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C. Write short answers.

1. In context of a nation, the Constitution plays a crucial role in providing guidelines which ensure

Safety and well-being of the people of a nation who belong to various communities and cultures. It

Includes principles, provisions, ideals and rules which form the basis of governance of a nation.

2. We need a constitution for the following reasons. • It ensures political stability, peace and

Maintenance of the Rule of Law in the country. • It defines the roles and powers of the elected

Representatives. • It lays down the basic guidelines according to which laws are framed by the


3. Rule of Law entails that law reigns supreme. It refers specifically to a body of rules, regulations

Provisions that define the fundamental political principles and outlines the structure, procedures,

Powers and duties of a government.

4. Dowry consists of the gifts, money and property given to the groom or his family by the bride’s

At the time of marriage. It is a means of exploitation and in many cases continues even after marriage. If
The bride or her family is unable to fulfill the demands, she is often tortured and in extreme cases force

To commit suicide or even killed.

5. In order to curb the dissent voiced by Indians through the regional press, the British passed the

Vernacular Press Act of 1878. Under this Act, all Indian newspapers were to submit proof sheets before

Publication and could be fined or the editors jailed if the British felt so.

D. Write long answers.

1. People can protest against laws that do not benefit them by various methods. A few examples of

Protests are Salt Satyagraha by Mahatma Gandhi and the protest against the Vernacular Press Act. Some

Forms of protest commonly seen are: a. Hartals or strikes b. Rallies or demonstrations c. Marches d.

Vigils e. Boycott f. Organising press conferences g. Filing lawsuits h. Motorcades i. Symbolic displays such

As painting graffiti j. Civil disobedience methods such as ‘sit-ins’ k. Information distribution through

Pamphlets, petitions, writing letters, etc. L. Violent methods such as attack, riots, among others.

2. It is said that the ‘soul’ of democracy is its constitution. Its usefulness for a democracy can be

From the following points. 135 • While it lays down the rights and duties of citizens, it also acts as a
Guiding source for the government, when it prepares laws. • While upholding the right of individuals to

Show dissent, the Constitution also helps prevent a country from going into a state of lawlessness. • It is

The ‘Rule Book’ which all individuals are bound to follow. • It lays down the foundation of promoting

Welfare and safety of all sections of society, which are essential for a democracy to function properly.

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