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Name: Piter Mayacu

Date: 08/10/2022
Develop a presentation about your last vacation by answering the following questions

1. Where were you las last holiday?

The last vacation my family and I traveled to the city of Baños.

2. How was the place?

Baños has many interesting places, there were waterfalls, places where you could do extreme
sports, picturesque cars, bridges, restaurants and souvenir shops.

3. Who were you with?

I traveled with my family, my wife and daughter. We decided to travel and enjoy a small place, but
that has everything like Baños.

4. How was the weather?

The weather was the best, there was an intense sun that accompanied us throughout the day.

5. Where you hapy?

I was happy when I went from one mountain to another. All this with the right materials to avoid

6. What activities did you do?

The activities I did were: visiting the zoo, going on a tour with other tourists, trying new types of
food and doing extreme sports.

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