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Grade Level: Two, Section: Alger

Quarter: Second

Date: May 12, 2023

Time: 1:00-2:00

I. Objective

 Share experiences which relate to the given selection.

 Construct sentences using Verbs.

Value Focus; Aware of daydreams and it teaches us that getting so lost in our own thoughts .

II. Instructional Procedures

Materials: Powerpoint Presentation, Laptop, LCD Projector

References: Bigbook

Curriculum Guide: EN10G-29

A. Preliminaries

1. Motivation

 The teacher shows pictures of the following:

 Milk

 Pail

 Patty

 Market

 Egg

2. Motive Questions

 The teacher then asks the following questions:

 What can you say about the picture? (Patty)

 How do you describe the picture? (milkmaid)

 What she is doing? (Carrying milk)

 What is the moral lesson? (Do not count your chickens while they are hatched)

3. Developing Concepts/Vocabulary

 The teacher shows pictures to guess the unfamillar word. (4 Pics One Word)
 Carry

 Buy

 Look

 Toss

 The teacher then uses each word in a sentence.

B. During Reading Activity

 The teacher flashed on the screen the copy of the short story.

The milkmaid and her pail

 The teacher reads first the story followed by the students using the Popcorn Strategy in reading.

 The teacher then asks the following questions:

 Who went to the market?

 What is in the pail that she carry on his head?

 Why do you think Patty want to sell the milk?

 How do you manage to achieve the dream?

C. Post Reading Activity

1. Engagement Activity (Small Group)

 The teacher instructs the students to group their selves into five and let them do the following activities:

 Group 1 - Draw the pail that full of milk.

 Group 2 - Sing any song about childhood memories.

 Group 3 - Interpret the story of the milkmaid and her pail.

 Group 4 - Perform a role play on how she sell the milk.

 Group 5 - Write a reflection letter about the story.

2. Engagement Activity(Whole class)

 The teacher instructs the students to write one or two sentences using verbs in the story. This will be
written on the posted manila paper individually.

3. Enrichment Activities across Learning Areas

 The teacher again instructs the students to be in their respective groups and let them do the following

 Group 1 - Compose a song related about the story.

 Group 2 - Write a dialogue of the story.

 Group 3 - Sketch a portrait of the story The milkmaid and the pail.
 Group 4 - Discuss and share with your group what happen why the milk fell off to the ground.

 Group 5 - Create something solution that you wish if all milk is sold.

4. Explicit Teaching

1. Introduction

 The teacher tells the students to read the verbs taken from the story.

 Sell

 Fell

 Walk

 Toss

 Buy

 Carry

 calculate

 lay

 The teacher then asks questions:

1. What have you noticed in each word?

2. How the each word defined?

2. Modelling

 The teacher discusses:

 Verb is a word that indicates a physical action (e.g., “drive”), a mental action (e.g., “think”), or a
state of being (e.g., “exist”).

 A verb is the action or state of being in a sentence. Verbs can be expressed in different tenses,
depending on when the action is being performed. Here are some examples: Example: Jennifer
walked to the store. In this sentence, walked is the verb that shows an action..

3. Guided Practice

 The teacher gives examples and let the students write the verb in the blank:

 Patty the milkmaid was ______ to the market.

 She ______ the milk on her head.

 The pail _______ off and the milk was split.

Ask: How are you going express possession? Which is the shortest way of expressing possession?

4. Independent Practice

 Construct a sentence using the verb from the story.

Here’s an example.

Start here:

1. sell _______________________

2. going _______________________

3. Buy _______________________

4. Toss _______________________

5. Fell ________________________

IV Application

 Re-read the story and search the verb in the sentence?

V Assignment

Research what is 3 types of verbs.

Prepared by:

Algerico P. Cabañelez


Checked and Observed by:

Diane Riva T. Martinez


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