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Self confidence

*Do you know what we mean by self-
*Do you know what is self-confidence?
*Do you know the positives of being confident
of ourselves?
Self-confidence is the best dress
any person can wear
Self-confidence is an attitude about your
skills and abilities. It means you accept
and trust yourself and have a sense of
control in your life. You know your
strengths and weakness well, and have
a positive view of yourself.
Self-confidence is very useful and important to
achieve goals and fulfil your wishes. Success
comes to those who have a belief in their
abilities. One cannot achieve his goal in life
without self-confidence because a self-confident
person is independent, optimistic, loving and
positive by nature. The person who lack self-
confidence is totally opposite. He is isolated,
inferior, depressed, confused and sensitive to
criticism and failure. It does not mean that a
confidence person is always get success in life
but he takes life challenges positively. They learn
from their mistakes and keep trying to achieve
better in life.
Self-confidence is important because it helps you
to trust yourself and your abilities. It increases
your sense of worth, and help you make better
decision, and make you more attractive. Self-
confidence lead to better self-esteem, decreases
anxiety, and increases motivation. It also helps
you to know your own value and stick to them,
and makes you better leader.
How to be more confidence:
-Stop comparing your-self to others.
-Take care of your body.
-Be kind to your-self.
-Do things you are good at.
-Know when to say no.

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