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Jirafa (Giraffa camelopardalis)

The giraffe is a species of

Mammal artiodactilo of the family
Giraffidae typical of Africa. It is
the highest of all existing
terrestrial animal species. Can
reach a height of 5.8 m and a
weight that varies between 750
and 1600 kg. 2

It usually inhabits savannas,

grasslands, and forests open.
Feeds mainly on leaves of acacia,
or at heights inaccessible to the
majority of other herbivores. The
giraffes adults are preyed by
Lions, and the small also by
leopards, hyenas stained and dogs
wild. Males establish a social
hierarchy through duels, a bout in
which used the neck as a weapon.
Only the males key can attach is
with the females; only the females
are dedicated to the breeding of
them calves.
(Distribución de la jirafa,
The common name 'giraffe' comes dividida por subespecies.)
from the Arabic meaning «high».
The second term that gives the species name camelopardalis comes from
the Greek and the latin camelopardalis, which means «camel Leopard».

Without having clear which animal was, the Romans called it

cameleopardo, a cross between camel and Leopard, becoming the scientific
name which is used until today.

By their peculiar appearance, the giraffe was a source of fascination in

different cultures, both ancient and modern, and frequently appeared in
paintings, books and cartoons.
It was classified as a species under least concern by the IUCN, while it
disappeared from many parts of its original range, and some subspecies
were classified as endangered. However, there is still a large number of
giraffes in the national parks and .game reserves.

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