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HUMOR AND PLAYFULNESS- I approach life playfully, making classmates and friends

laugh and finding humor in difficult and stressful times.

TEAMWORK- I am a helpful and contributing group team member and feel responsible for
helping the team reach its goals.

FAIRNESS- I treat everyone equally and fairly and give everyone the same chance

LEADERSHIP- in group activities, sometimes I take charge and guide groups to meaningful
goals and ensure good relations among group members. 

KINDNESS- I am helpful and empathic and regularly do excellent favors for my classmates
without expecting anything in return

SOCIAL INTELLIGENCE- I am aware of and understand my feelings and thoughts, as well

as the feelings of those around me. 

CREATIVITY- I am creative and conceptualize something useful and develop ideas that
result in something worthwhile. 

CURIOSITY- I seek out situations where I gain new experiences without getting in my own
or my classmate’s way

LOVE OR LEARNING- I am motivated to acquire or deepen new knowledge or skills. 

PERSPECTIVE- I advise some classmates by considering different perspectives and using

my experiences to clarify the big picture. 

HONESTY- I am honest with myself and my classmates and try to present myself and my
reactions accurately to each person.

PRUDENCE- I act carefully and cautiously, looking to avoid unnecessary risk and planning
and conflict with my classmates

SELF-REGULATION- I manage my feelings and actions and am disciplined and self-


Perseverance: Despite obstacles, discouragement, or disappointment, I pursue my goals.

BRAVERY- I act on my convictions and face threats, challenges, difficulties, and pains
despite my doubts and fears. 

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