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Hi Suzy

Glad to finally hear something from you! I feel amazing hearing that you enjoy college life. But don't
underestimate the obligations you get when you start this new part of your life, study, and living-wise.

From my experience, I can tell you some ways to try to save more money. First, try making your own
food as much as possible since it is way cheaper than ordering food or eating outdoors. For me is the
school stuff and the food that takes a big part of my weekly budget but I managed to cut down some of
the expenses by loaning books from my classmates and also I am using the college library to print all my
sheets of paper that I need at courses since it doesn't cost me anything.

There are many ways to save money and the most beneficial for me was to put ten percent of the money
that I allocate for myself in a week in a jar. Another way to focus more on saving money is to become a
discount seeker and make the best out of the weeks when everything is sold at a much lower price than
the starting one.

A part-time job can be very tricky since it can eat most of your time since you will only want to make
more money and not focus on college as much as you should. Part-time jobs can also develop a lot of
your skills and make you a more organized person. My suggestion is that you should get a part-time job
only in the holiday so it does not interfere that much with college and your responsibilities.

Good luck and hope to hear from you soon,


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