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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Grade 11

Learning area: Discipline and Ideas in Social Sciences (DISS)

Duration: 60 minutes


At the end of the discussions, the students are expected to:

1. Distinguish the differences and similarities of Social Sciences from Natural Sciences and
2. Appreciate Social Science as an area of study that primarily lies in predicting and explaining
human behavior.
3. To explore students for a useful life so that they can be responsive and responsible members of
their immediate communities and good citizens to their nations.


A. Topic: Defining Social Sciences as the Study of Society

B. References: Department of Education, Disciplines and Ideas in Social Sciences (DISS),
Authors: Arleigh Ross D. Dela Cruz, Ph.D. Cecile C. Fadrigon, Ph.D. Cand., Diana J. Mendoza,
Ph.D.., Phoenix Publishing House., 2016 pp. 5-10, Disciplines and Ideas in Social Sciences
Curriculum Guide.
C. Materials: Word puzzle manila paper, marker, colored papers


Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity


a. Greetings & Prayer

Good morning class! How is your day so far? Good morning, ma’am. We are fine.
That’s good to hear, to start our day let us all
first ask for the guidance of our Almighty
Father. Please stand up, kindly bow your head,
close your eyes, and feel the presence of the
Lord, let us pray. In the name of the father, of
the son and of the holy spirit, amen.
“Heavenly Father, we come before you today
to ask for your guidance and wisdom as we
begin this class. We ask for your help in
understanding the material and retaining the
knowledge we will learn. We ask for your
protection as we engage in discussions and
activities. Please watch over all our teachers,
children, and families. In Jesus name. Amen.

Good morning, everyone! Good morning, ma’am.

b. Checking of Attendance and Recalling

House Rules

I just want to check if anyone is absent today?

Okay, very good so everyone is present for
today’s session. Before we start let me remind None ma’am, everybody is present today.
you of our house rules and regulations. First
mute your microphone, second is to turn on
your video, third use the chat room for
questions, forth rename your display name
and lastly prepare pen and paper for your
notes. Always remember the 2P’s and 1L,
during the session.

 Participate
 Perform Yes ma’am.
 Learn

Did you get it class?

c. Review

Before we start with our discussion proper, Politics

anyone form the class. What comes into your Globalization
mind when you hear Society? Anyone from the Economics
class? Yes Ms. Camba, you raised your hand. Legal System


a. Motivation

Show a photo about Society.

What have you observed from the photo? They have different living conditions; one is
Yes, Eric? poor the other is rich.

Okay, very good. Anything else? Yes, Marlon? The poor man suffers uncomfortably, while the
rich man suffers comfortably.

Okay, great job guys.

Our lesson for today is about discipline and
ideas in social sciences.

b. Activity

I have here a short activity, to introduce to you

our lesson for today.

Directions: Arranged the jumbled letters to

form the words related to our topic. Use the
clues provided to answer the activity.


It is a branch of science which deals with the
physical world.

It is an academic discipline that studies aspects
of human society and culture.


It is the branch of science devoted to the study
of human societies and the relationships
among individuals with those societies.

It is a discipline of social sciences that studies
brain activities and human behavior.

It is a discipline of social sciences that studies
earth places and the relationships between
people and their environment.

Our topic for today ma’am is the emergence of

What do you think is our lesson for today? Yes, the Social Sciences and the different
Ms. Rivera? Very Good. disciplines.
c. Analysis

Let us understand the concept of Discipline

and Ideas in Social Sciences.

Social Science
The scientific study of human society and
social relationships.

Are a group of academic disciplines that study

human aspects of the world, those involving
social behavior and society.

Science can be described generally as an effort

to understand, explain, and make predictions
about the world using distinct methods.

- Science is classified into two, natural

science and social science.

Let’s share the ideas about these two.

Anyone from the class? Natural sciences are a branch of science that
deals with the natural world, while social
sciences are a branch of science that deals
with human society and social relations.

Okay, very good. Let know more dipper.

Humanities are academic disciplines that study

aspects of human society and culture. It
expounds on how humans originated and how
their values and culture emanate and evolve
over time.

Okay class, let me discuss with you what are

the disciplines of social sciences.

1. Anthropology
- It is a social science that deals with the
study of humankind in all aspects:
culture and development.
- It is the study of humans.
2. Economics
- Is the study of how individuals and
societies make decisions about ways
to use scarce resources to fulfill wants
and needs.

3. Geography
- It focuses on the distribution of the
features of the physical environment
and of the people who use those

4. History
- It study the past humanity.

5. Linguistic
- It is the scientific study of language.

6. Political Science
- It can be defined as the systematic
study of state and government.

7. Psychology
- The scientific study of the human mind
and its functions, especially those
affecting behavior in each context.

8. Demography
- The study of statistics such as births,
deaths, income, or the incidence of
disease illustrates the changing
structure of human populations.

9. Sociology
- The study of the development,
structure, and functioning of human

Do you have further questions or any None po ma’am.

clarifications, class?
d. Application

So far, since you don’t have any questions,

let’s proceed to the next activity. Bring out ¼
sheet of paper, write your name and section,
and the date today.

Directions: Write T if the statement is correct

and F if the statement is incorrect.

_____1. The scientific study of human society

and social relationships is social science.

_____2. Natural Science studies human


_____3. Disciplines of social sciences discussed

were only ten (10).

_____4. Sociology comes from the Latin words

“societus” (society) and the Greek word
“logos” study.

_____5. Social science and humanities is both

focuses on human lives and culture.


What are the values that you learned today that will help you to be a better agent of socialization?


Do research and write the importance of the terms.

1. What is biology?
2. Importance of biology?
3. What are the 5 branches of biology?
The submission of your output class will be at the None ma’am.
next meeting. Before we end our class, do you
have any questions or clarifications?

Is everything clear class? Clear ma’am.

If there is no further questions and clarifications.

Let us now all stand up and pray, someone from
the class lead the prayer.

Okay class, thank you for today. Goodbye class. Good day and goodbye ma’am.

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