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Assignment 1
Assignment 1 (carries a weight of 20% of the final module grade): to be submitted by
the end of Week 1, 11.59 p.m. (23.59 hours) UTC time at the latest.

As a part of your Summative Assessment Week 1 Task, you will be required to write
a critical essay on the topic ‘The Role of Intercultural Communication in the
Functioning of an Organization’.
You are required to critically analyze how different cultural background affect the
behaviour and values of the employees, their communication with each other, their
attitude to superiors, to colleagues and subordinates, and how this in turn impacts or
might impact the overall functioning of an organization. How to aid intercultural
communication in the workplace?
Please include referencing where appropriate and in accordance with the APA

The word limit for the assignment is 1700 words (+/- 10%).

All examinations should be submitted at the end of each proposed week

(Sunday), 11.59 p.m. (23.59 hours) UTC time at the latest. If you miss the
deadline, then UNICAF rules for late submission/non-submission come into

Furthermore, your assignment will be submitted to Turnitin so it can be electronically

checked for originality of content.

Participation in the module's discussion forums as well as formative assessments do

not contribute any marks to your final module grade. However, participation in the
module on a week-by-week basis is highly recommended. The discussion forums will
allow you and module tutors to share information, to ask or respond to questions
relating to learning, assessment and other matters. Each discussion forum will
enhance your understanding of the weekly topic and prepare you for the assignments.
Furthermore, the formative assessments are intended to provide a platform for
research through studying what the colleagues have written.

Good luck,
Your Tutor

Marking Criteria:

Deep, thorough, detailed knowledge demonstrated
Critical Argument:
Accurate presentation of evidence; logically 30%
developed argument; opposing points of view are
presented and critically analysed
Personal View:
Clearly expressed
Clear, logical structure, topic covered in depth

Correct, purposeful use, sources are properly 5%

Other Sources:
Wide range of sources used; relevant, properly 5%
Grammar, spelling:
Correct grammar used, there is no grammar and 5%
spelling mistakes

Total 100%

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