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First and foremost, praise and appreciation to God Almighty for His abundant
blessings during my study effort, which enabled us to successfully complete our
We also like to thank a large number of people whose names we may not have
mentioned. The completion of this study would not have been possible without
their involvement and cooperation.
We want to convey our heartfelt gratitude to Sir Joey Sasing, my research
teacher, for allowing me to conduct research and offering vital guidance
throughout the process. Working and studying under his direction was a great
honor and privilege. We appreciate everything he has done for us.
We are incredibly grateful to our parents and friends for providing us with the
necessary support system. We appreciate all of your support, not only morally
but also financially and physically.

The researchers.



Students common problem is their homework’s due to a lot of
Teacher’s gives homework’s. Homework’s is a group of assignments
that students’ teachers give them to finish outside of the classroom.
The students experience hard time trying to figure out the answer of
their homework’s. Students used to visit libraries and other educational
facilities in the past to find books, journals, and articles on the subject,
it can waste a lot of time to the students.
Now that Technology introduce to us, Technology has improved
learning so much that educational institutions all over the world have
integrated technology into their systems. Technology created a easy
way to do Homework’s through social media, apps and educational
website that can be useful by doing their Homework’s. The teachers
use online tools gives students more flexible and tailored learning
experiences. Technology provides content for your assignments.

This study aims to know the help of technology in doing homework’s.

The pioneers also aims to discover the disadvantages and advantages of
using technology in doing homework’s, and the best educational app
and websites by using technology. The researchers are also looking

forward for this study to be helpful by letting the students know the
best educational tools using technology for their homework’s.


A lot difficulties will experience of the students in doing their

homework’s. Technology is the common helper of the students to cope
up to their homework’s. Technology has a big role in building the
quality of education. Technology is derived from the Greek word
“techno” which means the willingness, skills, knowledge of the ways,
rules, tools and “logos” which means science, word, learning and
mental state (Stosic, 2015). The use of technology benefits advantages
for the educational field, particularly for teaching and learning,
Processes like these enable students to engage in more enjoyable and
effective learning environments that encourage effort and appropriate
behavior. They also enable students to work cooperatively and have
easy access to information that can enhance their learning experiences.


This study aimed to determine of how helpful the technology to the

students homework’s.
Specifically, this study sought to answer the following questions:
1. What are the profiles of respondents in terms of:
1.1 Name
1.2 Age
1.3 Gender
1.4 Track/ Strand
2. Does Technology helps the students in saving a lot of time in doing
their homework?
3. Is Technology a great guide in doing the students homework’s?
4. How does Technology affect the learnings of the students?
5. What is the advantage and disadvantage of using technology in doing


One theoretical framework that taps into homework management is

self-regulated learning (Pintrich, 2004; Zimmerman, 2008), particularly
from the perspective of volitional control (Bockaerts & Corno, 2005;
Corno, 2001; Kuhl, 2000; Winne, 2004). Volitional control is mainly
concerned with issues of implementation (i.c., an implementation
mindset) that occur after a goal is set, to protect the intention to
pursue that goal in the face of an array of alluring distractions, enticing
temptations, or competing personal strivings (Corno, 2004).
Particularly, it is characterized by the self-regulation activities of
purposive and persistent striving, including, for example, planning
goals, setting priorities, budgeting time, coping with distractions,
controlling motivation, and monitoring emotion (Bockaerts & Corno,
2005; Corno, 2004).

Volitional control is especially important to the task of homework

management because goals of homework tasks are typically set by
teachers; the main charge for students is to navigate the demands of
doing homework (1.c., engaging purposively in maneuvers that
effectively protect homework intention). They are asked to maintain
the needed focus and effort to complete homework assignments, with
less structure, supervision, social pressures, and time constraints than
exist in the classroom (Cooper et al., 2006: Trautwein & Koller, 2003;
Wolters, 2003). They are required to independently manage
homework, including organizing the study environment, allocating their
time, preventing or minimizing homework distractions, maintaining or

enhancing the strength of homework intention, and coping with
negative emotions surrounding homework tasks (Como, 2004; Xu,

Informed by Corno’s model on volitional control, Xu and Corno (2003)

developed five features of homework management, including arranging
environment, managing time, focusing attention, monitoring
motivation, and controlling emotion. These features of homework
management constitute a set of skills that have often been assumed,
yet rarely examined empirically (e.g.. Cooper & Valentine, 2001;
Hoover-Dempsey, Bussler, & Burow, 1995). Taken together, these
efforts to manage homework reflect an underlying self-regulation
construct that has been independent of academic achievement and
ability measures in other research (see Stanford Aptitude Seminar,
Recently, based on the previous version of the five features of
homework management strategies (Xu & Corno, 2003), Xu (2008a,
2008b) further developed and tested the validity of scores on
Homework Management Scale (HMS) within the framework of
structural equation modeling. Factor-analytic results revealed that the
scale comprised five separate yet related factors: arranging the
environment, managing time, handling distraction, monitoring
motivation, and controlling emotion. Results further revealed that the
HMS differentiated among middle and high school students who were
more or less likely to complete homework assignments.


Now that we are in blended learning technology is useful from the

student ,students having access to mobile devices such as laptops will
help them learn anytime, anywhere. It’ll also give them access to
millions of resources that would prove beneficial to their studies. These
tools open doors of learning chances for them for unexplored topics in
their classes. This may also can be used by students to gain knowledge
and ideas and doing their homework and projects faster. But
technology may also harmful if you overuse it depending on how you
use it. Using technology can help the students finish the homework’s


In general, the researchers emphasized on the help of technology to

the students homework’s under face to face learning of the grade 12
ICT students in ACLC COLLEGE OF MANDAUE S.Y 2022-2023 based on
the technology as their main tool in studying. This study was focused
only on grade 12 ICT Students of ACLC COLLEGE OF MANDAUE S.Y
The researcher was expected to conduct their study from October to
November 2022. The researcher limit the respondents up to twenty
(20) Grade 12 ICT Students only. The researchers will select ten (10)
female and Male Grade 12 ICT Students. The data was gathered by the
use of survey method and quantitative analysis to be taken by the
respondents of this study. The respondents will answer the same
following questions the researchers prepared for, it includes the Name
(real name) , Age , Gender, and Track or Strand.
This research tackled the opinions of the help of technology to the
students homework and it’s advantages and disadvantages.


The researchers. The researchers benefits this study for their grades
and for the future defense. The researchers will also learn from this


To facilitate better understanding and a clearer comprehension the

following definition of terms used in this study are operationally

Homework. an assignment given to a student to be completed outside

the regular class period.

Technology. A field of study that examines the development,

application, and interaction of technological tools with human
existence, society, and the environment, incorporating elements from
industrial arts, engineering, applied science, and pure science.

Assessment. This refers to assessing grade 12 ICT Students as they been

studied on how technology help their homework problems and it’s
advantages and disadvantages.

Respondents. A person who answer something, They are the ones who
have enough knowledge to answer the problems posed in our study.
They answered the questionnaire that we gave to them which supplies
the information that we need.


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