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The aim of this report is to outline the current situation for new students in the college,
identify areas that need to be improved and make recommendations for implementing
these improvements.

Current Situation

When new students arrive in college they are only given a map of the whole area. They do
not get any help on how to integrate into the social life of the college. There are some
social and sports clubs, they are not well-advertised so many new students have no idea
of the clubs’ existence. Arguably that is the reason why many new students feel isolated
and unsure about how to make new friends. That surely needs to be improved.


- One of my suggestions would be to organize a large social gathering for all the new
students at the beginning of the year. This could take place at the school eld and
could resemble a festival. I reckon it would be an amusing and undemanding way for
new students to integrate.

- The information about social and sports clubs should be more widespread. An
advertisement at the entrance and an information on the school website surely would
help students get to know about the clubs and nd the one that suits them the most.

- Existing students should be encouraged to show the new ones around the college. This
way the new students would feel more secure than walking alone with a map around

The above recommendations would not be hard to implement and would greatly improve
the experience of new students in the college.


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