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Introduction of Health Management System (HMS)

The Health Monitoring Application is a software tool designed to help individuals manage their
health effectively and proactively prevent potential health issues. This application allows users to
track various health-related data such as vital signs and medication schedules, and store and manage
their health data in one place. The application also provides reminders and alerts for medication
schedules and doctor's appointments, enables users to set goals for their health and track their
progress, and offers data visualization to help users understand and analyze their health data.
Additionally, the application allows users to share their health data with caregivers, family members,
or medical professionals to get feedback or support. Overall, the Health Monitoring Application can
be a powerful tool for individuals to take control of their well-being and improve their quality of life.

Objectives of HMS
1. Provide a centralized platform for users to store and manage their health-related
data, such as vital signs, medication schedules, and symptoms, to help them keep
track of their health over time.
2. Offer reminders and alerts for medication schedules, doctor's appointments, and
other important events related to the user's health to help them stay on top of their
healthcare needs.
3. Enable users to set health goals, such as weight loss, physical activity, or blood sugar
control, and track their progress over time to help them make progress towards their
4. Provide visualizations such as graphs and charts to help users understand and
analyze their health data and make informed decisions about their healthcare.
5. Allow users to share their health data with caregivers, family members, or medical
professionals to get feedback or support as needed.
6. Ensure the privacy and security of users' health data by implementing appropriate
data encryption and access controls to protect against unauthorized access or
7. Provide a user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate and understand, with clear
instructions and helpful prompts to guide users through the application's features
and functionality.
8. Continuously improve the Health Monitoring Application by soliciting feedback from
users and incorporating user suggestions and feature requests into future updates
and releases.
Entities of HMS
1. User - stores information about users of the system such as name, email, phone
number, and address.
2. Health Condition - stores information about various health conditions that users may
monitor through the system. Each health condition has a unique identifier, name,
description, and other relevant attributes.
3. Vital Sign - stores information about the vital signs that users may track through the
system such as blood pressure, heart rate, and temperature. Each vital sign has a
unique identifier, name, description, and other relevant attributes.
4. Medication - stores information about medications that users may take to manage
their health conditions. Each medication has a unique identifier, name, description,
dosage, frequency, and other relevant attributes.
5. Appointment - stores information about medical appointments that users may
schedule through the system. Each appointment has a unique identifier, date, time,
location, and other relevant attributes.
6. Reminder - stores information about reminders that users may set for medication
schedules, appointments, or other important events related to their health. Each
reminder has a unique identifier, description, date, time, and other relevant
7. Goal - stores information about health goals that users may set for themselves such
as weight loss, physical activity, or blood sugar control. Each goal has a unique
identifier, name, description, target value, and other relevant attributes.

Relationships of Entities:
1. A User can have multiple Health Conditions, and each Health Condition belongs to
one User.
2. A Health Condition can have multiple Vital Signs, and each Vital Sign belongs to one
Health Condition.
3. A User can have multiple Medications, and each Medication belongs to one User.
4. A User can have multiple Appointments, and each Appointment belongs to one User.
5. A User can have multiple Reminders, and each Reminder belongs to one User.
6. A User can have multiple Goals, and each Goal belongs to one User.
Entities Attributes
1. User: UserID, Name, Email, Phone, Address.
2. Health Condition: ConditionID, Name, Description.
3. Vital Sign: VitalSignID, Name, Description.
4. Medication: MedicationID, Name, Description, Dosage, Frequency.
5. Appointment: AppointmentID, Date, Time, Location.
6. Reminder: ReminderID, Description, Date, Time.
7. Goal: GoalID, Name, Description, TargetValue.

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