want to do it in ways other than
charity work by putting into practice business principles .Also, it offers a great opportunity to set up
up one’ s own social start up and set foot in the job market .For instance ,many graduates roll up their
sleeves and instead of looking for a job that doesn’t come create a job or jobs themselves ,become
their own bosses and hit two birds with one stone by helping themselves and giving back to their
communities at the same time .

<Separate the paragraphs by skipping two lines >

indent  [Topic senetence#2 and Focus # 2 followed by a full stop[.] ]Second, Social
entrepreneurship has benefits for communities. [Supporting details ]Indeed, any enterprise created
is an addition to the creation of wealth. We all know that a new business creates new jobs ,pays tax,
reinforces overall growth and further consolidates socio economic development of any country .In
fact, in the case off social enterprises the very goal is social or environmental .In other words ,it is
founded on the idea that community comes first and so this latter is surely the ultimate beneficiary of
the whole idea and action. For example, in Bangladesh Grameen bank and Grameen Danone are both
social enterprises that have benefitted millions of poor people by giving micro credit to fight poverty
and malnutrition as well as creating jobs , and surely all social enterprises have a very positive impact
wherever they are around the world .

<Separate the paragraphs by skipping two lines >

[Restatement of the thesis statement] To conclude ,as we have seen the advantages of social
entrepreneurship benefit both social entrepreneurs as well as communities .[Final opinion or
attitude]I firmly believe that this selfless and altruistic tendency comes at the right moment to give
capitalism a more humane face by a bunch of entrepreneurs who have their heart at the right place and
who aim to do the right thing and do the things right .One final word,as Ghandi said : “The best way to
find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others”

VERY VERY IMPORTANT [First keep in mind that persuasive and
argumentative essay are similar in that they are based on you arguing
either for or against (and not both please) a given topic. Do not
worry about counter arguments at all .So write the two body
paragraphs either in favor or against the idea in the topic
[depending on they ask you to do whether it is to support or to
oppose an idea ]
Before deciding on which essay to choose, make sure to read the topics very well and take 2
or three minutes to think about the one you’re certain to be able to write about .

Also, in the answer paper ,you must state which essay and which topic clearly before you
write the final draft .

Make sure to use the topic given itself as a thesis statement if it is possible

Last and most importantly use the structure I have highlighted in the two essays above exactly
as it is to get a good grade and finally do not forget the title and linking words .

In the case of the synthesis essay you have to paraphrase the supporting details and refer to all
the docs if possible.It s no good mentioning only one Doc in a paragraph

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