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It has long been known, that travelling broadens horizons, and that we can learn a lot

from it. We can educate ourselves in terms of di erent cultures and their traditions,
improve our foreign language skills, as well as travel purely for entertainment purposes.
No surprise why international tourism is becoming increasingly popular, but is it in all
aspects a good thing?

International tourism has surely improved people’s cultural understanding. It is crucial for
di erent cultures to acknowledge each other. Some people tend to limit themselves to
only the things that are known and that are in their so called comfort zone, which is
extremely wrong. We should be opened to di erent traditions and cultures, and should be
tempted to explore them, that is surely what international travelling ensures.

Growing popularity of international tourism has also a ected the environment. It obviously
has its negative impact on the carbon footprint. However, as far as you do your best to
take care of the climate on daily basis, you should not feel guilty for traveling. There are
things that have a worse e ect on the environment than international tourism.

Taking all arguments to account, it appears that cultural understanding has been the most
important e ect of international tourism. Simply because besides the entertainment factor
of tourism it also opens up the educational part of traveling. By seeing how diverse
people, their culture and traditions can be on di erent parts of the world we become more
tolerant, and that is crucial for developing into a better person.

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