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The Greek polis (city-state) and patriotism:

○ Beginnings of democratic government:
○ limitations on democracy in ancient Greece:
■ slavery
■ vote denied to women
● The Assembly
● Suffrage, majority vote
City States
● A city that is an independent political state with its own ruling government
● By 500 BCE, dozens of these existed along the Aegean Sea
● Unified by language and religion, but otherwise separate entities

● One of the two largest City-States
● Athenian democracy = the Assembly.
○ Passed laws
○ imposed taxes
○ voted on issues of war and peace.

The Assembly
● All Athenian male citizens were allowed to participate
● Procedure before deciding an issue:
○ the members would debate the proposal.
○ vote by holding up their hands.
○ Majority Rules!

Public Law vs. Private Law

● Having to do with City Affairs
● Broke a law?
○ See the Assembly or the Boule
■ Pay a Fine!
■ Face a penalty!
● People work out their differences
○ Law courts and juries
○ HUGE! (to prevent corruption)

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