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Announcement about the quiz:

The quiz will be an online exam and will take place on 12th of May (Friday) at 9.00.

Chapters covered are: all recitations.

The quiz will include essay questions only (you will write your codes for each question.).

Please take note of the following information regarding the exam:

1. The quiz will be an online exam and will be administered through MetuClass.

2. The quiz will start at 9.00 sharp. You need to login to MetuClass, Econ106 and choose a Zoom section
in accordance with your surname that will be available in Metuclass. Please make sure that you have a
picture ID with you.

3. Please enter Zoom at 8.50 latest, turn your camera on, show your ID (picture student ID) to the
camera. You will need to keep your camera and microphone on the whole time you are in the exam. All
exam sessions will be proctored and recorded.

4. The exam consists of 8 essay questions. You will have 25 minutes to answer questions. You will not
able to move between questions. Questions will be sequential.

5. Make sure that you submit your answers before the time is up.

6. You cannot ask any question during the exam.


This is a closed-book exam. You are expected NOT to consult the book, your notes, or any other material
in answering the questions.

You are not to get any help from anyone during the exam. Cheating is not acceptable. If you are caught
cheating, you will not only fail the course but and will be subject to further disciplinary action in line with
university regulations. Remember that you are on an honor’s code. –

Please refer to the exam rules announcement of the Department of Economics. Please abide by the
exam rules set by the Department.

Good luck.

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